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TOPIC | Namikaz's Guide, Affordable Prices
Namikaz's Guide to VERY Affordable Prices

Here is a guide that I usually use to determine what a good selling price for an item would be.

You are not required or advised to follow the steps completely, go with your instincts.

Step 1.) Look at the sell price(it's at the bottom left corner of information expansion.) of the item and write it down. If the item does not have a set price, then you can skip to Selling OSV Items.

Step 2.)Depending on how many individuals you have of that item, times the sell price by that number.

Step 3.) Take the number you get from step 2 and then to actually get a profit you would then round up to the nearest ten or hundred. Use whichever one as you see fit.

Helpful Tip: If the item you are trying to sell usually does not get bought on average then I would go for the lowest price you can still get a profit from.

Step 4.) Then take into account the number of stars it has in the top right of its information, those stars indicate how rare the item is. To my knowledge, there are six levels of stars. If the item has 1-2 stars, then don't add extra percentage from this step. If the item has 3 stars, add about 10-20% of treasure corresponding to the amount from step 3. Look below for all of the percentages under Formulas.

Step 5.) If the item you are looking to sell cannot be found outside of the auction house, then take the price you got from step 4 and times it by 2. If it can be found outside the auction house, disregard this step.

Step 6.) Then you determine whether you would buy your item for the price you got from step 4 or 5 and also determine whether you would be willing to sell it for that price.

Helpful Tip: Don't forget to check how much money would be subtracted from your payment if the item(s) sell.(Flight rising automatically takes away an amount of money from your payment, its just what would happen regularly irl.) If after doing that your profit is considerably low, I would recommend jacking up your requested price a bit.

Step 7.) After you have adjusted the price to your liking and your perceived customers liking, then put it up for auction!

Selling OSV Items
OSV Items: Open Sell Value Items

OSV Step 1.) Go to the auction house and find the most common price that the item in question is selling for.

OSV Step 2.) Subtract about 15-25% of the number you got from OSV step 1.

OSV Step 3.) You then determine whether you would buy your item for the price you got from step 2 and also determine whether you would be willing to sell it for that price.

OSV Step 4.) After you have adjusted the price to your liking and your perceived customers liking, then put it up for auction!

Ex.1: The set price for the Reflective Fish Scales is 35 treasure.
2: Let's say I have 3 Reflective Fish Scales, then I would times 35 by 3, I would then have 105 treasure as the set number for three units of Reflective Fish Scales.
3: I have the number 105 now so personally I would round up to 150-200 but I would go for the lower price.(Prices are kinda ridiculous at the auction house so I choose to be just as ridiculous.)

Ex.2: If I had an item that had a price of 25 from step 4, it would then become 50 instead of 25.

Stars: 1-2 stars- 0%, 3 stars- 15-25%, 4 stars- 28-39%, 5 stars- 45-60%, Ultra/Rainbow star- 80%+

For Finding Percentages:

Please feel free to use this guide, comment down below and give it a bump! :))))

Namikaz's Guide to VERY Affordable Prices

Here is a guide that I usually use to determine what a good selling price for an item would be.

You are not required or advised to follow the steps completely, go with your instincts.

Step 1.) Look at the sell price(it's at the bottom left corner of information expansion.) of the item and write it down. If the item does not have a set price, then you can skip to Selling OSV Items.

Step 2.)Depending on how many individuals you have of that item, times the sell price by that number.

Step 3.) Take the number you get from step 2 and then to actually get a profit you would then round up to the nearest ten or hundred. Use whichever one as you see fit.

Helpful Tip: If the item you are trying to sell usually does not get bought on average then I would go for the lowest price you can still get a profit from.

Step 4.) Then take into account the number of stars it has in the top right of its information, those stars indicate how rare the item is. To my knowledge, there are six levels of stars. If the item has 1-2 stars, then don't add extra percentage from this step. If the item has 3 stars, add about 10-20% of treasure corresponding to the amount from step 3. Look below for all of the percentages under Formulas.

Step 5.) If the item you are looking to sell cannot be found outside of the auction house, then take the price you got from step 4 and times it by 2. If it can be found outside the auction house, disregard this step.

Step 6.) Then you determine whether you would buy your item for the price you got from step 4 or 5 and also determine whether you would be willing to sell it for that price.

Helpful Tip: Don't forget to check how much money would be subtracted from your payment if the item(s) sell.(Flight rising automatically takes away an amount of money from your payment, its just what would happen regularly irl.) If after doing that your profit is considerably low, I would recommend jacking up your requested price a bit.

Step 7.) After you have adjusted the price to your liking and your perceived customers liking, then put it up for auction!

Selling OSV Items
OSV Items: Open Sell Value Items

OSV Step 1.) Go to the auction house and find the most common price that the item in question is selling for.

OSV Step 2.) Subtract about 15-25% of the number you got from OSV step 1.

OSV Step 3.) You then determine whether you would buy your item for the price you got from step 2 and also determine whether you would be willing to sell it for that price.

OSV Step 4.) After you have adjusted the price to your liking and your perceived customers liking, then put it up for auction!

Ex.1: The set price for the Reflective Fish Scales is 35 treasure.
2: Let's say I have 3 Reflective Fish Scales, then I would times 35 by 3, I would then have 105 treasure as the set number for three units of Reflective Fish Scales.
3: I have the number 105 now so personally I would round up to 150-200 but I would go for the lower price.(Prices are kinda ridiculous at the auction house so I choose to be just as ridiculous.)

Ex.2: If I had an item that had a price of 25 from step 4, it would then become 50 instead of 25.

Stars: 1-2 stars- 0%, 3 stars- 15-25%, 4 stars- 28-39%, 5 stars- 45-60%, Ultra/Rainbow star- 80%+

For Finding Percentages:

Please feel free to use this guide, comment down below and give it a bump! :))))

@namikaz very neat!
@namikaz very neat!