Theme Week: Love is in the Air!
DoodleDreams' Clan
Clan Info
Flight rising blog —> (I post all my FR art here)
All art on my dragons have direct links back to the artists embedded!
If a dragon I bought from you is in the waiting room and you don’t want it to be exalted let me know! You can buy it back for what I paid before it becomes an adult.
*I name all dragons before exalting!*
All art on my dragons have direct links back to the artists embedded!
If a dragon I bought from you is in the waiting room and you don’t want it to be exalted let me know! You can buy it back for what I paid before it becomes an adult.
*I name all dragons before exalting!*
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And Of Course, you can do whatever you wish with the art as long as its credited to me. :)