Hello! I have decided that i don't care as much for making money as I do about giving my hatchlings to homes that will not exalt them!
Food/money/non-dragon donations are welcome and appreciated, but it's not too important!
Notice: I am currently trying to gene up my newest pair, I really appreciate any treasure or gems, or really anything you can send my way. I'm doing my best to bring you super pretty hatchlings!
Onto the dragons!
Food/money/non-dragon donations are welcome and appreciated, but it's not too important!
Notice: I am currently trying to gene up my newest pair, I really appreciate any treasure or gems, or really anything you can send my way. I'm doing my best to bring you super pretty hatchlings!
Onto the dragons!
Next nest: Coatls - Nest 1
Nest after that: New Fae/imperial Nest
This nest: Donations! (TravelingDan) , Spiral / Pearlcatcher - Drunken Daze Nest , New Fae Nest of Growing Life
I write each dragon a description, including parents and a nickname/title/whatever.
I also send along a little surprise for you!
I also send along a little surprise for you!
(The Dragons Are Not Named, nickname is written in the description along with their nest information and my name)
Currently available:
2.) Male (nicknamed Sunbleached Soils / Umber Pastimes)

3.) Male (nicknamed Wildberry / Plum Preserves aka Rhubarb Pie)

4.) Male : (nicknamed Fields of Farrow / Blissful Blooms)

Pinglist? Pinging you for new dragons!, let me know if you don't want to be pinged or if you want to be pinged for a specific nest or anything!
@ mistyVolcano
@Obnoxiious - Nocturnes and Spirals
@RivaHakushia - None, at the moment
@leahhh - Coatls
@Hannahcolburn - Coatls
@Mesh - Coatls
@mauvehouseplant - wildclaw
@22tabby - SkyDancers, WildClaws, and Imperials
@Dr3amCather2000 - guardian dragons, pearl catchers, coatl males
@ YuuZombie - skydancers, coatls, imps
@ deadlonelyworld - Mirrors
@ Saltmaker
@ AWB - plentiful breeds only!
@ Turnoroid - Male Imperials and Male Mirrors
@ GalaxyTiger
@ Erzdrache - Nocturnes and Wildclaws
@ FinickFeather - None!
@ Officiallysun - Coatls
@ Darkangelbea
@ Quinineer - coatls
@ EfuRemmie - Pearlcatchers
@ Elizabell
@ toodlesmcdoodles
@ Marie54474 - Perfect Final Nest
@ Alithium8 - Natural Coatls Nest
@ Jufnaty - None!
@ CayCay
@ dragonworld
@ Meowruff
@ AuthorEvelyn - None!
@ Twighlight - spirals, imperials, faes, tundras, or skydancers
@ VoidDeluz
@ Rivera - Nocturnes, imperials
@ SpiderLondon - Bogsneaks and Wildclaws
@ StormDragon21 -Male Coatl and Female Snapper
@ LynxYnx
@ Umbramatic - none right now!
@ Evilie
@ UnityBringer
@ Tonks19
@ RestlessParadox
@ morpheme - coatls, nocturnes, imperials and skydancers
@ Sheratan
@ WolfBlossom
@ Siouxsie
@ Meda
@ Marquell -Coatls
@ VolcanicBaguette - Coatls!
@ Kristan - No Fae!
@ rosebunny
@ Sylviana
@ CollecterofDregs - Forest Elders and The Blues