[XXY GENED GAOLERS] Chromatic Souls

Shrimp's Clan
I'm just a shrimp, don't mind me.
Clan Info
DeviantART /
Dragon goals:
- Abyss/abyss Pinstripe/Trail
- http://www1.flightrising.com/scrying/predict/51561082?breed=8&gender=1&age=1&bodygene=24&body=117&winggene=20&wings=117&tertgene=18&tert=66&element=9&eyetype=1
- http://www1.flightrising.com/scrying/predict/50434786?breed=13&gender=0&age=1&bodygene=17&body=149&winggene=20&wings=94&tertgene=18&tert=94&element=1&eyetype=3
- Silver Featherfin
- Dunewind Manticore
- Mossy Cerdae
- Spotted Pukasloth (for Sophona)
- Hydra
- Skins/Accents-
- Silhouette
- Starbreather
- xXrainbow01Xx
- Pandora's Cluster
- Little Helper M
- The Astronomer's Mantle
- Cold-flamed soul
Dragon goals:
- Abyss/abyss Pinstripe/Trail
- http://www1.flightrising.com/scrying/predict/51561082?breed=8&gender=1&age=1&bodygene=24&body=117&winggene=20&wings=117&tertgene=18&tert=66&element=9&eyetype=1
- http://www1.flightrising.com/scrying/predict/50434786?breed=13&gender=0&age=1&bodygene=17&body=149&winggene=20&wings=94&tertgene=18&tert=94&element=1&eyetype=3
- Silver Featherfin
- Dunewind Manticore
- Mossy Cerdae
- Spotted Pukasloth (for Sophona)
- Hydra
- Skins/Accents-
- Silhouette
- Starbreather
- xXrainbow01Xx
- Pandora's Cluster
- Little Helper M
- The Astronomer's Mantle
- Cold-flamed soul
Recent Comments

Salto was on the front page! What a great dragon for that skin!

Flake was on the front page! Pretty dragon!

I had no idea u had an fr I've been following u on deviantart for years

Oooo I had no idea you had a FR x) Your dragons are super pretty and match your Flight aesthetic!

Laquaria was on the front page as a random dragon! She is amazing! :)

hewwo taco


dont you dare sell that slug

hi quesadilla


literally when is lightning ever green

Mascore was on the front page! He's gorgeous!
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