dergons fer serl

porkfessorpig's Clan
Mcfreakin loosin it
Clan Info
Reminder to self:STOP buying dragons for .5 seconds cuz ur too poor
(To FR: bunbunson is my cousin so please don't ban us!)
I need to actually start buying apparel slots
Shopping List/wish list
*This outfit (made by:Paladingineer)

*Regal Masque
*Black aviator stuffffff
*Eliminate ability stones
*Lots a treasure for lair expansions ;-;
*Black+Calico cat
*Harvest Guise
*Finely Crafted Lute
*Koi armor
*Spirit Ablaze Skin
*Conjurer Apparel
*Chests and Apparel of any kind
*Tincture of dissolution
*One of each elemental dragon egg (Just need fire earth and water!)
*Old festival items (the dream)
*Familiars i don't have
*Maidens Blush (for swipps swap stand)

(reminder: SadChicken1785 wants a red and gold drag)
links i'm keeping
(To FR: bunbunson is my cousin so please don't ban us!)
I need to actually start buying apparel slots
Shopping List/wish list
*This outfit (made by:Paladingineer)

*Regal Masque
*Black aviator stuffffff
*Eliminate ability stones
*Lots a treasure for lair expansions ;-;
*Black+Calico cat
*Harvest Guise
*Finely Crafted Lute
*Koi armor
*Spirit Ablaze Skin
*Conjurer Apparel
*Chests and Apparel of any kind
*Tincture of dissolution
*One of each elemental dragon egg (Just need fire earth and water!)
*Old festival items (the dream)
*Familiars i don't have
*Maidens Blush (for swipps swap stand)

(reminder: SadChicken1785 wants a red and gold drag)
links i'm keeping
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Aw, thank you ! I'll definitely take good care of him, he's a cutie