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Polyhex's Clan

The glaciers, they breathe
Ancient Lair
locked within the
Fortress of Ends icon

Clan Info

System: S-174

Planet: B-644-X "Borealis"

Status: Hostile

Features: A planet glazed in ice, orbiting within a trinary solar system. The surface is covered mainly in glaciers and slowly melting, icy seas, with harsh weather most of the 687-day year. However, underground shows an incredible system of tunnels and caverns, made habitable by geothermal heat, underground water sources, and unique bacterium that provide star-mimicking light alongside artificial sources created by the Mechanics. This results in a surprisingly warm and flourishing community hidden under the ice.

Data: A large, formerly habitable world. Apocalyptic-Level-Event 564 resulted in a multi million year ice age and the near complete extinction of the dominant species, referred to as "Makers" or "Smiths". No known "Makers" are known to remain on-world. The inheritors of the planet, self-dubbed "Mechanics" or "Forged" consist mostly of robotic and hybrid mechanoid-and-flesh creatures that exhibit hostility towards outsiders, with extreme prejudice towards the descendants of their former creators. Those that do not fall under this categorization are simply referred to as "Anomalies".

Graphics by Tochiro (Formerly Mibella)

Recent Comments

Piraruku's avatar
July 25, 2024 12:54:32
Disturbance was on the front page!! what a lovely dragon with amazing lore!
Ovacalix's avatar
October 09, 2023 09:43:23
epletuub's avatar
September 20, 2023 07:30:34
Calix was on the front page!!
Spottedleaf125's avatar
August 20, 2023 08:04:26
Epoch was on the homepage! Gorgeous dragons and lair! Love your lore too c:
sweetsanity's avatar
April 22, 2023 18:06:37
Inimicus was on the front page!
Avmire's avatar
February 02, 2022 19:27:42
Ophiocordyceps was on the front page! Absolutely stunning use of greens! :D
Yorshka's avatar
February 02, 2022 19:27:38
Ophiocordyceps was front page :]
AugmentedReality's avatar
September 10, 2021 15:39:25
Ah crap ignore the friend request- I bumped it ;-;
CerberusGuard's avatar
August 24, 2021 09:48:58
Toby's on the front page :o
Auraea's avatar
July 13, 2021 04:34:12
He looks so awesome!! I can’t believe you managed to find an exact twin :0
Auraea's avatar
July 09, 2021 13:48:22
Osedax looks amazing! Beautiful gene combo :D
Spark's avatar
July 06, 2021 12:05:33
Whoops! :'D I figured I wouldn't clog up the Steal a G1 thread more, but Eon was my next choice! (Hopefully he's a permanent resident lmao) Your whole petrichor tab is just perfectly earthy.
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Elemental ice flag
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Date Joined
Jun 14, 2015

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Polyhex's Friends

Charboo's avatar
Charboo (#115522)

A scarlet dawn will rise at daybreak.
SnivelGriff's avatar
SnivelGriff (#168407)
Neria's avatar
Neria (#161579)
Khaos0's avatar
Khaos0 (#159699)

I like peanut-butter
FlurryFlurr's avatar
FlurryFlurr (#14976)
Cawfee's avatar
Cawfee (#148178)

One parts mayo and two parts coffee is the golden ratio
heyheygirl101's avatar
heyheygirl101 (#176112)
InsigniaPeril's avatar
InsigniaPeril (#178310)
blazen's avatar
blazen (#178333)
Kalros' avatar
Kalros (#38066)

Mother of Thresher Maws

Recent Activity

Nov 11
Became friends with PyroOfShame
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jul 23
Became friends with Ruude
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Mar 18
Became friends with optimism
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

Recent Achievements

Dec 04
Festive Favors: Rockbreaker's Ceremony
Dec 04
Oh, Impressive Wingspan, Very Good
Dec 04
What an Arborible Dragon!
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