I am giving away free babies. Donations are always welcome because I want many people on FR to have babies that might interest them with no cost! I do not hold onto babies because I don't have room.
All will be unnamed because I want you to give a name that you like. When you adopt all will have a small bio saying thanks and other things.
If you are planning on exalting them I would like you to send them back because that is just plain rude to do that to a dragon and a baby dragon.
If I find out that you have exalted one of the dergs or babies I will permanently take you off my ping list.
All babies will have its description so that you can look at it on the forum and not waste your time looking for it in my dragon lair.
When dragons are reserved I wait about 2-3 days, I wait a week when I post them on the forum unless they are adults.
If any dergs are left over I train them up and try and sell them but then because I can't hold onto them forever, I do the worst thing ever, exalt them. That's why I do this so I don't have to. So please if you have any room, take one and give it out to a newbie later.
Please ping me if you would like to receive a baby and I’ll answer back as soon as I can. I will put up a ping list so when I put more babies up for adoption. Just ask nicely please. You can also friend me for first view before I post it because I might be behind. Thank you, Violet.
Ping list: @Myndris @Vampyre1031 @Blackspire @Crapricornius @GarryValencia @Lykantos @KaminooniSeika @GoldenWaffles908 @Sysali @Dragonation @Tyzias @Bumpsly @Jessister @ganymedeic @Eliuee @Miva @Phoenixwings @Stella3128@LadySprite@SilentSinss@PhoenixFire36@NashiraNeko
People who get early notice. @LadySprite
Ping me for these babies

Primary:Ice Piebald
Secondary:Lead Toxin
Tertiary:Cornflower Okapi
All will be unnamed because I want you to give a name that you like. When you adopt all will have a small bio saying thanks and other things.
If you are planning on exalting them I would like you to send them back because that is just plain rude to do that to a dragon and a baby dragon.
If I find out that you have exalted one of the dergs or babies I will permanently take you off my ping list.
All babies will have its description so that you can look at it on the forum and not waste your time looking for it in my dragon lair.
When dragons are reserved I wait about 2-3 days, I wait a week when I post them on the forum unless they are adults.
If any dergs are left over I train them up and try and sell them but then because I can't hold onto them forever, I do the worst thing ever, exalt them. That's why I do this so I don't have to. So please if you have any room, take one and give it out to a newbie later.
Please ping me if you would like to receive a baby and I’ll answer back as soon as I can. I will put up a ping list so when I put more babies up for adoption. Just ask nicely please. You can also friend me for first view before I post it because I might be behind. Thank you, Violet.
Ping list: @Myndris @Vampyre1031 @Blackspire @Crapricornius @GarryValencia @Lykantos @KaminooniSeika @GoldenWaffles908 @Sysali @Dragonation @Tyzias @Bumpsly @Jessister @ganymedeic @Eliuee @Miva @Phoenixwings @Stella3128@LadySprite@SilentSinss@PhoenixFire36@NashiraNeko
People who get early notice. @LadySprite
Ping me for these babies

Primary:Ice Piebald
Secondary:Lead Toxin
Tertiary:Cornflower Okapi
This is like a Nursery. I have baby dergs and dergs. http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2307579 all dragons who are adopted now will say this. ->Thank you for adopting me! I can't wait to do so many things with you and my new family. Let's go many places! My old owner says if you wanted me leveled up she'll level me up for free.