[IC] LORE Obelisks | Sunbeam Guardians

Dragonaxew's Clan
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CARNIVORE was on the front page! Cool looking fella!

Animosity was on the front page!

Saw Samina on the front page, she's perfection! ❤️

Samina was featured! She is so pretty!

Samina was on the front page! I love her primal eyes :D

MERCY was on the front page! She's stunning!

Static was on the front page!

Congratulations on Kiwi, your new old dragon rescue!! Thank you for taking her in and ensuring her legacy is safe! Come visit the Old Oaks thread on the forums in a while when she's all settled in, and give some news of her I can display on the topic! <3

Thanks for adopting my skydancer femme, may be the golden glory be with you!

ROFL! His leg injury was the one that retired him too! It's going into his bio now lol

Oh wow that's the second time this year she's been on the front page, thank you!

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