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[right][size=3]December 12, 2016[/size][/right] [center][img][/img] [i][size=4]Here for all your science and sci-fi needs[/size][/i][/center] [columns] [center][b][size=5]Item of the Week[/size][/b] [item=cosmologist fieldtools] Indispensable to Anyone hoping to chart the stars.[/center] [nextcol] [center][b][size=5]Dinosaur Tail Found Trapped in Amber[/size][/b][/center] Amber? Dinosaurs? This may sound like Jurassic Park, but we’ve actually found part of a dinosaur trapped in amber. The specimen in question is a 99 million old piece of amber, populated with small bugs, bits of foliage and part of a dinosaur tail. Covered in feathers, this hunk of tail is from a juvenile dinosaur that ate meat, and is not from the lineage that made way to modern birds. Measuring on about 3 ½ centimeters, the hunk of tail is small, but can tell us quite a lot. For example, the tail has traces of pigment in it, telling us that it was reddish brown on the top, and paler underneath. There is much more to learn from this specimen, and many others, and this just goes to show how much there really is out there to learn. [size=2]Source :[/size] [/columns] _________________________________________________________________________________ [columns][center][b][size=5]”Tangled Web” Galaxy[/size][/b][/center] In the great big expanse of the universe, there are so many unique and beautiful galaxies that you could never see them all, but what if I told you that one galaxy isn’t quite as organized. The Hubble Space Telescope recently took a snapshot of NGC 4696. Instead of orderly streaks of stars, like seen in our own galaxy, NGC 4696 has erratic tendrils, spiraling around a supermassive black-hole. So what exactly caused this? you might ask. Well, scientists blame the galaxy’s unique look on the supermassive black hole residing in its center. Energy generated from the black hole propels material in the rest of the galaxy outward, giving in its jumbled look. This galaxy is just one example of how diverse the universe around us is, and how there is explanation for the most strange of things. [size=2]Sources :[/size] [nextcol][center][b][size=5]Did you Know?[/size][/b] [img][/img] [size=4]Did you know that the first animal to go into orbit around the earth was a dog named Laika?[/center][/size] [size=2] [/columns] _________________________________________________________________________________ [columns] [center][b][size=5]Spread the Word[/size][/b][/center] Let's try to get the word out there about this newsletter. Ping your friends, or put one of these in your forum signature. Let's get the word around! [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/indent] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/indent][/code] [/columns]
December 12, 2016
Here for all your science and sci-fi needs

Item of the Week
Cosmologist Fieldtools
Indispensable to
Anyone hoping to
chart the stars.
Dinosaur Tail Found Trapped in Amber
Amber? Dinosaurs? This may sound like Jurassic Park, but we’ve actually found part of a dinosaur trapped in amber. The specimen in question is a 99 million old piece of amber, populated with small bugs, bits of foliage and part of a dinosaur tail. Covered in feathers, this hunk of tail is from a juvenile dinosaur that ate meat, and is not from the lineage that made way to modern birds.

Measuring on about 3 ½ centimeters, the hunk of tail is small, but can tell us quite a lot. For example, the tail has traces of pigment in it, telling us that it was reddish brown on the top, and paler underneath. There is much more to learn from this specimen, and many others, and this just goes to show how much there really is out there to learn.

Source :
”Tangled Web” Galaxy
In the great big expanse of the universe, there are so many unique and beautiful galaxies that you could never see them all, but what if I told you that one galaxy isn’t quite as organized. The Hubble Space Telescope recently took a snapshot of NGC 4696. Instead of orderly streaks of stars, like seen in our own galaxy, NGC 4696 has erratic tendrils, spiraling around a supermassive black-hole.

So what exactly caused this? you might ask. Well, scientists blame the galaxy’s unique look on the supermassive black hole residing in its center. Energy generated from the black hole propels material in the rest of the galaxy outward, giving in its jumbled look. This galaxy is just one example of how diverse the universe around us is, and how there is explanation for the most strange of things.

Sources :
Did you Know?
Did you know that the first animal to go into orbit around the earth was a dog named Laika?

Spread the Word

Let's try to get the word out there about this newsletter. Ping your friends, or put one of these in your forum signature. Let's get the word around!





@Brocktalk @Fil @Science @Chronosplit @Chardano @Gedhyr @MythGriffin24 @lumiinosity @Servalan @TheAlchemist @Kaneko @LongLiveFangirls @SkyDagger @Brambleclaw4 @Quinhwyvar @Surfbort @Ljoonika @Aven @Lycanror @cyleris

The newest issue is out!
@Brocktalk @Fil @Science @Chronosplit @Chardano @Gedhyr @MythGriffin24 @lumiinosity @Servalan @TheAlchemist @Kaneko @LongLiveFangirls @SkyDagger @Brambleclaw4 @Quinhwyvar @Surfbort @Ljoonika @Aven @Lycanror @cyleris

The newest issue is out!

These are always so neat. It blows my mind that we actually have found a bit of a dinosaur. What are the chances of that? I can't wait to see what else they have found with it.

These are always so neat. It blows my mind that we actually have found a bit of a dinosaur. What are the chances of that? I can't wait to see what else they have found with it.
she/her +2 FR time
May I be added to the pings list as well? This looks amazing!
May I be added to the pings list as well? This looks amazing!


@Utahraptor93 this is amazing could you add me to the ping list?
@Utahraptor93 this is amazing could you add me to the ping list?
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