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TOPIC | The Pack - A Pinkerlocke
The Pack
(banner goes here eventually)

This Pinkerlocke is running concurrently with my other Pinkerlocke, Nameless.

-This Pinkerlocke will mostly follow the rules here. I'll be doing Coli stuff on easy mode.
-Each drop I get from Pinkerton will alternate between being used for Nameless or the Pack.
-Everyone is Mirrors except Allendis. (For an explanation as to why Allendis is here, read Nameless.)
-When I get a new dragon, instead of rolling for breed, I will be rolling for one of its genes or its eye type. In addition, the new dragon will be the element of the region the Pack is traveling in; if no dragons matching all the criteria exist on the AH, I decide whether element or gene gets priority depending on what I feel like getting.
-The pack will travel from place to place frequently; their travel is determined randomly. I have a homemade spread die to choose direction; distance is determined by rolling two dice and dividing the result by two, rounding up. The maps of where they've been (currently up to: day 21) are in the fourth post on this page.
-Any reader can call "dibs" on one of my dragons. If that dragon "dies" (or leaves), instead of being exalted, the dragon will be sent to that person.
-This Pinkerlocke is more writing-centric than fighting-centric; some deaths and death streaks will be skipped if I feel like it. Will I tell you when I do that? Maybe. But probably not. I will try to skip fewer of them than are skipped in Nameless.
The Pack
(banner goes here eventually)

This Pinkerlocke is running concurrently with my other Pinkerlocke, Nameless.

-This Pinkerlocke will mostly follow the rules here. I'll be doing Coli stuff on easy mode.
-Each drop I get from Pinkerton will alternate between being used for Nameless or the Pack.
-Everyone is Mirrors except Allendis. (For an explanation as to why Allendis is here, read Nameless.)
-When I get a new dragon, instead of rolling for breed, I will be rolling for one of its genes or its eye type. In addition, the new dragon will be the element of the region the Pack is traveling in; if no dragons matching all the criteria exist on the AH, I decide whether element or gene gets priority depending on what I feel like getting.
-The pack will travel from place to place frequently; their travel is determined randomly. I have a homemade spread die to choose direction; distance is determined by rolling two dice and dividing the result by two, rounding up. The maps of where they've been (currently up to: day 21) are in the fourth post on this page.
-Any reader can call "dibs" on one of my dragons. If that dragon "dies" (or leaves), instead of being exalted, the dragon will be sent to that person.
-This Pinkerlocke is more writing-centric than fighting-centric; some deaths and death streaks will be skipped if I feel like it. Will I tell you when I do that? Maybe. But probably not. I will try to skip fewer of them than are skipped in Nameless.
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[center][b][u]The Characters[/u][/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Adalon[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Nasae[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Howlite[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Allendis[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Dawn[/b][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Hailey[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Ptah[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Smash[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Corundum[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Agate[/b][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Ripfang[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Rhyme[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Korey[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Norman[/b][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Bako[/b] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Cayden[/b][nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [/columns] ----- [center][u]Non-Draconic Companions[/u][/center] [columns][img][/img] [b]Rosie[/b] - friend from the old clan[nextcol][img][/img] A living doll that follows the pack around
The Characters


Non-Draconic Companions

Rosie - friend from the old clan
A living doll that follows the pack around
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Lore Notes

(This section will be added onto throughout the locke, so if you're confused about something that's happening, check back here!)

-The days in the title of each post have nothing to do with the days the pack has been traveling; it's simply a counter, mostly for my own benefit.
-If a character is "talking" in italics and other pack members understand what's being said, that character has been using Mirror's Cant: a sort of code made mostly of movement and body language, that can communicate ideas more quickly and quietly than normal speech.
-Allendis is the adoptive brother of Adalon, Nasae, and Howlite. All four were introduced in Nameless. <- That link goes directly to the post where Adalon, Nasae, and Howlite were born, if you want to read just their part of the story! Allendis has gone through quite the journey before coming here.
-Apparel shown on the dragons in my lair is not canon, unless it has been shown or mentioned in the story itself.
-In my headcanon, Mirrors are most comfortable on all fours, using their mouths or one paw to carry things, but can stand or walk on just their hind legs for short periods of time if they need to use both front paws at once.
Lore Notes

(This section will be added onto throughout the locke, so if you're confused about something that's happening, check back here!)

-The days in the title of each post have nothing to do with the days the pack has been traveling; it's simply a counter, mostly for my own benefit.
-If a character is "talking" in italics and other pack members understand what's being said, that character has been using Mirror's Cant: a sort of code made mostly of movement and body language, that can communicate ideas more quickly and quietly than normal speech.
-Allendis is the adoptive brother of Adalon, Nasae, and Howlite. All four were introduced in Nameless. <- That link goes directly to the post where Adalon, Nasae, and Howlite were born, if you want to read just their part of the story! Allendis has gone through quite the journey before coming here.
-Apparel shown on the dragons in my lair is not canon, unless it has been shown or mentioned in the story itself.
-In my headcanon, Mirrors are most comfortable on all fours, using their mouths or one paw to carry things, but can stand or walk on just their hind legs for short periods of time if they need to use both front paws at once.
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[center][size=6][b][u]Maps[/u][/b][/size] [b][size=4][u][color=green]Nature[/color][/u][/size][/b] (Nature territory map coming later when I'm not doing post formatting instead of homework) [b][size=4][u][color=brown]Earth[/color][/u][/size][/b] [img][/img]

(Nature territory map coming later when I'm not doing post formatting instead of homework)

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Aaaaaa this is so exciting!!! I can't wait to see this begin! Fresh starts are always nice!
Aaaaaa this is so exciting!!! I can't wait to see this begin! Fresh starts are always nice!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.png5d03c6fa9f7844652e24d4754fa7a84f0ac7bbc1.png e381b3ad8eac8f925459abfc6b14778502c5e611.png
Feel free to ping me :D I love your writing!
Feel free to ping me :D I love your writing!
Don't be afraid to ping me
nature_small.png #UnnamedIsValid
Let them fight!
[center][b][size=4]Day 1 - Here We Go Again[/size] Leader: Nasae[/b] [size=1]@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii @tigressrising @Neroli @Petall @DragonDraws @Tiirran @Emordnilap @Blackstone359 @clarax @Chelo @Amongthestars @Stormhawke[/size] [b]Pulls: [item=coral basilisk field notes][item=brown spot toad][item=amphibious wing] Sentence: [/b]Writing, 20-25 battles in the Coliseum -----[/center] The four siblings started running, away from the clan that they had called home for so long. Allendis was the only one of them to look back, however briefly. The pack slid between trees and over bushes and berms. As they ventured farther and farther away, they reveled in their newfound freedom: to go wherever they please, without fear of getting lost, or being home in time for dinner - because their home now was wherever they stopped for the night. All at once, the trees thinned, and the dragons broke out into an area of shorter trees, tall shrubs, and large flowers. They looked around in wonder, blinking in the bright sun. It was all so different from the dense wilds they had lived in for their whole lives. Nasae led them expertly through the growth. She heard - and felt - a large splash behind and to her left, scaring a large toad directly into her claws. Nasae turned to find ripples spreading outward in a shallow pond. Howlite popped his head out of the water, looking embarrassed. He spread his wings in a shrug. Nasae rolled her eyes and kept walking, skirting the edge of the pond and keeping a lookout for any more water hidden under leaves and branches. At least it seemed fairly clean, despite being mostly stillwater. Anywhere in the area would be a great place to settle for the night. As the sun set on their last hunt of the day, Nasae found a large, comfortable-looking area under a bush with fragrant pink flowers. She called the others over, and once everyone was well-fed, they lay down in a single heap to sleep. ----- [s]I may or may not have idly wondered why I wasn't getting notified about the responses to the thread before realizing I wasn't subscribed yet[/s]
Day 1 - Here We Go Again
Leader: Nasae

@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii @tigressrising @Neroli @Petall @DragonDraws @Tiirran @Emordnilap @Blackstone359 @clarax @Chelo @Amongthestars @Stormhawke
Coral Basilisk Field Notes Brown Spot Toad Amphibious Wing
Writing, 20-25 battles in the Coliseum
The four siblings started running, away from the clan that they had called home for so long. Allendis was the only one of them to look back, however briefly.
The pack slid between trees and over bushes and berms. As they ventured farther and farther away, they reveled in their newfound freedom: to go wherever they please, without fear of getting lost, or being home in time for dinner - because their home now was wherever they stopped for the night.
All at once, the trees thinned, and the dragons broke out into an area of shorter trees, tall shrubs, and large flowers. They looked around in wonder, blinking in the bright sun. It was all so different from the dense wilds they had lived in for their whole lives. Nasae led them expertly through the growth. She heard - and felt - a large splash behind and to her left, scaring a large toad directly into her claws. Nasae turned to find ripples spreading outward in a shallow pond. Howlite popped his head out of the water, looking embarrassed. He spread his wings in a shrug.
Nasae rolled her eyes and kept walking, skirting the edge of the pond and keeping a lookout for any more water hidden under leaves and branches. At least it seemed fairly clean, despite being mostly stillwater. Anywhere in the area would be a great place to settle for the night.
As the sun set on their last hunt of the day, Nasae found a large, comfortable-looking area under a bush with fragrant pink flowers. She called the others over, and once everyone was well-fed, they lay down in a single heap to sleep.
I may or may not have idly wondered why I wasn't getting notified about the responses to the thread before realizing I wasn't subscribed yet
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Aaaaaa how exciting!!!! It's beginning!!!!
Aaaaaa how exciting!!!! It's beginning!!!!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.png5d03c6fa9f7844652e24d4754fa7a84f0ac7bbc1.png e381b3ad8eac8f925459abfc6b14778502c5e611.png
Woo! I'm excited! (Can I call dibs on Allendis already? As i mentioned before, hes my favorite from nameless and I have faith in him that he'll live, but just in case, he's always welcome with me)
Woo! I'm excited! (Can I call dibs on Allendis already? As i mentioned before, hes my favorite from nameless and I have faith in him that he'll live, but just in case, he's always welcome with me)
@Deathwolf555 Sure thing!
@Deathwolf555 Sure thing!
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