Kara's Hatchery (Imp/Coatl/Spiral/Skyd)

monilip's Clan
Clan Info
Almost all my dragons from last pages without familiar are on sale (or waiting till I find breeding idea for them :P). If you like any that is not on AH right now - send me a message. Maybe he or she is for sale but its auctions just ended recently.
- Orca/Orca/Radioactive
- Persefona - Savanah/Safari/Ghost
- Ogniska - Toxin
- Redhunt - Savanna/Safari
- Kihor - Poison/Skink/Scales
- Plusk - secondary?
- I think I'm in love with Radioactive Iri
- StormLight - Skink/Spinner/Contour
- Lightningstrike - Spinner
It's all started with lovely pair: red Reran and magenta/banana/forest Ramon. They had kids and their kids had kids.
Then beautiful purple Skydancer lady - Kenda - came to visit this family and decided to stay.
Short time after that Ramon and Reran found guardian egg and this is how little gold Noemi joined this family.
Few years letter Ramon had lost. Soon next dragon that was Born, was called after him: Ramon Junior
Later more dragons came to this lair and now there is over50100 of them. Honestly, I have no idea how this happened.
After mamy mamy year something wonderful happened: Ramon Serior has come back! With different colors but it was still him. Reran couldn't be happier.
Pernament pairs:
- Reran & Ramon Senior
- Rodelle & Ramon Junior
- Mia & Eminent
- Kara & Mio
- Winterberry & Redhunt
- Solar & Lunar
- Kenda & Renolo
- Volcanus & Chalce
- Dina & Gregson
- Natalia & Archive
- Fresh & Zen
- WhiteLity & Whitey
- Avocado & Jade
- Eda & Rothen
- Siani & Fire
- Persephone & Hades
- Celestina & Sencillament
- Enya & Aeron
- Angel & Angelo
- Firestar & Harwin
- Almediha & Fireshield
- Jabrielle & Splash
- Lenora & Frostfury
- Siella & Numair
- Blood & Czekolada
Almost all my dragons from last pages without familiar are on sale (or waiting till I find breeding idea for them :P). If you like any that is not on AH right now - send me a message. Maybe he or she is for sale but its auctions just ended recently.
- Orca/Orca/Radioactive
- Persefona - Savanah/Safari/Ghost
- Ogniska - Toxin
- Redhunt - Savanna/Safari
- Kihor - Poison/Skink/Scales
- Plusk - secondary?
- I think I'm in love with Radioactive Iri
- StormLight - Skink/Spinner/Contour
- Lightningstrike - Spinner
It's all started with lovely pair: red Reran and magenta/banana/forest Ramon. They had kids and their kids had kids.
Then beautiful purple Skydancer lady - Kenda - came to visit this family and decided to stay.
Short time after that Ramon and Reran found guardian egg and this is how little gold Noemi joined this family.
Few years letter Ramon had lost. Soon next dragon that was Born, was called after him: Ramon Junior
Later more dragons came to this lair and now there is over
After mamy mamy year something wonderful happened: Ramon Serior has come back! With different colors but it was still him. Reran couldn't be happier.
Pernament pairs:
- Reran & Ramon Senior
- Rodelle & Ramon Junior
- Mia & Eminent
- Kara & Mio
- Winterberry & Redhunt
- Solar & Lunar
- Kenda & Renolo
- Volcanus & Chalce
- Dina & Gregson
- Natalia & Archive
- Fresh & Zen
- WhiteLity & Whitey
- Avocado & Jade
- Eda & Rothen
- Siani & Fire
- Persephone & Hades
- Celestina & Sencillament
- Enya & Aeron
- Angel & Angelo
- Firestar & Harwin
- Almediha & Fireshield
- Jabrielle & Splash
- Lenora & Frostfury
- Siella & Numair
- Blood & Czekolada
Recent Comments

Hi! I know Arkhans is not on a page that is for sale, but I am working on a subspecies and need a girl unrelated to my boy, and I would be happy to replace her with a girl very similar to her, once I hatch one if you don't mind selling her?

Malourne is so pretty!

Malourne was in the front page! :D

Hi! Thank you for adopting Arning

Oh thank you that's so sweet! ; 0 ; Merry Christmas!

Hmmmm the flint one is not bad, how much would he be?

That would be amazing! :3 thank you! The duplicate I'm after is Ore

Are you going to breed Acolyte and Ulric again? I am interested in a duplicate of one of the hatchlings they had previously.

I was asking because I have a dragon that has the same genes as her hes a male pearlcatcher.

Hey is Kula for sale im willing to pay 30k for her.

Well you're more than welcome to hang around! Friends are getting harder to find these days!

Someone finally accepted my CR, so I have more space now! I can buy FlaxenLemon. Just send a CR or a PA (for treasure).
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