

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Emperor's Reign (RP Thread)
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(To sign up for this rp, go here)
The War was never wanted.
Of course not; why would anyone want it? Foul thing war was, an unneeded festival of death. It was hard to stop from happening, however.
The war raged on for a year and a half; Two sides in volatile clamor over their beliefs; One side which believed the gods were punishing them; that the series of natural disasters that had happened so frequently over the last year was punishment, and that the gods must be abandoned.
The other side believed the opposite, that the gods must be supported, and those who didn't believe we're to be eradicated.
And so they fought; two sides in a brutal battle that lasted longer than it should of.
Who won? Well, dear hatchling, nobody did! For before the war could end, those in favour of eradicating the non-believers did something that ended both sides;
In a fit of desperation to win, the believers did the unthinkable: with the consent of one Imperial, who took her own life in order to see the plan went through, the dragons gathered those, slain imperial, and the female Imperial who put it in motion, to create the eight-headed Emperor dragon.
The plan did not go as thought; The Emperor was unstoppable, no scrap of the dragons who made it up remaining. It slaughtered everyone, all of them. It ended the war alright, but not in the way they wanted.

Only a few dragons survived this: scattered members from each side, forced to ban together for survival. They were drove into a sunken Valley, enclosed by great cliffs; the Emperor had them trapped: there was no way to escape the valley, and flying up would only bring the Emperor on you. So, they lived, hoping one day they could break free from their imprisonment in the valley, free from the Emperor.

This RP takes place 2 years after the initial entrapment of the dragons. There are 12 dragons within the group; they must work together as a Clan to survive, and plan on ways to escape. Some dragons were born into the entrapped Clan, some original dragons from the war, and some stumbled into the Valley, narrowly avoiding being killed by the Emperor; most came in like this are crippled in some way.
Bad weather still frequents the land often, which is a vast forest with large fields of barrenness and stone. The west wall of the valley is where the Emperor resides when not active.
The group stays in a cave within the South wall of the Valley, which is created by two larges rock faces that had fallen in to make the cave. There are four chambers within the Cave. The entrance is too small for the Emperor, but large enough for one of it's heads.
(To sign up for this rp, go here)
The War was never wanted.
Of course not; why would anyone want it? Foul thing war was, an unneeded festival of death. It was hard to stop from happening, however.
The war raged on for a year and a half; Two sides in volatile clamor over their beliefs; One side which believed the gods were punishing them; that the series of natural disasters that had happened so frequently over the last year was punishment, and that the gods must be abandoned.
The other side believed the opposite, that the gods must be supported, and those who didn't believe we're to be eradicated.
And so they fought; two sides in a brutal battle that lasted longer than it should of.
Who won? Well, dear hatchling, nobody did! For before the war could end, those in favour of eradicating the non-believers did something that ended both sides;
In a fit of desperation to win, the believers did the unthinkable: with the consent of one Imperial, who took her own life in order to see the plan went through, the dragons gathered those, slain imperial, and the female Imperial who put it in motion, to create the eight-headed Emperor dragon.
The plan did not go as thought; The Emperor was unstoppable, no scrap of the dragons who made it up remaining. It slaughtered everyone, all of them. It ended the war alright, but not in the way they wanted.

Only a few dragons survived this: scattered members from each side, forced to ban together for survival. They were drove into a sunken Valley, enclosed by great cliffs; the Emperor had them trapped: there was no way to escape the valley, and flying up would only bring the Emperor on you. So, they lived, hoping one day they could break free from their imprisonment in the valley, free from the Emperor.

This RP takes place 2 years after the initial entrapment of the dragons. There are 12 dragons within the group; they must work together as a Clan to survive, and plan on ways to escape. Some dragons were born into the entrapped Clan, some original dragons from the war, and some stumbled into the Valley, narrowly avoiding being killed by the Emperor; most came in like this are crippled in some way.
Bad weather still frequents the land often, which is a vast forest with large fields of barrenness and stone. The west wall of the valley is where the Emperor resides when not active.
The group stays in a cave within the South wall of the Valley, which is created by two larges rock faces that had fallen in to make the cave. There are four chambers within the Cave. The entrance is too small for the Emperor, but large enough for one of it's heads.
Anaise glanced around the dim-lit cave, making sure everyone was accounted for. She sensed that most of the others were concentrating on the roars and screams of the emperor's heads, trying to tell if it was getting closer. They all were aware that one head could fit through the cave's entrance, and who knows if someone might be snatched up in it's jaws and carried off, never to be heard from again. "I'll keep watch tonight," Anaise spoke. She slowly sat down behind the empty fire pit in the cave, facing the opening.
@IvyVines @RedOptics @kersom
Anaise glanced around the dim-lit cave, making sure everyone was accounted for. She sensed that most of the others were concentrating on the roars and screams of the emperor's heads, trying to tell if it was getting closer. They all were aware that one head could fit through the cave's entrance, and who knows if someone might be snatched up in it's jaws and carried off, never to be heard from again. "I'll keep watch tonight," Anaise spoke. She slowly sat down behind the empty fire pit in the cave, facing the opening.
@IvyVines @RedOptics @kersom
@glowb @RedOptics @kersom

The darkish violet dragon sat closer near the mouth of the cave, tail wrapped neatly around his large, spread claws. The dim fire behind him reflected off of the jewel-like growths on his body, and shining scales, which cast dapples across the ceiling.
Dziban winced as another angry screech from one of the heads pierced the Balley; the blasted creature never seemed to shut up, save for the odd times throughout the day when it seldom slept. Dziban's stomach growled.
The imperial swung his head around to glance at Anaise as she spoke, then to the measly piles of food in view, within the back cave chamber. One scrawny deer carcass fully stripped (finding a deer the Emperor hadn't devoured was a miracle in itself), some leaves and foul berries that had wilted, and the carcasses of some mangy, maggot-covered birds someone had brought in just in case. No seafood, of course, unless someone wanted to fish in the natural spring in one of the neck cave chambers; it wouldn't give very much, however: The fish in there were smaller than Dziban's front talon.

Dziban rose to his feet and made his way over to the dying flames. "Thank you. " he replied to the other imperial, before adding on. "We're running on next to nothing as far as food goes. We need to get some dragons together when beast is quiet to see if we can find anything."
Dziban's words were mixed with distant rumblings; thunder of a bad storm, or the angry emperor, it was hard to tell.
@glowb @RedOptics @kersom

The darkish violet dragon sat closer near the mouth of the cave, tail wrapped neatly around his large, spread claws. The dim fire behind him reflected off of the jewel-like growths on his body, and shining scales, which cast dapples across the ceiling.
Dziban winced as another angry screech from one of the heads pierced the Balley; the blasted creature never seemed to shut up, save for the odd times throughout the day when it seldom slept. Dziban's stomach growled.
The imperial swung his head around to glance at Anaise as she spoke, then to the measly piles of food in view, within the back cave chamber. One scrawny deer carcass fully stripped (finding a deer the Emperor hadn't devoured was a miracle in itself), some leaves and foul berries that had wilted, and the carcasses of some mangy, maggot-covered birds someone had brought in just in case. No seafood, of course, unless someone wanted to fish in the natural spring in one of the neck cave chambers; it wouldn't give very much, however: The fish in there were smaller than Dziban's front talon.

Dziban rose to his feet and made his way over to the dying flames. "Thank you. " he replied to the other imperial, before adding on. "We're running on next to nothing as far as food goes. We need to get some dragons together when beast is quiet to see if we can find anything."
Dziban's words were mixed with distant rumblings; thunder of a bad storm, or the angry emperor, it was hard to tell.
@IvyVines @RedOptics @kersom
Anaise gave a glance to the rotten and spoiled food behind her as her stomach growled at its emptiness. She hadn't eaten in a long while, making sure that the other dragons got the sustenance that they needed. She wasn't sure how heart problems worked, but Oro seemed to never be full. She gave a long sigh. As hungry as she was, she needed to keep the rest of the clan as healthy as possible so that everyone could do their share of work. "It's going to be a long day tomorrow," Anaise replied to Dziban, "waiting for the signs of the emperor's sleep."
"Everyone, get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow," she said to the clan. Who knows what the next day, or even night, would hold for these dragons.
@IvyVines @RedOptics @kersom
Anaise gave a glance to the rotten and spoiled food behind her as her stomach growled at its emptiness. She hadn't eaten in a long while, making sure that the other dragons got the sustenance that they needed. She wasn't sure how heart problems worked, but Oro seemed to never be full. She gave a long sigh. As hungry as she was, she needed to keep the rest of the clan as healthy as possible so that everyone could do their share of work. "It's going to be a long day tomorrow," Anaise replied to Dziban, "waiting for the signs of the emperor's sleep."
"Everyone, get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow," she said to the clan. Who knows what the next day, or even night, would hold for these dragons.
@IvyVines @glowb @Kerosem

Oro slithered out silently from one of the chambers, not so stealthily as he was basically a walking strobe light. His armor clanked together and on the stone floor as his birdskulled wings made hollow clicks and clacks as they bounced against each other. His fiery orange eyes were tired looking as the slit pupil contracted against the firelight from which sprouted from his nose. "I've been feeling his anger again." He said calmly. The fumes were indeed of the Emperor, for whenever he closed his eyes, he could see him so vividly, stamping on the rocky, uneven ground under a hellish storm. He imagined him raising all eight of his heads, roaring to the heavens as lighting struck behind him. Then the golden dragon returned to reality, worry suddenly striking at his bad heart, but making little of a deal about it. "So I'm guessing there will be no hunting parties until dawn now, eh?" Oro directed his gaze to Dziban, a friendly glint in his eyes.
@IvyVines @glowb @Kerosem

Oro slithered out silently from one of the chambers, not so stealthily as he was basically a walking strobe light. His armor clanked together and on the stone floor as his birdskulled wings made hollow clicks and clacks as they bounced against each other. His fiery orange eyes were tired looking as the slit pupil contracted against the firelight from which sprouted from his nose. "I've been feeling his anger again." He said calmly. The fumes were indeed of the Emperor, for whenever he closed his eyes, he could see him so vividly, stamping on the rocky, uneven ground under a hellish storm. He imagined him raising all eight of his heads, roaring to the heavens as lighting struck behind him. Then the golden dragon returned to reality, worry suddenly striking at his bad heart, but making little of a deal about it. "So I'm guessing there will be no hunting parties until dawn now, eh?" Oro directed his gaze to Dziban, a friendly glint in his eyes.
@IvyVines @glowb @RedOptics (Sorry I haven't posted)

Dusk sat in the corner silently, her blue eyes glowed in the dim light. Her feathers along her wings shook as she stepped forwards. She was disgusted at the emporer, he could do nothing for himself and was lazy as- She was quickly distracted at something, Dusk quickly looked outside. From the dark corners of the cave she arose.
"There's something watching us," She stated quietly. She started to go investigate, just as her vision turned a bright gold. All she could see was fire, fire everywhere, Engulfing the cave. Anaise burning to death, along with all the others. Her vision returned back to normal.
"Put that fire out!" Without warning, she leaped out and put out the flames. The angry faces of dragons surrounded her.
@IvyVines @glowb @RedOptics (Sorry I haven't posted)

Dusk sat in the corner silently, her blue eyes glowed in the dim light. Her feathers along her wings shook as she stepped forwards. She was disgusted at the emporer, he could do nothing for himself and was lazy as- She was quickly distracted at something, Dusk quickly looked outside. From the dark corners of the cave she arose.
"There's something watching us," She stated quietly. She started to go investigate, just as her vision turned a bright gold. All she could see was fire, fire everywhere, Engulfing the cave. Anaise burning to death, along with all the others. Her vision returned back to normal.
"Put that fire out!" Without warning, she leaped out and put out the flames. The angry faces of dragons surrounded her.
@glowb @RedOptics @kerosem

"I will in a bit." Dziban muttered, settling down on to his side and staring at a cave wall. Dziban flicked his tail passively at Oro.
"Looks like it, if that damned beast ever decides to sleep." he huffed. Dziban remembered back to several nights ago, when every dragon had fallen asleep, and missed a vital opportunity for hunting when the Emperor fell asleep for 2 hours, at the same time as them. They suffered as a consequence; the Emperor only slept every several days; sure, it would nap, but never long enough, or in a deep enough slumber for them to do anything.
Dziban felt his eyelids getting heavy.
Dziban's eyes flew open, and the Imperial hissed in anger as the Skydancer's oily feathers smothered the flame. Dziban jumped to his paws.
'Are you bats? We don't have anymore wood, we needed to keep that fire going!" Dziban spat at the fire in anger, though due to his element, only a cold blast came out.
"We don't have any wood, we won't be able to restart it now. "

(It's okay! Edited post to match kersom since we posted at the same time)
@glowb @RedOptics @kerosem

"I will in a bit." Dziban muttered, settling down on to his side and staring at a cave wall. Dziban flicked his tail passively at Oro.
"Looks like it, if that damned beast ever decides to sleep." he huffed. Dziban remembered back to several nights ago, when every dragon had fallen asleep, and missed a vital opportunity for hunting when the Emperor fell asleep for 2 hours, at the same time as them. They suffered as a consequence; the Emperor only slept every several days; sure, it would nap, but never long enough, or in a deep enough slumber for them to do anything.
Dziban felt his eyelids getting heavy.
Dziban's eyes flew open, and the Imperial hissed in anger as the Skydancer's oily feathers smothered the flame. Dziban jumped to his paws.
'Are you bats? We don't have anymore wood, we needed to keep that fire going!" Dziban spat at the fire in anger, though due to his element, only a cold blast came out.
"We don't have any wood, we won't be able to restart it now. "

(It's okay! Edited post to match kersom since we posted at the same time)
@glowb @RedOptics @IvyVines

Dusk looked hurt, all she wanted was to keep him safe.
"I'm sorry but-" Dusk cut off her sentence, nobody could know what she could do, or the emporer would make her his little oracle slave.
"I saw a spark fly off and I worried that it would catch fire.. maybe we could move the logs away a little bit?" More glaring, oh Dusk really hated that feeling. "On second thought I'll colect some more wood," Dusk said as she flew off.
@glowb @RedOptics @IvyVines

Dusk looked hurt, all she wanted was to keep him safe.
"I'm sorry but-" Dusk cut off her sentence, nobody could know what she could do, or the emporer would make her his little oracle slave.
"I saw a spark fly off and I worried that it would catch fire.. maybe we could move the logs away a little bit?" More glaring, oh Dusk really hated that feeling. "On second thought I'll colect some more wood," Dusk said as she flew off.
@IvyVines @kersom @glowb

Oro snorted quietly once Dusk left the cave, "Now you've done it." His tone suggested he passed off a simple joke without realising. With all the rain that was about come pouring down and leak into the cave, he padded up to the glowing coals and organized what little wood there was left. He spat a small flame inthe middle that was heavy with heat, and the twigs and tinder caught fire rather quickly. Raising his glimmering head, he watched the fire for a moment before nodding in approval. "There'll be a flame left once there is more wood. Got a whole supply of gasses to burn anyways." He murmured something in another language after he said that, sniffingthat the smoke before turning his head in the direction of the kill pile. Constant hunger due to little eating was something he was good at. For he'd go a whole week eating nothing but a fawn once a day and not complain about it. Oro let off an audible grumble from his chest, followed by a huff to cover up his stomach's noises. His forked tongue flicked out of his mouth as he curled around a stone pillar and looked outside.
@IvyVines @kersom @glowb

Oro snorted quietly once Dusk left the cave, "Now you've done it." His tone suggested he passed off a simple joke without realising. With all the rain that was about come pouring down and leak into the cave, he padded up to the glowing coals and organized what little wood there was left. He spat a small flame inthe middle that was heavy with heat, and the twigs and tinder caught fire rather quickly. Raising his glimmering head, he watched the fire for a moment before nodding in approval. "There'll be a flame left once there is more wood. Got a whole supply of gasses to burn anyways." He murmured something in another language after he said that, sniffingthat the smoke before turning his head in the direction of the kill pile. Constant hunger due to little eating was something he was good at. For he'd go a whole week eating nothing but a fawn once a day and not complain about it. Oro let off an audible grumble from his chest, followed by a huff to cover up his stomach's noises. His forked tongue flicked out of his mouth as he curled around a stone pillar and looked outside.
@kersom @glowb @RedOptics

"Dusk no!" Dziban whipped around as Dusk began to fly out, and in a flash snapped his jaws close around her dark feathered tail. He didn't want to hurt her, but in the heat of the moment (or lack of), Dziban had to think fast in order to save her.
"What're you thinking?" Dziban snarled through a muffled mouthful of feathers, not letting go of the tip of her tail until he knew she was back in the cave, but loosening his grip. "You'll die if you go out there alone when it's still awake! It'd hunt you down in minutes!"
Plus, with the bad weather, finding dry wood would be more than difficult.
@kersom @glowb @RedOptics

"Dusk no!" Dziban whipped around as Dusk began to fly out, and in a flash snapped his jaws close around her dark feathered tail. He didn't want to hurt her, but in the heat of the moment (or lack of), Dziban had to think fast in order to save her.
"What're you thinking?" Dziban snarled through a muffled mouthful of feathers, not letting go of the tip of her tail until he knew she was back in the cave, but loosening his grip. "You'll die if you go out there alone when it's still awake! It'd hunt you down in minutes!"
Plus, with the bad weather, finding dry wood would be more than difficult.
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