Interest check // Disney style dragons
Psmoke91's Clan
Why won't you drop an Eliminate you coliseum SWINE!?
Clan Info
“Without error there can be no brilliancy”
Emanuel Lasker
Emanuel Lasker
Our Story
Located within the far flung reaches of the Rotrock Rim and scattered amongst the dunes lies the home of the Clan of the Scarred Heart. From its outward appearance as a crumbling citadel, one would not expect to find the ivory splendor of the lair that lies beneath the ruin. Despite its impressive innards, many of the halls still show signs of the conflicts that have arisen from within, and tell stories of the rise and fall of many a clan leader.
After seeing three purges due to warring, infighting and disease, the clan of the Scarred Heart has finally found itself in what it hopes to be are capable hands. Where violence once reigned there now grows purpose. With a new Clan Leader at the helm, this lair has come to be an oasis to those who dare to traverse the Boneyard… So long as they have the coin to afford the exotic tastes that await them.
Any dragon that finds themselves taken within this lair can be assured that something within them is extraordinary; as every dragon is hand-picked by the Clan Leader herself. They have been found to have talent, and are taken in to develop and grow that talent into something wonderful; and, consequently, useful to the Clan itself. James Mason once said that “Every Pawn is a Potential Queen.” So too does our Clan Leader hold that notion in high regard.
Welcome aboard to my ever changing clan of misfits.
As you can probably tell, my thoughts are often scattered between breeding, grinding the coliseum, and fussing about LORE.
I'm currently trying my best at adulting; this includes, but is not limited to:
Working and toiling my sweet life away.
Working overtime on classwork.
Working on paying those bills. Ugh.
Working at producing some nifty art thingamajigs.
Please note, not all of my dragons may have LORE; and that's perfectly fine. Likewise, not every dragon I acquire will have a place within the lore of my clan.
There will be exaltation in the future for some dragons acquired in the AH.
I can't help it. It's true and at times necessary.
My lair has undergone 3 purges since its initial birth with only 1-5 dragons surviving the chaos.
I can usually be found farming the Coli or entertaining the more intellectual beings in my clan over by Baldwin's.
I'll go ahead and warn you now that much of the lore that will be associated with my clan isn't necessarily nice. There were 3 purges for a reason.. and the future is uncertain.
clan info formatted by dystopisaurus
Memo to self: This clan needs the following to go from 0 to 100% energy...
Meat: 1200
Seafood: 750
Plants: 550
**prioritize Seafood to get Phi up**
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Cobalt was on the front page, he looks good!
Joining the long list of comments to say thanks! I'm so proud of my pretty kitten snake!
thank you for catching sight of my gorl! She's new to my lair so I almost didn't recognize the name, pff!
1. WaiT they really got on the front page?!? woAh 2. Thank you! uwu
Why thank you! O
Thank you so much! She's one of my favorites :3
Ah thank you so much! I can't believe she was up there haha, that's awesome
Thank you! I love that the lace apparel goes pretty well with the gene.
thanks for letting me know Japhet was on the front page yesterday uwu
Aw thanks for letting me know she was on the front page and for the compliment :)
Thank you! :3
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