[b]Hello! Welcome to the greatest continuous game raffle of FL![/b]
Every week there will be a new game posted in which you can win a dragon and all you have to do to win is play!
-On Hold while I figure out school! Be back soon, promise.-
Each week there will be 1 dragon prize and 2 other prizes handed out. How they are handed out will depend on that week's game. Some games will be based on random chance- others will be based on skill or artistry.
There is also a raffle held for money below. It has a slightly better prize but the tickets cost money.They also help support the games and their host. :)
If you have any questions at any time about a game, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them as best I can.
Read below to find out what this week's game is![/center]
Hello! Welcome to the greatest continuous game raffle of FL!
Every week there will be a new game posted in which you can win a dragon and all you have to do to win is play!
-On Hold while I figure out school! Be back soon, promise.-
Each week there will be 1 dragon prize and 2 other prizes handed out. How they are handed out will depend on that week's game. Some games will be based on random chance- others will be based on skill or artistry.
There is also a raffle held for money below. It has a slightly better prize but the tickets cost money.They also help support the games and their host. :)
If you have any questions at any time about a game, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them as best I can.
[center][b]This Week's Prizes[/b]
The one winner may pick one of the following three-
Courtesy of [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drt/1371291#post_1371291]The Orphanage[/url]
The other prizes this week are
[item=shock bolt]+[item=lightning runestone]
[item=zephyr bolt]+[item=wind runestone]
Once you have received your prize(including the dragon) you may do with it as you wish (including exalt it).[/center]
[b]Bump Prizes![/b]
I'm going to also offer bump prizes! These tickets will not go toward the weekly prizes but will be silly prizes, one given out per 10 bumps(One person may only have up to 3 bumps per round). I won't post what the next one is but I will post a record of the ones that have been given out.
I will count all answers posted as bumps!
[u]Previous Bump Prizes-[/u]
[item=muckbottom shell]x25 [item=wildwood moss]x30 [item=Hardy Antler]x20 [item=bottled bones]x15 & [item=enchanted remains]x10 [item=Strangling vine]x50[item=sand]x20
Bump Prizes!
I'm going to also offer bump prizes! These tickets will not go toward the weekly prizes but will be silly prizes, one given out per 10 bumps(One person may only have up to 3 bumps per round). I won't post what the next one is but I will post a record of the ones that have been given out.
I will count all answers posted as bumps!
Previous Bump Prizes-
Muckbottom Shell
May be ground into a rough pigment.
Wildwood Moss
Some moss took a lichen to a tree. (Special thanks meenahray.)
Hardy Antler
It is said that despite the fragility of the creature they were connected to, a Crimson Emperor's antlers do not decompose.
Bottled Bones
This is the kind of thing that you'd find in the back room of your local magic shop.
x15 &
Enchanted Remains
Perfectly preserved... forever.
Strangling Vine
Moving through a patch of these vines is a slow process.
Minerals & Ores
Some dragons ingest sand to soothe an upset stomach, others build castles with it.
+2 FR Time
If you would like to donate prizes, goodies or dragons to the gaming cause, the Great Game Challenge would be happy to accept! Item or money donations can be sent via message or CR and will be used for the purpose of the raffle, to make it more fun for everyone. However, due to lair space you may be asked to hold dragon donations, at least for a while.
Do you have a suggestion for a game? A theme? A marketing campaign? Make a suggestion! Please send suggestions through pm so we can discuss things if I have questions without crowding up the thread.
Pinglists-(Just ask! All participants will be added to a results pinglist for their game)
Daily Reminder Pinglist-
New Game Pinglist-
@Wolfnekku @DeathWhisper
If you would like to donate prizes, goodies or dragons to the gaming cause, the Great Game Challenge would be happy to accept! Item or money donations can be sent via message or CR and will be used for the purpose of the raffle, to make it more fun for everyone. However, due to lair space you may be asked to hold dragon donations, at least for a while.
Do you have a suggestion for a game? A theme? A marketing campaign? Make a suggestion! Please send suggestions through pm so we can discuss things if I have questions without crowding up the thread.
Pinglists-(Just ask! All participants will be added to a results pinglist for their game)
Daily Reminder Pinglist-
New Game Pinglist-
@Wolfnekku @DeathWhisper
@roseangel2 I'd like to enter :)
3 tickets so far, messaged you x
I'm super super SUPER technologically challenged so I can't screenshot anything BUT I have many fandom dragons, do each count as tickets or is it only once?
I'm super super SUPER technologically challenged so I can't screenshot anything BUT I have many fandom dragons, do each count as tickets or is it only once?