
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | Gene therapy surgery(Closed)
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Our Team is looking for members!

Please note: This thread is in development. Things may changed often!

Welcome to our rescue the fodder dragons and gene therapy thread

Maybe you know that feeling. Youre looking through the dragons in the Auction House and feel sorry for them all or you find a dragon you like, but his genes don‘t fit you.
You have a dragon in your lair, whose genes don‘t fit you, but you won‘t exalt it? Here‘s the right surgery.

Gene scrolls aren‘t that cheap. We know that. But this thread is for you and the poor fodder dragons. We rescue them, give them a name and a gene and/or breed therapy. You want your dragon having chosen genes? We will give your patient the right treatment and give it back to you.

You want to change your dragons breed? We will give him a plastic surgery.

You don‘t like the colors of your chosen dragon? We will spray it for you. Please remember: Every spraying costs. So if you don‘t like the colors we give him the first time, you have to pay the prize for the treatment again.

There are two ways of treatment you can choose from. Surgery or home treatment. Just like it sounds, for surgery treatment we will take the dragon into our lairs, give him the treatment and keep him, until he becomes adult. He will be given a name, you can choose and after that and after receiving the payment, he will travel back to you.
In home treatment we will give you the medicine for your patient after receiving your payment.

There are two ways of payment. The first is the payment in treasure. In the second way, the doctors of this office will give a list of items they need and they will get one item per medicine from you. We just accept full payment! So only contact us when you have the funds to pay the treatment! But it is no problem to keep a dragon you want until you have the funds. For that we have the position of the keeper, who takes your dragon in for a little amount of extra payment, which depends on the time they kept it for you. So this would be an addition to your medical bill.
As for the prices of the genes and breed changes you have to accept, that the medical bills for your dragon might be high. How high they will be depends on the gravity of the treatment.
The prices depend on the rarity of the medicine. So the newest medicine surely is the most expensive way. We will try to make it all payable for everyone. For the sake of the poor dragons.

There are now avaiable jobs as "The Bio" and "Brawler". Employees of this job are going to write a bio for the dragon if wanted and/or Level them to a certain level (Price list will be updated for the brawlers).

Attention: This doctor‘s office needs a team of doctors who are willing to help poor dragons become better and save them for exalting unnamed.
Were looking for doctors as well for keepers. Keepers are employees whose lair has more space then dragons. They will keep the dragons safe until they got their treatment and wander to their new homes.

Our team

These are the doctors and employees who wish to treat your dragons. Every employee got a rank named after Familiar moods. The rank depends on how long and how dedicated the part of the team was. So every member, who helps with vigor and joy will raise his rank. For doctors and keepers Loyal is the highest rank they can get. For leaders the highest rank is Awakened.


AoiNoRyuu - Awakened
chibimieze - Wary


AoiNoRyuu -Loyal
chibimieze - Wary
Sap88 - Wary


RubyofFire - Wary
Loveroflegends - Wary

The Bio:

Rizuki - Wary


Sap88 - Wary

List of active patients:

Unnamed - Verscilith
Unnamed - BunnyKei
Unnamed - BunnyKei
Moren - Pachirisu
Victory - GenimD

List of previous patients:

Want to be part of the team? Send a PM with the topic „Part of the team“ me. If you want to be a leader, you start with the rank Wary. The best for this team is to have leaders and employees who cover the most timezones so we are able to help out all day and night.

If you got questions ping RLisa. She's the FAQ
Our Team is looking for members!

Please note: This thread is in development. Things may changed often!

Welcome to our rescue the fodder dragons and gene therapy thread

Maybe you know that feeling. Youre looking through the dragons in the Auction House and feel sorry for them all or you find a dragon you like, but his genes don‘t fit you.
You have a dragon in your lair, whose genes don‘t fit you, but you won‘t exalt it? Here‘s the right surgery.

Gene scrolls aren‘t that cheap. We know that. But this thread is for you and the poor fodder dragons. We rescue them, give them a name and a gene and/or breed therapy. You want your dragon having chosen genes? We will give your patient the right treatment and give it back to you.

You want to change your dragons breed? We will give him a plastic surgery.

You don‘t like the colors of your chosen dragon? We will spray it for you. Please remember: Every spraying costs. So if you don‘t like the colors we give him the first time, you have to pay the prize for the treatment again.

There are two ways of treatment you can choose from. Surgery or home treatment. Just like it sounds, for surgery treatment we will take the dragon into our lairs, give him the treatment and keep him, until he becomes adult. He will be given a name, you can choose and after that and after receiving the payment, he will travel back to you.
In home treatment we will give you the medicine for your patient after receiving your payment.

There are two ways of payment. The first is the payment in treasure. In the second way, the doctors of this office will give a list of items they need and they will get one item per medicine from you. We just accept full payment! So only contact us when you have the funds to pay the treatment! But it is no problem to keep a dragon you want until you have the funds. For that we have the position of the keeper, who takes your dragon in for a little amount of extra payment, which depends on the time they kept it for you. So this would be an addition to your medical bill.
As for the prices of the genes and breed changes you have to accept, that the medical bills for your dragon might be high. How high they will be depends on the gravity of the treatment.
The prices depend on the rarity of the medicine. So the newest medicine surely is the most expensive way. We will try to make it all payable for everyone. For the sake of the poor dragons.

There are now avaiable jobs as "The Bio" and "Brawler". Employees of this job are going to write a bio for the dragon if wanted and/or Level them to a certain level (Price list will be updated for the brawlers).

Attention: This doctor‘s office needs a team of doctors who are willing to help poor dragons become better and save them for exalting unnamed.
Were looking for doctors as well for keepers. Keepers are employees whose lair has more space then dragons. They will keep the dragons safe until they got their treatment and wander to their new homes.

Our team

These are the doctors and employees who wish to treat your dragons. Every employee got a rank named after Familiar moods. The rank depends on how long and how dedicated the part of the team was. So every member, who helps with vigor and joy will raise his rank. For doctors and keepers Loyal is the highest rank they can get. For leaders the highest rank is Awakened.


AoiNoRyuu - Awakened
chibimieze - Wary


AoiNoRyuu -Loyal
chibimieze - Wary
Sap88 - Wary


RubyofFire - Wary
Loveroflegends - Wary

The Bio:

Rizuki - Wary


Sap88 - Wary

List of active patients:

Unnamed - Verscilith
Unnamed - BunnyKei
Unnamed - BunnyKei
Moren - Pachirisu
Victory - GenimD

List of previous patients:

Want to be part of the team? Send a PM with the topic „Part of the team“ me. If you want to be a leader, you start with the rank Wary. The best for this team is to have leaders and employees who cover the most timezones so we are able to help out all day and night.

If you got questions ping RLisa. She's the FAQ
Price list updated!

List of prices:

We would prefer treasure for payment, but it's your choice how to pay us ;)

Breed Change: Wildclaw - 1000 K treasure/1000 gems (Out of Stock)
Breed Change: Skydancer - 400 K treasure/400 gems
Breed Change: Snapper - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Breed Change: Fae - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Breed Change: Guardian - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Breed Change: Mirror - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Breed Change: Tundra - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Breed Change: Ridgeback - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Breed Change: Spiral - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Breed Change: Coatl - 2000 K treasure/2100 gems (Out of stock)
Breed Change: Pearlcatcher - 300 K treasure/300 gems

Primary Gene: Iridescent - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Primary Gene: Tiger - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Primary Gene: Clown - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Speckle - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Primary Gene: Ripple - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Bar - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Crystal - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Primary Gene: Vipera - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Piebald - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Cherub - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Poison - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Primary Gene: Giraffe - 300 K treasure/300 gems

Secondary Gene: Shimmer - 500 K treasure/500 gems (Out of stock)
Secondary Gene: Stripes - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Secondary Gene: Eye Spots - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Secondary Gene: Freckle - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Secondary Gene: Current - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Secondary Gene: Daub - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Secondary Gene: Facet - 500 K treasure/500 gems (Out of stock)
Secondary Gene: Hypnotic - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Secondary Gene: Paint - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Secondary Gene: Seraph - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Secondary Gene: Peregrine - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Secondary Gene: Toxin - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Secondary Gene: Butterfly - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Secondary Gene: Hex - 200 K treasure/200 gems

Teritary Gene: Circuit - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Teritary Gene: Gembond - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Underbelly - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Crackle - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Smoke - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Spines - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Teritary Gene: Okapi - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Teritary Gene: Glimmer - 500 K treasure/500 gems (Out of stock)
Teritary Gene: Thylacine - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Stained - 500 K treasure/500 gems

Tri-Color scroll - 300k treasure/300 gems

Dragon holding - 10 K treasure per day

We would prefer treasure for payment, but it's your choice how to pay us ;)
Price list updated!

List of prices:

We would prefer treasure for payment, but it's your choice how to pay us ;)

Breed Change: Wildclaw - 1000 K treasure/1000 gems (Out of Stock)
Breed Change: Skydancer - 400 K treasure/400 gems
Breed Change: Snapper - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Breed Change: Fae - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Breed Change: Guardian - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Breed Change: Mirror - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Breed Change: Tundra - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Breed Change: Ridgeback - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Breed Change: Spiral - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Breed Change: Coatl - 2000 K treasure/2100 gems (Out of stock)
Breed Change: Pearlcatcher - 300 K treasure/300 gems

Primary Gene: Iridescent - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Primary Gene: Tiger - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Primary Gene: Clown - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Speckle - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Primary Gene: Ripple - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Bar - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Crystal - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Primary Gene: Vipera - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Piebald - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Cherub - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Primary Gene: Poison - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Primary Gene: Giraffe - 300 K treasure/300 gems

Secondary Gene: Shimmer - 500 K treasure/500 gems (Out of stock)
Secondary Gene: Stripes - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Secondary Gene: Eye Spots - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Secondary Gene: Freckle - 100 K treasure/100 gems
Secondary Gene: Current - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Secondary Gene: Daub - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Secondary Gene: Facet - 500 K treasure/500 gems (Out of stock)
Secondary Gene: Hypnotic - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Secondary Gene: Paint - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Secondary Gene: Seraph - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Secondary Gene: Peregrine - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Secondary Gene: Toxin - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Secondary Gene: Butterfly - 500 K treasure/500 gems
Secondary Gene: Hex - 200 K treasure/200 gems

Teritary Gene: Circuit - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Teritary Gene: Gembond - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Underbelly - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Crackle - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Smoke - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Spines - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Teritary Gene: Okapi - 300 K treasure/300 gems
Teritary Gene: Glimmer - 500 K treasure/500 gems (Out of stock)
Teritary Gene: Thylacine - 200 K treasure/200 gems
Teritary Gene: Stained - 500 K treasure/500 gems

Tri-Color scroll - 300k treasure/300 gems

Dragon holding - 10 K treasure per day

We would prefer treasure for payment, but it's your choice how to pay us ;)


This sounds like a really cute idea! But I have a question about the prices: Everything here is much, much more expensive than the Auction House; sometimes as much as double the price that you can find on the AH.

What service do you offer that makes paying so much extra for the genes worthwhile? Do you write a story about the dragon being in hospital? (That sounds adorable.) Or do you 'consult with the patient' to help them choose their new look?

This sounds like a really cute idea! But I have a question about the prices: Everything here is much, much more expensive than the Auction House; sometimes as much as double the price that you can find on the AH.

What service do you offer that makes paying so much extra for the genes worthwhile? Do you write a story about the dragon being in hospital? (That sounds adorable.) Or do you 'consult with the patient' to help them choose their new look?

Well yes. We consult with the patient. We do not choose the genes, you do

Well yes. We consult with the patient. We do not choose the genes, you do
I also think it's a cute idea but not cost savvy
I also think it's a cute idea but not cost savvy

we will make it cheaper. its new for us ^^ so i am sorry if we shocked you.

we will make it cheaper. its new for us ^^ so i am sorry if we shocked you.


Many matchy g1s up for offer here! Send a PM!
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I have a few dragons i would love to do this with. Could you work with me to decide things?
I have a few dragons i would love to do this with. Could you work with me to decide things?
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