Rinax's Clan
Dragon Caller
Clan Info
We are Scission!
Our claws divide the skies!
Yeah, uhhhhh, I'm just here to collect dragons and stuff. I don't have a theme; I just choose whatever design appeals to me. Main goal right now is a male and female of each breed.
Any dragons sold in the Fodder folder can be used for anything. Change their breed or genes, or exalt them -- whatever you like! (That may be the general rule around here, but I'm stating it just in case.)
Our claws divide the skies!
Yeah, uhhhhh, I'm just here to collect dragons and stuff. I don't have a theme; I just choose whatever design appeals to me. Main goal right now is a male and female of each breed.
Any dragons sold in the Fodder folder can be used for anything. Change their breed or genes, or exalt them -- whatever you like! (That may be the general rule around here, but I'm stating it just in case.)
Recent Comments

Arisae was on the Random Dragon!

gorgeous dragons! i love vortex and haze <3
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