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LilyBlossom's Clan

Mighty Lair
overlooking the
Gladeveins icon

Clan Info

About LilyBlossom

The Clan name is The Clan of the Blossom Fields.
My clan is part of the nature element and the leader is Jax. The Clan is strong and I am so very happy to have joined Flight rising. My sister, SpringyBirdd (her username) showed me flight rising and I am having a wonderful time on it. My real name is Lily and I live in Minnesota. I am also a huge Warrior fan (the book series) I am also a huge fan of Doctor Who (the TV show). One other thing I totaly love would be dragons!


Move Down The Bar To See How My Clan Works :)

My Clan is new but I made up some new rules and jobs:

*LEADER* There is always a leader and the leader represents the clan and does a lot of work like, Make sure there is food for everyone, make sure that the young are trained, and keep the clan in peace. The leader retires after three months and 27 days unless the Wise Claws get a prophecy to keep the leader another three months and 27 days. The Leader is chosen by the Wise Claws.

*WISE CLAWS* The Wise Claws serve the leader and keep the clan in balance. The Wise Claws also give advice, recive prophecies and Make Potions. There are only three Wise Claws. They are usally some of the oldest in the clan.

*HEALER* There is also a Healer, the Healer heals the sick or wounded and also serves the leader. The Healer also helps the Cares with the hatchlings. The Healer can't have kids so she can take care of the clan.

*CARES/CARE* The Cares/Care are the female dragon that give birth to dragon eggs. Cares also take care of there Hatchlings but when its no longer time for the Cares to take care of there Hatchings they do there old duty again.

*HATCHLINGS* The Hatchlings are the babies that have hatched from the dragon eggs. Hatchling bunches are a group of young Hatchlings born to a Care at one time.

*Nesters* The Nesters are your hatching bunch that you were in.(siblings).

*SMALLERS* Next there are Smallers after their age of the Hatchlings when they have grown. The Smallers learn how to fight and hunt and sometimes fly still. Most of the Female Smallers would learn how to be a proper mother also. The smallers are catagorized by there age of less than two weeks. The smallers also chose and train for which duty they will preform when they older.

*ADVENTURERS* there are the Adventurers they Hunt and Fight by doing that they bring back the things we need like food and other supplies and are older than three weeks.

*BUILDERS* The Builders build things for the clan like armer, jewelry, castles, volts, dens, and more and or older than three weeks.

*MESSENGER* The Messenger gives messiges to there leader. They also send messages from there clans to different clans. They are older than three weeks.

*HONOR FLIGHTS* The Honor Flights usally stay in camp and serve the clan and leader by protecting it. They are guards and are very strong. They are older than three weeks.

*WISDOM HOLDER* A teacher for Dragons and teaches at the Golden gates. They have to be exepted by the Wise Claws.

*Nurse* The helper for the Healer that does what she says and collects healing supplies.

*Commander* Trains the Smallers till level 5 and when Leader commands it, the Commander leads the clan into battle.

*Element Searcher* The elemental gods representitve

*Captain* The Captain of the Floating Island ship that they live on

Recent Comments

nakopok's avatar
May 25, 2021 15:27:24
Portal was on the front page!
GentleOceanWind's avatar
June 15, 2016 21:13:32
Thank you for adopting Magic! :) Love your clan rules and jobs! ^_^
ChristianCutie's avatar
April 30, 2015 15:31:49
You're very welcome! ^w^
ChristianCutie's avatar
April 30, 2015 14:11:07
Hope you're having fun on Flight Rising, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask! :3
ChristianCutie's avatar
April 30, 2015 14:10:48
You're welcome! :) And to change the color, just use the code [color=color you want here]text[/color]. I'm not the best with BBCode, so I tend to refer to this guide whenever I want to use it. ^.^ http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/1047514
ChristianCutie's avatar
April 16, 2015 15:05:55
I saw Fireborn on the front page, and she's absolutely lovely! :D That and welcome to Flight Rising, Nature flight-mate! ^w^
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Date Joined
Apr 8, 2015

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LilyBlossom's Friends

SpringyBirdd's avatar
SpringyBirdd (#146668)
ChristianCutie's avatar
ChristianCutie (#1834)

L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
Purplemist's avatar
Purplemist (#162149)
Vacrana's avatar
Vacrana (#162028)

You have no idea, still not fully bloomed
aethercrow's avatar
aethercrow (#115939)

the Alliance of Aether
kairiazul's avatar
kairiazul (#166023)
TrickAndTreat's avatar
TrickAndTreat (#114828)

You will never forget...
CircleofLife's avatar
CircleofLife (#247892)

Roleplaying Nuzlocke!
DolphinPrincess' avatar
DolphinPrincess (#234761)

"Friendship the ship that never sinks" ~Unknown
livk1tty23's avatar
livk1tty23 (#254521)

Recent Activity

Aug 25
Became friends with livk1tty23
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jul 14
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Tundra Male, 2 Tundra Female
Jul 01
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fae Female, 2 Mirror Female

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