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TOPIC | A few breed ideas
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Okay, I came up with a few ideas for dragon breeds, and I made sketches to go with [b]Ethereal Dragon[/b] [img][/img] A dragon writhed in magic, delicate pieces strung together in see-through smoke of sorts. Can be made to look like smoke, wind, magic, water etc. [b]Delta Dragon[/b] [img][/img] A dragon breed born of the sandswept delta, with crocodilian features, a desert dragon that is a lot more at home in the water than the ridgebacks, has crest that looks kind of like an Egyptian headdress, jackal like ears, and forked tail in reference to different ancient Egyptian dieties [b]Flower Dragon[/b] [img][/img] Might look a little dopey, but is a brilliant ambush predator from the deep jungle. It holds completely still and looks like a large orchid to attract prey of insects and meat, only to strike with mantis-like claws. Would look great with poison genes
Okay, I came up with a few ideas for dragon breeds, and I made sketches to go with
Ethereal Dragon
A dragon writhed in magic, delicate pieces strung together in see-through smoke of sorts. Can be made to look like smoke, wind, magic, water etc.
Delta Dragon
A dragon breed born of the sandswept delta, with crocodilian features, a desert dragon that is a lot more at home in the water than the ridgebacks, has crest that looks kind of like an Egyptian headdress, jackal like ears, and forked tail in reference to different ancient Egyptian dieties
Flower Dragon
Might look a little dopey, but is a brilliant ambush predator from the deep jungle. It holds completely still and looks like a large orchid to attract prey of insects and meat, only to strike with mantis-like claws. Would look great with poison genes
I'm hot and I know it.
I really like the Ethereal and Flower dragons! I like the Delta one too, but I think I like the ethereal and flower ones better. I'd love to see these ideas fleshed out a little more!
I really like the Ethereal and Flower dragons! I like the Delta one too, but I think I like the ethereal and flower ones better. I'd love to see these ideas fleshed out a little more!
the flower dragon would be amazing! The headpiece would really make it stand out than all the other dragons we already have :3
the flower dragon would be amazing! The headpiece would really make it stand out than all the other dragons we already have :3
The flower design is so original, I support this!
The flower design is so original, I support this!
I really like the flower dragon, it is really nice and love the venus fly trap feel it gives off. The sketches are a bit messy is all i am going to add(sorry i am a bit of a perfectionist especially with art and i like clean lines, you are a really good artist too)
I really like the flower dragon, it is really nice and love the venus fly trap feel it gives off. The sketches are a bit messy is all i am going to add(sorry i am a bit of a perfectionist especially with art and i like clean lines, you are a really good artist too)
tumblr_inline_ny7iuf0sWN1qmzhvw_540.png YlaLYbY.gifBiLKyog.gif+3 FR|She/Her
The flower dragon reminds me of those dinosaurs that have the neck poof things! Dilophosaurs I think?

I support the flower dragon!
The flower dragon reminds me of those dinosaurs that have the neck poof things! Dilophosaurs I think?

I support the flower dragon!
@romaniwolf so i accidentally fell in love with the Delta and... [img][/img] and a mock up [img][/img] if its okay with you i would like to make more mock ups for your dragon *o*
@romaniwolf so i accidentally fell in love with the Delta and...


and a mock up


if its okay with you i would like to make more mock ups for your dragon *o*
The Delta and the Flower dragons are amazing! So much support! ;u;
But, should the Flower dragon never become a thing, it'd be awesome to have a flower-y headpiece.
The Delta and the Flower dragons are amazing! So much support! ;u;
But, should the Flower dragon never become a thing, it'd be awesome to have a flower-y headpiece.
@Kizmetto oh my gosh those are amazing! You make as many as you want. Ooh, maybe one that's Gold-Caribbean-Azure or something like that
@Kizmetto oh my gosh those are amazing! You make as many as you want. Ooh, maybe one that's Gold-Caribbean-Azure or something like that
I'm hot and I know it.
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