
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Headcanon a Dragon above you!
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@dollaway [url=] [img][/img] [/url] If you hear another dragon cry "tree incident", you'll know that Angel is behind it all. Obsessed with plants and everything to do with nature, she will do anything to keep the flowers blooming and the crops healthy. Of course, her obsession may go a little too far, leaving her covered in all manners of twigs and vines and dirt, but hardly anyone is ever bothered by the mess. Try not to trip over a stray vine, though.


If you hear another dragon cry "tree incident", you'll know that Angel is behind it all. Obsessed with plants and everything to do with nature, she will do anything to keep the flowers blooming and the crops healthy. Of course, her obsession may go a little too far, leaving her covered in all manners of twigs and vines and dirt, but hardly anyone is ever bothered by the mess. Try not to trip over a stray vine, though.
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>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
@shanncrafter [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Theia has mad luck and skill when it comes to playing boardgames (like ludo), chess or cards and [i]always[/i] wins. Newcomers often find themselves losing a game before they have even begun to play, so to say. Experienced dragons try to stay away from Theia's games, especially ones easily angered by losing. However, a few dragons are trying to figure out a way to beat her, using various techniques including, but not limited to: science, magic, skill and just chance sometimes. None of them succeeded yet, but who knows what the future has in store? :D


Theia has mad luck and skill when it comes to playing boardgames (like ludo), chess or cards and always wins. Newcomers often find themselves losing a game before they have even begun to play, so to say. Experienced dragons try to stay away from Theia's games, especially ones easily angered by losing. However, a few dragons are trying to figure out a way to beat her, using various techniques including, but not limited to: science, magic, skill and just chance sometimes. None of them succeeded yet, but who knows what the future has in store? :D

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@Walle [url=] [img][/img] [/url] If in the middle of the night you're struck by a stray marigold you know Flare is patrolling, Flare would do anything for attention including having a bunch of flower petals bewitched to follow her around. She constantly needs to check to make sure her outfit is still smooth and unstained. She's not vain, she just has a need to look fabulous!


If in the middle of the night you're struck by a stray marigold you know Flare is patrolling, Flare would do anything for attention including having a bunch of flower petals bewitched to follow her around. She constantly needs to check to make sure her outfit is still smooth and unstained. She's not vain, she just has a need to look fabulous!
“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things.The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
@Abogado (Headcanon accepted, hehe~ :D ) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ever need help with an ancient scroll that needs decoding? Knight's the one you need. With his strange obsession with ancient runes and remains, he's the number one dragon for scavenging. He has a fairly big collection of relics he never really entrusts someone else with. He keeps his most prized possessions hidden from everyone- better safe than sorry, he thinks.

(Headcanon accepted, hehe~ :D )


Ever need help with an ancient scroll that needs decoding? Knight's the one you need. With his strange obsession with ancient runes and remains, he's the number one dragon for scavenging. He has a fairly big collection of relics he never really entrusts someone else with. He keeps his most prized possessions hidden from everyone- better safe than sorry, he thinks.
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@Walle [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nebulae wants to know everything there is about the celestial objects in space. Ranging from the planets, to the stars, to the vastly galaxies. She wants to know literally everything. Their lifespans, and their temperatures (applying to stars). She's always had an interest in space since she was a little hatchling, and she will do anything to become the clan's favored astronomer.


Nebulae wants to know everything there is about the celestial objects in space. Ranging from the planets, to the stars, to the vastly galaxies. She wants to know literally everything. Their lifespans, and their temperatures (applying to stars). She's always had an interest in space since she was a little hatchling, and she will do anything to become the clan's favored astronomer.
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@GymLeaderClemont [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Though he looks threatening, he mostly wants to be left alone. He has a kind heart but fears his own powers, so he isolates himself.


Though he looks threatening, he mostly wants to be left alone. He has a kind heart but fears his own powers, so he isolates himself.
@Outlandishkg [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He is often found sitting beneath the stars alone, usually avoiding having to talk with others. Some claim they see him talking to a strange purple spirit, but Endar himself laughs it off, and it always seems to vanish when seen.


He is often found sitting beneath the stars alone, usually avoiding having to talk with others. Some claim they see him talking to a strange purple spirit, but Endar himself laughs it off, and it always seems to vanish when seen.
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@GlassGuts [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Very magic dragon fortune teller like! I see her doing lots of dance shows to please the audience, a nice and respectful. A trickster in the night who loves to put on a show!


Very magic dragon fortune teller like! I see her doing lots of dance shows to please the audience, a nice and respectful. A trickster in the night who loves to put on a show!
#GlassGuts [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She only comes out in the darkest nights of winter. No other time would it be possible to see this spirit of cold and dark. She says nothing to anyone she passes by, bringing a chill to their bones and giving them a story of how they saw this elusive guardian EDIT: Oops! @Kaisen [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Some say she was born from the bark of a tree, others say she came from a flower. THe one thing everyone can agree on is that she was born of nature


She only comes out in the darkest nights of winter. No other time would it be possible to see this spirit of cold and dark. She says nothing to anyone she passes by, bringing a chill to their bones and giving them a story of how they saw this elusive guardian

EDIT: Oops!


Some say she was born from the bark of a tree, others say she came from a flower. THe one thing everyone can agree on is that she was born of nature
@ashnick [url=] [img][/img] [/url] While working the the lab one day, Shatter was playing around with a new source of reliable energy for the clan after the black out. It drew from the high source of lightning in the sky and tried to store the potential energy into the glowing mushrooms on the ground. When trying to channel the power of the storm into her experiment, her gloves slipped off and the lightning surged through her. She became the conductor for it and linked the energy into the electrical grid. You can still see hints and marks of it left behind on her as a testimony about how she fixed the lighting problem.


While working the the lab one day,
Shatter was playing around with a new source of reliable energy for the clan after the black out.
It drew from the high source of lightning in the sky and tried to store the potential energy into the glowing mushrooms on the ground.

When trying to channel the power of the storm into her experiment, her gloves slipped off
and the lightning surged through her. She became the conductor for it and linked the energy into the electrical grid. You can still see hints and marks of it left behind on her as a testimony about how she fixed the lighting problem.
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