Do not post unless you're a player.
Here be the rules and mechanics if you forget them.
Game Mechanics:
Status Effects
Status effects are a special mechanism in this game, also known as disabilities. Whenever a status effect is applied to a character, only the player of that character will be notified that they are currently having it. Abilities can remove/apply/enhance/help a player see others status effects. Typically, status effects except for poisoning last for 1 day and 1 night, which is 36 hours from the point it starts to take effect, and any removal/addition will be notified by the player receiving it only. Abilities only apply the status effect after the phase it was used in is over unless otherwise stated. (for example, you used a burning ability in N1. Your target will only be notified that they are burning on start of D2, and the effect ends in D3.) Multiple status effects can be active at once.
Burning: If a target is suffering from a burning status effect, there is a 50% chance that any action they perform when burning will fail. Likewise, anyone who attempts to kill/lynch them has a 50% chance of inheriting this effect, but this only applies if the target actually dies.
Poisoning: If a target is infected with poison, they will slowly suffer damage over a period of 2 days. (if poisoned on D1, the effect ends in D3, and so on) If the poison is not removed before its effects expire, there is a 50% chance that the target will die. This death cannot be prevented.
Weakened: Weakened targets, if targeted for death in that phase, is guaranteed to die. That means, no protection/healing/reviving will work on that target for that period of time the effect is active.
Blinded: Blinded targets have a 50% chance to “miss” their target that they choose to perform their action on. Missing means that the effect intended to be applied to your target instead will be randomly applied to another player, similar to a redirection.
Frozen: Frozen targets will lose their ability to lynch until the effect is over. Anyone who is frozen has a 50% chance of not having their role and alignment revealed if they die with the effect active.
Stunned: Being stunned is similar to being frozen, except that stunning negates all ability usage and passives, whether good or bad. Similar to a roleblock, except that all passives and ethereals are disabled as well.
Here be the rules and mechanics if you forget them.
- I cannot stress this point enough. Read everything. If you skipped anything in the rules/what to do/mechanics section. Please. Read them. If you find certain things difficult to understand, ping me and ask me to give you TLDRs on your questions.
- Yes, your character can only be an FR dragon. Aside from that, no boundaries. Just make sure if you are using a non-existent dragon, give him/her a name yourself.
- You do not have to be super experienced either, questions are always welcome, and this is supposed to be a non-super-serious game :)
- This is a non-RP style mafia game.
- Follow all of the FR rules and COC.
- Be respectful of players - yes, you may act aggressive but no attacking other players personally.
- No cheating, such as communicating about the game with other players outside of the game thread. If found out, a modkill is inevitable.
- Do not edit/delete posts! This will be first followed by a warning, then a roleblock.
- Yeah, I know, I said this wasn’t supposed to be serious, but still, play by the spirit of the rules. Everyone wants to have a good time, thus do not blatantly troll/game throw or anything of the sort that just shows you don’t have sportsmanship.
- If you are dead, or simply a sub/spec, don’t worry I’ll have Discord chat servers ready. (I have to use Discord because Quicktopic hates me). Subs and specs, please do not post when you’re not in action/the game isn’t over.
- No blatant copy and pasting your rolecards or any sort of conversation between the mod and player. You can always paraphase in whatever way you like. Some actions (role-claiming, paraphrasing certain phrases in rolecard) may have different rules for different characters.
- I still keep my list of punishments handy, although I have never needed it and I hope that will not change. Usually I’ll tell anyone if they are going over the line first.
- Serious inactivity will be punished by either being modkilled or replaced, depending on situation.
- Please enjoy yourself while playing, and try not to get yourself overly upset over a simple game. Moreso, I want everyone to have a good time that I can witness for probably the last time.

Game Mechanics:
- Despite you having a character, you are not RPing as per game rules. Your character decides part of my flavor and helps emphasize the role you’re having.
- Your rolecard/abilities has nothing to do with your character. (You can be a Wildclaw that excels at magic, you can be a Fae that has super strength, all depends on role) It’ll just be presented differently in the flavor with different elements/breeds of dragons. Everyone will receive one. However, only some players will receive a Discord chat, excluding the specchat everyone will get upon death.
- A dragon’s element may or may not decide/have effects on their abilities.
- Days last 48 hours and nights will either last for 24 hours or after all night actions have been submitted. No posting allowed during night phase. Lockdowns (aka EotD) will be during 0100 FR time by default. I will inform you all if any changes may occur.
- This is role-madness, so expect everyone to at least have an ability. There MIGHT be hidden ethereal passives that the player themselves won’t know of. Be wary.
- Mod is lynchable/killable as usual, and she can lie/withhold info as she wishes, but flavor posts will always be truthful. She also has a rolecard with her own abilities. Beware when performing any action on them.
- Now, do note that there ARE b*stard elements in this game, and don’t be surprised when the evil twists show up. Think out of the box. Prepare for the worst.
- Flavor posts may or may not contain hints.
- A lynch must have at least 2 votes for it to occur. Lynch votes not in the lynch thread will be voided.
- If a tie is formed, the generated lynch results are random.
- You may cast a no lynch/no vote. Keep in mind that they are very different. [one being you want no one to be lynched, one meaning you personally do not want to vote, respectively]
- Actions are to be submitted via PM
- Abilities with different notes on them have different ways/limits of using them. [Active] abilities are to be activated via PM, and will not auto-fire unless otherwise stated. [Passive] abilities are always active on their own unless you are stunned. [Ethereal] abilities will automatically activate when their conditions meet unless stunned and do not need to be triggered. [X-shot] abilities denote that the ability can only be triggered/used for a certain amount of times, with the X being the number of uses.
- Failure to follow a character limitation/disability will result in a roleblock.
- At least 2 posts per day a person please.
- Mafia wins when they eliminate/outnumber/equalize their numbers with town, at a point where they can no longer get rid of anymore mafia on their own.
- Town wins when all mafia are eliminated.
- Neutrals win when own wincons are achieved.
Status Effects
Status effects are a special mechanism in this game, also known as disabilities. Whenever a status effect is applied to a character, only the player of that character will be notified that they are currently having it. Abilities can remove/apply/enhance/help a player see others status effects. Typically, status effects except for poisoning last for 1 day and 1 night, which is 36 hours from the point it starts to take effect, and any removal/addition will be notified by the player receiving it only. Abilities only apply the status effect after the phase it was used in is over unless otherwise stated. (for example, you used a burning ability in N1. Your target will only be notified that they are burning on start of D2, and the effect ends in D3.) Multiple status effects can be active at once.
Burning: If a target is suffering from a burning status effect, there is a 50% chance that any action they perform when burning will fail. Likewise, anyone who attempts to kill/lynch them has a 50% chance of inheriting this effect, but this only applies if the target actually dies.
Poisoning: If a target is infected with poison, they will slowly suffer damage over a period of 2 days. (if poisoned on D1, the effect ends in D3, and so on) If the poison is not removed before its effects expire, there is a 50% chance that the target will die. This death cannot be prevented.
Weakened: Weakened targets, if targeted for death in that phase, is guaranteed to die. That means, no protection/healing/reviving will work on that target for that period of time the effect is active.
Blinded: Blinded targets have a 50% chance to “miss” their target that they choose to perform their action on. Missing means that the effect intended to be applied to your target instead will be randomly applied to another player, similar to a redirection.
Frozen: Frozen targets will lose their ability to lynch until the effect is over. Anyone who is frozen has a 50% chance of not having their role and alignment revealed if they die with the effect active.
Stunned: Being stunned is similar to being frozen, except that stunning negates all ability usage and passives, whether good or bad. Similar to a roleblock, except that all passives and ethereals are disabled as well.
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-Frosty -She/Her - INFP, Chaotic Good -15+ FR Time -Wildclaw/Pearlcatcher collector -Wishlist |
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