Shirlai's Clan
RPer and Artist
Clan Info

--Clan Endfang--
Long ago, a blood feud broke out among the head-family of the Thunder-clan Fellweather. The clan's leader, Taka, had declared war on his daughters, Shirlai and Shyla, for attempts on his life. The twin mirrors had lived under the shade of tyrant-father for too long and had started a revolt, splitting the clan in two. However, Taka's might proved too strong for the sister's supporters, slowly dwindling their numbers, until only they remained, alone. In an act of desperation, Shirlai gave her life to protect her sister, allowing her to flee from the clan, to safety. Since then, Shyla has vowed revenge, gathering strays and renegades from the darkest corners to join her new clan's side, in hopes to one day fell her tyrant father, Taka.
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