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TOPIC | [BSJ] The Lady’s Labyrinth (CYOA)
[center]Sunday[/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Although Gabriel was more than a little suspicious about Tundreas’s intentions- though to be fair, he’s suspicious of everyone- the idea of exploring a hidden area made him flutter his wings in excitement. “Who knows what could be found behind the statue? It must be pretty important, whatever is there, if it’s hidden like that. Maybe it’s a secret passageway? Oh, the possibilities are endless!” Gabriel giggled to himself, crouching down beside the statue. “I’ll go with Tundreas, see what’s there. Keep an eye out for booby traps, by the way. If I made this place, I’d make sure to put plenty!” With those parting words, the Fae was ready to set off. [i]It’ll be fine,[/i] Gabriel thought, [i]and besides, maybe the stuck-up Tundra will get hit by darts coming out of the wall- now [u]that[/u] would be entertaining.[/i]


Although Gabriel was more than a little suspicious about Tundreas’s intentions- though to be fair, he’s suspicious of everyone- the idea of exploring a hidden area made him flutter his wings in excitement. “Who knows what could be found behind the statue? It must be pretty important, whatever is there, if it’s hidden like that. Maybe it’s a secret passageway? Oh, the possibilities are endless!” Gabriel giggled to himself, crouching down beside the statue. “I’ll go with Tundreas, see what’s there. Keep an eye out for booby traps, by the way. If I made this place, I’d make sure to put plenty!” With those parting words, the Fae was ready to set off. It’ll be fine, Gabriel thought, and besides, maybe the stuck-up Tundra will get hit by darts coming out of the wall- now that would be entertaining.
[center][b]Sunday[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Goldrinn rolled his eyes at the Tundra. [i]He's obviously only interested in gold, and in himself.[/i] That, and the Nocturne had no interest in old statues that may or may not lead somewhere. He also figured, if there was anything to fight, he'd rather have an Imperial on his side. "I'm going with Knossos," he said, offering no explanation to the others. [i]Let's get this over with.[/i] He followed the larger dragon into the entrance of the maze.


Goldrinn rolled his eyes at the Tundra. He's obviously only interested in gold, and in himself. That, and the Nocturne had no interest in old statues that may or may not lead somewhere.
He also figured, if there was anything to fight, he'd rather have an Imperial on his side.
"I'm going with Knossos," he said, offering no explanation to the others. Let's get this over with.
He followed the larger dragon into the entrance of the maze.
I used to be Naaru
[emoji=harp] [b]I would like to enter the Labyrinth![/b] [emoji=treasure chest] [b]Username:[/b] Card [b]Account ID:[/b] 17910 [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Aether [b]Dragon Picture:[/b] [img][/img]
I would like to enter the Labyrinth!
Username: Card
Account ID: 17910
Dragon Name: Aether
Dragon Picture:

[center][b]Sunday[/b][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Lampion flicked his fins in thought. While investigating the statue sounded intriguing, and he would have happily joined the Tundra if scholarly pursuits had been the main focus of their trip, he felt that finding the lost explorer was the more important goal. Knossos had seen her last, so joining him seemed the most promising choice. Even though the fact that Ariadne obviously doubted the accuracy of the Imperial's memory wasn't exactly reassuring...

Lampion flicked his fins in thought. While investigating the statue sounded intriguing, and he would have happily joined the Tundra if scholarly pursuits had been the main focus of their trip, he felt that finding the lost explorer was the more important goal. Knossos had seen her last, so joining him seemed the most promising choice. Even though the fact that Ariadne obviously doubted the accuracy of the Imperial's memory wasn't exactly reassuring...
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Sunday[/b] Kalor perked up at Tundreus's mention of treasure - an aspiring treasure hunter himself, Kalor sensed that Tundreus was an old hand at plundering and that he could learn a lot from the Tundra if he stuck close to him. So when Tundreus decided that investigating the Lightweaver statue seemed like a good idea, Kalor decided to do the same. These kinds of statues always trigged secret passages in the books - and traps, but Kalor trusted that Tundreus wouldn't try anything too dangerous. Dead dragons couldn't claim treasure, after all.



Kalor perked up at Tundreus's mention of treasure - an aspiring treasure hunter himself, Kalor sensed that Tundreus was an old hand at plundering and that he could learn a lot from the Tundra if he stuck close to him.

So when Tundreus decided that investigating the Lightweaver statue seemed like a good idea, Kalor decided to do the same. These kinds of statues always trigged secret passages in the books - and traps, but Kalor trusted that Tundreus wouldn't try anything too dangerous. Dead dragons couldn't claim treasure, after all.
[b]Sunday[/b] ((This is my first time working with Roscoe as a character- hopefully I'll get a feel for him over the course of the week)[url=] [img][/img][/url] What a fine day to begin an adventure! Even if it wasn’t [i]his[/i] adventure, exactly. Roscoe hadn’t given his allegiance to any particular clan yet (he was looking for the right one!) so it hadn’t exactly been his mail that he got the flyer from. He had mixed feelings about stealing anything, much less an adventure, but he consoled himself with the fact that the flyer hadn’t been addressed to anyone in particular. Surely any able adventurer would do. Besides, the envelope had a wax seal on it and the needy party was a [i]guild[/i]- this could be his chance to find a company worth adventuring for! So he had copied down the message on a more fae-sized piece of paper and saddled up his trusty elk-steed to set out for the Sundial Terrace. It proved easy enough to find this Knossos fellow. A local merchant was happy enough to point him in the right direction (towards trouble, apparently) once he bought one of his sun visors. Roscoe dumped the visor on a random hot-looking celebrant with green eyes. He didn’t really need a visor as a Light native, and he felt a little better about the stolen adventure after this charitable act. The fae kept quiet while the small party was briefed and lead to the Lady’s Labyrinth, too eager to absorb everything to miss something by talking. He [i]could[/i] feel the Light magic Knossos spoke of. How wondrous it was to visit a place so positively ancient! Just seeing the place was reward enough for him. Now he had a decision to make. Roscoe wasn’t a good judge of character, fae that he was, but of the company Knossos seemed the most trustworthy, and the most scholarly. He was the most likely to be able to tell him more about this Archeological Guild, and he was perhaps the dragon he would want to impress if he was to gain a reputation for himself as an adventurer.
((This is my first time working with Roscoe as a character- hopefully I'll get a feel for him over the course of the week)

What a fine day to begin an adventure!

Even if it wasn’t his adventure, exactly. Roscoe hadn’t given his allegiance to any particular clan yet (he was looking for the right one!) so it hadn’t exactly been his mail that he got the flyer from. He had mixed feelings about stealing anything, much less an adventure, but he consoled himself with the fact that the flyer hadn’t been addressed to anyone in particular. Surely any able adventurer would do. Besides, the envelope had a wax seal on it and the needy party was a guild- this could be his chance to find a company worth adventuring for! So he had copied down the message on a more fae-sized piece of paper and saddled up his trusty elk-steed to set out for the Sundial Terrace.

It proved easy enough to find this Knossos fellow. A local merchant was happy enough to point him in the right direction (towards trouble, apparently) once he bought one of his sun visors. Roscoe dumped the visor on a random hot-looking celebrant with green eyes. He didn’t really need a visor as a Light native, and he felt a little better about the stolen adventure after this charitable act.

The fae kept quiet while the small party was briefed and lead to the Lady’s Labyrinth, too eager to absorb everything to miss something by talking. He could feel the Light magic Knossos spoke of. How wondrous it was to visit a place so positively ancient! Just seeing the place was reward enough for him. Now he had a decision to make. Roscoe wasn’t a good judge of character, fae that he was, but of the company Knossos seemed the most trustworthy, and the most scholarly. He was the most likely to be able to tell him more about this Archeological Guild, and he was perhaps the dragon he would want to impress if he was to gain a reputation for himself as an adventurer.
tmmkOjs.png PXWBvNq.png
@Elisse [emoji=harp] [b]I would like to enter the Labyrinth![/b] [emoji=treasure chest] [b]Username:[/b] JinxMoonstone [b]Account ID:[/b] 101617 [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Illyria [b]Dragon Picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I would like to enter the Labyrinth!
Username: JinxMoonstone
Account ID: 101617
Dragon Name:
Dragon Picture:


OOF HubOOF RaffleArt MarketplaceIn-flight Raffle
@elisse roleplay response; day #1 – sunday [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol]It has been far too long since Huitzi has been to his home dwelling of the Sunbeam Ruins and, having grown far too accustomed to the darkness of the Tangled Wood, the dragon squints in the sunshine, annoyed by the heat and brightness. It doesn't quite feel like home anymore, truth be told, and he is glad to at least have his cover. Shuffling towards the small expedition to listen to Knossos, the dragon realises far too late that perhaps his outfit is not the most appropriate for the task at hand. Well, he supposes at least they won't be out of light. Descending into the labyrinth, Huitzi is grateful for the shade, and listens intently as the three dragons disagree on which path to take. Knossos, he supposes, has already lost someone down there. Tundreus seemed like the kind to only be trusted as far as one could trust him, which in this particular instance meant very little. As such, it seems to Huitzi that the choice is very clear, and the dragon veers towards the left behind Ariadne. It seems like the most sensible choice, after all. [/columns]
@elisse roleplay response; day #1 – sunday


It has been far too long since Huitzi has been to his home dwelling of the Sunbeam Ruins and, having grown far too accustomed to the darkness of the Tangled Wood, the dragon squints in the sunshine, annoyed by the heat and brightness. It doesn't quite feel like home anymore, truth be told, and he is glad to at least have his cover.

Shuffling towards the small expedition to listen to Knossos, the dragon realises far too late that perhaps his outfit is not the most appropriate for the task at hand. Well, he supposes at least they won't be out of light.

Descending into the labyrinth, Huitzi is grateful for the shade, and listens intently as the three dragons disagree on which path to take. Knossos, he supposes, has already lost someone down there. Tundreus seemed like the kind to only be trusted as far as one could trust him, which in this particular instance meant very little. As such, it seems to Huitzi that the choice is very clear, and the dragon veers towards the left behind Ariadne. It seems like the most sensible choice, after all.
HriQDbb.png -......

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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Vyra stood at the entrance of the labyrinth, watching the other dragons bicker. Carefully, she took stock of each of them. Tundreus seemed wholly unconcerned with the mission's true priority - finding the lost dragon - and was likely out only for personal gain. She suppressed a sneer. She turned to look at Knossos. The Imperial seemed a tad unorganized and she questioned whether he'd learnt much, if anything, of the dangers and layout from his last venture into the labyrinth. Though, she supposed, his heart seemed in the right place. Then there was Adrianne. Another imperial. She seemed more head-strong than Knossos, and also exuded far too much distrust in the other ebony Imperial's abilities. Why in Sornieth Adrianne would question Knossos' memory on the path he took Vyra wasn't sure. Did he have some sort of habit of getting muddled? Either way. The choice was clear. Knossos was the one who had asked for her aid, and Knossos was the only one who had been here before. So Knossos would be the one she would follow.


Vyra stood at the entrance of the labyrinth, watching the other dragons bicker.
Carefully, she took stock of each of them. Tundreus seemed wholly unconcerned with the mission's true priority - finding the lost dragon - and was likely out only for personal gain. She suppressed a sneer.
She turned to look at Knossos. The Imperial seemed a tad unorganized and she questioned whether he'd learnt much, if anything, of the dangers and layout from his last venture into the labyrinth. Though, she supposed, his heart seemed in the right place.
Then there was Adrianne. Another imperial. She seemed more head-strong than Knossos, and also exuded far too much distrust in the other ebony Imperial's abilities. Why in Sornieth Adrianne would question Knossos' memory on the path he took Vyra wasn't sure. Did he have some sort of habit of getting muddled?
Either way. The choice was clear. Knossos was the one who had asked for her aid, and Knossos was the only one who had been here before. So Knossos would be the one she would follow.
Baldwin Profit Calculator:

I ended up reentering both my decision and clicker forms by mistake. I read only afterwards, in a post you made a little later, that the clicker form is fine. Hopefully I haven't messed something up by resubmitting that one. If I have, I apologize!

Please tell me if you didn't receive my submission (I wanted to follow Knossos).

I ended up reentering both my decision and clicker forms by mistake. I read only afterwards, in a post you made a little later, that the clicker form is fine. Hopefully I haven't messed something up by resubmitting that one. If I have, I apologize!

Please tell me if you didn't receive my submission (I wanted to follow Knossos).