[center][quote][size=5]Voting has closed and the winner's have been announced!
Please go here [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328#post_12545283]ENTRIES[/url] to find the winners as well as the list and links for all entries in each category.
[center][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/2439d6abdd5dc1ebec4ebff4a664cd00/tumblr_nqq8e15kFP1upurj0o4_r1_500.png [/img]
[img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/d198b176a8041cb754a91e3bf0e25925/tumblr_nrslp7rRLf1upurj0o2_500.png[/img]
Here in Lightning Flight, we always like to look toward the future, even when it comes to our food. Here, you can get a look and test our latest innovations for the kitchen and all your cooking needs.
The Culinary Exhibition includes the state-of-the-art Kitchen of Tomorrow™ installation where you can try out all the new gadgets yourself. If you feel up to the task, you can even use our installation to enter our cooking contest with a dish, or three, to show off your skills. If you can impress your peers and our esteemed judges, you may even win a prize.
Please ping @Shellhead if you are interested in entering and would like to be on the reminder ping-list. The pings will go out on Sunday, July 26th. This way, anyone interested will be reminded about the contest with 6 full days left to enter. We know that it can take a decent amount of planning and can also be easy to forget it's coming up. The ping-list will be kept in the 8th post and will only be used for the designated reminder day. But, if anyone is interested in more reminders than just the one on the 26th, please let us know and we can schedule more!
[b]VOTING PERIOD[/b] August 3rd 00:30 FRT-August 5th 22:00 (tentative, may be moved up if possible)
COOKING CONTEST ENTRY DEADLINE:[/b] [s]August 1st 23:59 FRT[/s].
Brought to you by Lightning Flight, with your Head Chefs @Shellhead and @CyberInfection and Sous-Chef @PseudoScience.
[img] https://36.media.tumblr.com/7952c590ba060ef1576b8e6cfedf5a86/tumblr_nr6lk1Qcwo1upurj0o1_r1_500.png [/img]
[list][*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328#post_12545271]Rules and Categories[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328#post_12545273]Submissions and Entry Form[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328#post_12545309]Graphics and Credits[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328#post_12545313]Other Events[/url]
Voting has closed and the winner's have been announced!
Please go here ENTRIES to find the winners as well as the list and links for all entries in each category.
Here in Lightning Flight, we always like to look toward the future, even when it comes to our food. Here, you can get a look and test our latest innovations for the kitchen and all your cooking needs.
The Culinary Exhibition includes the state-of-the-art Kitchen of Tomorrow™ installation where you can try out all the new gadgets yourself. If you feel up to the task, you can even use our installation to enter our cooking contest with a dish, or three, to show off your skills. If you can impress your peers and our esteemed judges, you may even win a prize.
Please ping @
Shellhead if you are interested in entering and would like to be on the reminder ping-list. The pings will go out on Sunday, July 26th. This way, anyone interested will be reminded about the contest with 6 full days left to enter. We know that it can take a decent amount of planning and can also be easy to forget it's coming up. The ping-list will be kept in the 8th post and will only be used for the designated reminder day. But, if anyone is interested in more reminders than just the one on the 26th, please let us know and we can schedule more!
VOTING PERIOD August 3rd 00:30 FRT-August 5th 22:00 (tentative, may be moved up if possible)
August 1st 23:59 FRT.
Brought to you by Lightning Flight, with your Head Chefs @
Shellhead and @
CyberInfection and Sous-Chef @
[img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/1ef41d771469dacbf4371af4e3dae495/tumblr_nqqegptGzz1upurj0o8_r1_500.png[/img]
[list][*]This contest is [b]open to all flights.[/b] The more the merrier! The only people who are ineligible for participation are Culinary Exhibition Head Chefs, Sous-Chefs, and Judges.
[*]You are allowed up to [b]three entries[/b] per person during the entry period. But, they must be separate dishes and all need their own post, pictures, etc.
[*]This is a cooking contest, so you will have to cook/bake a dish or mix a drink yourself to enter. To prove that you made it, a handwritten note must be added to at least one picture on each entry.
[*]All entries must adhere to the entry form. If we see anything missing/not quite right, we’ll give you a poke to correct it.
[*]You may only enter one dish into a category and must specify which category you are entering your dish in on submission.
[*]Entries and any edits/corrections must be submitted before the entry deadline, August 1st 23:59 FRT.
[*]Leading off that, you will be allowed to edit, or even completely change your entry, but this must be done before the listed deadline. If you want to completely remove/change an entry, please ping a Head Chef first so we’ll know. Smaller edits etc. do not require notification.
[*]Please do not reserve a spot in which to later post your entry, make a new post when it is ready. This just keeps it from potentially getting lost in past chaos.
[*]Mixed drinks are allowed in this contest!
[*]Entrants may only win one of the first place main prizes. However, every entry, regardless of prior win, is eligible for the Head Chefs’ Prizes.
[*]If you need any clarification please just ping one of us as we’d be happy to discuss! Any major issues will be taken to PMs as well.[/list]
[b]Lightning Flight Themed[/b] This category is specifically for any entries that tie in to Lightning Flight. They will be judged based on how they represent the theme of Lightning Flight. You can achieve this through a number of means: presentation, recipe choice, name, ingredients, and more! You can even try a bit to convince us that it is on-theme if it isn’t very overt.
[b]Most Innovative[/b] This category will be judged based on the use of innovative ideas, techniques, combinations, and other things. Maybe you use particularly interesting, or on-the-fly, techniques to achieve what you want. Maybe you’re using an ingredient in a way that doesn’t immediately come to mind. Channel your inner Lightning Flight Dragon and get inventive with your dishes!
[b]Best Presentation[/b] This category will be based upon the picture and arrangement of the entry. We’ll be looking at things such as the presentation of the set-up, the appearance of the final product, and the overall visual appeal of your entry.
[b]Best Description[/b] The description category will be based on the written description/recipe portion of your entry. This includes everything from the recipe to the description of the final product, and how well it describes the flavor, smell, appearance, and overall sensation of your masterpiece. Make us sad that we don’t get to taste the food you’ve prepared.
[b]General[/b] Did you just make something really cool or great but it isn’t a replica of Bossman made completely of cake or you didn't find a brand new use for a spatula while in the kitchen? Maybe it isn’t quite ready for a cover or two page recipe spread and focus in the biggest dragon food and living magazine, Sornieth Living. But it’s still great and we want to celebrate that!
- This contest is open to all flights. The more the merrier! The only people who are ineligible for participation are Culinary Exhibition Head Chefs, Sous-Chefs, and Judges.
- You are allowed up to three entries per person during the entry period. But, they must be separate dishes and all need their own post, pictures, etc.
- This is a cooking contest, so you will have to cook/bake a dish or mix a drink yourself to enter. To prove that you made it, a handwritten note must be added to at least one picture on each entry.
- All entries must adhere to the entry form. If we see anything missing/not quite right, we’ll give you a poke to correct it.
- You may only enter one dish into a category and must specify which category you are entering your dish in on submission.
- Entries and any edits/corrections must be submitted before the entry deadline, August 1st 23:59 FRT.
- Leading off that, you will be allowed to edit, or even completely change your entry, but this must be done before the listed deadline. If you want to completely remove/change an entry, please ping a Head Chef first so we’ll know. Smaller edits etc. do not require notification.
- Please do not reserve a spot in which to later post your entry, make a new post when it is ready. This just keeps it from potentially getting lost in past chaos.
- Mixed drinks are allowed in this contest!
- Entrants may only win one of the first place main prizes. However, every entry, regardless of prior win, is eligible for the Head Chefs’ Prizes.
- If you need any clarification please just ping one of us as we’d be happy to discuss! Any major issues will be taken to PMs as well.
Lightning Flight Themed This category is specifically for any entries that tie in to Lightning Flight. They will be judged based on how they represent the theme of Lightning Flight. You can achieve this through a number of means: presentation, recipe choice, name, ingredients, and more! You can even try a bit to convince us that it is on-theme if it isn’t very overt.
Most Innovative This category will be judged based on the use of innovative ideas, techniques, combinations, and other things. Maybe you use particularly interesting, or on-the-fly, techniques to achieve what you want. Maybe you’re using an ingredient in a way that doesn’t immediately come to mind. Channel your inner Lightning Flight Dragon and get inventive with your dishes!
Best Presentation This category will be based upon the picture and arrangement of the entry. We’ll be looking at things such as the presentation of the set-up, the appearance of the final product, and the overall visual appeal of your entry.
Best Description The description category will be based on the written description/recipe portion of your entry. This includes everything from the recipe to the description of the final product, and how well it describes the flavor, smell, appearance, and overall sensation of your masterpiece. Make us sad that we don’t get to taste the food you’ve prepared.
General Did you just make something really cool or great but it isn’t a replica of Bossman made completely of cake or you didn't find a brand new use for a spatula while in the kitchen? Maybe it isn’t quite ready for a cover or two page recipe spread and focus in the biggest dragon food and living magazine, Sornieth Living. But it’s still great and we want to celebrate that!
[img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/872b4f20458ff2191f26bd16bafeb939/tumblr_nr6lk1Qcwo1upurj0o3_r1_500.png[/img]
[list][*]All entries, including photos, must be submitted directly to the contest thread.
[*]The entry period is from the time this thread opens through August 1st 23:59FRT.
[*][b]Entries must follow the provided entry form.[/b]
[*]Each individual entry needs its own comment (so please post them up separately.) This helps us when it comes to linking entries and also keeps things from getting confusing come time for voting/judging.
[*]There is no required length for the description.
[*]Entries can be edited and changed up until the deadline, August 1st 23:59FRT. But please ping Shellhead or CyberInfection before you completely wipe one of your entries/completely change one.
[*]You may enter up to three separate dishes.
[*]However, you must choose a category to enter your dish into and you may not enter multiple dishes into the same category. You must specify the selected category on submission.
[*]It is recommended that at least one of your images is sized to 500p wide or less, in order to be easily viewed alongside the rest of your entry. However, this is not a requirement.
[*]At least one picture must have a slip of paper (or something) with your username, ID#, and either "Culinary Exhibition 2015" or "Thundercrack Carnivale 2015" written on it.
[*]All entries must have the recipes (ingredients and instructions) necessary to make the entry included within the entry-body.[/list]
[img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/23b1804947ed0078ca20cb4f64b3d8c1/tumblr_nr6lk1Qcwo1upurj0o5_500.png[/img]
[s][code]@Shellhead @CyberInfection
[b]Entrant Name:[/b]
[b]Name of Entry:[/b]
[b]Category:[/b] Lightning Flight/Most Innovative/Best Presentation/Best Description/General
[b]Recipe and Description:[/b]
[b]At least one picture of the final product [one must include a piece of paper with your username, ID#, and either “Culinary Exhibition 2015” or “Thundercrack Carnivale 2015.”][/b][/code][/s]
Entries will be checked, as they’re submitted, to make sure they comply with the submission guidelines. If there is a mistake or a situation comes up, one of the Head Chefs will inform you via PM.
[center][quote][size=5]Voting has started and is open to EVERYONE![/size]
Come place your votes for your favorite entries in each category here via the form:
[size=6][url=http://goo.gl/forms/ZcZDfzBsIf]Voting Form[/url][/size]
Please go here [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328#post_12545283]ENTRIES[/url] to find the list and links for all entries in each category.
If you want to take a look at our descriptions for each category, please go here: [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328#post_12545271]Rules and Categories[/url].
And please, go ahead and ping anyone you think might be interested in looking at food and/or voting to the thread![/center][/quote]
[center]Winners of each category will be chosen by either a site-wide vote (via google form) or a combination of a site-wide vote and panel of judges.
Judged categories are:
[list][*]Lightning Flight Themed
[*]Most Innovative
[*]Best Description[/list]
Voted categories are:
[list][*]Best Presentation
Site-wide voting will open up on [b]August 3rd at 00:30 FRT[/b] and will continue through [b]August 5th at 22:00 FRT.[/b] Voting has been postponed from August 2nd to the 3rd. A link to the voting form will be posted throughout this thread for people to access. Each user will only be able to [b]vote once[/b].
Everyone is encouraged to ping their friends and flight-mates to this thread during the voting period. Of course, we generally discourage voting for someone just because they are your friend. Votes will stay anonymous to all but the Head Chefs.
[center][b]Judges (more to be added in the coming days)[/b]:
ShadowRising, LadySephiroth, Pseudoscience, dragonrider1217[/center]
- All entries, including photos, must be submitted directly to the contest thread.
- The entry period is from the time this thread opens through August 1st 23:59FRT.
- Entries must follow the provided entry form.
- Each individual entry needs its own comment (so please post them up separately.) This helps us when it comes to linking entries and also keeps things from getting confusing come time for voting/judging.
- There is no required length for the description.
- Entries can be edited and changed up until the deadline, August 1st 23:59FRT. But please ping Shellhead or CyberInfection before you completely wipe one of your entries/completely change one.
- You may enter up to three separate dishes.
- However, you must choose a category to enter your dish into and you may not enter multiple dishes into the same category. You must specify the selected category on submission.
- It is recommended that at least one of your images is sized to 500p wide or less, in order to be easily viewed alongside the rest of your entry. However, this is not a requirement.
- At least one picture must have a slip of paper (or something) with your username, ID#, and either "Culinary Exhibition 2015" or "Thundercrack Carnivale 2015" written on it.
- All entries must have the recipes (ingredients and instructions) necessary to make the entry included within the entry-body.

Shellhead @
[b]Entrant Name:[/b]
[b]Name of Entry:[/b]
[b]Category:[/b] Lightning Flight/Most Innovative/Best Presentation/Best Description/General
[b]Recipe and Description:[/b]
[b]At least one picture of the final product [one must include a piece of paper with your username, ID#, and either “Culinary Exhibition 2015” or “Thundercrack Carnivale 2015.”][/b]
Entries will be checked, as they’re submitted, to make sure they comply with the submission guidelines. If there is a mistake or a situation comes up, one of the Head Chefs will inform you via PM.
Voting has started and is open to EVERYONE!
Come place your votes for your favorite entries in each category here via the form:
Voting Form
Please go here
ENTRIES to find the list and links for all entries in each category.
If you want to take a look at our descriptions for each category, please go here:
Rules and Categories.
And please, go ahead and ping anyone you think might be interested in looking at food and/or voting to the thread!
Winners of each category will be chosen by either a site-wide vote (via google form) or a combination of a site-wide vote and panel of judges.
Judged categories are:
- Lightning Flight Themed
- Most Innovative
- Best Description
Voted categories are:
- Best Presentation
- General
Site-wide voting will open up on
August 3rd at 00:30 FRT and will continue through
August 5th at 22:00 FRT. Voting has been postponed from August 2nd to the 3rd. A link to the voting form will be posted throughout this thread for people to access. Each user will only be able to
vote once.
Everyone is encouraged to ping their friends and flight-mates to this thread during the voting period. Of course, we generally discourage voting for someone just because they are your friend. Votes will stay anonymous to all but the Head Chefs.
Judges (more to be added in the coming days):
ShadowRising, LadySephiroth, Pseudoscience, dragonrider1217
[img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/b6fe34b6cfdf5e83e6d8d75f5c020de9/tumblr_nr6lk1Qcwo1upurj0o9_r1_500.png[/img]
[b]Lightning Flight Theme[/b]
First: maplebit with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/11#post_12857143]Electrician's Power Cake[/url]
Second: clanguardian with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/10#post_12851365]Minty Thundercloud Cookies[/url]
[b]Most Innovative[/b]
First: Quib with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/12#post_12863191]Gelatin Flowers[/url]
Second: Eialyne with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12873745]Falafel Pie[/url]
[b]Best Presentation[/b]
First: darklordavy with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/11#post_12860075]Baked Salmon with Heirloom Tomato and Feta over Sauteed Spinach[/url]
Second: thealbinophoenix with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/8#post_12758695]Synthetic Lightning Dragon Eggs[/url]
[b]Best Description[/b]
First: Fernpaw with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12869635]Ultimate Summer Cheesecake[/url]
Second: Vedis with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12870173]Healthy Afternoon Sandwich
First: Vedis with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12868627]Cream Cheese and Bacon Stuffed Mushrooms[/url]
Second: EmpathNaga with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/10#post_12839756]Conductor Potato Salad[/url]
CyberInfection's Choice: Macabre with their [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/10#post_12852268]Electrifying Velvet Cake[/url]
Shellhead's Choice: TBA
[img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/e4190f2ae6a4de6b2b376abf233f31e7/tumblr_nr6lk1Qcwo1upurj0o8_r1_500.png[/img]
Lists all current entries and their designated category. Click on the entry name/dish name to be taken directly to the entry! Please let me know if any links do not work or do not take you to the right entry name.
[b]Lightning Flight Themed:[/b]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/3#post_12581978]Shifting Expanse Burritos[/url] by Maltshakes
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/6#post_12695092]Tempest Cupcake[/url] by Amazonite
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/7#post_12729767]Crackling Veggie Stir-fry with Lighting Rice[/url] by PrincessParrot
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/9#post_12835462]Green Lightning Booster[/url] by Ghostgirl32
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/10#post_12851365]Minty Thundercloud Cookies[/url] by clanguardian
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/10#post_12852268]Electrifying Velvet Cake[/url] by Macabre
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/11#post_12853492]Lightning's Blueberry Symbol Cake![/url] by StormEater
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/11#post_12857143]Electrician's Power Cake[/url] by maplebit
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/12#post_12860144]Deluxe Tempest Spire Cupcakes[/url] by Vedis
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/12#post_12860899]Daily Report Dessert[/url] by Snek
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/12#post_12863191]Stormy Night Gelatin Dessert[/url] by Quib
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/12#post_12865437]Land of the Stormcatcher[/url] by cmf25
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/12#post_12865875]Thunderbolt Tumbleweeds [AKA Rocky Road Popcorn Balls][/url] by Scultone
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12868945]Stormy Skies[/url] by Eialyne
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12869706]Ginger Kickstart (a mixed drink)[/url] by Sade
[b]Most Innovative:[/b]
[list][*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/5#post_12637661]Experimental Fried Rice[/url] by Maltshakes
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/10#post_12836932]Spiced Beef with Rice and Veg.[/url] by Ghostgirl32
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/10#post_12839668]"Clear the Fridge" Pasta Sauce[/url] by clanguardian
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/12#post_12863191]Gelatin Flowers[/url] by Quib
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12873745]Falafel Pie[/url] by Eialyne
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12870177]Make-it-work Mutton[/url] by Sade[/list]
[b]Best Presentation:[/b]
[list][*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/8#post_12758695]Synthetic Lightning Dragon Eggs[/url] by thealbinophoenix
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/9#post_12819332]Thundercrack Curry[/url] by lukascend
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/11#post_12860075]Baked Salmon with Heirloom Tomato and Feta over Sauteed Spinach[/url] by darklordavy
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12867883]Shocking Summer Sours[/url] by Eialyne[/list]
[b]Best Description:[/b]
[list][*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12869635]Ultimate Summer Cheesecake[/url] by Fernpaw
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12870173]Healthy Afternoon Sandwich[/url] by Vedis
[list][*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/10#post_12839756]Conductor Potato Salad[/url] by EmpathNaga
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/11#post_12852830]Nopales con Huevo[/url] by Snek
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/11#post_12853107]Breakfast Burrito[/url] by darklordavy
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328/13#post_12868627]Cream Cheese and Bacon Stuffed Mushrooms[/url] by Vedis
Lightning Flight Theme
First: maplebit with their
Electrician's Power Cake
Second: clanguardian with their
Minty Thundercloud Cookies
Most Innovative
First: Quib with their
Gelatin Flowers
Second: Eialyne with their
Falafel Pie
Best Presentation
First: darklordavy with their
Baked Salmon with Heirloom Tomato and Feta over Sauteed Spinach
Second: thealbinophoenix with their
Synthetic Lightning Dragon Eggs
Best Description
First: Fernpaw with their
Ultimate Summer Cheesecake
Second: Vedis with their
Healthy Afternoon Sandwich
First: Vedis with their
Cream Cheese and Bacon Stuffed Mushrooms
Second: EmpathNaga with their
Conductor Potato Salad
CyberInfection's Choice: Macabre with their
Electrifying Velvet Cake
Shellhead's Choice: TBA
Lists all current entries and their designated category. Click on the entry name/dish name to be taken directly to the entry! Please let me know if any links do not work or do not take you to the right entry name.
Lightning Flight Themed:
Most Innovative:
Best Presentation:
Best Description:
[center][img] https://36.media.tumblr.com/b387e93ccde9cb97775c4e90fa4750c4/tumblr_nr6lk1Qcwo1upurj0o4_500.png[/img][/center]
[quote] [b]Lightning Flight Theme: Grand Prize[/b]
Dragon TBA
[item=Lightning Sprite]
[item=Livewire Grizzly] [skin=4933]
[item=golem gauntlet] [item=electricians armband]
[item=Alchemist Eyewear] [item=black protective eyewear][item=silver earrings of science] [item=copper earrings of transmutation]
[item=steelhound drone] [item=coppercoil spider] [item=Sentinel Fish] [item=high-voltage almonds]
x198 / x198 / x198 / x198
[item=tracker runt] [item= black iron spider][item=deepwater constructor][item=high-voltage almonds]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1454729]Headshot[/url] by CrownedCalibre
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1334873]Full-body Ink[/url] by Coldlock
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1465080]Adopt[/url] by grimmdream[/quote]
[quote] [b]Lightning Flight Theme: Second Place[/b]
[item=Voltspire Intruder][item=Swift Lumen][item=Black Iron Creeper]
[Item=Electricians emblem] [item=electrified sash]
[item=gold earrings of alchemy] [item=darksteel earrings of necromancy]
[item=tracker runt][item=black iron spider][item=coppercoil spider][item=deepwater constructor][item=high-voltage almonds]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
[quote] [b]Most Innovative: First Place[/b]
[item=Scrapmetal Tracker] [item=Black Iron Creeper] [item=construction mith]
[item=pink protective eyewear] [item=silver earrings of science]
[item=Bronze steampunk goggles] [item= Bronze steampunk gloves][item= Bronze steampunk scarf] [item= Bronze steampunk wings] [item= Bronze steampunk vest] [item= Bronze steampunk spats] [item= Bronze steampunk tail bauble]
[item=black orpington] [item=jumbo shrimp] [item=algaestrider] [item=banana tree pith] [item=wild catsup]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] 65,000
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img] 200
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1454729]Headshot[/url] by CrownedCalibre
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1334873]Full-body Ink[/url] by Coldlock
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1465080]Adopt[/url] by grimmdream [/quote]
[quote] [b]Most Innovative: Second Place[/b]
[item=Sentinel Mith][item=Mistral Minion]
[item=delicate bat wing][item=jumbo shrimp][item=vibrant flutterer][item=sunflower seeds]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] 35,000
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img] 75[/quote]
[quote] [b]Best Presentation: First Place[/b]
[item=Steelhound] [item=Swift Lumen]
[item=white protective eyewear] [item=silver earrings of science]
[item=Copper steampunk goggles] [item= Copper steampunk gloves][item= Copper steampunk scarf] [item= Copper steampunk wings] [item= Copper steampunk vest] [item= Copper steampunk spats] [item= Copper steampunk tail bauble]
[item=blue bandit] [item=wetland ghost] [item=lady bug] [item=jungle pith] [item=sugarmelon]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] 65,000
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img] 200
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1454729]Headshot[/url] by CrownedCalibre
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1334873]Full-body Ink[/url] by Coldlock
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1465080]Adopt[/url] by grimmdream [/quote]
[quote] [b]Best Presentation: Second Place[/b]
[item=Swift Volt][item=Spellbound Golem]
[item=delicate bat wing][item=jumbo shrimp][item=petalwing matriarch][item=paradise seeds]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] 35,000
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img] 75[/quote]
[quote] [b]Best Description: First Place[/b]
Level 15 - Gen. One
[item=Steelhound] [item=coppercoil creeper] [item=spellbound golem]
[item=orange protective eyewear] [item=silver earrings of science]
[item=brass steampunk goggles] [item= brass steampunk gloves][item= brass steampunk scarf] [item= brass steampunk wings] [item= brass steampunk vest] [item= brass steampunk spats] [item= brass steampunk tail bauble]
[item=spotted skunk] [item=jumbo shrimp] [item=algaestrider] [item=jungle pith] [item=sunkernel]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] 65,000
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img] 200
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1454729]Headshot[/url] by CrownedCalibre
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1334873]Full-body Ink[/url] by Coldlock
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1465080]Adopt[/url] by grimmdream [/quote]
[quote] [b]Best Description: Second Place[/b]
[item=Swift Volt][item=Spellbound Golem]
[item=delicate bat wing][item=jumbo shrimp][item=petalwing matriarch][item=Berry and nut trail bar]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] 35,000
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img] 75[/quote]
[quote] [b]General: First Place[/b]
Level 25 – Mire Build
[item=scrapmetal tracker] [item=coppercoil creeper] [item=construction mith]
[item=green protective eyewear] [item=silver earrings of science]
[item=silver steampunk goggles] [item= silver steampunk gloves][item= silver steampunk scarf] [item= silver steampunk wings] [item= silver steampunk vest] [item= silver steampunk spats] [item= silver steampunk tail bauble]
[item=old world rabbit] [item=eel fry] [item=redwing hopper] [item=banana tree pith] [item=sunkernel]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] 65,000
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img] 200
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1454729]Headshot[/url] by CrownedCalibre
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1334873]Full-body Ink[/url] by Coldlock
1 [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1465080]Adopt[/url] by grimmdream [/quote]
[quote] [b]General: Second Place[/b]
[item=Sentinel Mith][item=Mistral minion]
[item=delicate bat wing][item=jumbo shrimp][item=vibrant flutterer][item=paradise seeds]
x99 / x99 / x99 / x99
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] 35,000
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img] 75[/quote]
[quote][b]CyberInfection’s Choice Prize[/b]
[item=unhatched nocturne egg]
[item=incorporeal dinner] [item=chewy tentacle] [item=vampiric featherflea] [item=greenpod bloom]
X99 / x99 / x99 / x99
1 Full-Body Commission by CyberInfection [examples forthcoming][/quote]
[quote][b]Shellhead’s Choice Prize[/b]
[item=unhatched nocturne egg]
[item=incorporeal dinner] [item=Yellow-Frilled Eel] [item=vampiric featherflea] [item=greenpod bloom]
X99 / x99 / x99 / x99
1 Headshot Commission by CyberInfection [examples forthcoming][/quote][/center]
[img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/9c597e746f737b32532e37db79c0bea6/tumblr_nr6lk1Qcwo1upurj0o10_r1_500.png[/img]
Signature Banners:
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/de6d02f5fd786fe6b9d0a56029e855ce/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o1_500.png[/img][/url]
[code][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/de6d02f5fd786fe6b9d0a56029e855ce/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o1_500.png[/img][/url][/code]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/831babdbd6f5fccd923957e10be2a3b9/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o5_r1_500.png[/img][/url]
[code][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/831babdbd6f5fccd923957e10be2a3b9/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o5_r1_500.pngimg][/url][/code]
[code][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/45112016abff1851e82f682e5df953bd/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o2_r1_500.png[/img][/url][/code]
[code][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/318928054928cbbd4fd4889e9b6de6bf/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o3_r1_250.png[/img][/url][/code]
[img] http://i.imgur.com/kVk59Qx.gif[/img]
Made by the amazing Macabre for last year’s Thundercrack Carnivale’s Kitchen Experiment’s Contest.
[img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/82582e6cf3458fce65c3ac59d8f46234/tumblr_nrslp7rRLf1upurj0o1_500.png[/img]
[center] Base graphics by Hayatedragoon
Personalized graphics by Noakat (thank you so much for doing so much of this last-minute and in random pieces because I kept forgetting!)
Prize donors:
Gilan, Stenvela, Tsaiah, CrownedCalibre, Coldlock, grimmdream, Snaptrap, Brambling, DarkMatter
Thank you so much for donating to the event. You all flooding me with food and items was such a huge help ;;
Sornieth Living credit goes to Attenuasis.
Signature Banners:
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/de6d02f5fd786fe6b9d0a56029e855ce/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o1_500.png[/img][/url]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/831babdbd6f5fccd923957e10be2a3b9/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o5_r1_500.pngimg][/url]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/45112016abff1851e82f682e5df953bd/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o2_r1_500.png[/img][/url]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/1512328][img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/318928054928cbbd4fd4889e9b6de6bf/tumblr_nrt7biZEC61upurj0o3_r1_250.png[/img][/url]

Made by the amazing Macabre for last year’s Thundercrack Carnivale’s Kitchen Experiment’s Contest.
Base graphics by Hayatedragoon
Personalized graphics by Noakat (thank you so much for doing so much of this last-minute and in random pieces because I kept forgetting!)
Prize donors:
Gilan, Stenvela, Tsaiah, CrownedCalibre, Coldlock, grimmdream, Snaptrap, Brambling, DarkMatter
Thank you so much for donating to the event. You all flooding me with food and items was such a huge help ;;
Sornieth Living credit goes to Attenuasis.
[center][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/8c760cbcde5ef342d3abbb1ccbb82d62/tumblr_nr6lk1Qcwo1upurj0o2_r1_500.png[/img]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/1508608/1][img] http://i.imgur.com/X3N7b5c.gif
Please visit the Thundercrack Carnivale's Main Hub in order to take a look at all the events! I was going to list them all here (with their banners) but wow there's a lot this year and this front page is already a bit intense![/center]
Please visit the Thundercrack Carnivale's Main Hub in order to take a look at all the events! I was going to list them all here (with their banners) but wow there's a lot this year and this front page is already a bit intense!
The ping-list is for people who are interested in entering and would like to be pinged again in the future to the contest thread. It can be quite easy to forget about contests you're interested in and this one takes a fair amount or effort and planning for the most past.
The next reminder ping is set to go out on July 29th ~00:50 FRT, with roughly 4 days left to enter. Please let me know if you would like to be on this ping-list!
[b]July 26th, Sunday[~22:00FRT] - Reminder Ping-List[/b]
.Maltshakes .Marburg .christina .startleddust[/s]
[s][b]July 30th, Wednesday [~00:30 FRT] 4 days left - Reminder Ping-List[/b]
.KoBcane [/s]
[b]Voting Start Ping-List - August 3rd 00:30 FRT[/b] For those who won't be entering but want to be alerted when the general voting starts.
If you're interested in multiple pings (as you can enter up to three times or you're worried you'll still forget after the first one) please let me know what day you might be interested in a ping. I'm happy to add more to the schedule, even if it's just for one person.
The ping-list is for people who are interested in entering and would like to be pinged again in the future to the contest thread. It can be quite easy to forget about contests you're interested in and this one takes a fair amount or effort and planning for the most past.
The next reminder ping is set to go out on July 29th ~00:50 FRT, with roughly 4 days left to enter. Please let me know if you would like to be on this ping-list!
July 26th, Sunday[~22:00FRT] - Reminder Ping-List
.Maltshakes .Marburg .christina .startleddust
July 30th, Wednesday [~00:30 FRT] 4 days left - Reminder Ping-List
Voting Start Ping-List - August 3rd 00:30 FRT For those who won't be entering but want to be alerted when the general voting starts.
If you're interested in multiple pings (as you can enter up to three times or you're worried you'll still forget after the first one) please let me know what day you might be interested in a ping. I'm happy to add more to the schedule, even if it's just for one person.