[FT] Veil Fade for Veil Blend
Gaillardia's Clan
Ilbeten Auterra
Clan Info
INFJ || Artist/Programmer || 24 Hi, I'm Kami! I started playing Flight Rising on November 17, 2014, where I joined the Shadow flight. I later switched to the Lightning flight, but I have decided to switch my allegiance to Arcane! I mostly design dragons after characters in mine and my partner, Axell's, co-written story. Each tab in the lair has a general description of what you will find. I am only selling/exalting/trading dragons which are in the Fodder or Coli tab! Coli dragons have prices in the bios. Let me know if you like my dragons by clicking the stars, and feel free to post comments down below! I am always eager to make new friends.~ |
Recent Comments
Rodney was on the front page!
Alcuin is fp! Very nice! I especially like the veil scry!
Hey! I only now saw your comment, thank you!!
I think they removed the Circi Easter Egg because the Wii Version of TNC isn’t really considered “canon” to the DS games. Still, an Easter Egg would’ve been really cute and I was a bit bummed when I heard it was removed.
Yeah, I wonder if Circi will appear at all? I have heard that there was supposed to be a Circi Easter Egg in Two Realms, but it was removed.
I am excited to see how all the villages are doing in Two Realms! I wonder if any characters, such as Miles, will be any older since the last time we saw them, since I heard the game is taking place a couple of years later.
Lavasteam is my favorite village from TNC, too! I love the steampunk aesthetic and the music there has some really great tracks.
Yeah, Russet was named after the NPC in Lavasteam, but he isn’t quite a full fandragon of him. If they ever release construction equipment apparel, I’ll probably try to make all the inhabitants of Lavasteam into fandragons, including Russet.
ey nerd how u doin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hey, dearie! o w o
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