Scribes have long sought more information and stories about the Shade and the ancient world, longing to prove or disprove the myths that have spread into modern children's stories and history. Exploring ancient sites, hunting down scraps of paper barely legible, seeking out the oldest and wisest of beings...
Now one such ancient site has been discovered buried off the cliffs of the Sundial Terrace. Dragons have been called in from all over to help excavate the site and flocks of scholars have arrived to catalog and oversee every aspect. Perhaps buried within the site lies untold secrets of the Shade and the events that occurred in the ancient past...?
June 26th - July 9th
July 10th all participants in the raffle will be pinged. July 10th to July 13th you'll need to let us know if we missed anything and we will ensure that you get your tickets. Anything after July 13th will be too late!
On July 13th we will draw all winners via Random.org and a browser-sharing program to keep everything public.
Winners will send in their prize preferences in lots of 10, this way everyone will know their placement in the winner list but not have to send in prize choices of 30+ packs.
You can find acceptor status, ticket worth of items, ticket entry, and total sum of tickets for each person here!
You can sign up for my pinglists here! I have one that I will ping at the start of each of my holiday raffles and one that will be pinged when the second week has started, which will include the beginning of the second week’s costume party.
If at any time you want to remove yourself from the pinglist, ping or PM me and I will do so!
The host of this scribbled madness! I am the go-to for any questions, problems, or concerns you have. Just like acceptors I will accept any and all items sent into the raffle!
These are the dragon clans who are assisting in the findings! They accept any and all items that you send in and will record them just like the host can.