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TOPIC | Together... ~a Pinkerlocke~
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He's all yours, if you'll have him :3


Me too. However, I'm also looking at how the other one develops from this as well.

He's all yours, if you'll have him :3


Me too. However, I'm also looking at how the other one develops from this as well.

I'd love to have him! You can send him over CR if you'd like ^-^

I'd love to have him! You can send him over CR if you'd like ^-^
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They / Them
FR +2
[center][b]Days 47-49(Post 21) - Continuance[/b] [item=Mage's Cranberry Hat] Sentence : Gene a dragon[/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ "...Sweet Babe, look after your parents from the world above. Look after your siblings, and for your aunts, uncle, our troupe who has been through such a wild journey thus far. From the heavens, may your star guide us along through the darkest of nights. And when it is our turn, lead us through the gates of mortality, where we may get to know the child that never was. Sweet dreams, young one. Until we meet again many years from now." The words meant nothing to Frederica, who idly sat on Mimic's shoulders. Her sister curled up in her mother's arms. She may have been young, [i]very [/i]young, but she was already starting to piece together that there was something....different, about herself from her sister. Her instincts recognized Cecelia and Hemlock as her protectors. Her mind refused to acknowledge them as her parents. They flocked and danced around Erika, whom she should recognize as her sibling. It didn't make sense, in her young mind. They looked the same, so why didn't they dance around her as well? In the end, she guessed it didn't matter. She had the screechy green dragon instead. And the red worm! Frederica felt the urge to vomit sludge like all pearlcatchers. It formed their pearls. However, it only freaked her parents out when her sister's pearl gained a reddish tint from the liquid that came along with it. Erika carried the pink ball with her now. It didn't make sense to take up one whole limb's use for something not even remotely fun. Instead, she decided it was better to sneak up on the red worm and vomit on his foot. His screams and rages never failed to make her laugh. Her fedora wearing protector always scolded her. So she tried vomiting on her sister once. It only provoked an angrier response. From then on, she decided to just stick with the green dragon. This dragon took a liking to her, and paraded her around on her shoulders, and allowed her to chew on her horns, and allowed her to cuddle her. Around her was when her urge to form her own pearl felt strongest, but she refrained and swallowed down the thick sludge, if only to make sure she didn't react like the red worm did. After Wisteria's eulogy, the troupe finally packed up their belongings and begun to move once more. Chrysanthemum was strong enough to walk again for a little bit( When she wasn't, Buttercup didn't mind carrying her on her back). Besides, It would be too sad to stay in a graveyard for long. Frederica kept tugging on Mimic's horns, excitedly pointing out every interesting tree, or rock, or bug that happened to catch her eyes. And Mimic always gave an excited response, getting closer so the hatchling could get a better look, or hopping away from the trail to show her more. It made her companion very happy, so the Nocturne didn't mind it. Once again, something caught the child's eye; a green glimmer from the bushes. Sharply, she bit the base of Mimic's horns, causing a gasp from her. "Unnn!" Frederica pointed to the bushes, but Mimic could not see what she was pointing to this time. "...Wissi! Me and Frederica are gonna check that bush there!" The Snapper looked towards Hemlock for answers, getting a curt nod in response. "Alright....Don't go too far and make sure you keep up!" "Got it!" Frederica hopped off her shoulders, scurrying into the foliage, Mimic at her heels. Hiding among the leaves was a sphere, its color twisting and turning. Mimic was hypnotised at the stone, her eyes swirling and following the color's movement. Frederica was too, for a time, before noticing her friend's scales. Shimmering, their color twisted and reflected the sphere's. The hatchling placed a paw on a dark spot, trying to stop it from moving. When that failed, she jumped once more onto the Nocturne, her paws whacking at the scales, trying to touch every spot that turned and fled. Finally, she placed her paws on her friend's shoulder, and the spot stayed there. Frederica grinned to herself, before noticing the others had stopped moving as well. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Her scales no longer held just green, instead now dancing from the full range of green. There were lighter blue greens on her head, and darker spots down her side. Her eyes remained fixed on the stump, the sphere no longer there. With a 'hmph', she bit her horn again, snapping the Nocturne out of her trans. "Huh? Oh....Frederica...Where did it go?" Nothing of interest remained in the deep foliage. Shaking her head, she addressed the hatchling again. "Let's get back to the others, kay?" It took a fair amount of running to catch up to the dragons, Mimic dashing past half of them to get up to Wisteria. "We're back! Hah...." The Nocturne panted. "Mimic?! Your....." The Snapper stared in shock at her new colors. The other dragons stood, baffled at the transformation. "My...? My what?" "You're...a bit of a different color..." Vice managed to spit out. Mimic furrowed her brows and looked into Chrys' pauldrons, finding in fact, she did change. "Wh-what the?!" The Nocturne prodded her skin, feeling the spots where the colors changed, as if they would feel different. After a few moments, she sighed and smiled. "I look rather cool now! Right, Pa?" Vice could only nod dumbly. [center][b] "That Pearlcatcher was a waste of time. However, he showed no signs of infection, so I left him alive. I begin my hunt for the Guardian tonight.....They must've went back into the Shadows. I'll start at the border and make my way inward....."[/b][/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon @SybilRamkin I've been planning to give her poison since she was hatched. Leopardmask just had a very good guess. Shoutout to ScarletTheDragon, for accepting Theodore. I'll add his official death post to the front tomorrow, and add Erika and Frederica to the living once more. I'm also gonna be bringing back Armillwald. Haven't heard from him in a while. He's grown too. I swear to Shadowbinder, the past three pulls have been apparel. Sheesh Pink, I'm sorry, I had to wait for Poison to brew, chill! So, Question for today, if you don't mind answering. Two, more like it. What do you think of the Pearl Siblings? And Who is your favorite dragon?
Days 47-49(Post 21) - Continuance
Mage's Cranberry Hat
Sentence : Gene a dragon

"...Sweet Babe, look after your parents from the world above. Look after your siblings, and for your aunts, uncle, our troupe who has been through such a wild journey thus far. From the heavens, may your star guide us along through the darkest of nights. And when it is our turn, lead us through the gates of mortality, where we may get to know the child that never was. Sweet dreams, young one. Until we meet again many years from now."

The words meant nothing to Frederica, who idly sat on Mimic's shoulders. Her sister curled up in her mother's arms. She may have been young, very young, but she was already starting to piece together that there was something....different, about herself from her sister. Her instincts recognized Cecelia and Hemlock as her protectors. Her mind refused to acknowledge them as her parents. They flocked and danced around Erika, whom she should recognize as her sibling.

It didn't make sense, in her young mind. They looked the same, so why didn't they dance around her as well? In the end, she guessed it didn't matter. She had the screechy green dragon instead. And the red worm!

Frederica felt the urge to vomit sludge like all pearlcatchers. It formed their pearls. However, it only freaked her parents out when her sister's pearl gained a reddish tint from the liquid that came along with it. Erika carried the pink ball with her now. It didn't make sense to take up one whole limb's use for something not even remotely fun. Instead, she decided it was better to sneak up on the red worm and vomit on his foot. His screams and rages never failed to make her laugh.

Her fedora wearing protector always scolded her. So she tried vomiting on her sister once. It only provoked an angrier response. From then on, she decided to just stick with the green dragon. This dragon took a liking to her, and paraded her around on her shoulders, and allowed her to chew on her horns, and allowed her to cuddle her. Around her was when her urge to form her own pearl felt strongest, but she refrained and swallowed down the thick sludge, if only to make sure she didn't react like the red worm did.

After Wisteria's eulogy, the troupe finally packed up their belongings and begun to move once more. Chrysanthemum was strong enough to walk again for a little bit( When she wasn't, Buttercup didn't mind carrying her on her back). Besides, It would be too sad to stay in a graveyard for long.

Frederica kept tugging on Mimic's horns, excitedly pointing out every interesting tree, or rock, or bug that happened to catch her eyes. And Mimic always gave an excited response, getting closer so the hatchling could get a better look, or hopping away from the trail to show her more. It made her companion very happy, so the Nocturne didn't mind it.

Once again, something caught the child's eye; a green glimmer from the bushes. Sharply, she bit the base of Mimic's horns, causing a gasp from her.
"Unnn!" Frederica pointed to the bushes, but Mimic could not see what she was pointing to this time.

"...Wissi! Me and Frederica are gonna check that bush there!" The Snapper looked towards Hemlock for answers, getting a curt nod in response.

"Alright....Don't go too far and make sure you keep up!"

"Got it!" Frederica hopped off her shoulders, scurrying into the foliage, Mimic at her heels. Hiding among the leaves was a sphere, its color twisting and turning. Mimic was hypnotised at the stone, her eyes swirling and following the color's movement. Frederica was too, for a time, before noticing her friend's scales. Shimmering, their color twisted and reflected the sphere's.

The hatchling placed a paw on a dark spot, trying to stop it from moving. When that failed, she jumped once more onto the Nocturne, her paws whacking at the scales, trying to touch every spot that turned and fled. Finally, she placed her paws on her friend's shoulder, and the spot stayed there.

Frederica grinned to herself, before noticing the others had stopped moving as well.


Her scales no longer held just green, instead now dancing from the full range of green. There were lighter blue greens on her head, and darker spots down her side. Her eyes remained fixed on the stump, the sphere no longer there. With a 'hmph', she bit her horn again, snapping the Nocturne out of her trans.

"Huh? Oh....Frederica...Where did it go?" Nothing of interest remained in the deep foliage. Shaking her head, she addressed the hatchling again. "Let's get back to the others, kay?"

It took a fair amount of running to catch up to the dragons, Mimic dashing past half of them to get up to Wisteria. "We're back! Hah...." The Nocturne panted.

"Mimic?! Your....." The Snapper stared in shock at her new colors. The other dragons stood, baffled at the transformation.

"My...? My what?"

"You're...a bit of a different color..." Vice managed to spit out. Mimic furrowed her brows and looked into Chrys' pauldrons, finding in fact, she did change.

"Wh-what the?!" The Nocturne prodded her skin, feeling the spots where the colors changed, as if they would feel different. After a few moments, she sighed and smiled. "I look rather cool now! Right, Pa?"

Vice could only nod dumbly.

"That Pearlcatcher was a waste of time. However, he showed no signs of infection, so I left him alive. I begin my hunt for the Guardian tonight.....They must've went back into the Shadows. I'll start at the border and make my way inward....."
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon @SybilRamkin

I've been planning to give her poison since she was hatched. Leopardmask just had a very good guess.

Shoutout to ScarletTheDragon, for accepting Theodore. I'll add his official death post to the front tomorrow, and add Erika and Frederica to the living once more. I'm also gonna be bringing back Armillwald. Haven't heard from him in a while. He's grown too. I swear to Shadowbinder, the past three pulls have been apparel. Sheesh Pink, I'm sorry, I had to wait for Poison to brew, chill!

So, Question for today, if you don't mind answering. Two, more like it. What do you think of the Pearl Siblings? And Who is your favorite dragon?
@Deathwolf555 [quote]It didn't make sense to take up one whole limb's use for something not even remotely fun. Instead, she decided it was better to sneak up on the red worm and vomit on his foot. His screams and rages never failed to make her laugh.[/quote] Freddy is a beautiful child. XD Also, why is Erika's pearl pink? [i]Is this a plot point now?[/i] And is Freddy ever going to have a pearl?
It didn't make sense to take up one whole limb's use for something not even remotely fun. Instead, she decided it was better to sneak up on the red worm and vomit on his foot. His screams and rages never failed to make her laugh.
Freddy is a beautiful child. XD Also, why is Erika's pearl pink? Is this a plot point now? And is Freddy ever going to have a pearl?
@Belviere Freddy is a precious child. I'm not sure if she'll have a pearl. Her sprite will, but I'm not sure if she ever will gain the instinct to keep one. She's a very different child. [quote]However, it only freaked her parents out when her sister's pearl gained a reddish tint from the liquid that came along with it.[/quote] Remember how Theo and Erika shared a life? Erika is still very weak from losing half of it. She's essentially....almost dying. Hence why her parents are "dancing" around her. Hence, her pearl is pink because...... ^

Freddy is a precious child. I'm not sure if she'll have a pearl. Her sprite will, but I'm not sure if she ever will gain the instinct to keep one. She's a very different child.
However, it only freaked her parents out when her sister's pearl gained a reddish tint from the liquid that came along with it.

Remember how Theo and Erika shared a life? Erika is still very weak from losing half of it. She's essentially....almost dying. Hence why her parents are "dancing" around her. Hence, her pearl is pink because...... ^
Leave the pearl pink forever. It can be another trace of Theo that her subconscious is reminding her with.
Leave the pearl pink forever. It can be another trace of Theo that her subconscious is reminding her with.
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin

Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the lack of updates as of late. I have been in the process of moving and had a difficult time even getting on, and definitely not enough time to write an update. I apologize. I'm going to try and update tomorrow. Frederica and Erika are grown now! I have a feel for what their personalities are going to be, and I'm gonna be taking them to the training fields tomorrow as well. So yeah. Sorry once again everyone. I thought you all should know why there's been a lack of updates from me. I will try to get back into a normal routine soon.
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin

Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the lack of updates as of late. I have been in the process of moving and had a difficult time even getting on, and definitely not enough time to write an update. I apologize. I'm going to try and update tomorrow. Frederica and Erika are grown now! I have a feel for what their personalities are going to be, and I'm gonna be taking them to the training fields tomorrow as well. So yeah. Sorry once again everyone. I thought you all should know why there's been a lack of updates from me. I will try to get back into a normal routine soon.

Life comes first, no need to stress yourself over lack of updates!

Life comes first, no need to stress yourself over lack of updates!
No worries on the updates, moving is a stressful event. Take care!
No worries on the updates, moving is a stressful event. Take care!
[center][b]Day 50(post 22) - A New Friend[/b] [item = Tiny Feathers] Sentence : Writing[/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ "Well fine! I didn' wanna hang wit' you all anyway...." Frederica yelled to no one in particular. Everyone was too busy with something more important. Everything was more important than her. They didn't even notice as she exited their bigger home. Buttercup, Wisteria, and Vice were in charge of building their new home, so she could forgive them. Mimic was gathering things, whatever they were was unknown to Frederica, and she was cool anyways. Chrys couldn't play just yet, so she was acceptable. But her father..... He always pushed her away like she was nothing. Even her mother hardly noticed her. But she at least tried to remember her. Her sire only responded to her want of playing with "Shoo! Can't you see I'm busy?!". Sometimes, she didn't even get that, just an uncaring paw to shove her away. And for what reason was he busy? It was all just to cater to her sister's every whim. Sure, she was a bit weaker than other dragons, big whoop. The Pearlcatcher wiped away the water on her face, and looked up. She wasn't aware it was raining(and it wasn't; but she wouldn't admit to herself that her father's rejection hurt so much). "This'll be a great time to brush up on ma critter catchin'." Frederica murmured to herself, smiling. Soon, her paws cupped around a marsh frog. The Pearlcatcher squealed, turning the frog to face her. Its beady eyes stared at her, and she could feel its heartbeat pulse underneath her fingers. "You don' mind me hangin' on to you for a while, righto bud? Ih'll let you go, Ih promise." Her claw unlatched the tiny cage on her hip and she placed the frog into it, locking it behind her. She was only a few paces from the giant oak, next to the moss covered rock. After maybe scaring Vice a bit, she'd come back and return him to the wild. Frederica was smiling, up until she noticed the few drops of red contrasting the brown dirt in front of her. Her expression turned from one of joy to confusion, then to shock. A shiver went down her spine. She first checked the frog, to see if her claws had hurt the innocent creature. He was fine, and didn't seem to be causing the thrashing sound that rang out from further in the brush. Frederica swallowed heavily, before tightening the strap around her waist that carried the cage. Determined, she walked forward. In her mind, she justified meeting her end here. It was okay, she hadn't lived long and made a difference. Her family had Erika....they wouldn't care if....she were gone. She didn't have many things and those she did would go to Mimic. Perhaps she should write a will. But she didn't have uncrumpled paper..... But the thrashing thing in front of her did. [img][/img] The creature gritted its teeth, pulling out the splinters of wood within its serpentine body. It froze upon seeing the dragon, before scowling and holding the bloodied wood like a spear. The noises from its mouth didn't make any sense, but from its tone, it sounded angry. No, not angry, it sounded fake. A creature trying to be intimidating, but knowing it couldn't defend itself if death came in the form of something bigger. "Uhmm... H-hey! Don' wiggle so much! You're makin' it worse! You'll bleed h'out. Do you speak Draconic, sir?" She placed her paws up in submission. After a moment, she pulled out a sheet of paper she had crumpled up in the pocket of her meager shirt, and waved it. White flag, surrender. Surely it meant the same in their language. The creature stopped, and slowly lowered the makeshift weapon. "Yesss....I have....ssstudied Draconic.....Are you...A child?" "You've gotta funny accent, Mister. Kinda like my Momma." "Parentssss? Then....You'll lead bigger dragonsss here!" It raised the weapon again in defense, causing the young hatchling to squeal. "Nonono, not if ya don' want me to...Don' worry...I'm mad at them anyways. Here....Ih know a bit of...healin' stuff. You're in a bad lookin' shape. What's your name, Mister?" The creature seemed to relax a bit. "My name is," The creature released a series of sound that made as much sense as his screeching earlier. It was long and had....a few syllables? Frederica couldn't help but furrow her brows. "Ih don't understand that, but my name is Frederica. I kind of hate it, though. Lemme see your wound, okay?" The dragon ripped open her shirt, before walking over. "You....have a frog with you..." The creature observed. "Yep Ih do. 'Is name is Righto Bud. Bud for short. I'm gonna release him after Ih draw him and scare Vice." Her fingers pulled out the tiny shards that had ricocheted off the main body. Each pull was met with a wince, but the creature did not try to harm her. "Mister, what are you...?" She had asked after she wrapped her torn shirt around the biggest of wounds best she could. Her eyes scanned for the herb that Wisteria had taught them to put on wounds if they were bleeding. [i]'It helps clot the blood, and stops one from bleeding out'[/i] Her words rang through her head. She recognized the small white bulbs of the plant by a birch not too far away. "My kind are called Sssserthisss." His eyes followed the dragon as she ran past him, only to gather a plant. Frederica returned, pulling off the bulbs and placing them within the wound. Mister hissed and gritted his teeth once more as she began digging at some of the cooler dirt. Her saliva gathered in her mouth and she spat the glob into the dark clump, repeating until it was a mud substitute. "This'll seal your wounds up for a while. And the bulbs will make your blood clot. I learned a bit of what Wissi taught us." Her tone had a hostility that the Serthis could tell was not directed towards him. "I ssshould thank you, misssss Frederica. I mossst likely owe you my life..." His mind briefly gandered at the possibility that an enzyme in her saliva would be hazardous to him, causing a secondary infection that would finish him off. That thought was shook out of his head quickly. "I can take you to the group," She held her hands up in submission once more at his discomfort at the idea, "Wait a moment....They won' hurt you, Ih promise. They're nice...and Wissi can help you a lot better. Maybe later... Ih'll let you think of it. You seem a bit tired....You know, there's an uprooted tree 'round here if you want to rest outta the sun for a bit. Ih can show you." She smiled as he slowly picked up his scrolls and began to slither behind her, albeit pained. "You know, since Ih don't know how to pronounce Hissisisisisssssiathisis, do you have anything else Ih can call you?" "I've....never had....a different name. Make one up?" He shrugged. "I think I know what to name you, then." "Honey, what are you drawing?" Cecelia inquired, peering over Frederica's shoulder. Hemlock glanced and gasped in shock. "Is that a Serthis? How do you know about those?" "It's The Baron!" Frederica smiled at her father. "Ssshe hasss an imaginary friend...Isssn't that cute?" Cecelia beamed to her mate. Hemlock only shook his head. "Such use of her brain would be better put to other things, like her studies." Frederica gritted her teeth, shoving her paper aside and hopping over to Wisteria. "Hey Wissi. Ih made a new friend...Could we have him for dinner? Over for dinner, not for dinner...?" Everyone in the group turned to the duo upon hearing that. "O-oh...I wasn't aware there were other dragons around here....Sure...We can have your friend over for dinner, not for dinner." The motherly snapper smiled sweetly at the young dragon. Frederica returned her sweet smile, thinking about the look of surely shock on her father's face when he found out she had managed to befriend a Serthis. [i]'Jus' you wait, Sire'[/i] ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin So, f-funny story.....I was suppose to do some coli training with the 'locke dergs today, right? But then FR was like "New venue" and so I accidentally took my coli team to the Volcanic Vents instead and tried to get a Dreadram....I haven't succeeded. Thank you to Metroid for the donation of the Archivist. We now have our second familiar besides Armillwald. I should check on him, he hasn't been heard of in a while... So yeah, I'm officially off break now, and Together... will be on a regular schedule once more! What do you guys think of The Baron? And Frederica? Next time, we should visit Erika, and see her side of things. Thank you all for being patient with me, and I'll see you next time!
Day 50(post 22) - A New Friend
Tiny Feathers
Sentence : Writing

"Well fine! I didn' wanna hang wit' you all anyway...." Frederica yelled to no one in particular. Everyone was too busy with something more important. Everything was more important than her. They didn't even notice as she exited their bigger home. Buttercup, Wisteria, and Vice were in charge of building their new home, so she could forgive them.

Mimic was gathering things, whatever they were was unknown to Frederica, and she was cool anyways. Chrys couldn't play just yet, so she was acceptable. But her father..... He always pushed her away like she was nothing. Even her mother hardly noticed her. But she at least tried to remember her. Her sire only responded to her want of playing with "Shoo! Can't you see I'm busy?!". Sometimes, she didn't even get that, just an uncaring paw to shove her away.

And for what reason was he busy? It was all just to cater to her sister's every whim. Sure, she was a bit weaker than other dragons, big whoop. The Pearlcatcher wiped away the water on her face, and looked up. She wasn't aware it was raining(and it wasn't; but she wouldn't admit to herself that her father's rejection hurt so much).

"This'll be a great time to brush up on ma critter catchin'." Frederica murmured to herself, smiling. Soon, her paws cupped around a marsh frog. The Pearlcatcher squealed, turning the frog to face her. Its beady eyes stared at her, and she could feel its heartbeat pulse underneath her fingers. "You don' mind me hangin' on to you for a while, righto bud? Ih'll let you go, Ih promise."

Her claw unlatched the tiny cage on her hip and she placed the frog into it, locking it behind her. She was only a few paces from the giant oak, next to the moss covered rock. After maybe scaring Vice a bit, she'd come back and return him to the wild. Frederica was smiling, up until she noticed the few drops of red contrasting the brown dirt in front of her. Her expression turned from one of joy to confusion, then to shock.

A shiver went down her spine. She first checked the frog, to see if her claws had hurt the innocent creature. He was fine, and didn't seem to be causing the thrashing sound that rang out from further in the brush. Frederica swallowed heavily, before tightening the strap around her waist that carried the cage. Determined, she walked forward.

In her mind, she justified meeting her end here. It was okay, she hadn't lived long and made a difference. Her family had Erika....they wouldn't care if....she were gone. She didn't have many things and those she did would go to Mimic. Perhaps she should write a will. But she didn't have uncrumpled paper.....

But the thrashing thing in front of her did.


The creature gritted its teeth, pulling out the splinters of wood within its serpentine body. It froze upon seeing the dragon, before scowling and holding the bloodied wood like a spear. The noises from its mouth didn't make any sense, but from its tone, it sounded angry. No, not angry, it sounded fake. A creature trying to be intimidating, but knowing it couldn't defend itself if death came in the form of something bigger.

"Uhmm... H-hey! Don' wiggle so much! You're makin' it worse! You'll bleed h'out. Do you speak Draconic, sir?" She placed her paws up in submission. After a moment, she pulled out a sheet of paper she had crumpled up in the pocket of her meager shirt, and waved it. White flag, surrender. Surely it meant the same in their language.

The creature stopped, and slowly lowered the makeshift weapon.
"Yesss....I have....ssstudied Draconic.....Are you...A child?"

"You've gotta funny accent, Mister. Kinda like my Momma."

"Parentssss? Then....You'll lead bigger dragonsss here!" It raised the weapon again in defense, causing the young hatchling to squeal.

"Nonono, not if ya don' want me to...Don' worry...I'm mad at them anyways. Here....Ih know a bit of...healin' stuff. You're in a bad lookin' shape. What's your name, Mister?"

The creature seemed to relax a bit. "My name is," The creature released a series of sound that made as much sense as his screeching earlier. It was long and had....a few syllables?
Frederica couldn't help but furrow her brows.

"Ih don't understand that, but my name is Frederica. I kind of hate it, though. Lemme see your wound, okay?" The dragon ripped open her shirt, before walking over.

"You....have a frog with you..." The creature observed.

"Yep Ih do. 'Is name is Righto Bud. Bud for short. I'm gonna release him after Ih draw him and scare Vice." Her fingers pulled out the tiny shards that had ricocheted off the main body. Each pull was met with a wince, but the creature did not try to harm her.

"Mister, what are you...?" She had asked after she wrapped her torn shirt around the biggest of wounds best she could. Her eyes scanned for the herb that Wisteria had taught them to put on wounds if they were bleeding. 'It helps clot the blood, and stops one from bleeding out' Her words rang through her head. She recognized the small white bulbs of the plant by a birch not too far away.

"My kind are called Sssserthisss." His eyes followed the dragon as she ran past him, only to gather a plant. Frederica returned, pulling off the bulbs and placing them within the wound. Mister hissed and gritted his teeth once more as she began digging at some of the cooler dirt. Her saliva gathered in her mouth and she spat the glob into the dark clump, repeating until it was a mud substitute.

"This'll seal your wounds up for a while. And the bulbs will make your blood clot. I learned a bit of what Wissi taught us." Her tone had a hostility that the Serthis could tell was not directed towards him.

"I ssshould thank you, misssss Frederica. I mossst likely owe you my life..." His mind briefly gandered at the possibility that an enzyme in her saliva would be hazardous to him, causing a secondary infection that would finish him off. That thought was shook out of his head quickly.

"I can take you to the group," She held her hands up in submission once more at his discomfort at the idea, "Wait a moment....They won' hurt you, Ih promise. They're nice...and Wissi can help you a lot better. Maybe later... Ih'll let you think of it. You seem a bit tired....You know, there's an uprooted tree 'round here if you want to rest outta the sun for a bit. Ih can show you." She smiled as he slowly picked up his scrolls and began to slither behind her, albeit pained.

"You know, since Ih don't know how to pronounce Hissisisisisssssiathisis, do you have anything else Ih can call you?"

"I've....never had....a different name. Make one up?" He shrugged.

"I think I know what to name you, then."

"Honey, what are you drawing?" Cecelia inquired, peering over Frederica's shoulder. Hemlock glanced and gasped in shock.

"Is that a Serthis? How do you know about those?"

"It's The Baron!" Frederica smiled at her father.

"Ssshe hasss an imaginary friend...Isssn't that cute?" Cecelia beamed to her mate. Hemlock only shook his head.

"Such use of her brain would be better put to other things, like her studies." Frederica gritted her teeth, shoving her paper aside and hopping over to Wisteria.

"Hey Wissi. Ih made a new friend...Could we have him for dinner? Over for dinner, not for dinner...?" Everyone in the group turned to the duo upon hearing that.

"O-oh...I wasn't aware there were other dragons around here....Sure...We can have your friend over for dinner, not for dinner." The motherly snapper smiled sweetly at the young dragon. Frederica returned her sweet smile, thinking about the look of surely shock on her father's face when he found out she had managed to befriend a Serthis.

'Jus' you wait, Sire'

@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin
So, f-funny story.....I was suppose to do some coli training with the 'locke dergs today, right? But then FR was like "New venue" and so I accidentally took my coli team to the Volcanic Vents instead and tried to get a Dreadram....I haven't succeeded.

Thank you to Metroid for the donation of the Archivist. We now have our second familiar besides Armillwald. I should check on him, he hasn't been heard of in a while...

So yeah, I'm officially off break now, and Together... will be on a regular schedule once more! What do you guys think of The Baron? And Frederica? Next time, we should visit Erika, and see her side of things. Thank you all for being patient with me, and I'll see you next time!
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