
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | Joy's Leveling/Writing Shop
[img][/img] PLEASE REFER TO PAGE FOUR OF THIS THREAD FOR THE TRAINERS' STATUSES FOR THE FESTIVAL [center]ONLINE/offline/IN COLI[/center] ^ Not constantly being Well hello there! What may I interest you in today? I've got many things to offer to you guys! I've got leveling services for your dragons, I also offer to write clan bios, or dragon bios. And I can trade for items too ( when I've got excess stuff ). Edit: Oh! Hello people, I've disappeared for about a year (I'm sorry) because of real life priorities. But now I'm back! But I'll be slow since I gotta adjust and stuff. Anyways, my assistant trainers are no longer here, they too left. So I'll be alone...and slow...I crai. Anyways, I'm back, so that's good. Pinglist is now clean since I bet the people that wanted to be in there are gone or found a better trainer ;w; Now let's begin shall we! Leveling Services: Rules: 1.) I level up [b]one[/b] dragon one by one. I won't do it two ordeors and one trainer since it's quite a big risk. 2.) Pay when I give your dragon back, not before. 3.) If you'd like your dragons to be equipped with battle stones, provide them yourself or provide money for me to get them. Or, when my trading slot is up and going, you can snag some from there! 4.) I [b]won't[/b] be allocating points whether you want me to or not ( saves me time and I might mess up ). 5.) Remember to [b]ping[/b] me when ordering or else I'll ignore your order! 6.) Please be patient, different levels take time. So if one would want your dragon to go up to level 20 it can take a while longer than one that would reach 10. 7.) Reviews of my services are appreciated! 8.) I'll be out of commission whenever fire flight has dom pushes and if we have a festival on that week. Profit pushes are not included. 9.) Regular customers ( people who've ordered at least 3 dragons to be leveled to 25, not counting if your dragons were in the 20s range when handed to me ) get a discounted price! 10.) You have the right to pull out your dragon from training, just message me if you want to do so. 11.) This is an added rule. I won't stone your dragons if I DON'T have the stones. If I do, then I'll do it (just ask me). The price of your dragon will go up though, since you'll have to pay for the stones too. [b]WARNING[/b]: Whenever there's major lag, my services will of course slow down, don't be surprised if I'm blow in festival/event seasons. PRICE BREAKDOWN: Level / amount / amount compiled ( ex. 1-20 ) 1-2 1k (1k) 2-3 1k (2k) 3-4 1k (3k) 4-5 1k (4k) 5-6 1k (5k) 6-7 2k (7k) 7-8 2k (9k) 8-9 3k (12k) 9-10 3k (15k) 10-11 4k (19k) 11-12 6k (25k) 12-13 6k (31k) 13-14 8k (39k) 14-15 8k (47k) 15-16 10k (57k) 16-17 10k (67k) 17-18 10k (77k) 18-19 10k (87k) 19-20 12k (99k) 20-21 12k (111k) 21-22 15k (126k) 22-23 16k (142k) 23-24 18k (160k) 24-25 20k (180k) ^ prices have risen (past price was 171k) I'm sorry bout that, since compared to other services, I feel a bit ripped off with such a low price ;w; -------- So you'll have to pay 180k for a level one to get to level 25 I think it's quite a steal though, I've seen some level services ask for 250-350k :3 As for time periods, anything from level 1-10 will just take less than an hour 1-20 will take a day or two. 1-25 can take max of a week, minimum of two days. Also, please remember than I've got school and stuff, lots of loads of stuff to do in reallife, so I won't always be able to be online, so please be patient with me. --------- List: [b]SINCE IM JUST ADJUSTING BACK TO FR I'LL ONLY BE TAKING TWO PEOPLE AT A TIME[/b] Priority requests- 1.) 2.) 3.) Side requests 1.) 2.) Pinglist/Waiting-on: ALL CLEAN. (Sorry to the past people that wanted pings, I'm having a fresh start) ---------- Meet the trainers! I'll be adding more as soon as I snag some more level 25s ( or 24s... ) [quote] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Meet Kemu! He's the leader of the three, stronger but less in health. He's the one that will push your dragon to the limit! [/quote] [quote] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Meet Ayame! A bit older, higher in health, the kind loving one in the three. [/quote] [quote] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Meet Ballad, the youngest of the trio. She's got a split personality that can vary from sweet and clam to wrathful and mean. [/quote]
Not constantly being

Well hello there! What may I interest you in today? I've got many things to offer to you guys! I've got leveling services for your dragons, I also offer to write clan bios, or dragon bios. And I can trade for items too ( when I've got excess stuff ).

Edit: Oh! Hello people, I've disappeared for about a year (I'm sorry) because of real life priorities. But now I'm back! But I'll be slow since I gotta adjust and stuff. Anyways, my assistant trainers are no longer here, they too left. So I'll be alone...and slow...I crai. Anyways, I'm back, so that's good. Pinglist is now clean since I bet the people that wanted to be in there are gone or found a better trainer ;w;

Now let's begin shall we!

Leveling Services:

1.) I level up one dragon one by one. I won't do it two ordeors and one trainer since it's quite a big risk.
2.) Pay when I give your dragon back, not before.
3.) If you'd like your dragons to be equipped with battle stones, provide them yourself or provide money for me to get them. Or, when my trading slot is up and going, you can snag some from there!
4.) I won't be allocating points whether you want me to or not ( saves me time and I might mess up ).
5.) Remember to ping me when ordering or else I'll ignore your order!
6.) Please be patient, different levels take time. So if one would want your dragon to go up to level 20 it can take a while longer than one that would reach 10.
7.) Reviews of my services are appreciated!
8.) I'll be out of commission whenever fire flight has dom pushes and if we have a festival on that week. Profit pushes are not included.
9.) Regular customers ( people who've ordered at least 3 dragons to be leveled to 25, not counting if your dragons were in the 20s range when handed to me ) get a discounted price!
10.) You have the right to pull out your dragon from training, just message me if you want to do so.
11.) This is an added rule. I won't stone your dragons if I DON'T have the stones. If I do, then I'll do it (just ask me). The price of your dragon will go up though, since you'll have to pay for the stones too.
WARNING: Whenever there's major lag, my services will of course slow down, don't be surprised if I'm blow in festival/event seasons.

Level / amount / amount compiled ( ex. 1-20 )
1-2 1k (1k)
2-3 1k (2k)
3-4 1k (3k)
4-5 1k (4k)
5-6 1k (5k)
6-7 2k (7k)
7-8 2k (9k)
8-9 3k (12k)
9-10 3k (15k)
10-11 4k (19k)
11-12 6k (25k)
12-13 6k (31k)
13-14 8k (39k)
14-15 8k (47k)
15-16 10k (57k)
16-17 10k (67k)
17-18 10k (77k)
18-19 10k (87k)
19-20 12k (99k)
20-21 12k (111k)
21-22 15k (126k)
22-23 16k (142k)
23-24 18k (160k)
24-25 20k (180k)
^ prices have risen (past price was 171k) I'm sorry bout that, since compared to other services, I feel a bit ripped off with such a low price ;w;
So you'll have to pay 180k for a level one to get to level 25 I think it's quite a steal though, I've seen some level services ask for 250-350k :3

As for time periods, anything from level 1-10 will just take less than an hour 1-20 will take a day or two. 1-25 can take max of a week, minimum of two days.

Also, please remember than I've got school and stuff, lots of loads of stuff to do in reallife, so I won't always be able to be online, so please be patient with me.
Priority requests-

Side requests

ALL CLEAN. (Sorry to the past people that wanted pings, I'm having a fresh start)

Meet the trainers! I'll be adding more as soon as I snag some more level 25s ( or 24s... )


Meet Kemu! He's the leader of the three, stronger but less in health. He's the one that will push your dragon to the limit!


Meet Ayame! A bit older, higher in health, the kind loving one in the three.


Meet Ballad, the youngest of the trio. She's got a split personality that can vary from sweet and clam to wrathful and mean.
Exalt Block - potential fighters that I level up when I have the time ouo will be exalted when I no longer have the space for them, so while they're here, get em! [quote] This is Fastflicker. Currently a low leveled coatl. A gift from a secret Santa in the past (oh how I love this boy!). But sadly, he doesn't fit in with my lair. Soooo he's up for grabs, gonna try leveling him whenever I've got spare time. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] . [/quote] [quote] This is Crescent! Little niece of Kemu above! Currently a low leveled spiral, but isn't she a beauty (like her relative *cough*kemu*cough*) she's up for grabs! And I'm gonna try leveling her up when I've got the time. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/quote]
Exalt Block
- potential fighters that I level up when I have the time ouo will be exalted when I no longer have the space for them, so while they're here, get em!
This is Fastflicker. Currently a low leveled coatl. A gift from a secret Santa in the past (oh how I love this boy!). But sadly, he doesn't fit in with my lair. Soooo he's up for grabs, gonna try leveling him whenever I've got spare time.


This is Crescent! Little niece of Kemu above! Currently a low leveled spiral, but isn't she a beauty (like her relative *cough*kemu*cough*) she's up for grabs! And I'm gonna try leveling her up when I've got the time.


Writing services:

- Hatchling letters ( short letters from your hatchlings or stories of your dragons' s childhoods )
- Short bios ( 1-3 paragraphs )
All of here above is worth a mere 5k each.

- Lengthy essay like stories ( 1-5 paragraphs )
- Clan lore
All of the above is worth 10-15k each, depending on the order.

-Story/novel like piece ( for any dragon ) this can be just one written piece or you can request me to add or update it as the days go by. Ex: look at Hades' description
Price of this depends, one installment ( or the first and only one ) is worth 15k, next few chapters are 10k ( 5k if short ) each.
Writing services:

- Hatchling letters ( short letters from your hatchlings or stories of your dragons' s childhoods )
- Short bios ( 1-3 paragraphs )
All of here above is worth a mere 5k each.

- Lengthy essay like stories ( 1-5 paragraphs )
- Clan lore
All of the above is worth 10-15k each, depending on the order.

-Story/novel like piece ( for any dragon ) this can be just one written piece or you can request me to add or update it as the days go by. Ex: look at Hades' description
Price of this depends, one installment ( or the first and only one ) is worth 15k, next few chapters are 10k ( 5k if short ) each.
News & Announcements
I'll be posting small notes here o if I have important update

As we all know, the trickmurk circus is coming around next week. So my trainers Saltyeyes and MissRaven will not be training dragons in this period. I will though, but the festival lag might affect me. So please be patient (like you always have!) and I hope you understand the situation we are currently going through :3

News & Announcements
I'll be posting small notes here o if I have important update

As we all know, the trickmurk circus is coming around next week. So my trainers Saltyeyes and MissRaven will not be training dragons in this period. I will though, but the festival lag might affect me. So please be patient (like you always have!) and I hope you understand the situation we are currently going through :3

But Joy/Salty/Raven! I'm low on money at the moment! Is there any other way I could pay?

The answer is yes! We've got many different ways that you could pay us!

Joydom29's options
1.) instead of treasure you can always give gems. Treasure to gems ratio- 700:1
2.) Exalt fodder. This will be discussed through pm, adult exalt fodder is preferred but hatchlings the age of 4-5 days are fine too.
3.) Trade for things I truly need ( battle stones such as Eliminate, Berserker, Ambush, etc. Or other things such as apparel I need or want, perhaps even useless junk or chests! ) just pm for more info bout this
4.) Festival currency ( currency of the upcoming festival is branded higher than ones in the future ) right now we've got the crystalline gala, so the ratio for the crystalline gala currency is ( treasure to festival currency ) 300:1 as for any other festival currency 250:1
4.) Art ( I'm ALWAYS willing to get art of my dragons! )
5.) Others? Just tell me and I'll see what I can do.

But Joy/Salty/Raven! I'm low on money at the moment! Is there any other way I could pay?

The answer is yes! We've got many different ways that you could pay us!

Joydom29's options
1.) instead of treasure you can always give gems. Treasure to gems ratio- 700:1
2.) Exalt fodder. This will be discussed through pm, adult exalt fodder is preferred but hatchlings the age of 4-5 days are fine too.
3.) Trade for things I truly need ( battle stones such as Eliminate, Berserker, Ambush, etc. Or other things such as apparel I need or want, perhaps even useless junk or chests! ) just pm for more info bout this
4.) Festival currency ( currency of the upcoming festival is branded higher than ones in the future ) right now we've got the crystalline gala, so the ratio for the crystalline gala currency is ( treasure to festival currency ) 300:1 as for any other festival currency 250:1
4.) Art ( I'm ALWAYS willing to get art of my dragons! )
5.) Others? Just tell me and I'll see what I can do.

Finished Customers: [url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Finished Customers:






























Reviews: [quote]My pearlcatcher Gemini needed some training, so I turned to Joydom for her speedy services. Even though Joydom was feeling ill at this time, they still managed to level my pearlcatcher to level 25 within three days. Overall, this service is nice, quick, and cheap! What more could you want? I would recommend it to anyone whom needed training for one of their dragons. I'm definitely coming back whether if it's for leveling, or writing services.[/quote] [quote]The most affordable training service i have come across FR (i spent a lot of time looking but all the prices were relatively the same). The experience was nice, quick, and reliable! We had no problem with discussion (Joydom even went out of her way to check things up with me, which was really sweet). I'm most likely going to return back over here if I need to level one of my other dergs in the future, thanks![/quote] [quote]I ordered a 1-25 training service from Joy during her Flight's dominance week. Despite that, she still managed to finish up my dragon in only a few days and returned him right away :) Affordable and fast, I'd definitely recommend her to anyone looking for a trustworthy trainer![/quote] [quote]I ordered a Lv. 1-25 training. While it took some time until I could sent my dragon - the leveling itself was a pleasant short wait! (About a week) There were no complications/issues involved. If you don't need a leveling service in an instant, can wait for a few weeks until they can get to you and want to save some Treasure -> This service is by far the best I came across! It's also remarkably less expensive than others around and very reliable.[/quote]
My pearlcatcher Gemini needed some training, so I turned to Joydom for her speedy services. Even though Joydom was feeling ill at this time, they still managed to level my pearlcatcher to level 25 within three days. Overall, this service is nice, quick, and cheap! What more could you want? I would recommend it to anyone whom needed training for one of their dragons. I'm definitely coming back whether if it's for leveling, or writing services.
The most affordable training service i have come across FR (i spent a lot of time looking but all the prices were relatively the same). The experience was nice, quick, and reliable! We had no problem with discussion (Joydom even went out of her way to check things up with me, which was really sweet). I'm most likely going to return back over here if I need to level one of my other dergs in the future, thanks!
I ordered a 1-25 training service from Joy during her Flight's dominance week. Despite that, she still managed to finish up my dragon in only a few days and returned him right away :) Affordable and fast, I'd definitely recommend her to anyone looking for a trustworthy trainer!
I ordered a Lv. 1-25 training. While it took some time until I could sent my dragon - the leveling itself was a pleasant short wait! (About a week) There were no complications/issues involved.
If you don't need a leveling service in an instant, can wait for a few weeks until they can get to you and want to save some Treasure -> This service is by far the best I came across! It's also remarkably less expensive than others around and very reliable.
Loyalty Services! I'll be posting those people who've been constantly loyal to this service, riiiiggghhhhtt here. These people will get discounts, depending on how much they have spent. To be able to get here, you have to order 3 dragons to be leveled up. Dragons only level 19 and below are eligible so if you sent me a level 24 to level to 25 it doesn't count. Same goes with all other discounts. Also those orders such as level 1 to something easy like 10 [b]Less 10,000[/b] ( 3 orders ) [b]Less 20,000[/b] ( 10 orders ) [b]Less 50,000[/b] ( 20 orders ) [b]HALF OFF[/b] ( 35 orders ) AFFILIATES Pm me if you're interested in being affiliates (I'll be pitting up the coding for my banner here soon) [url=][img][/img][/url] My banner code: rich [code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/code]
Loyalty Services!
I'll be posting those people who've been constantly loyal to this service, riiiiggghhhhtt here. These people will get discounts, depending on how much they have spent. To be able to get here, you have to order 3 dragons to be leveled up. Dragons only level 19 and below are eligible so if you sent me a level 24 to level to 25 it doesn't count. Same goes with all other discounts. Also those orders such as level 1 to something easy like 10

Less 10,000 ( 3 orders )

Less 20,000 ( 10 orders )

Less 50,000 ( 20 orders )

HALF OFF ( 35 orders )

Pm me if you're interested in being affiliates (I'll be pitting up the coding for my banner here soon)


My banner code:


I wanted to ask you how much it would cost to drag a level 23 derg to level 25? Because I'm interested :3

I wanted to ask you how much it would cost to drag a level 23 derg to level 25? Because I'm interested :3
@Saina 30k :3
@Saina 30k :3