Welcome to water flight Spiral Keep Riddles
Every day during this event three riddles will be posted here by prophets of the tidelord.The first person to answer each riddle correctly will win a prize.
Riddles will be revealed in the next post.
All riddles are written by me and therefore belong to me as the author.
No need to ping me, as I will be going through answers periodically when I am online.
Please include the number for the riddle you are answering.
You may answer as many, or as few riddles as you want.
However each post must contain an attempt to answer at least one riddle, to be considered in the lucky door prize.
Posts relating to the riddles, discussing hints and previously solved riddles are allowed but must be defined by brackets eg {wow I need a hint for number 3}
You may not edit a post containing an answer to a riddle for fairness to other players.
Spelling errors and typos will not affect judging, as long as I can understand what was being written.
If a post is incomprehensible please post again underneath it.
Any post which has been edited will be excluded from judging.
After rollover each day if a riddle still remains unaswered a hint will be posted.
Please do not reproduce or use these riddles outside of this thread.
These riddles are my original work and are protected by copyright.
Each player who is the first to answer a riddle correctly will recieve a random baldwin goo/sludge/ooze and so forth.
All winners will go into the draw to win a gilded chest which will be decided after BotFF2 has concluded.
Each player who posts within this thread, will also go into the draw to win the lucky door prize of a fuiran crate. Which will be decided a day after BotFF2 has concluded.
Depending on the amount of entries to compile the draw may need more time, but it will be concluded no later than two days post BotFF2.