Last post wins!
The author of the journals... my brother -Stan Pines
Clan Info
Welcome one and all
If you've come to look around please do so
No dragons are for sale right now so don't ask me
Current population:17
Exalt number: 1
If you want an ok drawing of a dragon, ask me
and PS: Im not a very good artist so don't be harsh ;-;
Bye! Adios! Au revoir!
If you've come to look around please do so
No dragons are for sale right now so don't ask me
Current population:17
Exalt number: 1
If you want an ok drawing of a dragon, ask me
and PS: Im not a very good artist so don't be harsh ;-;
Bye! Adios! Au revoir!
Recent Comments
I see that you like Gravity Falls...
I talk the same languages than you!! :D
You have one of the best users :3
just saw you on the "where are you from" thread and stopped by to say I'm also from Kentucky! :)
Thx for adopting Stalker
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