Character Design Clean-out

Cinnabuni's Clan
oopsie woopsie
Clan Info

C l a n
A n d r o m e d a


.A b o u t.
sapphic | 19 | they/them | FR+18
~Allied With~
HiddenGalaxy | CosmicKitty

.L o r e.

.L i n k s.

.W i s h l i s t.
- Artist: Brioche
- Artist: Spassow
- Scroll of Eternal Youth x2
- Axolotl
- Gem Hoarder
- Night Sky
- Solar
- Twilight Firefly
- Swan Lake
- Crystalline Gala
- Sticker Star


C l a n
A n d r o m e d a


sapphic | 19 | they/them | FR+18
~Allied With~
HiddenGalaxy | CosmicKitty

.... |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mollis elit non metus imperdiet, non posuere augue eleifend. Quisque eu nunc faucibus, dapibus dui quis, porta quam. Proin sed lectus ornare, vehicula felis vel, varius nulla. Sed varius sem lacus. Nam aliquam sed metus id sagittis. Mauris blandit urna in tincidunt laoreet. Mauris est nisl, posuere vel sagittis non, sodales a nunc. Integer pharetra sed augue in consectetur. Morbi bibendum sagittis dui ut suscipit. Suspendisse facilisis metus sit amet diam fringilla, non accumsan leo sodales. Sed varius tincidunt nulla at volutpat. Sed orci lectus, vehicula sit amet tincidunt eu, congue sit amet risus. Quisque eros ante, maximus nec hendrerit sit amet, euismod at nulla. Vivamus feugiat quis mi in placerat. Etiam eleifend malesuada metus, volutpat aliquet justo bibendum sit amet. Aenean imperdiet faucibus purus. | . |

- Artist: Brioche
- Artist: Spassow
- Scroll of Eternal Youth x2
- Axolotl
- Gem Hoarder
- Night Sky
- Solar
- Twilight Firefly
- Swan Lake
- Crystalline Gala
- Sticker Star

Recent Comments

Amethyst was on the front page!

Thank you so much! LeapYearBabe is purrfect! I'm all about the purples. Your lair is totally dreamy. <3

Wildfire was on the front page during rollover!

Hello! Just dropping by to let you know your lair is really pretty! Have a happy new year! :)

Thank you. You have a nice liar too.

Thank you! Catboy is precious to me haha

Kairu was on the front page, so pretty! So pastel!

Thank you too! (*^^*)

You're welcome, they're both gorgeous :)

Thank you for selling her, I'm delighted to add her to my lair (and give her some lore eventually)! Your lair is stunning as well, your dragons are all so beautiful!

thank you for equinox!! your lair is also amazing <3 :D

NightCloud was on the front page and she is epic. Delphinium is really cool too.
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