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itsThirteen's Clan

I love you, y'know
Ancient Lair
overlooking the
Gladeveins icon

Clan Info

Today I am Neutral please use Its/Their pronouns.

Walking through the many streams of The Gladeveins you come to a still, deep lake, so dark a blue you almost cannot make out the occasional fish. Beside the lake is a barrowmound, a heap of earth with an open doorway leading into darkness. On the wind you hear notes from a tinwhistle, and the lake stirrs. Emerging from the depths is a female Ridgeback, the patterns of a Butterfly playing across her wings. Her pink eyes are playful as she strides slowly across the lakes surface.

Her voice seems to come from the wind, not her lips as she speaks to you in Gaelic.

" Welcome trav'ler, Tír na nÓg awaits 'neath the waters. Simply hold my talons and I will lead you to paradise.

Wyrmlings oft find that paradise is not to their taste, and the children grow weary to see the mortal world. Mayhaps you will lead one or two?

Here in Paradise we need for nothing, and the treasure left behind by your parting gift will go to those who need it, even in another Flights elemental realm. Ware though trav'ler, do not touch the ground. Walk simply in the streamlets what flow about the land and you will be able to return. Touch the land here, and leaving The Veridian Labyrinth will be your doom. Your Gladekeeper made a deal with my mother, Danu, that only Nature Dragons may come and go freely, and even hen they cannot leave."

"The Gods, my Gods, come and go from our land. Eight times a year a pair of two, a God and a Goddess, will cross the veil and walk among us for the week of the Full Moon. They will bestow blessings and distribute advice, and on the day of their festival they will leave us. They must show their faces, be present, so that the Fomorians will not attack again. What are those? Hope you never find out, and if you see one, pray to Epona you can escape them."

" Come now, hold your breath, wonder awaits us."

You take the proffered talons and feel the water rise up, up, over your head. But when you open your eyes you are standing on the same lake, but under a different sky. The air seems to hum with a muted energy, and you cant stop smiling.

The Ridgeback female has left your side now, and a great guardian made of living stone watches you carefully as you slosh through the shallow streams spiderwebbing the wide clearing. Another pair, a Female Skydancer and her Nymph companion tend fruit trees at the edge of the glade, she, wearing a wide brimmed hat, throws you a sour apple; ripe and heavy with juice.

You see the pleasant smiles on the faces herein but can't help feeling like you are being watched. You catch a glimpse of a pond rippling, and see a great eye emerge. Its not a pond at all but instead a dragon, you discover, as the great Guardian picks itself up out of the depression and spreads it great wings. Ponds that are dragons, streams that are sanctuary, this truly is an odd place.

So, do you stay, or do you go?

Come in and sit a while! Do you need to vent? Are you having a bad day? Tell me about it, let me help you. I'm more than happy to sit and listen.

Hatchlings that wish to leave and cross the Faerie arch are given an Eldrsigil, so that they do not turn to dust upon hitting the sunlight past the grounds of Tir na nOg. All must wear it, or perish. It is inscribed with the druidic sigil for the Elder tree, for safe journeys.


High Council: Niamh, Oisin, Roanoak, Wisteria, Balor

High Defense Council: Oisin, Nala, Chrysemys, Tangie, Kukulkan

Need pairs for:

Merchant/Vault Organizer

Individual Lore is like, a huge WIP


Hallo, I am XIII, but you can call me Thirteen, or 13. I am a resident of the US, LGBTQ+ Friendly (Genderfluid Pansexual/Panromantic Polyamorous.) I am an avid and practicing Pagan, binding to Druid/Shaman/Witch as an outline to my path. I work now as a Certified Nurses Assistant (3-11 EST 40+ hrs/week) but in my spare time I love to draw and write and sculpt. I am ALWAYS 100% of the time looking to Roleplay. Oh my gods, just ask. I work A LOT so if you need me shoot me a message, I might be on.



I nest for Nature! 0/5 nests!



You joined 04/08/15

Hey, Ambientmagic is looking for any combo of orange/pink/white.

https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2817916/1 is the main thread for your subspecies rescue 13

Subspecies Hatchery Thread: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2475774/1#post_2475774

Druidic/Pagan Hatchery Thread: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2682807/1#post_38965786 [Holy cannoli thirteen why in blue blazes do you have TWO hatcheries??]

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Bubonicplaug's avatar
January 26, 2025 01:03:57
Var was in the front page! He's glorious :7
Qutrub's avatar
September 30, 2024 15:23:49
3 eggs!
Zhar's avatar
August 05, 2024 06:08:03
Thank you so much for buying Phoenix!! I hope he brings you joy!
Reprobate's avatar
July 09, 2024 15:56:24
Hey!! Sorry to bother you, I was just wondering if everything's okay with my pair? I think the nest was supposed to hatch a couple days ago <3
cyberelfzx's avatar
June 09, 2024 02:24:36
Innila was on the front page! What a gorgeous dragon.
dracosauria's avatar
June 09, 2024 02:23:53
Innila (#14104494) was on the front page! What a cool outfit!
caterpolaris' avatar
June 07, 2024 05:35:23
Neofelis (#38720579) was on the front page!
Yetaet's avatar
April 18, 2024 08:09:14
Banshee was on the front page!
sense's avatar
March 24, 2024 08:43:27
Hi! Sorry to bother but it seems you haven't put Magus and Mina in a nest!
jewelofmygarden's avatar
March 19, 2024 05:00:45
3 + 4 eggs!
Mixup's avatar
February 26, 2024 18:29:58
Populvuh was on the front page!
CoveFoxy's avatar
January 30, 2024 14:09:46
I saw your lair from Ateris being on the front page and I just wanted to say that all your dragons look really cool!! :]
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Apr 8, 2015

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ride them rose petals positively!
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Do it for the Kappa!
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when kpop consumes you
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Hyraptor (#36506)

(Semi) active just lazy about feeding my dragons lol
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Nabooru (#237462)

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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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