[THE TRIBE + BKOI] [NEW] Accents

kragar's Clan
FR+2, he/him. BW: Chipskink.
Clan Info

Not very active rn, but feel free to PM me. If I don't respond within a week, just PM me again.
Summer Swelter (cycle) x2
Enchanter's Cobwebs (cycle)
Night Sky Wing Silks (cycle)
Veteran's Eye Scar
Red Rose Flowerfall
Accent Trading Post
Latest UMAs
Leveled Fodder Sales
UMA Sales
Gem Conversion
Egg Buying (WIP)
Fodder Buying
- awaicu: 3.4 mil t (fullbody + watercolor background of Ren; sketch received) [4/8; 5/16 sketch]
- Yunos: full color headshot of Ren [4/30 PAID; poked 5/30]
- Vallantis: fox adopt of Ren [5/7 PAID; inactive]
- awaicu: fullbody + watercolor bg of Ren (sketch received)
Recent Comments

Thank you! And stay safe! Don't get too bored on the flight! ^ ^

Psst, if you got a few more to sell, I have 3 spaces left. ^ ^ This will be my last batch of fodder 'til rollover. Much appreciated

Heck yeah thank you champ

Thanks! Today's actually my off day from school so it's perfect!

Hey, if you need your space back, just poke me and I'll stop gobbling fodder! ^ ^

No problem, thanks for letting me know what happened!

I have 8 tundras left but I'll send them to you for the same price! c:

Nice nice! If I find some time I'll get right back to training some dergs up! :3 Lots of cheap fodder today

Ahh gotcha! That'd be my last batch for a while anyway ^ ^ gotta focus on the festival :3

thank you so much! It was fun making the bades and I'm happy to see people like them! :D

Amasis was on the front page :>

Why you no reply to me D;
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