
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Give a [color] dreg get a [color] dreg
[center]I've seen a lot of these topics and wanted to make on myself. Rules: -You MUST list the colors of the dragon youre sending -For example, if the dragon above you has a white tert, you must give that person a dragon that has white as any of it's colors. -Ping the person above you and get the BB code for your dragon that youre sending, then send the person above you a CR, giving them the dragon for 1 treasure -The dragons you're sending may be exalted so be wary -Put brackets around your post if you're bumping or talking to another user (Don't send a dragon to people who do this, send one to the last person to send off a dragon) I'll get this started. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Coral//Coral//White[/center]
I've seen a lot of these topics and wanted to make on myself.

-You MUST list the colors of the dragon youre sending
-For example, if the dragon above you has a white tert, you must give that person a dragon that has white as any of it's colors.
-Ping the person above you and get the BB code for your dragon that youre sending, then send the person above you a CR, giving them the dragon for 1 treasure
-The dragons you're sending may be exalted so be wary
-Put brackets around your post if you're bumping or talking to another user (Don't send a dragon to people who do this, send one to the last person to send off a dragon)

I'll get this started.


@404 Just to be clear: Does it have to be the same color as the tertiary of the previous dragon or can it be any of the three colors? So with your example would a dragon with coral somewhere also be okay or does it have to be white? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Platinum / Slate / White

Just to be clear: Does it have to be the same color as the tertiary of the previous dragon or can it be any of the three colors? So with your example would a dragon with coral somewhere also be okay or does it have to be white?


Platinum / Slate / White

[-For example, if the dragon above you has a white tert, you must give that person a dragon that has white as any of it's colors.

sorry if it's unclear, by any of it's colors, i meant it doesnt have to be in a specific gene slot. So the dragon you gave could have had white or coral as primary, secondary, or tertiary. It doesnt matter.]

[-For example, if the dragon above you has a white tert, you must give that person a dragon that has white as any of it's colors.

sorry if it's unclear, by any of it's colors, i meant it doesnt have to be in a specific gene slot. So the dragon you gave could have had white or coral as primary, secondary, or tertiary. It doesnt matter.]
This is such a good idea! @Sanya I have the perfect derg for you! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He was exalt bait, but he is very pretty and it seems like you collect XXX dergs, so you can take him! Have those five levels on me! He's white/white/white, sorry next poster!You don't have as much variety to choose from.
This is such a good idea!


I have the perfect derg for you!


He was exalt bait, but he is very pretty and it seems like you collect XXX dergs, so you can take him! Have those five levels on me!

He's white/white/white, sorry next poster!You don't have as much variety to choose from.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Alement It's like playing uno with dragons



It's like playing uno with dragons
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] He's black/shadow/azure and he's on his way @saltinecracker


He's black/shadow/azure and he's on his way @saltinecracker
@randomtux [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I hope I'm doing this right. grey/black/grey


I hope I'm doing this right.

@TealOcelot [url=] [img][/img] [/url] BIG: black ice gray

BIG: black ice gray
I like this idea, so I'll play again. @Celestriakle Adding a little bit of color to the mix! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Azure/Black/Blood
I like this idea, so I'll play again.


Adding a little bit of color to the mix!


Ohh this seems fun! @Alement [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lavender/Azure/Carmine
Ohh this seems fun!


