Leaving FR Gen1's Lv25's XXX's

Dendariis' Clan
Eating Lindor Chocolates, be jealous
Clan Info

Wildclaws, lots of 'em....
Art Shop
New Colors I need Triples of:
Im collecting Gen 1 double that looks great as snappers....

Recent Comments

Miles was on the front page! Love his bright colors!

Raze was on the front page! He's gorgeous!

Hey if you ever come back, feel free to re-send me a friend request! :) I am just cleaning my friends list right now. Miss ya bud.

Hey! I know that you're gone and whatnot, but if you ever come back, I just wanted to let you know that you gave me a welcome package waay back in may of 2016 when I first joined the site. It was my first ever message, lol.

Is #26603462 For sale? hes the exact colors i want for something :D

Just picked up a female WC orca mate so no need to keep me on your hatchling list. Good luck with the RNG egg gods! ^_^

I know the feeling and I only have half a pair (currently in my daughter's lair along with many of my orca project dergs)! Set aside the gems so please put me on the list for a female. I will need bloodline diversity! ^_^

Congrats on your WC XXX orca pair! I would love to get on the wait list for their first nest of hatchlings....looking for a female WC. Do you know what the gem price will be so I can be sure to have them on hand?

I'm in love with your dragons, is there any way I can be notified when your dragons have hatchlings? Do you have a hatchery or anything?

Congrats on the first triple Chartreuse!

Hi, I'm searching for a female coral/coral/coral wildclaw. Is your's (ID: 23414980) for sale?

Hi! I wanted to give an update for my payment plan-- I'm just 2 gems away from the 300 I wanted to pay, and currently have 312k treasure; I can send the gems and some treasure soon, and the rest of the treasure once I get it. :>
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