

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Land Of Eden: Bios
[b]{Private! If you're interested though, you may sign up here: }[/b] -------------------------------------------------------- [b]Characters: [/b] [b]Mine: [/b] [b]Name[/b]: Aric [b]Age: [/b]19 [b]Appearance: [/b]He has dark ram horns that tend to blend in with his hair. He wears formal clothes most of the time. They aren't fancy type things, like a suit, but a level lower than that. [img][/img] [b]Descendant of:[/b] The Tiger (Female) and Aries (Male) [b]Classes Taking:[/b] Gods' Meeting, and Worlds' Perfection [b]Personality:[/b] Though he may look like a shy little ram boy, he is anything but that. He takes on after his mother, a flirtatious and witty child. Aric has a constant need for adventure, and can't stand still for at least 2 minutes. He's pretty out there, and honestly; couldn't care less. Since he is his mother (The apple doesn't fall far from the tree), he can get a little 'wild'. Surprisingly enough, it takes a little more than a poke for him to snap. When he was younger he had serious anger issues as his mother did, but she helped him learn to calm it. Though, when he gets mad, he gets [i]mad[/i]. You can expect a lot of chaos in just a short while. This is probably one of the only times you can tell he's the son of Aries (besides the horns). [b]Abilities: [/b] Aric has sharp feline like teeth, and is extremely agile. Having the agility of a tiger and a ram, there isn't anything he can't jump or climb. He has sharp claws, which he has to keep trimmed due to school rules. When's he pissed, he can control the winds around him, but is short lived since the school would try to contain him and any other 'threats' to students. [b]Name:[/b] Keris [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] She has the body of a regular human, but with red scales on the tip of her hands and feet. She first wore rags, but has received gifts from her worshipers, giving her intricate clothes and jewelry. [img][/img] [b]Descendant of:[/b] Scorpio (Female) and Snake (Male) [b]Personality: [/b]Keris' posture is that of a Queen. She has an extremely good mannered posture, and thinks highly of herself. Though her personality is rotten, and she's rude. She'd anything to get her revenge. Keris has A LOT of pride in herself, and the way she moves is well....snake like. [b]Reason they became a Spirit:[/b] Keris had strong poison, as she was born from two poisonous parents. She was agitated quickly if someone touched her or approached her suddenly. This resulted in the death of 7 students. Not only this, but she used to toy with humans, as she thought of them a little bit more than cattle. Hence the reason she was sent down to Earth, to depend on humans. [b]How long they've been one: [/b]She has been a Spirit for 6 years. [b]Worshipers so far:[/b] Keris has a small cult for now, as they hide in secrecy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Ragnaroc: [/b] [b]Name:[/b] October Akita Foo [b]Nickname: [/b]Toby, Aki, Akita, Foo [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance: [/b]October is five eleven, soft and long of feature with skin the color of maple syrup and eyes the color of honey. His hair is thickly curled, dyed dark magenta and flounces around his ears. There are always leaves and bits of forest debris nestled in it. Also nestled in it are antlers. Up until they fall off in late fall. They are in the 17 to 20 month growth phases and re grow every spring. These antlers are made out of bone and much to Toby’s dismay never come in velvet, when they become less sensitve he will carve them.(Go head ask about them. There is a reason he has antlers.) His ears come to sharp points and the dark brown fur tones of an akita. They are still his ears, they are still on the sides of his head not the top. His nails are significantly harder than most, the purple lacquer helps, they however are not sharp in fact they are blunted and curl in on his finger pads if he doesn’t file them or use them enough(which he does because man that would hurt). His teeth are dog teeth they are different than human teeth see Here. They are large, they can be scary they are not fangs. October’s over all body type is that of a track athlete seeing as he spends a good 60-70% percent of his time running. If you don’t know what track athletes looks like, slender, flat stomach but not muscle bound, less than would be deemed as built they are more lanky and slender. Cloths: He owns nicely tailored jackets but he doesn’t use them. For the most part he wears loose open cloths. A small shirtless vest like [This] and low cut girl’s flare jeans. WHY? They are easy to slip out of when you shift. Other: He has a thin gold chain that loops from five holes long his left ear at the llobe a single elm leaf dangles. His tongue is dark green and his blood is the color of amber. Tatoos, lots of them but you will have to get him to undress for you to see them so I'm not going to waist time with it. [b]Descendant of: [/b]Shiba(Dog, Female) and Ares/Mars (Male) [b]Classes Taking:[/b] Star Dancing, God’s Meeting(majors) Spirit Anatomy, Forbidden Worship(Minors) [b]Personality:[/b] Whos ready to the puppy incarnate!!! Yeah no, sorry. He really his both his parent’s son. Though Deeply loyal and extremely social October is not a living puppy. He has a much wilder side to him and not in the sense of chaos. It’s not flying through the woods screaming at high energy either it’’s the shiver you get when you walk into the woods alone in autumn. It’s the windblow leaves rustling behind you like a closing door. It’s that Other you feel when taking an autumn stroll. He doesn’t show this side often but it is there, highly alert, curious, observing you. Other than this, happy go lucky, adventurous, a little too physical(he really likes touch, a casual passing brush, a hand on your shoulder when he comes to say hello, the high fiver and movie snuggler). High energy and packing serious endurance October is always one for a walk, run or stroll outside regardless of the weather. In fact he talks walks daily regardless of what anyone has to say. Headstrong yet willing to listen, a team player and group mover. October does what needs to be done, he’s a free spirit favoring not tie himself to obligations [b]Abilities:[/b] Mostly Passive October has excellent, (like run across Canada in a couple months excellent), endurance. He also have heightened senses and a green thumb. Humans can’t lie to him. He is a fairly good a hunting and can shift into the form of an Akita...something went wrong with this though, probably his father’s blood. Occasionally when he attempts shifting if he is under extreme psychological distress he will turn into something like This instead. If you want him to go back to normal you are going to need to calm him down. He is extremely good at picking up new skills though can only learn about six in a day. ---------------------------------------------- [b]DacianaLupa: [/b] [b]Name: [/b]Satsuki Kiryuin [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] She has a rather pale complexion with sharp cut features. Her eyes are azure colored. She has raven colored hair that is cut short, it might sometimes seen a bit uneven, choppy. It is straight, with no layers. She cut it herself with Bakuzan, she used to have long hair and she cut as a symbol of how she was changing. She has narrow cut bangs. She is rather tall, taller than most people. She wears a very cold, distant expression most of the time, her thick eyebrows are a noticeable trait, her physical build is very willow but athletic and strong. She'll dress like a professional, usually in a dress, skirt and shirt, it often depends on her mood on how she dresses. She dresses in a lot of white, blue or other colors. She usually wears either a white collared button up shirt with black jeans and tight fitted ankle boots, or a dress with tights and flats or boots or something else. She wears thin layered clothing, its extremely hard for her to get cold or hot shes rather in between. [b]Descendant of:[/b] The Tiger (Male) and Virgo (Female) [b]Classes Taking:[/b] God's Meeting, World's Perfection, Spirit Anatomy, and Forbidden Worship. [b]Personality: [/b]A calm, cold demeanor describes Satsuki perfectly. She rarely loses her cool, she has a strong sense of judgement and resolve. She displays a cold, blank expression, she calm and collected, she ignores a lot of people, choosing to through her time into studying and making it to the top of her class. Its hard to get her annoyed or angry, if someone does they'll most likely end up in the hospital and thats her being nice. Satsuki Kiryiun doesn't play by the rules and she isn't fair. Its a harsh world out there and she has an iron will and a sword to challenge the world she lives in. Its hard to get her upset much less angry, she keeps her cool most of the time. Shes close with her parents, practically the only people she'll really talk to. Her motto is; La vie est drôle, which means "Life truly is amusing." in French, another could be; Ask not the Sparrow how the Eagle Soars.. [b]Abilities:[/b] Even though she has no animal like traits on her form her physical traits make up for it. She does have sharper canines, better hearing/ sight/ smell/ touch/ taste, a lot better than humans. Her speed, and flexibility are one that is extremely hard to outmatch, Satsuki can climb about anything and she isn't afraid to either. She wields a Katana given to her by her father. It is called Secret Sword Bakuzan or just Bakuzan. It can cut almost anything, there is nothing that has ever been able to break Bakuzan, Bakuzan reaches about to Satsuki's waist, it is rather long but to Satsuki it feels as light as air, she has trained with it since she was a little girl. [img][/img] [img][/img] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]Xaron: [/b] [b]Name:[/b] Blue [b]Age: [/b]20 [b]Appearance:[/b] She has long legs but is rather normal on her build, with tan skin. Her hair is crimson red and fashioned into an enormous braid, that curls upward and to a point, serving as her scorpion tail. It's about as long as her body when flattened and as thick as her head. The school makes her wear an ugly plastic bag over the end. She wears a black and white button up and a black vest, with matching black jeans, to go nice looking but casual. Most days she wears a black fedora. [b]Descendant of:[/b] Dragon (Female) and Scorpio (Male) [b]Classes Taking:[/b] Gods' Meeting and Star Dancing [b]Personality: [/b]She's creative and social, and usually looks on the good side of things. She loves Star Dancing, but only because she wants to "paint" nebulas or "weave" galaxies. She is often avoided because of her fierce powers, but has a fair amount of friends. To people she doesn't like, her tongue can be as venomous as her tail. [b]Abilities:[/b] Think dragon with a scorpion tail, though Scorpio is more dominant in her. She can breath fire to an extent, but her venom is more powerful. [b]Name:[/b] Daito & Shoto [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appearance:[/b] Daito- Daito is the taller of the two, mainly because he took his fathers side and is half horse, otherwise known as a centaur. He has long, greased back black hair, with matching piebald on his lower half. He has light blue, almost white eyes, giving an eerie contrast against his hair. He's fairly tanned, with a muscular build. He wears a black button up with the sleeves rolled up, modified with white buttons. He has a sheath strapped around his waist with a beautiful white long sword. He has the powers of fire. Shoto- Shoto is a mermaid, taking on from her mothers side (Pisces is depicted as two fish. This is also the reason why there are twins). Her hair is also wavy and black, going down to her waist. She has the same light eyes, tanned skin, and muscular build as her brother. Her tail resembles a sharks, with a black daub. A large fin with the same pattern protrudes from her back, smaller fins just above her elbows. She has a white bra and white pearls adorning her arms, neck, and tail. She has a sheath on her waist with a long white knife. She has the powers of water. [b]Descendant of:[/b] Pisces (Mother) and Sagittarius (Father) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Reason they became a Spirit:[/b] Daito failed his classes, but Shoto kept in touch with him, and was later found out. They "share" followers, and together are worshipped as Daisho. [b]How long they've been one:[/b] 3 years [b]Worshipers so far:[/b] Enough that it's hard to get rid of all of them. However, they're not much of a threat. Shoto has a secret stash of followers just in case. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Xexoria: [/b] [b]Name:[/b] Kaisa [b]Age: [/b]18 [b]Appearance: [/b]Kaisa has pale skin and rosy cheeks. Her hair is curly, fluffy, long, and a pale auburn color. She has a light build and is very flexible. Her violet eyes are large and slanted with slitted pupils, giving her the ability to easily see in the dark. Though her limbs are longer than normal, she is still on the shorter side. Her everyday outfit consists of a white scarf, a bright yellow shirt, white jeans, and varying bright canvas sneakers. She has long, sharp, poisonous fangs which are usually covered with a golden cap. She also has a slight lisp ( which she hates). [b]Descendant of:[/b] The Snake (Female) and The Sheep (Male) [b]Classes Taking: [/b]Gods' Meeting and Spirit Anantomy [b]Personality:[/b] Kaisa is a quiet, artistic girl and is more of a follower than a leader. Though she may seem laid back, she gets angry easily and is self-conscious. She is intelligent, but usually gets bored in class, so she brings headphones every once in a while. She generally doesn't talk to people, so she only has a few friends. [b]Abilities:[/b] She is skillful, venomous (she barely uses this ability because she has to bite others), has good senses, and is quite strong and silent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Vermilionrocks: [/b] [img][/img] [u]Name:[/u] Wu Yan [u]Age: [/u]16 [u]Appearance:[/u] Left in pic. Her face is similar to a monkey and her hands are pretty manly. Her teeth are like that of a monkey. [u]Descendant of: [/u]The monkey (father) and Libra(mother) [u]Classes Taking: [/u]Gods' Meeting, Spirit Anatomy, Forbidden Worship [u]Personality:[/u] She's quite fussy. Because her mother was the goddess of the harvest, she is fairly well off in life and so far hasn't had to try to get what she wants, even for the descendant of a god. Two-faced, materialistic, quick to judge, insecure, interested in only self benefit. She's not stupid but also not against cheating her way through school. It takes a lot for her to start caring, but once she feels like she should get involved she won't let go and can get very competitive. [u]Likes: [/u]Peaches, bread, looking at swords spears and staffs, pranking people, generally being a batchhh-of-cookies. [u]Dislikes:[/u] People who can't just spit it out already! Lot's of homework, anything that isn't instant gratification. [u]Abilities:[/u] Strength and strong grip, can grow a really strong monkey tail, has a strong sense of whether someone is pulling her leg or not, quick-witted. [u]Name:[/u] Callisto Madison Carr Kinsey (goes by Callisto or Carr, does NOT go by Madison!! Call him that and it's an instant (-_____-*) from him.) [u]Age:[/u] 14 [u]Appearance: [/u]Right in pic. He's that kid who wears shirts that are too big even though they're size small... [u]Descendant of:[/u] Leo (mother) and Pisces (father) [u]Classes Taking: [/u]Gods' Meeting, Star Dancing, World's Perfection, Spirit Anatomy, Forbidden Worship. [u]Personality: [/u]Your stereotypical nerd, Carr is taking every class available. And overloading himself too! He's a first year student and it's hard taking a lot of classes at once; even though he studies hard he's still making B+'s and A-'s when he could have been a prodigy student with less classes. Most people seem to like him, yet feel sorry for him since he's so vulnerable looking. It'll be interesting to see where he goes as he progresses through the years. Can he live up to that proud, unbreakable image of his mother? Or will he continue to be a complete softie sweetheart like his father? [u]Likes: [/u]Astronomy (Star Dancing is actually the one class where he can get good grades because he has prior knowledge.) Politics, perfect stripes aka he doesn't like his hair too much, breakfast, swimming, flight dynamics, building tiny projects like model airplanes. [u]Dislikes:[/u] Brash and obnoxious people who yell just to talk, not having a plan and goal, people who can play an instrument because he's jealous. [u]Abilities: [/u]Venomous ear fins (they only work as a defense mechanism, but if he has to cover them in school he will.) Is good at debating but does it in the most... frilly, way possible. If someone is shouting he won't be able to retaliate. Work ethic is a notable point. Can lengthen and strengthen his nails into claws, and grow fangs, but it takes a lot out of him (the later way more than the former.) Can breathe underwater for about 30 minutes.[u][/u] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]RooibosInBlue:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Mira [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Appearance:[/b] The first thing you notice about Mira is her hair, which is bright apple red. It falls down to her mid-back with nice beachy waves and is very full. If her hair isn't down it'll be in a loose ponytail or a braid. Her skin is a a dark copper color and she has a beauty mark under her left eye. She's taller than most women, standing at 5'9" and broad, if not a little chubby, body. For clothes, she's received hand-me-downs and other alms from her worshipers, but nothing fancy. More often than not she just wears a loose-fitting halter top t-shirt and a pair of high-waisted shorts. She owns a more official outfit, but she saves that for special occasions. (Picture to come soon-ish) Descendant of: Sheep (mother) Cancer (father) [b]Personality: [/b]Mira is a very emotional woman, which fits more stereotypes than she would have wanted. In general, she tends to be happy and energetic, and is very quick to make friends with a large group of people. When she cares for someone, she can almost be smothering with affection and often times acts motherly. She constantly worries about the well-being of her friends, a characteristic from both her mother and her father. When someone she loves is in trouble, she will do anything and everything to help them and is a great person to turn to in times of trouble. Her willingness to commit herself completely to a person has made her fairly easy to deceive, as has her sympathy for sob stories. In recent years, she's become more calloused after being a spirit for so long, but she still enjoys listening to and helping others. [b]Reason they became a Spirit:[/b] When Mira was still in school, she always loved going down to Earth to examine how humans lived and their interactions with each other. During one of her trips down she met a spirit. Like any good girl, Mira was taught that Spirits were all evil and deceptive, so of course she tried as hard as she could to get away from the spirit, but she was very persuasive. Her name was Adelaide, and she once lived in Eden as well. She told Mira the story of how she became a spirit, and how the gods constantly came and erased the memories of her followers. Mira listened, and felt immensely sorry for the spirit. She secretly started going down to Earth more frequently, trying to get more worshipers for Adelaide, as well as to simply be there for the spirit. This, of course, did not bode well with the gods. When they discovered her aiding the spirit they were livid. They banished Mira to Earth to live as a spirit and focused their energy on Adelaide and ensuring that all of her worshipers lost their memories. After she fell to the underworld, Mira was left to fend for herself, trying to regain her spot in Eden. How long they've been one: 5 years [b]Worshipers so far:[/b] She's managed to get a fairly large amount of worshipers, due to the manner in which she's contacted them. Normally, she finds weak humans, humans that are dealing with a great deal of distress. Her first worshiper was a human about to commit suicide, that she convinced not to jump. Through her work, as well as word of mouth, humans often turn to her in times of need. The network she's developed has gotten large enough that it's harder and harder for the gods to erase her worshipers memories.
{Private! If you're interested though, you may sign up here: }



Name: Aric
Age: 19
Appearance: He has dark ram horns that tend to blend in with his hair. He wears formal clothes most of the time. They aren't fancy type things, like a suit, but a level lower than that.


Descendant of: The Tiger (Female) and Aries (Male)
Classes Taking: Gods' Meeting, and Worlds' Perfection
Personality: Though he may look like a shy little ram boy, he is anything but that. He takes on after his mother, a flirtatious and witty child. Aric has a constant need for adventure, and can't stand still for at least 2 minutes. He's pretty out there, and honestly; couldn't care less. Since he is his mother (The apple doesn't fall far from the tree), he can get a little 'wild'. Surprisingly enough, it takes a little more than a poke for him to snap. When he was younger he had serious anger issues as his mother did, but she helped him learn to calm it. Though, when he gets mad, he gets mad. You can expect a lot of chaos in just a short while. This is probably one of the only times you can tell he's the son of Aries (besides the horns).
Abilities: Aric has sharp feline like teeth, and is extremely agile. Having the agility of a tiger and a ram, there isn't anything he can't jump or climb. He has sharp claws, which he has to keep trimmed due to school rules. When's he ******, he can control the winds around him, but is short lived since the school would try to contain him and any other 'threats' to students.

Name: Keris
Age: 24
Appearance: She has the body of a regular human, but with red scales on the tip of her hands and feet. She first wore rags, but has received gifts from her worshipers, giving her intricate clothes and jewelry.


Descendant of: Scorpio (Female) and Snake (Male)
Personality: Keris' posture is that of a Queen. She has an extremely good mannered posture, and thinks highly of herself. Though her personality is rotten, and she's rude. She'd anything to get her revenge. Keris has A LOT of pride in herself, and the way she moves is well....snake like.
Reason they became a Spirit: Keris had strong poison, as she was born from two poisonous parents. She was agitated quickly if someone touched her or approached her suddenly. This resulted in the death of 7 students. Not only this, but she used to toy with humans, as she thought of them a little bit more than cattle. Hence the reason she was sent down to Earth, to depend on humans.
How long they've been one: She has been a Spirit for 6 years.
Worshipers so far: Keris has a small cult for now, as they hide in secrecy.


Name: October Akita Foo

Nickname: Toby, Aki, Akita, Foo

Age: 19

Appearance: October is five eleven, soft and long of feature with skin the color of maple syrup and eyes the color of honey. His hair is thickly curled, dyed dark magenta and flounces around his ears. There are always leaves and bits of forest debris nestled in it. Also nestled in it are antlers. Up until they fall off in late fall. They are in the 17 to 20 month growth phases and re grow every spring. These antlers are made out of bone and much to Toby’s dismay never come in velvet, when they become less sensitve he will carve them.(Go head ask about them. There is a reason he has antlers.) His ears come to sharp points and the dark brown fur tones of an akita. They are still his ears, they are still on the sides of his head not the top. His nails are significantly harder than most, the purple lacquer helps, they however are not sharp in fact they are blunted and curl in on his finger pads if he doesn’t file them or use them enough(which he does because man that would hurt). His teeth are dog teeth they are different than human teeth see Here. They are large, they can be scary they are not fangs.

October’s over all body type is that of a track athlete seeing as he spends a good 60-70% percent of his time running. If you don’t know what track athletes looks like, slender, flat stomach but not muscle bound, less than would be deemed as built they are more lanky and slender.

Cloths: He owns nicely tailored jackets but he doesn’t use them. For the most part he wears loose open cloths. A small shirtless vest like [This] and low cut girl’s flare jeans. WHY? They are easy to slip out of when you shift.

Other: He has a thin gold chain that loops from five holes long his left ear at the llobe a single elm leaf dangles.
His tongue is dark green and his blood is the color of amber.
Tatoos, lots of them but you will have to get him to undress for you to see them so I'm not going to waist time with it.

Descendant of: Shiba(Dog, Female) and Ares/Mars (Male)

Classes Taking: Star Dancing, God’s Meeting(majors) Spirit Anatomy, Forbidden Worship(Minors)

Personality: Whos ready to the puppy incarnate!!! Yeah no, sorry. He really his both his parent’s son. Though Deeply loyal and extremely social October is not a living puppy. He has a much wilder side to him and not in the sense of chaos. It’s not flying through the woods screaming at high energy either it’’s the shiver you get when you walk into the woods alone in autumn. It’s the windblow leaves rustling behind you like a closing door. It’s that Other you feel when taking an autumn stroll. He doesn’t show this side often but it is there, highly alert, curious, observing you.
Other than this, happy go lucky, adventurous, a little too physical(he really likes touch, a casual passing brush, a hand on your shoulder when he comes to say hello, the high fiver and movie snuggler). High energy and packing serious endurance October is always one for a walk, run or stroll outside regardless of the weather. In fact he talks walks daily regardless of what anyone has to say. Headstrong yet willing to listen, a team player and group mover. October does what needs to be done, he’s a free spirit favoring not tie himself to obligations

Abilities: Mostly Passive October has excellent, (like run across Canada in a couple months excellent), endurance. He also have heightened senses and a green thumb. Humans can’t lie to him. He is a fairly good a hunting and can shift into the form of an Akita...something went wrong with this though, probably his father’s blood. Occasionally when he attempts shifting if he is under extreme psychological distress he will turn into something like This instead. If you want him to go back to normal you are going to need to calm him down.
He is extremely good at picking up new skills though can only learn about six in a day.


Name: Satsuki Kiryuin

Age: 17

She has a rather pale complexion with sharp cut features. Her eyes are azure colored. She has raven colored hair that is cut short, it might sometimes seen a bit uneven, choppy. It is straight, with no layers. She cut it herself with Bakuzan, she used to have long hair and she cut as a symbol of how she was changing. She has narrow cut bangs. She is rather tall, taller than most people. She wears a very cold, distant expression most of the time, her thick eyebrows are a noticeable trait, her physical build is very willow but athletic and strong. She'll dress like a professional, usually in a dress, skirt and shirt, it often depends on her mood on how she dresses. She dresses in a lot of white, blue or other colors. She usually wears either a white collared button up shirt with black jeans and tight fitted ankle boots, or a dress with tights and flats or boots or something else. She wears thin layered clothing, its extremely hard for her to get cold or hot shes rather in between.

Descendant of: The Tiger (Male) and Virgo (Female)

Classes Taking: God's Meeting, World's Perfection, Spirit Anatomy, and Forbidden Worship.

Personality: A calm, cold demeanor describes Satsuki perfectly. She rarely loses her cool, she has a strong sense of judgement and resolve. She displays a cold, blank expression, she calm and collected, she ignores a lot of people, choosing to through her time into studying and making it to the top of her class. Its hard to get her annoyed or angry, if someone does they'll most likely end up in the hospital and thats her being nice. Satsuki Kiryiun doesn't play by the rules and she isn't fair. Its a harsh world out there and she has an iron will and a sword to challenge the world she lives in. Its hard to get her upset much less angry, she keeps her cool most of the time. Shes close with her parents, practically the only people she'll really talk to. Her motto is; La vie est drôle, which means "Life truly is amusing." in French, another could be; Ask not the Sparrow how the Eagle Soars..

Abilities: Even though she has no animal like traits on her form her physical traits make up for it. She does have sharper canines, better hearing/ sight/ smell/ touch/ taste, a lot better than humans. Her speed, and flexibility are one that is extremely hard to outmatch, Satsuki can climb about anything and she isn't afraid to either. She wields a Katana given to her by her father. It is called Secret Sword Bakuzan or just Bakuzan. It can cut almost anything, there is nothing that has ever been able to break Bakuzan, Bakuzan reaches about to Satsuki's waist, it is rather long but to Satsuki it feels as light as air, she has trained with it since she was a little girl.




Name: Blue
Age: 20
Appearance: She has long legs but is rather normal on her build, with tan skin. Her hair is crimson red and fashioned into an enormous braid, that curls upward and to a point, serving as her scorpion tail. It's about as long as her body when flattened and as thick as her head. The school makes her wear an ugly plastic bag over the end. She wears a black and white button up and a black vest, with matching black jeans, to go nice looking but casual. Most days she wears a black fedora.
Descendant of: Dragon (Female) and Scorpio (Male)
Classes Taking: Gods' Meeting and Star Dancing
Personality: She's creative and social, and usually looks on the good side of things. She loves Star Dancing, but only because she wants to "paint" nebulas or "weave" galaxies. She is often avoided because of her fierce powers, but has a fair amount of friends. To people she doesn't like, her tongue can be as venomous as her tail.
Abilities: Think dragon with a scorpion tail, though Scorpio is more dominant in her. She can breath fire to an extent, but her venom is more powerful.

Name: Daito & Shoto

Age: 21

Daito- Daito is the taller of the two, mainly because he took his fathers side and is half horse, otherwise known as a centaur. He has long, greased back black hair, with matching piebald on his lower half. He has light blue, almost white eyes, giving an eerie contrast against his hair. He's fairly tanned, with a muscular build. He wears a black button up with the sleeves rolled up, modified with white buttons. He has a sheath strapped around his waist with a beautiful white long sword. He has the powers of fire.
Shoto- Shoto is a mermaid, taking on from her mothers side (Pisces is depicted as two fish. This is also the reason why there are twins). Her hair is also wavy and black, going down to her waist. She has the same light eyes, tanned skin, and muscular build as her brother. Her tail resembles a sharks, with a black daub. A large fin with the same pattern protrudes from her back, smaller fins just above her elbows. She has a white bra and white pearls adorning her arms, neck, and tail. She has a sheath on her waist with a long white knife. She has the powers of water.

Descendant of: Pisces (Mother) and Sagittarius (Father)


Reason they became a Spirit: Daito failed his classes, but Shoto kept in touch with him, and was later found out. They "share" followers, and together are worshipped as Daisho.

How long they've been one: 3 years

Worshipers so far: Enough that it's hard to get rid of all of them. However, they're not much of a threat. Shoto has a secret stash of followers just in case.


Name: Kaisa
Age: 18
Appearance: Kaisa has pale skin and rosy cheeks. Her hair is curly, fluffy, long, and a pale auburn color. She has a light build and is very flexible. Her violet eyes are large and slanted with slitted pupils, giving her the ability to easily see in the dark. Though her limbs are longer than normal, she is still on the shorter side. Her everyday outfit consists of a white scarf, a bright yellow shirt, white jeans, and varying bright canvas sneakers. She has long, sharp, poisonous fangs which are usually covered with a golden cap. She also has a slight lisp ( which she hates).
Descendant of: The Snake (Female) and The Sheep (Male)
Classes Taking: Gods' Meeting and Spirit Anantomy
Personality: Kaisa is a quiet, artistic girl and is more of a follower than a leader. Though she may seem laid back, she gets angry easily and is self-conscious. She is intelligent, but usually gets bored in class, so she brings headphones every once in a while. She generally doesn't talk to people, so she only has a few friends.
Abilities: She is skillful, venomous (she barely uses this ability because she has to bite others), has good senses, and is quite strong and silent.



Name: Wu Yan
Age: 16
Appearance: Left in pic. Her face is similar to a monkey and her hands are pretty manly. Her teeth are like that of a monkey.
Descendant of: The monkey (father) and Libra(mother)
Classes Taking: Gods' Meeting, Spirit Anatomy, Forbidden Worship
Personality: She's quite fussy. Because her mother was the goddess of the harvest, she is fairly well off in life and so far hasn't had to try to get what she wants, even for the descendant of a god. Two-faced, materialistic, quick to judge, insecure, interested in only self benefit. She's not stupid but also not against cheating her way through school. It takes a lot for her to start caring, but once she feels like she should get involved she won't let go and can get very competitive.
Likes: Peaches, bread, looking at swords spears and staffs, pranking people, generally being a batchhh-of-cookies.
Dislikes: People who can't just spit it out already! Lot's of homework, anything that isn't instant gratification.
Abilities: Strength and strong grip, can grow a really strong monkey tail, has a strong sense of whether someone is pulling her leg or not, quick-witted.

Name: Callisto Madison Carr Kinsey (goes by Callisto or Carr, does NOT go by Madison!! Call him that and it's an instant (-_____-*) from him.)
Age: 14
Appearance: Right in pic. He's that kid who wears shirts that are too big even though they're size small...
Descendant of: Leo (mother) and Pisces (father)
Classes Taking: Gods' Meeting, Star Dancing, World's Perfection, Spirit Anatomy, Forbidden Worship.
Personality: Your stereotypical nerd, Carr is taking every class available. And overloading himself too! He's a first year student and it's hard taking a lot of classes at once; even though he studies hard he's still making B+'s and A-'s when he could have been a prodigy student with less classes. Most people seem to like him, yet feel sorry for him since he's so vulnerable looking. It'll be interesting to see where he goes as he progresses through the years. Can he live up to that proud, unbreakable image of his mother? Or will he continue to be a complete softie sweetheart like his father?
Likes: Astronomy (Star Dancing is actually the one class where he can get good grades because he has prior knowledge.) Politics, perfect stripes aka he doesn't like his hair too much, breakfast, swimming, flight dynamics, building tiny projects like model airplanes.
Dislikes: Brash and obnoxious people who yell just to talk, not having a plan and goal, people who can play an instrument because he's jealous.
Abilities: Venomous ear fins (they only work as a defense mechanism, but if he has to cover them in school he will.) Is good at debating but does it in the most... frilly, way possible. If someone is shouting he won't be able to retaliate. Work ethic is a notable point. Can lengthen and strengthen his nails into claws, and grow fangs, but it takes a lot out of him (the later way more than the former.) Can breathe underwater for about 30 minutes.


Name: Mira
Age: 23
Appearance: The first thing you notice about Mira is her hair, which is bright apple red. It falls down to her mid-back with nice beachy waves and is very full. If her hair isn't down it'll be in a loose ponytail or a braid. Her skin is a a dark copper color and she has a beauty mark under her left eye. She's taller than most women, standing at 5'9" and broad, if not a little chubby, body. For clothes, she's received hand-me-downs and other alms from her worshipers, but nothing fancy. More often than not she just wears a loose-fitting halter top t-shirt and a pair of high-waisted shorts. She owns a more official outfit, but she saves that for special occasions. (Picture to come soon-ish)
Descendant of: Sheep (mother) Cancer (father)
Personality: Mira is a very emotional woman, which fits more stereotypes than she would have wanted. In general, she tends to be happy and energetic, and is very quick to make friends with a large group of people. When she cares for someone, she can almost be smothering with affection and often times acts motherly. She constantly worries about the well-being of her friends, a characteristic from both her mother and her father. When someone she loves is in trouble, she will do anything and everything to help them and is a great person to turn to in times of trouble. Her willingness to commit herself completely to a person has made her fairly easy to deceive, as has her sympathy for sob stories. In recent years, she's become more calloused after being a spirit for so long, but she still enjoys listening to and helping others.
Reason they became a Spirit: When Mira was still in school, she always loved going down to Earth to examine how humans lived and their interactions with each other. During one of her trips down she met a spirit. Like any good girl, Mira was taught that Spirits were all evil and deceptive, so of course she tried as hard as she could to get away from the spirit, but she was very persuasive. Her name was Adelaide, and she once lived in Eden as well. She told Mira the story of how she became a spirit, and how the gods constantly came and erased the memories of her followers. Mira listened, and felt immensely sorry for the spirit. She secretly started going down to Earth more frequently, trying to get more worshipers for Adelaide, as well as to simply be there for the spirit. This, of course, did not bode well with the gods. When they discovered her aiding the spirit they were livid. They banished Mira to Earth to live as a spirit and focused their energy on Adelaide and ensuring that all of her worshipers lost their memories. After she fell to the underworld, Mira was left to fend for herself, trying to regain her spot in Eden.
How long they've been one: 5 years
Worshipers so far: She's managed to get a fairly large amount of worshipers, due to the manner in which she's contacted them. Normally, she finds weak humans, humans that are dealing with a great deal of distress. Her first worshiper was a human about to commit suicide, that she convinced not to jump. Through her work, as well as word of mouth, humans often turn to her in times of need. The network she's developed has gotten large enough that it's harder and harder for the gods to erase her worshipers memories.

