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TOPIC | Together... ~a Pinkerlocke~
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It's fine. RL comes first. Good to hear the story is back!
It's fine. RL comes first. Good to hear the story is back!
Yay, hi there! :D *curls up comfortably for storytime*
Yay, hi there! :D *curls up comfortably for storytime*
Woo! Can't wait for more :D
Woo! Can't wait for more :D
[center][b]Welcome, Eric![/b][/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________ The night had not brought any refreshment to Wisteria. No, her mind was too muddled with questions and concerns. Concerning their new member, she didn't seem so bad. A bit sugary, but not that bad. However, Buttercup usually trusted everyone she met. For her to act this way put Wisteria on edge. While it could just be due to Circe clinging around Vice, Buttercup was usually too right about dragons for Wisteria to automatically brush it off as such. The Snapper was too deep in thought to notice Chrysanthemum stride up next to her. "My readings have been getting more accurate. I've been practicing on Mimic and Panore recently....I can say in full that I believe my powers are returning to an acceptable rate." Chrys murmured softly, getting Wisteria's attention. "Oh? That's wonder-" "However," Chrys interrupted, giving a soft apologetic smile to her friend before frowning and gazing towards the direction of airy laughter as the two spirals swirled around each other, "Attempting to read the Newcomer's aura...It is strange. It's very....sweet. Sickeningly sweet, like her personality. Bubbly, thick.....Trying for too long gives me a hazed feeling, almost as if I am drunk." Chrysanthemum shook her head at the memory, before scrunching her face in an attempt to forget. "I see." Wisteria sighed, biting the corner of her lip. "I know you're concerned about her. Most likely from Buttercup's reactions to her." Wisteria couldn't help up chuckle and glance up at her friend. "You're good." Chrys nodded and smiled, wrapping a wing around Wissi. "We'll figure this out. For now, we have to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was really chased here and is just another lost soul here." A soft pat on her shoulder, and Chrys was gone, walking off to where Mimic and the magic suit of armor wait for her. Wisteria closed her eyes, mentally knowing Chrys was right. She spent a few moments accepting this before she was interrupted by the sound of shouting. She picked out Frederica and Hemlock's voices from beyond the brush. "If it's not one this, it's another...." The Snapper sighed and walked off to where father and daughter were in a heated argument. The two Pearlcatchers snapped at one another, and Wisteria could tell Hemlock was trying not to go red. If someone didn't step in, she feared that blood would use claws against blood. "Frederica, listen to me!" "No, [i]you listen[/i] to me," Frederica puffed herself up, looking akin to an angered manticore, "All mah life, you've done nothin' but ignore me. Ih was never the favorite child!" "Frederica, don't-" "[i]Erika[/i] was! But where is Erika now, huh "father"?! She be six feet under the ground and you can't even wait a week before you stop mourning and get busy once more, tryin' to replace her!" "[i]Frederica![/i]" "Or no....She's not the one yer wantin' to replace....Ih am." Frederica stepped back, allowing her angered momentum to escape upwards to the sky. "You've never liked me, and Ih'm fine with that. But....You're terrible if you two can even think about wantin' to replace Erika not even ah few days after her body went cold. No...You already have. With this....You've killed both of us..." Hemlock looked shocked, staring like a startled* deer as Frederica fixed her cape, and walked away. Hemlock stammered for the words to call out to her. "Let her go, Hem..." Wisteria walked over, wrapping a careful wing around his shoulders. His jaw clenched as he tried to think, giving up as Wisteria placed a foot over his. "Care to explain what that was about, love?" She smiled to him, watching as he resolved to, mentally at first. "Yeah...Follow me." Hemlock turned from her, heading back into the direction from whence he and Frederica had come from. They had walked a little ways from the clearing until they reached an uprooted tree that proved enough shelter for Cecelia. The Coatl had lain down underneath the roots, curled around her blanket, which in turn, was curled around a single egg. Wisteria grinned, creeping up quietly as if not to disturb the unborn hatchling. "Hello little one...." Wisteria's motherly voice made Cecelia smile. "Congratulations, you two..." "What about Frederica....?" Cecelia spoke softly, glancing concerned at Hemlock. Her mate snarled softly, his frustration from earlier returning. "Let her go...She needs the time to mull this over on her own." Wisteria nuzzled her younger sister. Sadly, Cecelia nodded, accepting the fact. She curled up tighter around the egg, lightly pawing designs against its shell. It was a few days later when a horn broke through the shell, causing an audible gasp from Cecelia. Eagerly, the rest of the den had quickly flocked around where the coatl lay, watching as the newest member of the group made their way into the world. [center][img][/img][/center] The newborn unceremoniously broke through the egg and tumbled onto his mother's blanket. His eyes opened and he looked around at the world around him. Deciding the world to be too scary a place, he turned and curled into his mother, clinging to her to make the scary monsters go away. This caused a chuckle from those gathered around. Cecelia smiled warmly at everyone, looking around to find Frederica missing. This deterred her for a moment, before she glanced back at her son. He was precious, and she wouldn't be sad on his hatchday. "He needs a name...Something odd but fitting...." Hemlock murmured. Cecelia nodded. The two parents tried to think of something, but nothing would come to them. "Perhaps we should have come up with something before he hatched." The Sun was setting as Frederica finally dragged her feet to go meet the brother everyone was raving about. "He has the most precious eyes!" Circe, the new spiral had said. "He seems strong." Chrys had gently said to Wisteria as she had passed by. "He'll be so happy!" Mimic chirped cheerfully, although Frederica couldn't figure out what she had meant. "Little dude's gonna grow up and be awesome!" Lonnie had beamed to Panore, who had agreed. And so Frederica had to see for herself, this "Strong, Happy, Awesome" newcomer who had come to replace her. Hemlock growled as he saw her approach, only to get whacked by his mate. Cecelia herself looked shocked to see her, but gently nudged her sleepy brother and pointed to her. Her presence excited the tired hatchling, she being the first monster other than his parents that he enjoyed looking at. Their mane looked the same, and she could tell without a doubt that he was her brother. "Did ya name him?" Frederica asked after a moment. "We were thinking....perhapsss Chrissstian." The Coatl perked her feathers up, smiling happily. "Pah, that's stupid." And her feathers went down. Hemlock glared. "....His name is Eric. There is no negotiations...." Frederica glared at her father once more. Cece looked down at her little one with a shocked, almost saddened expression. Frederica nodded. "Eric....It suits you." And with that, their daughter strode away, her mind muddled and confused. [center][b]"....I've found you."[/b][/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin @ScarletTheDragon @QueenCobra The Pinkerlocke Lives!!!! I chose to do a recap update because technically Eric is ready to breed himself....So I did what I did with Cecelia, way back early on with the series. But I am back and ready to update once more! A few things: -The * for the startled deer thing is because I originally used something akin to like, A deer in headlights. But Dragons don't have cars, so I could not put that. So just know that's what I mean when startled. -I am so happy both Freddy and Eric's tert is orca. It really helps define the relationship between them. -Eric is a double orca dragon. How did that happen??? He's Orca/Sable/Orca and he looks great. -I added clothes to Circe. Well, like two items but they fit her. -Oooh look ominous looking bolded text has returned. -I've also been starting to gather a playlist of songs that I think represent the dragons of this pinkerlocke. I only have two thus far, but if you hear a song and it makes you think "Hey, this totally fits this dragon from Wolfy's pinkerlocke", feel free to share! I always need new things to listen to. The songs I have thus far are: Frederica: Outside - Hollywood Undead Erika: The Light Behind Your Eyes - My Chemical Romance. As you can see, I have a long way to go, but I am glad to be back everyone! Thank you for being patient with me and as always, I will see you next when I see you ^^
Welcome, Eric!

The night had not brought any refreshment to Wisteria. No, her mind was too muddled with questions and concerns. Concerning their new member, she didn't seem so bad. A bit sugary, but not that bad. However, Buttercup usually trusted everyone she met. For her to act this way put Wisteria on edge. While it could just be due to Circe clinging around Vice, Buttercup was usually too right about dragons for Wisteria to automatically brush it off as such.

The Snapper was too deep in thought to notice Chrysanthemum stride up next to her.

"My readings have been getting more accurate. I've been practicing on Mimic and Panore recently....I can say in full that I believe my powers are returning to an acceptable rate." Chrys murmured softly, getting Wisteria's attention.

"Oh? That's wonder-"

"However," Chrys interrupted, giving a soft apologetic smile to her friend before frowning and gazing towards the direction of airy laughter as the two spirals swirled around each other, "Attempting to read the Newcomer's aura...It is strange. It's very....sweet. Sickeningly sweet, like her personality. Bubbly, thick.....Trying for too long gives me a hazed feeling, almost as if I am drunk." Chrysanthemum shook her head at the memory, before scrunching her face in an attempt to forget.

"I see." Wisteria sighed, biting the corner of her lip.

"I know you're concerned about her. Most likely from Buttercup's reactions to her."

Wisteria couldn't help up chuckle and glance up at her friend. "You're good."
Chrys nodded and smiled, wrapping a wing around Wissi.

"We'll figure this out. For now, we have to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was really chased here and is just another lost soul here." A soft pat on her shoulder, and Chrys was gone, walking off to where Mimic and the magic suit of armor wait for her. Wisteria closed her eyes, mentally knowing Chrys was right. She spent a few moments accepting this before she was interrupted by the sound of shouting. She picked out Frederica and Hemlock's voices from beyond the brush.

"If it's not one this, it's another...." The Snapper sighed and walked off to where father and daughter were in a heated argument. The two Pearlcatchers snapped at one another, and Wisteria could tell Hemlock was trying not to go red. If someone didn't step in, she feared that blood would use claws against blood.

"Frederica, listen to me!"

"No, you listen to me," Frederica puffed herself up, looking akin to an angered manticore, "All mah life, you've done nothin' but ignore me. Ih was never the favorite child!"

"Frederica, don't-"

"Erika was! But where is Erika now, huh "father"?! She be six feet under the ground and you can't even wait a week before you stop mourning and get busy once more, tryin' to replace her!"


"Or no....She's not the one yer wantin' to replace....Ih am." Frederica stepped back, allowing her angered momentum to escape upwards to the sky. "You've never liked me, and Ih'm fine with that. But....You're terrible if you two can even think about wantin' to replace Erika not even ah few days after her body went cold. No...You already have. With this....You've killed both of us..." Hemlock looked shocked, staring like a startled* deer as Frederica fixed her cape, and walked away. Hemlock stammered for the words to call out to her.

"Let her go, Hem..." Wisteria walked over, wrapping a careful wing around his shoulders. His jaw clenched as he tried to think, giving up as Wisteria placed a foot over his. "Care to explain what that was about, love?" She smiled to him, watching as he resolved to, mentally at first.

"Yeah...Follow me." Hemlock turned from her, heading back into the direction from whence he and Frederica had come from.

They had walked a little ways from the clearing until they reached an uprooted tree that proved enough shelter for Cecelia. The Coatl had lain down underneath the roots, curled around her blanket, which in turn, was curled around a single egg. Wisteria grinned, creeping up quietly as if not to disturb the unborn hatchling.

"Hello little one...." Wisteria's motherly voice made Cecelia smile. "Congratulations, you two..."

"What about Frederica....?" Cecelia spoke softly, glancing concerned at Hemlock. Her mate snarled softly, his frustration from earlier returning.

"Let her go...She needs the time to mull this over on her own." Wisteria nuzzled her younger sister. Sadly, Cecelia nodded, accepting the fact. She curled up tighter around the egg, lightly pawing designs against its shell.

It was a few days later when a horn broke through the shell, causing an audible gasp from Cecelia. Eagerly, the rest of the den had quickly flocked around where the coatl lay, watching as the newest member of the group made their way into the world.

The newborn unceremoniously broke through the egg and tumbled onto his mother's blanket. His eyes opened and he looked around at the world around him. Deciding the world to be too scary a place, he turned and curled into his mother, clinging to her to make the scary monsters go away. This caused a chuckle from those gathered around. Cecelia smiled warmly at everyone, looking around to find Frederica missing. This deterred her for a moment, before she glanced back at her son. He was precious, and she wouldn't be sad on his hatchday.

"He needs a name...Something odd but fitting...." Hemlock murmured. Cecelia nodded. The two parents tried to think of something, but nothing would come to them.

"Perhaps we should have come up with something before he hatched."

The Sun was setting as Frederica finally dragged her feet to go meet the brother everyone was raving about.

"He has the most precious eyes!" Circe, the new spiral had said.

"He seems strong." Chrys had gently said to Wisteria as she had passed by.

"He'll be so happy!" Mimic chirped cheerfully, although Frederica couldn't figure out what she had meant.

"Little dude's gonna grow up and be awesome!" Lonnie had beamed to Panore, who had agreed.

And so Frederica had to see for herself, this "Strong, Happy, Awesome" newcomer who had come to replace her. Hemlock growled as he saw her approach, only to get whacked by his mate. Cecelia herself looked shocked to see her, but gently nudged her sleepy brother and pointed to her. Her presence excited the tired hatchling, she being the first monster other than his parents that he enjoyed looking at. Their mane looked the same, and she could tell without a doubt that he was her brother.

"Did ya name him?" Frederica asked after a moment.

"We were thinking....perhapsss Chrissstian." The Coatl perked her feathers up, smiling happily.

"Pah, that's stupid." And her feathers went down. Hemlock glared. "....His name is Eric. There is no negotiations...." Frederica glared at her father once more. Cece looked down at her little one with a shocked, almost saddened expression. Frederica nodded.

"Eric....It suits you." And with that, their daughter strode away, her mind muddled and confused.

"....I've found you."

@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin @ScarletTheDragon @QueenCobra

The Pinkerlocke Lives!!!!

I chose to do a recap update because technically Eric is ready to breed himself....So I did what I did with Cecelia, way back early on with the series. But I am back and ready to update once more! A few things:

-The * for the startled deer thing is because I originally used something akin to like, A deer in headlights. But Dragons don't have cars, so I could not put that. So just know that's what I mean when startled.
-I am so happy both Freddy and Eric's tert is orca. It really helps define the relationship between them.
-Eric is a double orca dragon. How did that happen??? He's Orca/Sable/Orca and he looks great.
-I added clothes to Circe. Well, like two items but they fit her.
-Oooh look ominous looking bolded text has returned.
-I've also been starting to gather a playlist of songs that I think represent the dragons of this pinkerlocke. I only have two thus far, but if you hear a song and it makes you think "Hey, this totally fits this dragon from Wolfy's pinkerlocke", feel free to share! I always need new things to listen to. The songs I have thus far are:

Frederica: Outside - Hollywood Undead
Erika: The Light Behind Your Eyes - My Chemical Romance.

As you can see, I have a long way to go, but I am glad to be back everyone! Thank you for being patient with me and as always, I will see you next when I see you ^^
squees New baby brother! makes grabby paws

Also, that bolded text is makes me think something bad is gonna happen. o.o Please tell me no one is going to die.
squees New baby brother! makes grabby paws

Also, that bolded text is makes me think something bad is gonna happen. o.o Please tell me no one is going to die.

XD I am so excited for Eric too! He's...somewhat dressed. And added to the front page.

Is something bad gonna happen...? I'm not sure :3 Hopefully not.

XD I am so excited for Eric too! He's...somewhat dressed. And added to the front page.

Is something bad gonna happen...? I'm not sure :3 Hopefully not.
[center][b]Day 55(post 28) - The Black Serpent [item=Haunting Houndskull] A plants and fish item Sentence : Coli, Writing[/b][/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ [center]That day when they woke up, they knew something would happen. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, yet an ominous foreboding hung over their heads like a storm. There was an eerie silence during breakfast that didn't settle well. Wisteria had tried to shake the mood when calling out that day's chores. "Lonnie, go with Panore and Chrys. You three please collect the firewood for tonight. We'll need quite a bit for other purposes because, as you know especially, Lonnie, that our roof is leaking as a result of that storm a few nights ago." "Right, Ma'am!" The Snapper smiled as the three went off, questioning if sending them out was a good idea. Nonetheless, she continued with the list. "Hemlock, go with Mimic and Vice to collect food for tonight. Berries, meats, fish...we're running out of our salt stock as well. We'll do something about that eventually." The comment caused Vice to growl lightly, with the other spiral making a passionate plea besides him. "Oh Wissi, does Vicey have to go out~?" The words left an odd taste in her mouth, but she attempted to smile at the two. "Well, if you're feeling well enough, you could go join them." This seemed to please both parties as they zipped off into the distance, Mimic diving after them. Hemlock yelled, frustrated, before charging after his group. Cecelia, granted, would stay with Eric. Which left her....and Buttercup. The two stood at an understanding of each other, and Wisteria allowed the worry to flood her eyes. "Be...Stay close today. I'm not sure, but....this day feels wrong." As much as the Guardian wanted to go out, she nodded firmly. She felt it too, something was going to happen. Her head was inclined to look at the sky, glancing around for any abnormality that could potentially be the cause of this feeling. Her answer reassured Wisteria, just a bit, and allowed her to go and check on their garden in a resemblance of peace. Eric felt bad. He felt sick to his stomach, but he didn't want to vomit. He knew his parents were expecting him to, but he didn't feel like pearling today. No, it was something else. Truthfully, he couldn't wait for that one monster to come back. [i]Dagown[/i], he corrected himself. The one with the large fluffy blanket on her shoulders, and the frog. She was fun to play with, and was a lot more ferocious and protective looking than the others. A rustle in the bush brought him out of his thinking stupor, and he was pleased to see that the wood team had come back. The hatchling grinned, galloping to her before stopping half way. He stared, eyes wide, at the growing shadow around them. Frederica glanced up at the changing of the light, before dropping the wood in her claws, scooping up Eric in their stead. The Dragons of the Den stood, frozen in fear and awe as a beast dropped down from the sky-- larger than even Buttercup or Panore. Its claws embedded groves into the ground where it now stood. It opened its purple eyes and its furred maw began to speak. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]"I demand you all stand still!"[/b] His voice boomed out, tone as sharp as a blade. His lips turned into a distasteful sneer. Buttercup leapt in front of Wisteria, her wings outstretched in an attempt to look bigger and threatening. The shredded membrane connected to them didn't help the image she attempted to convey. The Dragon before them scoffed. [b]"Do I know you?"[/b] Buttercup shook lightly, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. "Me?" [b]"You."[/b] From behind the Guardian, Wisteria slowly poked her head around, glancing up at the dragon who threatened them. It wasn't until she got to his eyes, and the white star where the fur lacked the dark color between them, that her own eyes widened as she got a pang of familiarity from him. With cautious steps, she headed towards him, to everyone's chagrin. Vice harshly ordered for her to return under his breath, his heart racing as he was sure the dragon before them would tear her to shreds. "Do I...." Wisteria tilted her head to the side as she continued to walk towards the dragon, "...know you?" The other dragon offered a raised brow and another scoff. [b]"Me?"[/b] "You....." Wisteria gazed into the eyes of the other, as the dragons behind her were stiffly waiting to lunge at this newcomer, had he any intentions of harming their leader. [/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin @ScarletTheDragon @QueenCobra Remember a long time ago when I got a pull for a dragon but didn't introduce a new dragon and told you guys to wait for it? Well, here he is! Look Morigan, it's handsome dark boy. He finally got his butt into the story. After like five billion years of waiting. I decided to center today's post. Do tell if you like this better or prefer the other, non centered way. I'm curious and can't decide. Also, as of today, the front page is all up to date and familiars are included in the cast! So go check those out.
Day 55(post 28) - The Black Serpent
Haunting Houndskull A plants and fish item
Sentence : Coli, Writing
That day when they woke up, they knew something would happen. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, yet an ominous foreboding hung over their heads like a storm. There was an eerie silence during breakfast that didn't settle well. Wisteria had tried to shake the mood when calling out that day's chores.

"Lonnie, go with Panore and Chrys. You three please collect the firewood for tonight. We'll need quite a bit for other purposes because, as you know especially, Lonnie, that our roof is leaking as a result of that storm a few nights ago."

"Right, Ma'am!"

The Snapper smiled as the three went off, questioning if sending them out was a good idea. Nonetheless, she continued with the list.

"Hemlock, go with Mimic and Vice to collect food for tonight. Berries, meats, fish...we're running out of our salt stock as well. We'll do something about that eventually." The comment caused Vice to growl lightly, with the other spiral making a passionate plea besides him.

"Oh Wissi, does Vicey have to go out~?" The words left an odd taste in her mouth, but she attempted to smile at the two.

"Well, if you're feeling well enough, you could go join them." This seemed to please both parties as they zipped off into the distance, Mimic diving after them. Hemlock yelled, frustrated, before charging after his group. Cecelia, granted, would stay with Eric. Which left her....and Buttercup.

The two stood at an understanding of each other, and Wisteria allowed the worry to flood her eyes.
"Be...Stay close today. I'm not sure, but....this day feels wrong." As much as the Guardian wanted to go out, she nodded firmly. She felt it too, something was going to happen. Her head was inclined to look at the sky, glancing around for any abnormality that could potentially be the cause of this feeling.

Her answer reassured Wisteria, just a bit, and allowed her to go and check on their garden in a resemblance of peace.

Eric felt bad. He felt sick to his stomach, but he didn't want to vomit. He knew his parents were expecting him to, but he didn't feel like pearling today. No, it was something else. Truthfully,
he couldn't wait for that one monster to come back. Dagown, he corrected himself.
The one with the large fluffy blanket on her shoulders, and the frog. She was fun to play with,
and was a lot more ferocious and protective looking than the others.

A rustle in the bush brought him out of his thinking stupor, and he was pleased to see that the wood team had come back. The hatchling grinned, galloping to her before stopping half way.
He stared, eyes wide, at the growing shadow around them.

Frederica glanced up at the changing of the light, before dropping the wood in her claws,
scooping up Eric in their stead. The Dragons of the Den stood, frozen in fear and awe as a beast dropped down from the sky-- larger than even Buttercup or Panore. Its claws embedded groves into the ground where it now stood. It opened its purple eyes and its furred maw began to speak.


"I demand you all stand still!" His voice boomed out, tone as sharp as a blade. His lips turned into a distasteful sneer. Buttercup leapt in front of Wisteria, her wings outstretched in an attempt to look bigger and threatening. The shredded membrane connected to them didn't help the image she attempted to convey.

The Dragon before them scoffed. "Do I know you?"

Buttercup shook lightly, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. "Me?"

"You." From behind the Guardian, Wisteria slowly poked her head around, glancing up at the dragon who threatened them. It wasn't until she got to his eyes, and the white star where the fur lacked the dark color between them, that her own eyes widened as she got a pang of familiarity from him.

With cautious steps, she headed towards him, to everyone's chagrin. Vice harshly ordered for her to return under his breath, his heart racing as he was sure the dragon before them would tear her to shreds.

"Do I...." Wisteria tilted her head to the side as she continued to walk towards the dragon,
"...know you?"

The other dragon offered a raised brow and another scoff. "Me?"

"You....." Wisteria gazed into the eyes of the other, as the dragons behind her were stiffly waiting to lunge at this newcomer, had he any intentions of harming their leader.

@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin @ScarletTheDragon @QueenCobra

Remember a long time ago when I got a pull for a dragon but didn't introduce a new dragon and told you guys to wait for it? Well, here he is! Look Morigan, it's handsome dark boy. He finally got his butt into the story. After like five billion years of waiting.

I decided to center today's post. Do tell if you like this better or prefer the other, non centered way. I'm curious and can't decide.
Also, as of today, the front page is all up to date and familiars are included in the cast! So go check those out.
@Deathwolf555 The centered text looks cooler, but it's easier to read non-centered. Now that that's out of the way... [i]squees at new dragon Why must my lair be full for the upcoming push. QQ[/i] [img][/img]
The centered text looks cooler, but it's easier to read non-centered.

Now that that's out of the way...

squees at new dragon

Why must my lair be full for the upcoming push. QQ


XD You want.....Handsome dark boy? Wait a few posts and see if he is still desirable.

Thank you for your input ^^ Would you rather it be back to the way it was?

XD You want.....Handsome dark boy? Wait a few posts and see if he is still desirable.

Thank you for your input ^^ Would you rather it be back to the way it was?
I prefer the non-centered text as it is easier to read, but I'm fine with your decision.
I prefer the non-centered text as it is easier to read, but I'm fine with your decision.
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