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lazybeans' Clan

Lesser Lair
within the
Everbloom Gardens icon

Clan Info

The Sedum Clan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacus lacus, mollis vitae sapien id, sagittis laoreet mauris. Donec suscipit dui a nibh euismod feugiat. Vivamus eu eros laoreet, pharetra est eu, luctus dolor. Ut pulvinar justo et neque convallis hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.


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kuninaga's avatar
January 19, 2017 15:08:36
thanks for breeding those hatchlings! c: i hope they serve the lightweaver well too!
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Date Joined
Mar 7, 2016

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lazybeans' Friends

Heelex's avatar
Heelex (#233274)
RedHeadCaitlin's avatar
RedHeadCaitlin (#211974)

May the bridges we burn light the way.
StarWolf9000's avatar
StarWolf9000 (#211821)

May the Wind be with you :3
Ramen4nori's avatar
Ramen4nori (#129147)

Call me old-fashioned, but comets used to portend something.
NathenPrescot's avatar
NathenPrescot (#225691)
Kiryo's avatar
Kiryo (#183454)

[fr+16]Sorry for the weird English.TT
TheEmptyCity's avatar
TheEmptyCity (#176551)

[FR+16] just too lazy to feed them
MagicStar's avatar
MagicStar (#131327)

"The heavens diminish without my attention."
MizuDragon's avatar
MizuDragon (#230518)

Pineapple Hoarder
DarkPr0t0typ3's avatar
DarkPr0t0typ3 (#197895)

I began to understand why God died

Recent Activity

Feb 12
Became friends with DomesticGenius
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jan 25
Earned: Level 10 Digging
Reach a level of 10 in the Digging skill.
Jan 20
Became friends with Awilixi
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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