[S] Gems for treasure (1:1000)

Evendell's Clan
Throw me to the wolves and i'll return leading the pack.
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Shay was on the front page!!!

I saw #60525625 in your sale tab, and was wondering if you could put him on hold for me if you are, indeed, selling him. Thanks :)


Thank you for buying Jewel! I hope you enjoy her :)

heather was on the front page

Hi there! I've been searching for a triple Blush Female WC and I was wondering if you could let me know if/when you breed Dancingspirit and Ayakashi? :) Thanks in advance!

No cześć~ c:

Luciel was on the front page! He's lovely!

Luciel made it to the front page! They look awesome!

No cześć. c:

A witam, witam. Czego panienka u mnie szuka?

T-tak? (눈_눈)
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