
GiantPandroid's Bestiary

Chronicles of the beasts GiantPandroid has encountered and collected!
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Familiars you currently own or have achieved a bond level of Awakened
Familiars you don’t own and haven’t Awakened
All familiars
Crowned Gryph
Though these creatures superficially resemble gryphons, draconic scholars believe this to be convergent evolution brought on by similar elemental energies.
Curious Jeweler
A hoarder of fine gemstones and curiosities.
Dappled Dunhoof
You encountered this centaur from the Dunhoof herd while hunting. She decided to stay with your clan to learn your hunting techniques.
Dapplemane Deceiver
These striking centaurs use their encyclopedic knowledge of deepearth stones, minerals, and jewels to get in the good graces of wealthy dragon clans, before robbing them blind.
Deadland Disciple
Elemental acolyte of the Plaguebringer. (Riot of Rot Holiday Item 2015.)
Deadly Glamourtail
It's not a phase, mom.
You have not achieved any bond levels with this familiar.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Wary.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Tolerant.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Relaxed.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Inquisitive.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Companion.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Loyal.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Awakened.
You have one or more copies of this familiar in your Hoard and/or Vault.

Click or tap this icon to open your Hoard in another tab.
You have one or more copies of this familiar in your Vault.

Click or tap this icon to open your Vault in another tab.
You don't have any copies of this familiar in your Hoard or Vault.
This familiar is currently bonding with one of the dragons in your clan.

Click or tap this icon to open the dragon in another tab.
This familiar is not bonding with any of the dragons in your clan.
You've increased this familiar's bond level today.
Click or tap here to learn more about this familiar in the Flight Rising game database.