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ohocean's Clan

not enough rose quartz
Venerable Lair
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Hewn City icon

Clan Info

BY THE S E A . . .

Clan Paralian glitters at any hour of the day, and its leader considers the clan to be a jewel among their flight. Xerxes yearns always for beautiful additions to the clan, both dragon and material.
Paralian dragons make their home in ruins on the cliffs by the sea, and it is never dark where they dwell. Every dusk, lanterns are lit by the priests and priestesses of the Light. Visitors are welcome here, but only the most decadent-looking travelers seem to get invitations to stay...


h o a r d
Rose quartz is the favored hoarding item of Paralian dragons. I will buy Rose Quartz in bulk at 1:300t so feel free to get in touch if you have some collecting dust in your hoard!
Rose Quartz Rose Quartz Rose Quartz Rose Quartz
Cinnamon Southern Gull Unicorn Dust Driftwood Log

l e g a c y x c l a n s
Two of Xerxes' children have left from under the wing of Clan Paralian to found their own clans nearby. One clan is a close ally. The other is just a whole mess of trouble.

Clan Papilio is lead by Ximilian, the daughter of Xerxes and Amestris. Recherche is an elegant fragment of a clan, and its existence currently depends entirely on Clan Paralian's protection. Ximilian has chosen a handful of lovely dragons in delicate colors to come live in her newly established territory (adjacent to Paralian land) and spend their days reveling in lace and luxury.

Clan θ (Interitus) is a rival clan to Paralian that splintered off some time ago, taking several former clanmates with it. Led by Draco, the son of Xerxes and Artemisia, this vicious group of dragons began as a tightly woven cluster of friends. Furious with the favoritism that he though Xerxes showed for his adoptive brother, Sisyphus, Draco began to start fights within Paralian and rallied those he knew felt wronged by their leader. Eventually Draco and his closest companions felt they had enough power to split off and retreated back towards the Hewn City to carve out a life for themselves, and they continue to attack the borders of Paralian from time to time.

w i s h l i s t

A super old accent I tried to purchase on release, but unfortunately the artist stopped playing before it was delivered. I can buy with old festival items/familiars!
Friend Anole Flaxen Unicorn Tail Golden Seraph Wing Ornament Scene: Tropical Cove

t o x b r e w
Green Ooze Green Sludge Green Goo Copper Muck
Grey Slime Orange Sludge Blue Goo Red Ooze


// notes //
rainingdarkness' accent for sisyphus - PAID
meniph's starry accent for amestris - unpaid

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Spiper's avatar
March 10, 2025 09:39:08
Hi! I bought Harenam for his wonderful colors, i really hope to take good care of him!
wetdog15's avatar
September 03, 2023 04:46:50
typhoeus was on the front page! love the bright color scheme! :)
Selki's avatar
August 12, 2017 10:30:56
Ossis was on the front page- he's very pretty :D
seasalted's avatar
June 12, 2017 10:58:32
Just popping by to say that your forum signature is beautiful :)))
Emordnilap's avatar
May 06, 2017 14:15:45
Samwise was on the front page! ;D
catgame21234's avatar
February 22, 2017 00:33:03
oh my god this clans lore is SO GOOD
Flightweaver's avatar
August 02, 2016 04:31:42
Np! c;
Flightweaver's avatar
August 01, 2016 14:59:11
I saw Tauriel on the front page! She is one of the prettiest dragons I've seen c;
KingSpinosaurus' avatar
May 25, 2016 08:21:27
Very nice lore! Fighty and Bitey remind me of the two men who planted 100 trees (or 1000, I don't remember exactly). One of them was bind and the other was a double amputee, but they worked together.
snartie's avatar
October 20, 2015 00:42:50
I love your dragon profiles and lore! Very nice.
laufeys' avatar
September 02, 2015 12:14:22
you've got some stunning dragons! i love your profile as well *v*
GhostQueen13's avatar
June 28, 2015 16:34:41
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