[right][size=2]Banner created by the talented [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=view&id=47189&tab=userpage]PoisonedPaper[/url]![/size][/right]
Another Brightshine Jubilee had come and gone, and once again Sornieth seemed a little brighter for it.
"The land may [i]look[/i] brighter, but it doesn't seem as though the dragons themselves have gotten any brighter," grumbled an old Spiral as she sipped a cup of tea and peered at some of her clanmates below her perch.
"Aw, [i]lighten[/i] up will you?" came a giggling voice from over her shoulder.
Tsuki jumped and whirled around, coming face-to-face with the offending Wildclaw and sending her a withering glare. Those Wind dragons had always been far too careless and carefree for her tastes, and Flair's choice of attire wasn't helping Tsuki's opinion of her either.
Tsuki didn't dignify the Wildclaw's quip with an answer, opting instead for a simple "harumph!" and turning her gaze back to the view of the lair below. Flair, annoyingly enough for the Spiral, didn't seemed phased by the unfriendliness and merely chose to settle beside her. "Just because we aren't up to your standards as far as [i]brightness[/i] goes doesn't mean we aren't [i]enlightened[/i] in our own way," Flair said as she poked Tsuki with her Solar Blades.
"I don't trust anything that comes out of the maw of a [i]silly Wind dragon[/i]," Tsuki retornted, scooting further away from the Wildclaw. "I'll believe that you lot are smarter when I see it, though I already know that you aren't too bright."
Flair stared the old Spiral down with a mischievous gleam in her eye. "Challenge accepted."
Another Brightshine Jubilee had come and gone, and once again Sornieth seemed a little brighter for it.
"The land may
look brighter, but it doesn't seem as though the dragons themselves have gotten any brighter," grumbled an old Spiral as she sipped a cup of tea and peered at some of her clanmates below her perch.
lighten up will you?" came a giggling voice from over her shoulder.
Tsuki jumped and whirled around, coming face-to-face with the offending Wildclaw and sending her a withering glare. Those Wind dragons had always been far too careless and carefree for her tastes, and Flair's choice of attire wasn't helping Tsuki's opinion of her either.
Tsuki didn't dignify the Wildclaw's quip with an answer, opting instead for a simple "harumph!" and turning her gaze back to the view of the lair below. Flair, annoyingly enough for the Spiral, didn't seemed phased by the unfriendliness and merely chose to settle beside her. "Just because we aren't up to your standards as far as
brightness goes doesn't mean we aren't
enlightened in our own way," Flair said as she poked Tsuki with her Solar Blades.
"I don't trust anything that comes out of the maw of a
silly Wind dragon," Tsuki retornted, scooting further away from the Wildclaw. "I'll believe that you lot are smarter when I see it, though I already know that you aren't too bright."
Flair stared the old Spiral down with a mischievous gleam in her eye. "Challenge accepted."
[center][size=5][b]The Old Dragon Collector's Association's
Sixth Apparel Contest[/b][/size][/center]
Hello, and welcome to the Old Dragon Collector Association's sixth apparel contest: The Enlightened Edition! The contest is now open for entries and will close at the end of [u]Friday, July 3rd[/u] (so at 23:59 FR time). The judges will take time to score each contestant, and then we will announce the winners sometime on [u]the Monday the 6th[/u].
[color=goldenrod]The dragons of Light flight are known to be scholars and seekers of truth, so this time we'd like to see your wisest, most scholarly-looking dragons! What exactly constitutes a scholarly dragon, you ask? Well, that's up to your own interpretation! Be as creative as you want with it, and remember that you can always use the Character aspect to explain your thinking.[/color]
The judges ([url=http://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/29678]benalene[/url], [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/4062]Lexreon[/url], and [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/13824]Stormflight[/url]) will be judging based on 6 criteria:
[*] [b]character (writing/art) [/b] – You can write about anything you want--perhaps regarding why you chose the apparel you did or describing your dragon’s character; it can be in prose, poem, RP format from the dragon’s perspective or otherwise, any way you want!
[*] [b]fit to theme[/b] – After all, this [i]is[/i] a light-themed contest!
[*] [b]outfit coordination[/b] – While fashion disasters are hilarious, they have their place (which isn’t here)
[*] [b]originality/creativity[/b] – Creativity is important, and sometimes the seemingly unconventional approach is the once that wins people over
[*] [b]apparel layering[/b] – We wanna see you masterfully layer that apparel and make your dragon look snazzy
[*] [b]simple vs. overdone[/b] – That being said, things shouldn’t be [i]so[/i] over-the-top that they’re borderline ridiculous, ne? You can be as elaborate as you want, of course, but stay tasteful~
[size=4][b][u]IMPORTANT NOTES:[/u][/b][/size]
[*] Since this [i]is[/i] and ODCA event, there will be an age restriction for entries. Dragons entered into the contest must have been [b]born on June 28th of 2014 or earlier[/b] (in other words, [b]they should be at least one year old[/b])
[*] Accents are allowed, but [b]skins are a no-no[/b] for this contest! Partial skins (accents that covered more than 30% and had to be printed with a skin blueprint) are okay as long as they don't cover up the majority of the dragon (i.e. people should still roughly be able to see the dragon's colors just by looking at it).
[*] For clarification, dragons can be any element! The only thing that matters is age.
[*] You are allowed to edit any posts you make up until the contest closes.
[*] You may enter the same dragon into different/consecutive contests.
[*] You may enter more than one dragon if you wish, but you can only win once per contest. This does not disqualify you from winning in subsequent contests--you just can't, say, win both 1st [i]and[/i] 2nd place in one particular contest.
[*] This contest is NOT only limited to members of the ODCA--anyone who wishes may join in on the fun!
[*] If you would like to know how you placed (assuming you weren't in one of the top three), feel free to shoot me a PM asking about it! I can tell you your placing among the entire field.
[*] [i]I'll add more things here as they come up[/i]
The Old Dragon Collector's Association's
Sixth Apparel Contest
Hello, and welcome to the Old Dragon Collector Association's sixth apparel contest: The Enlightened Edition! The contest is now open for entries and will close at the end of
Friday, July 3rd (so at 23:59 FR time). The judges will take time to score each contestant, and then we will announce the winners sometime on
the Monday the 6th.
The dragons of Light flight are known to be scholars and seekers of truth, so this time we'd like to see your wisest, most scholarly-looking dragons! What exactly constitutes a scholarly dragon, you ask? Well, that's up to your own interpretation! Be as creative as you want with it, and remember that you can always use the Character aspect to explain your thinking.
The judges (
Lexreon, and
Stormflight) will be judging based on 6 criteria:
- character (writing/art) – You can write about anything you want--perhaps regarding why you chose the apparel you did or describing your dragon’s character; it can be in prose, poem, RP format from the dragon’s perspective or otherwise, any way you want!
- fit to theme – After all, this is a light-themed contest!
- outfit coordination – While fashion disasters are hilarious, they have their place (which isn’t here)
- originality/creativity – Creativity is important, and sometimes the seemingly unconventional approach is the once that wins people over
- apparel layering – We wanna see you masterfully layer that apparel and make your dragon look snazzy
- simple vs. overdone – That being said, things shouldn’t be so over-the-top that they’re borderline ridiculous, ne? You can be as elaborate as you want, of course, but stay tasteful~
- Since this is and ODCA event, there will be an age restriction for entries. Dragons entered into the contest must have been born on June 28th of 2014 or earlier (in other words, they should be at least one year old)
- Accents are allowed, but skins are a no-no for this contest! Partial skins (accents that covered more than 30% and had to be printed with a skin blueprint) are okay as long as they don't cover up the majority of the dragon (i.e. people should still roughly be able to see the dragon's colors just by looking at it).
- For clarification, dragons can be any element! The only thing that matters is age.
- You are allowed to edit any posts you make up until the contest closes.
- You may enter the same dragon into different/consecutive contests.
- You may enter more than one dragon if you wish, but you can only win once per contest. This does not disqualify you from winning in subsequent contests--you just can't, say, win both 1st and 2nd place in one particular contest.
- This contest is NOT only limited to members of the ODCA--anyone who wishes may join in on the fun!
- If you would like to know how you placed (assuming you weren't in one of the top three), feel free to shoot me a PM asking about it! I can tell you your placing among the entire field.
- I'll add more things here as they come up
[size=5][b]HOW TO ENTER[/b][/size]
Please list:
[*] Your dragon's name and ID#
[*] Your username and ID#
[*] An image of your dragon (if the image you post is not a static image, please remember not to change apparel/accents in the middle of the contest!)
[*] A list of the names of the apparel items the dragon is wearing
[*] The name (and number) of the accent the dragon is wearing (if applicable)
[*] And a short little blurb for the Character aspect of the contest
It doesn't have to look exactly like this (and you don't necessarily need to put your entry in a quote box either), but here's an example entry just in case you wanted one~
[quote=Example Entry]
Kamal (#57990) owned by Stormflight (#13824)
[b]Apparel:[/b] Companion Comet, Pink Highnoon Hank, Red Fedora, Raider Helm, Whisperer's Cowl, Violet Deepsea Bulb, Sunguard Chest, Scarlet Satin Tunic, Chestnut Feathered Wings, Magmatic Pauldrons, Dented Iron Tail Cuffs, Purple Birdskull Wingpiece
[b]Accent:[/b] Stoneswept Arabesque (#7316)
[center][i]Kamal's fashion sense is too divine for mere mortals to understand. Kneel before him and weep, you peasants![/i][/center]
[size=2]Sidenote: [i]Please[/i] don't let your dragons emulate Kamal when they get dressed up...[/size]
I will be keeping track of entries in the fifth post of this thread, but please be patient if the post isn't updated quickly!
Please list:
- Your dragon's name and ID#
- Your username and ID#
- An image of your dragon (if the image you post is not a static image, please remember not to change apparel/accents in the middle of the contest!)
- A list of the names of the apparel items the dragon is wearing
- The name (and number) of the accent the dragon is wearing (if applicable)
- And a short little blurb for the Character aspect of the contest
It doesn't have to look exactly like this (and you don't necessarily need to put your entry in a quote box either), but here's an example entry just in case you wanted one~
Example Entry wrote:

Kamal (#57990) owned by Stormflight (#13824)
Apparel: Companion Comet, Pink Highnoon Hank, Red Fedora, Raider Helm, Whisperer's Cowl, Violet Deepsea Bulb, Sunguard Chest, Scarlet Satin Tunic, Chestnut Feathered Wings, Magmatic Pauldrons, Dented Iron Tail Cuffs, Purple Birdskull Wingpiece
Accent: Stoneswept Arabesque (#7316)
Kamal's fashion sense is too divine for mere mortals to understand. Kneel before him and weep, you peasants!
Sidenote: Please don't let your dragons emulate Kamal when they get dressed up...
I will be keeping track of entries in the fifth post of this thread, but please be patient if the post isn't updated quickly!
Should you win, we have several prizes for you to choose from!
[b]Clarification:[/b] Though there are [u][i]5 prizes[/i][/u] listed here, there will only be [u][i]3 winners[/i][/u]. The reason there are more prizes than winners is so each winner has a chance to choose what they want instead of feeling like they just get whatever's left over. ^_^
[center][size=5][b]THE DRAGONS[/b][/size][/center]
Fiore, #189071, Light
July 17th, 2013
11 offspring (all unnamed)
Gen 2/3[/quote]
Bloedbad, #465264, Arcane
August 23rd, 2013
29 offspring, all named
Gen 3/5, XYX[/quote]
Unnamed, #466257, Nature
August 23rd, 2013
Gen 3/5[/quote]
[center][size=5][b]THE ITEMS[/b][/size][/center]
[quote][center][item=amberglow chest] [item=faerielight chest] [item=sunbeam ursa][/quote]
[quote][center][item=gold filigree helmet] [item=gold filigree gauntlets] [item=gold filigree banner] [item=gold filigree breastplate]
[item=gold filigree boots] [item=gold filigree wing guard] [item=gold filigree tail guard][/quote]
Should you win, we have several prizes for you to choose from!
Clarification: Though there are
5 prizes listed here, there will only be
3 winners. The reason there are more prizes than winners is so each winner has a chance to choose what they want instead of feeling like they just get whatever's left over. ^_^

Fiore, #189071, Light
July 17th, 2013
11 offspring (all unnamed)
Gen 2/3

Bloedbad, #465264, Arcane
August 23rd, 2013
29 offspring, all named
Gen 3/5, XYX

Unnamed, #466257, Nature
August 23rd, 2013
Gen 3/5
[*] Celeste (#3676630) owned by Chocoli (#53634), page 1
[*] Capaneus (#141138) owned by Phaedra (#22470), page 1
[*] Cobalt (#2630670) owned by Defiance (28676), page 2
[*] Hrair (#4206950) owned by SparkyLurkdragon (#90189), page 2
[*] Gardener (#850258) owned by LadyBrandson (#29492), page 2
[*] SeptHeures (#4080440) owned by Butzefrau (#80310), page 2
[*] Huang (#3924675) owned by Butzefrau (#80310), page 2
[*] Eos (#960871) owned by eriophora (#111421), page 2
[*] Eternity (#208229) owned by Astraya (#71364), page 2
[*] Pythagoras (#2641138) owned by Clash (#11579), page 2
[*] Aragorn (#949280) owned by Melodious (#36284), page 3
[*] Glory (#890759) owned by Narif (#15402), page 3
[*] Haldir (#351041) owned by Narif (#15402), page 3
[*] Fruma (#5624) owned by Junipa (#5894), page 3
[*] Sorrow (#2570037) owned by Candor (#76768), page 3
[*] Azura (#215885) owned by Jaigalaar (#157901), page 4
[*] June (# 66792) owned by Ragnaoc (#14399), page 4
[*] Osiris (#668006) owned by IrishMarmalade (#100359), page 4
[*] Lightweaver (#2254627) owned by mes3 (#13846), page 5
[*] Pride (#2982425) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
[*] Patience (#2982424) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
[*] Temperance (#3049980) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
[*] Greed (#3049978) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
[*] Sweetheart (#3151285) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
[*] Rose (#3027217) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
[*] Herman (#2942526) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
[*] Cruor (#3644077) owned by Kaial (#80484), page 5
[b]Others who wish to be pinged at the end:[/b]
- Anivia
- cooneyms
[center][i]If you're NOT on any of the sales pinglists at the ODCA but still wish to be notified of future apparel contests and other events, feel free to ping @cooneyms and ask to be added to an events-only pinglist![/i]
- Celeste (#3676630) owned by Chocoli (#53634), page 1
- Capaneus (#141138) owned by Phaedra (#22470), page 1
- Cobalt (#2630670) owned by Defiance (28676), page 2
- Hrair (#4206950) owned by SparkyLurkdragon (#90189), page 2
- Gardener (#850258) owned by LadyBrandson (#29492), page 2
- SeptHeures (#4080440) owned by Butzefrau (#80310), page 2
- Huang (#3924675) owned by Butzefrau (#80310), page 2
- Eos (#960871) owned by eriophora (#111421), page 2
- Eternity (#208229) owned by Astraya (#71364), page 2
- Pythagoras (#2641138) owned by Clash (#11579), page 2
- Aragorn (#949280) owned by Melodious (#36284), page 3
- Glory (#890759) owned by Narif (#15402), page 3
- Haldir (#351041) owned by Narif (#15402), page 3
- Fruma (#5624) owned by Junipa (#5894), page 3
- Sorrow (#2570037) owned by Candor (#76768), page 3
- Azura (#215885) owned by Jaigalaar (#157901), page 4
- June (# 66792) owned by Ragnaoc (#14399), page 4
- Osiris (#668006) owned by IrishMarmalade (#100359), page 4
- Lightweaver (#2254627) owned by mes3 (#13846), page 5
- Pride (#2982425) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
- Patience (#2982424) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
- Temperance (#3049980) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
- Greed (#3049978) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
- Sweetheart (#3151285) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
- Rose (#3027217) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
- Herman (#2942526) owned by Arintol (#54878), page 5
- Cruor (#3644077) owned by Kaial (#80484), page 5
Others who wish to be pinged at the end:
- Anivia
- cooneyms
If you're NOT on any of the sales pinglists at the ODCA but still wish to be notified of future apparel contests and other events, feel free to ping @cooneyms and ask to be added to an events-only pinglist!
Apologies for the delay, but without further ado, here is our Light-themed apparel contest!
@10K @acidquill @Acorncap @AileyQuinne @Aku @Akumisan @alacri @AlexiaSilver @AloriD @Altariel @Ampharos @Amulet @Anguish @Anivia @Anthea @Aralynia @Ari @Arintol @Arplin @artemystica @AsinaElphine @Astraya @attenuasis @Auctor @Aurora23 @Avessa @Axikor @benalene @bit @Blissfire @Bluedragon @BotanyBlack @Boundary @Brindlefur @Brokenwing @Butzefrau @CadetArlert @Caerbannog @Cairan @CandiedCanine @Candor @Catfeather @Chocoli @Chrestomanci @christina @Clash @Claudz @Clavicado @ClawsThatCatch @Clockworkvixen @Coldfire3 @Combatic0ns @cooneyms @Craving @CreepingCorbies @Creepshow @Cuppycakez @Curio @daintyboots @DancingHare @DarkMatter @Dask @Defiance @demonpunk @dggeoff @Disease @Dorkanoora @Dotckler @dragonpsyche @Dragonweaver @duckweed @Dureena @Edaigoa @Eleanor @Eliza @Elus @Emysry @Erato @eriophora @FaerieIshee @Faileas @Faunus @Fay @Faylon @Felixitous @Fenix @Freckles108 @freckles108 @GhostSlugs @Gimeurcookie @Glenfalconer5 @Godiva @H0rr0r @haelfire @Hana @Harkness @Hausdaddy @Heat @Heatherly @Heeroku @hologramblue @infomercial @Ink @Inkdeer @Irishmarmalade @Ithika @iwatobi @Jaigalaar @JD1620 @Jecai @Jinkx @JinxMoonstone @JovaniSkye @Junipa @Kairoku @Kaitii @kaorusquee @Kardi @karoushi @Kas @Keno @Keridwyn @Khayr @Kimberly @Korozo @Kraevin @Lackofa @Lady3Jane @LadyBrandson @Lae @Lansly @lawnmowers @legendbeary @Lexreon @LightningBug @LittleLionFire @lome @Lottie @LuminousShadow @Lusitania @Luxio @Lykos @MalakhGlitch @Mary @Megaparsecs @Meilkor @Melodious @Merkur @mes3 @Micheru @Moami @moderneel @mommy @Monako @Moomargh @Morgwir @MrBrightside @mus @Naon @Naralex @Narif @Nautisk @Neige @NeophyteRedglare @neptunepaw @NerdEsq @Ness @Nicole @NightmaricZor @Niharike @NinjaDancer @NinjaKitty @nintendoreos @NivMizzet @Nouvella @Oszs @Ouji @pandy91 @passingavery @Peisinoe @Penguinnii @Phaedra @phoeniixfire @Phoenix684 @Phoenixfyre @PixieSparkles @pocketwitch @PoisonedPaper @PorkWithBones @princesstanwe @Pukepup @Quicksilvr @QuickSilvr @RabitX3 @rainwaltz @Rangiku @Rattyfleef @rhubarbcobbler @Roadkill @Rogue @Roro @Rowan @Russia @Rykeir @Safirien @Sandra @Sanimir @Saryina @Saturnlight @Scoria @Setnus @Shadi @Shadowfire9 @ShatteredByLoss @Silverpeal @Sinnibelle @SirLeafheart @Skycrest @Solanaceae13 @Soleil @sorey @soullessdeath4 @Sparkylurkdragon @SpiritusDraconis @StarTatami @Stormflight @Subunit @Survivors @SyiiTormey @Tacroy @Taliska @Talismarr @Tangaroa @Tavvi @TeaRex @Terza @Tessablue @TheArcaneKitsune @TheSunTheGodsSaw @Tiarana @tigercule @Tossico @TragicallyBad @Tsaiah @TwilitRaven @Verscilith @Vhariyas @Vulpen @Vyrthur @Watson @Waxwing @Waxwing @wesleydog @WhoDoVooDoo @Why @WinterCoyote @Wow @wrexit @Wryneck @Xanarcah @Xarina @Xie @ysa @Zaviel @Zenzic @Zorigami[/size]
[center]This is the Member Directory pinglist and [b]not for use in sales![/b] If you would like to ping people to a sales thread, please click on the link below and find the appropriate pinglist~
[b]User:[/b] Chocoli (#53634)
[b]Dragon:[/b] Celeste (#3676630)
[b]Apparel:[/b] Simple Gold Bracelets, Peace Dove, Bone Antlers, Gossamer Silk Sash, Gossamer Leg Silks, Gossamer Arm Silks, Gossamer Silk Veil, Solar Blades, Citrine Flourish Necklace, Glowing Gold Clawtips
[i]That's one big celestial antelope.[/i]

User: Chocoli (#53634)
Dragon: Celeste (#3676630)
Apparel: Simple Gold Bracelets, Peace Dove, Bone Antlers, Gossamer Silk Sash, Gossamer Leg Silks, Gossamer Arm Silks, Gossamer Silk Veil, Solar Blades, Citrine Flourish Necklace, Glowing Gold Clawtips
That's one big celestial antelope.
Yay! Apparel Contest!!
This is [b]Capaneus[/b] (#141138) owned by [b]Phaedra[/b] (#22470)
[b]Apparel:[/b] Brown Birdskull Wingpiece, Woodsdrake Cape, Teardrop Citrine Necklace, Brown Breeches and Glowing Gold Clawtips!
[b]Accent:[/b] Ancient Radiance (#11210)
[b]Writeup:[/b] [i]Introductory Story Snippet:[/i]
Carefully, his wings held a few inches away from his body and his front claws drawn up tightly, Hyperion crept into the large cavern. It was bright. He looked up to see an oddly-shaped hole in the sloping rock, and a mist of dust was visible between himself and the yellow sunlight. It had been nearly six months since Hype had joined the clan, and this was the first time he’d ventured this high up the mountainside. This was Cap’s Cave. The High Library. There was almost nothing on the lava-heated floor, but forge-flattened metal shelves were suspended over ten metres high all around the walls. In some places the top of the cavern was high enough the allow nine or ten rows of shelving. Some of these shelves held piled scrolls, some books, others neatly stacked parchments.
“Capaneus?” He ventured.
The large form on the other end of the cavern moved slightly and grunted, but Cap did not look up. His spiked purple hide was partially hidden by a heavy cape, and contrasted by his shimmering golden wings, which caught the light beautifully. He was somehow bigger than Hype had expected, even having interacted with many other guardians.His head low, Hype waited. Cap was studying a fragile tablet, covered in strange hieroglyphs. Hype had wrapped the tablet in leather and brought it home from a hunting trip some weeks before. It had been immediately flown up to the High Library for study, but something about the way the older dragons spoke of it in hushed tones, away from the hatchlings, always stopping when he came near, had convinced him it was very important. Finally he had been allowed to come up and ask about it. Now he was just shuffling his feet on a hot, dusty floor and anxiously ruffling his feathers.
Finally Cap lifted his head. Several feathers and birdskulls swung as he spread his wings wide to stretch. Hyperion felt smaller than he ever had in his life. The golden wings and the large, stocky body nearly filled the cavern. The sunlight glinted off his wings, his horns, his claws; every bit of him majesty. Then he lowered his eyes to look at Hype and suddenly he was all wisdom and knowledge as well.
“Do you know what the Golden Idol is?” Capaneus’ voice echoed through the cavern.
((The above is from an in-progress short story, and is the section introducing the clan's scholar, Cap! Hope you enjoy!))
Yay! Apparel Contest!!
This is
Capaneus (#141138) owned by
Phaedra (#22470)

Apparel: Brown Birdskull Wingpiece, Woodsdrake Cape, Teardrop Citrine Necklace, Brown Breeches and Glowing Gold Clawtips!
Accent: Ancient Radiance (#11210)
Writeup: Introductory Story Snippet:
Carefully, his wings held a few inches away from his body and his front claws drawn up tightly, Hyperion crept into the large cavern. It was bright. He looked up to see an oddly-shaped hole in the sloping rock, and a mist of dust was visible between himself and the yellow sunlight. It had been nearly six months since Hype had joined the clan, and this was the first time he’d ventured this high up the mountainside. This was Cap’s Cave. The High Library. There was almost nothing on the lava-heated floor, but forge-flattened metal shelves were suspended over ten metres high all around the walls. In some places the top of the cavern was high enough the allow nine or ten rows of shelving. Some of these shelves held piled scrolls, some books, others neatly stacked parchments.
“Capaneus?” He ventured.
The large form on the other end of the cavern moved slightly and grunted, but Cap did not look up. His spiked purple hide was partially hidden by a heavy cape, and contrasted by his shimmering golden wings, which caught the light beautifully. He was somehow bigger than Hype had expected, even having interacted with many other guardians.His head low, Hype waited. Cap was studying a fragile tablet, covered in strange hieroglyphs. Hype had wrapped the tablet in leather and brought it home from a hunting trip some weeks before. It had been immediately flown up to the High Library for study, but something about the way the older dragons spoke of it in hushed tones, away from the hatchlings, always stopping when he came near, had convinced him it was very important. Finally he had been allowed to come up and ask about it. Now he was just shuffling his feet on a hot, dusty floor and anxiously ruffling his feathers.
Finally Cap lifted his head. Several feathers and birdskulls swung as he spread his wings wide to stretch. Hyperion felt smaller than he ever had in his life. The golden wings and the large, stocky body nearly filled the cavern. The sunlight glinted off his wings, his horns, his claws; every bit of him majesty. Then he lowered his eyes to look at Hype and suddenly he was all wisdom and knowledge as well.
“Do you know what the Golden Idol is?” Capaneus’ voice echoed through the cavern.
((The above is from an in-progress short story, and is the section introducing the clan's scholar, Cap! Hope you enjoy!))
*runs around lair, trying to get everybody dressed up and ready*
*runs around lair, trying to get everybody dressed up and ready*
Eeee, this is so cute! :D I'll have to see if I can put something together!
Eeee, this is so cute! :D I'll have to see if I can put something together!