The Clan of Milk and Honey is a small agricultural clan founded by Mellona and Bellus in the Emberglow Hearth. It was founded as Mellona found her charge, which was making the Wastes bloom with life. As more and more dragons joined the clan, the head ambassador, Apis, organized the governing structure of the clan. The clan has been steadily growing ever since, producing prolific amounts of fruit, vegetables, meat, and seafood to clans all around Sornieth.
[center][u]Table of Contents[/u][/center]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1954193#post_22072124]Structure of Government[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1954193#post_22072130]Geography and Climate[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1954193#post_22072132]Factions and Population[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1954193#post_22072133]Religion and Customs[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1954193#post_22072136]Foreign Relations[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1954193#post_22072138]Important Events[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1954193#post_22072142]Deceased Dragons[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1954193#post_22302891]Clan Art[/url]
[*][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1954193/2#post_22564687]Miscellaneous Facts[/url][/LIST]
As a small, agrarian clan, there is little official government or bureaucracy in place. However, there are specific dragons in charge of different facets of the clan. The structure is as follows:
[*][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=194359&tab=dragon&did=18516492]Mellona[/url] is the leader of the clan, as well as its founder. Her role as clan leader means that she resolves any disputes, as well as figuring out where to plant crops, where to let the herds and flocks graze, who works when, and she generally has the final say on most decisions. In practice, however, Mellona is not fond of administrative work, and leaves most of the nitty gritty work for Apis. As well as being the leader, she is also in charge of all the animal husbandry sections of the clan. This means ensuring each animal is being taken care of, that they are being housed properly, and overseeing all the animal husbandry assistants.
[*][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=dragon&id=194359&did=18516493]Bellus[/url] is officially the second in command of the clan, and when Mellona is busy or away, he generally picks up the slack. His other role is the head defender of the clan. This role consists of patrolling the borders, overseeing the other defenders, and making sure the clan stays safe.
[*][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=dragon&id=194359&did=19456080]Apis[/url] is the head ambassador of the clan. She sees to negotiating trade deals, avoiding conflict with other clans and beastclans, and ensuring the good reputation of the clan. Apis was also responsible for setting up the chain of command within the clan, and whenever Mellona needs assistance with the general upkeep of the clan, she is there to lend a claw.
[*][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=dragon&id=194359&did=18308300]Samael[/url] was one of the first members of the clan, and she was the one who started their agricultural program, as such, she is the head of agriculture. This job consists of planning what crops will be planted where and when, overseeing all of the agricultural assistants, ensuring proper crop rotation, and heading the research team that works to improve the clan's agricultural output.
[*][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=dragon&id=194359&did=19559686]Sanibel[/url] is the head of the aquaponics division, and helped the clan expand into that area of work. Before Sanibel joined, the clan focused only on crops and livestock. Generally, Sanibel oversees the fishing expeditions and the gathering of underwater vegetation. He and Myakka have also created closed off reservoirs that are devoted to raising fish and other aquatic life.
Every week, the entire clan gathers together to have a meeting. This is how many minor decisions are made, such as how the clan will celebrate the elemental holidays, or who will work on which days. The forum also allows regular clan members to state their opinion on how things should be managed, or talk about what decisions should or shouldn't have been made. For example, when planting season is drawing near, Nia, the geologist, will often report on the various states of soil around the clan, this report is taken into consideration when Samael is planning out which crops will be planted where. In a situation where two clan members disagree, Mellona is the mediator who figures out the final course of action.
As a small, agrarian clan, there is little official government or bureaucracy in place. However, there are specific dragons in charge of different facets of the clan. The structure is as follows:
- Mellona is the leader of the clan, as well as its founder. Her role as clan leader means that she resolves any disputes, as well as figuring out where to plant crops, where to let the herds and flocks graze, who works when, and she generally has the final say on most decisions. In practice, however, Mellona is not fond of administrative work, and leaves most of the nitty gritty work for Apis. As well as being the leader, she is also in charge of all the animal husbandry sections of the clan. This means ensuring each animal is being taken care of, that they are being housed properly, and overseeing all the animal husbandry assistants.
- Bellus is officially the second in command of the clan, and when Mellona is busy or away, he generally picks up the slack. His other role is the head defender of the clan. This role consists of patrolling the borders, overseeing the other defenders, and making sure the clan stays safe.
- Apis is the head ambassador of the clan. She sees to negotiating trade deals, avoiding conflict with other clans and beastclans, and ensuring the good reputation of the clan. Apis was also responsible for setting up the chain of command within the clan, and whenever Mellona needs assistance with the general upkeep of the clan, she is there to lend a claw.
- Samael was one of the first members of the clan, and she was the one who started their agricultural program, as such, she is the head of agriculture. This job consists of planning what crops will be planted where and when, overseeing all of the agricultural assistants, ensuring proper crop rotation, and heading the research team that works to improve the clan's agricultural output.
- Sanibel is the head of the aquaponics division, and helped the clan expand into that area of work. Before Sanibel joined, the clan focused only on crops and livestock. Generally, Sanibel oversees the fishing expeditions and the gathering of underwater vegetation. He and Myakka have also created closed off reservoirs that are devoted to raising fish and other aquatic life.
Every week, the entire clan gathers together to have a meeting. This is how many minor decisions are made, such as how the clan will celebrate the elemental holidays, or who will work on which days. The forum also allows regular clan members to state their opinion on how things should be managed, or talk about what decisions should or shouldn't have been made. For example, when planting season is drawing near, Nia, the geologist, will often report on the various states of soil around the clan, this report is taken into consideration when Samael is planning out which crops will be planted where. In a situation where two clan members disagree, Mellona is the mediator who figures out the final course of action.
The clan is located in the Northeastern section of the Emberglow hearth, right against the border of the Water Flight. The region is semi-arid, with the main source of moisture coming from the Sea of a Thousand Currents. The climate is generally cooler and windier than the other parts of the Ashfall Waste, due to the Sea of a Thousand Currents acting as a heat sink and the fact that the area is under the same high pressure zone that makes the Shifting Expanse a desert. The rich volcanic soil of the area is perfect for plant growth, the only limitation is the lack of moisture, which the clan has adapted to by using a method of drip irrigation and having a system of cisterns and rain barrels that collect as much water as possible during the stormy season for use throughout the year.
The clan is housed in open air tents of various sizes that are located on the edge of the cliff that drops down onto the beach. The largest tent is where the weekly clan meetings occur, as well as where Mellona and the others conduct internal clan affairs and meet with foreign diplomats. To the left of the main tent, there is a smaller tent where most of the cooking and eating of the clan takes place. Zdravka, the cook, prepares meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and throughout the day, dragons will come and go into this tent to eat and socialize during their breaks. The smaller tent located to right of the main tent is the medical tent. This is where Caldera, the healer, works during the day, tending to the injuries of any dragons or livestock that needs healing.
Scattered around these three main tents, are the small personal tents of the individual clan members. Many mates share a tent, and sometimes friends will share a tent just to save space. Closer to the fields lies a larger tent that is more open to the elements. That is where the crops are cleaned and trimmed to be ready for sale, as well as where the livestock is slaughtered. In addition to processing food, the tent also has an area dedicated to scientific experiments and research of plants and diseases.
To the south of the tent group, lies the many fields where the clan tends to their animals and crops. The fields are rotated every cycle, making sure that the soil has time to rest. To the east, past the fields, lies a small shrine dedicated to the Flamecaller. Lavaridge spends most of her time here, leading worship the Flamecaller. South of the fields, there lies several volcanoes, some dormant, some active. On the base of the largest dormant volcano, lies a magma vent, called Somnus Cave. This cave, or more accurately, this tunnel, is where Arianrhod grows her nocturnal mushrooms. The cave also houses Sueseca's pottery workshop and the now-defunct forge, which used to be tended to by Kalapana and Benedict, until the two blacksmiths died in the Battle of Somnus Gap. The forge now lies unused and uninhabited. Certain members of the clan live within the cave, including Arianrhod, Curare, Sueseca, Cascia, and Cianciulli, though they will often journey to the main tent group for meals and other events. When large storms threaten the coast, the entire clan will quickly tie down the tents and herd the livestock into Somnus Cave, where they will all wait out the storm together.
The clan is located in the Northeastern section of the Emberglow hearth, right against the border of the Water Flight. The region is semi-arid, with the main source of moisture coming from the Sea of a Thousand Currents. The climate is generally cooler and windier than the other parts of the Ashfall Waste, due to the Sea of a Thousand Currents acting as a heat sink and the fact that the area is under the same high pressure zone that makes the Shifting Expanse a desert. The rich volcanic soil of the area is perfect for plant growth, the only limitation is the lack of moisture, which the clan has adapted to by using a method of drip irrigation and having a system of cisterns and rain barrels that collect as much water as possible during the stormy season for use throughout the year.
The clan is housed in open air tents of various sizes that are located on the edge of the cliff that drops down onto the beach. The largest tent is where the weekly clan meetings occur, as well as where Mellona and the others conduct internal clan affairs and meet with foreign diplomats. To the left of the main tent, there is a smaller tent where most of the cooking and eating of the clan takes place. Zdravka, the cook, prepares meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and throughout the day, dragons will come and go into this tent to eat and socialize during their breaks. The smaller tent located to right of the main tent is the medical tent. This is where Caldera, the healer, works during the day, tending to the injuries of any dragons or livestock that needs healing.
Scattered around these three main tents, are the small personal tents of the individual clan members. Many mates share a tent, and sometimes friends will share a tent just to save space. Closer to the fields lies a larger tent that is more open to the elements. That is where the crops are cleaned and trimmed to be ready for sale, as well as where the livestock is slaughtered. In addition to processing food, the tent also has an area dedicated to scientific experiments and research of plants and diseases.
To the south of the tent group, lies the many fields where the clan tends to their animals and crops. The fields are rotated every cycle, making sure that the soil has time to rest. To the east, past the fields, lies a small shrine dedicated to the Flamecaller. Lavaridge spends most of her time here, leading worship the Flamecaller. South of the fields, there lies several volcanoes, some dormant, some active. On the base of the largest dormant volcano, lies a magma vent, called Somnus Cave. This cave, or more accurately, this tunnel, is where Arianrhod grows her nocturnal mushrooms. The cave also houses Sueseca's pottery workshop and the now-defunct forge, which used to be tended to by Kalapana and Benedict, until the two blacksmiths died in the Battle of Somnus Gap. The forge now lies unused and uninhabited. Certain members of the clan live within the cave, including Arianrhod, Curare, Sueseca, Cascia, and Cianciulli, though they will often journey to the main tent group for meals and other events. When large storms threaten the coast, the entire clan will quickly tie down the tents and herd the livestock into Somnus Cave, where they will all wait out the storm together.
The clan has a majority of Fire Flight dragons, but there is a sizable Plague ex-pat community that rivals the number of Fire dragons within the clan. Within the clan, there is also a large portion of Arcane and Shadow dragons. The most common breeds within the clan are Coatls and Tundras, but there are also a good number of Skydancers and Wildclaws.
Over 80% of clanmembers are either full or part time farmers. The farmers generally fit into three groups, those who work with plants, those who work with animals, and those who work with fish. In addition, the clan as pest control specialists, beekeepers, irrigation experts, and botanists.
The clan itself is a relatively small, self sustaining community made up of a diverse group of dragons, all of whom have chosen to be there. Most hatchlings grow up within the clan and choose to leave once they are old enough.
The largest, and only, faction within the clan is the Seer Society, which is made up of the many seers that live within the clan. Though not all of them are technically seers, some are considered prophets, they are all united in their ability to see or predict the future. After Cascia joined the clan, the five seers came together to start their own group, called The Seer Society, to work together and collaborate in order to boost the reliability of their predictions. When the moon disappeared, the five seers would descent into the deepest cavern of Somnus Cave. What they did down there was a mystery, but all five of the original seers agreed that something big was coming, though none of them could figure out what exactly it was. This event turned out to be the Battle of Somnus Gap, a devestating attack on the clan which resulted in eight deaths and countless injuries. In the aftermath, one of the original five seers left the clan for good, leaving the Seer Society down a member. As the clan rebuilt itself, more seers revealed themselves, and the Seer Society now has six members. The six dragons still go down into Somnus Cave every full moon to predict the future, but now they do not share their predictions with the clan.
The clan has a majority of Fire Flight dragons, but there is a sizable Plague ex-pat community that rivals the number of Fire dragons within the clan. Within the clan, there is also a large portion of Arcane and Shadow dragons. The most common breeds within the clan are Coatls and Tundras, but there are also a good number of Skydancers and Wildclaws.
Over 80% of clanmembers are either full or part time farmers. The farmers generally fit into three groups, those who work with plants, those who work with animals, and those who work with fish. In addition, the clan as pest control specialists, beekeepers, irrigation experts, and botanists.
The clan itself is a relatively small, self sustaining community made up of a diverse group of dragons, all of whom have chosen to be there. Most hatchlings grow up within the clan and choose to leave once they are old enough.
The largest, and only, faction within the clan is the Seer Society, which is made up of the many seers that live within the clan. Though not all of them are technically seers, some are considered prophets, they are all united in their ability to see or predict the future. After Cascia joined the clan, the five seers came together to start their own group, called The Seer Society, to work together and collaborate in order to boost the reliability of their predictions. When the moon disappeared, the five seers would descent into the deepest cavern of Somnus Cave. What they did down there was a mystery, but all five of the original seers agreed that something big was coming, though none of them could figure out what exactly it was. This event turned out to be the Battle of Somnus Gap, a devestating attack on the clan which resulted in eight deaths and countless injuries. In the aftermath, one of the original five seers left the clan for good, leaving the Seer Society down a member. As the clan rebuilt itself, more seers revealed themselves, and the Seer Society now has six members. The six dragons still go down into Somnus Cave every full moon to predict the future, but now they do not share their predictions with the clan.
The Clan of Milk and Honey is a Fire clan, and as such the main deity they worship is the Flamecaller. The clan has an official Priestess of the Flamecaller, [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=194359&tab=dragon&did=19263270]Lavaridge[/url], who has set up The Mother of Flames Chapel where she leads services every week. Since so many of the clan come from different flights, many dragons choose to continue to worship the deity of their former clan. The clan also has a local saint that is worshiped only within the Clan of Milk and Honey. This saint was sent by the Gladekeeper as both an apology for the attack by the Garigill Cult, which was a radical Nature cult dedicated to wiping out all Plague dragons, and a sign of approval for the clan's purpose, which is to make the Wastes bloom with life. This saint, Hanayo Koizume, helps the plants grow and ripen to perfection. Apis has set up a small shrine to Hanayo in the Mother of Flames chapel, which has rubbed Lavaridge the wrong way.
The Clan of Milk and Honey has developed their own unique calendar that follows the harvest instead of the Flight Festivals.
[*]The Wilting Moons (Summer) are the warmest time of the year. Less hardy plants will wilt under these conditions, but some crops are planted in the beginning of this season. Many plants that start growing in the Harvest Moons are harvested now
[*]The Planting Moons (Fall) begin when the weather begins to cool. In the other regions, many trees have their leaves turn red and fall off, but in the Wastes, the opposite occurs. Usually the overwhelming heat of the Ashfall Waste prevents many more fragile crops from growing, so this time is perfect for beginning to plant the more delicate crops.
[*]The Budding Moons (Winter) are when the weather is coolest in the wastes. Some plants are planted during these moons, but most plants are just beginning to ripen. In other parts of Sornieth, snow covers the ground and the plants die, but not in this part of the wastes. In the south, blizzards will come up from the Southern Icefields and blanket the Blacksand Annex and Molten Scar with short lived snow, but such storms never make it all the way up to the Northern tip of the Wastes.
[*]The Verdant Moons (Spring) are when most of the crops planted in the Budding Moons are ready to harvest, and the land itself is overflowing with life. The weather begins to get warmer, but compared to the Wilting Moons, its is pleasantly cool.
Every four seasons forms a full cycle, also known as a year. Each season takes approximately 90 days, or four moons, but every three or four cycles, a season will have what is known as a "Betrayer Moon", since it's presence alters the flow of the cycle and misleads dragons to become confused to which season it is and which festival it is. During the peak of the full moon, elemental festivals will occur, in all but the middle Budding Moon, where the land is bathed in darkness, and the Nocturnes roam. Each elemental festival lasts seven days. In the event of a betrayer moon, there is no festival celebrated.
The Clan of Milk and Honey is a Fire clan, and as such the main deity they worship is the Flamecaller. The clan has an official Priestess of the Flamecaller,
Lavaridge, who has set up The Mother of Flames Chapel where she leads services every week. Since so many of the clan come from different flights, many dragons choose to continue to worship the deity of their former clan. The clan also has a local saint that is worshiped only within the Clan of Milk and Honey. This saint was sent by the Gladekeeper as both an apology for the attack by the Garigill Cult, which was a radical Nature cult dedicated to wiping out all Plague dragons, and a sign of approval for the clan's purpose, which is to make the Wastes bloom with life. This saint, Hanayo Koizume, helps the plants grow and ripen to perfection. Apis has set up a small shrine to Hanayo in the Mother of Flames chapel, which has rubbed Lavaridge the wrong way.
The Clan of Milk and Honey has developed their own unique calendar that follows the harvest instead of the Flight Festivals.
- The Wilting Moons (Summer) are the warmest time of the year. Less hardy plants will wilt under these conditions, but some crops are planted in the beginning of this season. Many plants that start growing in the Harvest Moons are harvested now
- The Planting Moons (Fall) begin when the weather begins to cool. In the other regions, many trees have their leaves turn red and fall off, but in the Wastes, the opposite occurs. Usually the overwhelming heat of the Ashfall Waste prevents many more fragile crops from growing, so this time is perfect for beginning to plant the more delicate crops.
- The Budding Moons (Winter) are when the weather is coolest in the wastes. Some plants are planted during these moons, but most plants are just beginning to ripen. In other parts of Sornieth, snow covers the ground and the plants die, but not in this part of the wastes. In the south, blizzards will come up from the Southern Icefields and blanket the Blacksand Annex and Molten Scar with short lived snow, but such storms never make it all the way up to the Northern tip of the Wastes.
- The Verdant Moons (Spring) are when most of the crops planted in the Budding Moons are ready to harvest, and the land itself is overflowing with life. The weather begins to get warmer, but compared to the Wilting Moons, its is pleasantly cool.
Every four seasons forms a full cycle, also known as a year. Each season takes approximately 90 days, or four moons, but every three or four cycles, a season will have what is known as a "Betrayer Moon", since it's presence alters the flow of the cycle and misleads dragons to become confused to which season it is and which festival it is. During the peak of the full moon, elemental festivals will occur, in all but the middle Budding Moon, where the land is bathed in darkness, and the Nocturnes roam. Each elemental festival lasts seven days. In the event of a betrayer moon, there is no festival celebrated.
The Foerign Relations team is lead by Apis and Katsura. They are responsible for trade partnerships, negotiating treaties, and solidifying alliances. Since the clan produces most of the food consumed within the Ashfall Wastes, their relationship with other Fire clans is generally friendly. Since the clan also exports much of their produce, the clan has trade partnerships all around the Southern part of Sorneith. Ever since the Battle of Somnus Gap, the clan has been uneasy with most Nature clans. The clans staunchest allies are listed below.
[center]Clan Cairn Bato[/center]
Clan Blodeuwedd[/center]
[center]Fiendsfell Kingdom[/center]
[center]Effort Clan[/center]
The Infernal Summit
Mistral Melodies Clan
The Harpy flocks that are common in the Emberglow Hearth have good relations with The Clan of Milk and Honey. Since the clan is so small and has almost no military power to speak of, they are not viewed as a threat. The clan often exchanges plants and meat for the Harpy's art pieces and protection, which also lends to peaceful relations. Mellona and Apis have had meetings with the Harpy leaders in the area, and have made clear that their only goal is to make the Wastes bloom with life. As long the bounty is shared with the Harpies, they make it clear that they will leave the clan alone.
The Maren are a much larger threat. When Sanibel began fishing out in the Sea, he caught the attention of the local Maren schools. After the aquaponics team grew and their fishing trips increased, the Maren began to feel threatened. This almost erupted into a violent altercation, but through the quick thinking diplomacy of Apis, and the backing of the local Harpy flocks, the Maren were content to let some fishing continue, for a price, of course. The price is that 50% of the fish caught have to be split with the Maren, and when the reservoirs for fish breeding are completed, a portion of that will also have to be shared with the Maren. Though some members of the clan are very vocal about how the Maren are taking advantage of the clan, Mellona is of the opinion that even an uneasy peace is preferable to war.
The Foerign Relations team is lead by Apis and Katsura. They are responsible for trade partnerships, negotiating treaties, and solidifying alliances. Since the clan produces most of the food consumed within the Ashfall Wastes, their relationship with other Fire clans is generally friendly. Since the clan also exports much of their produce, the clan has trade partnerships all around the Southern part of Sorneith. Ever since the Battle of Somnus Gap, the clan has been uneasy with most Nature clans. The clans staunchest allies are listed below.
Clan Cairn Bato

Clan Blodeuwedd
Fiendsfell Kingdom
Effort Clan

The Infernal Summit

Mistral Melodies Clan
The Harpy flocks that are common in the Emberglow Hearth have good relations with The Clan of Milk and Honey. Since the clan is so small and has almost no military power to speak of, they are not viewed as a threat. The clan often exchanges plants and meat for the Harpy's art pieces and protection, which also lends to peaceful relations. Mellona and Apis have had meetings with the Harpy leaders in the area, and have made clear that their only goal is to make the Wastes bloom with life. As long the bounty is shared with the Harpies, they make it clear that they will leave the clan alone.
The Maren are a much larger threat. When Sanibel began fishing out in the Sea, he caught the attention of the local Maren schools. After the aquaponics team grew and their fishing trips increased, the Maren began to feel threatened. This almost erupted into a violent altercation, but through the quick thinking diplomacy of Apis, and the backing of the local Harpy flocks, the Maren were content to let some fishing continue, for a price, of course. The price is that 50% of the fish caught have to be split with the Maren, and when the reservoirs for fish breeding are completed, a portion of that will also have to be shared with the Maren. Though some members of the clan are very vocal about how the Maren are taking advantage of the clan, Mellona is of the opinion that even an uneasy peace is preferable to war.
The Battle of Somnus Gap was the first battle fought in the Clan of Milk and Honey's territory. It was perpetrated by a cult of fanatic Nature dragons belonging to the [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=191417]Garigill Colony[/url] (@MoonlitLegacy). The attack was motivated by the large number of Plague dragons living in the clan. Nine members of the Clan of Milk and Honey died, while none of the attackers perished. It is considered to be one of the worst tragedies in the clan's history.
The following is a first person account of the battle by the clan's scribe and ambassador, Katsura.
[quote] "Sornieth is home to many flights, and within those flights, there are thousands of different and unique clans. Each flight has its rivals and allies, and so too does each clan. But no rivalry could match the hatred between the Nature and Plague flights. The two sisters are diametrically opposed, and the constant blood spilled in their battles is proof enough. Of course, in our little corner of the Ashfall Waste, such rivalry was pointless. There were Plague dragons and Nature dragons aplenty, and in fighting is highly frowned upon. I wouldn't say the two groups got along in our clan, but there certainly wasn't any violence breaking out. At least there wasn't any violence happening in our own clan, but that didn't mean there weren't other out there planning violence against us.
Our relations with most Plague and Nature clans were terse, made out of necessity, not friendship. They didn't much like our integrated clan, and certainly didn't appreciate our non-violent outlook on the world. Despite those troubles, we kept relations with many unfriendly Nature clans, since seeds were in short supply on the wastes and the desert that was right next door. We thought the distance and the gold in their pockets would persuade them to let us be. We were wrong.
It started in the harvest season, the maize was coming in, and it was all hands on deck. Even our defenders were working in the field, every claw is needed in a small clan such as ours. This lapse in security worried our CairnBato visitor, and since he had no knowledge of harvesting, he went to keep an eye on things all by himself. It was this that probably saved our clan from a total annihilation, but even a warning was not enough to save us all. They struck at dawn, just as the harvest was being cleaned and stored and all the clan members were in the tents. Finnick raced to warn the clan, but the warning fell just as the Nature army was overhead.
The children were escorted into the cave, with Amphitrite and Varuna as their guards, while Bellus gathered all the fighters he could to protect the weak within the clan. As the largest dragons, Sancus, Strenua, Miryam, Nia, and Kuraokami used their size to block the attackers from getting into the cave, but in the heat of battle, Sancus was struck down. Maddened by grief and rage, and trying to protect the helpless who were her charge, Strenua lashed out at any dragon she could find, but the Mirror who was leading the charge cut her down. Now the two are joined for eternity in the service of the Flamecaller.
It wasn't the mirror that caused the most damage, it was the litany of Fae behind him, using their powerful nature magic to pervert the greenery around them into rising up and killing their cultivators. Samael, a Plague Fae was a prime target, and certainly would have fallen if her daughter and her husband didn't save her from the rosebushes that she had so lovingly tended. The two Fae were crushed and suffocated by the thorny branches, as Samael was rushed away by Mellona to safety. These two weren't the only casualties from the violent magic, as the cave filled with dragons seeking shelter, Lavaridge roused a force of fire dragons to try and stop the magic, Caldera, Benedict, and Kalapana joined with her and emerged from the cave to spread the cleansing flames over their enemies. The fire drove back the army, but another threat joined the battle. A gargantuan Guardian emerged from the depths, crushing the spreading flames and ripping Benedict to shreds.
Kuraokami and the other larger dragons attempted to counter the new enemy, but she was to be the least of their issues. From the depths, she called to her creation, a shambling wreck, composed of rotting Imperial parts. She had built an Emperor. Filled with disgust and hatred, Miryam and Kuraokami attempted to destroy the monstrosity, but only Miryam managed to escape with her life. Again, the more magically adept dragons attempted to subdue the new threat, but they too fell to the beast. Echinacea used all of her magic to try and repel the monster, but she was killed as Kuraokami's lifeless body began to be absorbed into the monster. Lavaridge looked on in horror as her friends died, slain by the whims of Nature and Fire, their dead bodies desecrated and turned into a tool of the undead. She, Caldera, and Lavandula rushed to try and save the wounded, but they were not spared from the attack. The merciless Faes, Nocturnes and Mirror brutally attacked the healers, mortally wounding Lavandula, and forcing the priestesses to retreat.
Back in Somnus cave, the front line tried to counter the oncoming forces. Amphitrite tore herself away from the children she swore to protect and launched herself into the fray, her mate joining her. Together with their expertise in Arcane and Water magics, they were able to force the Emperor and its creator back into the waves. Kuraokami's corpse now joined to the beast, went with it. Bellus, Laplace, Finnick, and Wela charged after the two veterans, and fought off the attackers for hours, never letting them get into the cave. Outnumbered by the swarm of powerful Faes, the clan could not hope to win, but the natural defenses of Somnus cave prevented the attackers from breaking through. At a stalemate, the attacking forces finally relented.
Of the wounded, Zdravka, Aow, Mimica, and Samael pulled through. Many were lost. We remember Sancus and Strenua, fierce protectors of all the poor and oppressed, who fought valiantly alongside each other to make sure the weak could make it to safety in time. We remember Chidagni and Nenkal, who sacrificed their lives to save Samael. It is through their bravery that she lives on. We remember Kuraokami, who gave his life and his afterlife to our clan, dying in order to stop the Emperor from destroying any more lives. We remember Benedict and Kalapana, who used their gifts of fire to fend off the Nature attackers, leaving the safety of the cave in order to protect their home. While Benedict perished, Kalapana was wrenched away from her mate and taken prisoner by the attackers, their reasons unknown. We know not what has become of her yet. Finally, we remember Lavandula, who gave everything in order to provide healing, and Echinacea, who came together with the other magic users to defend the clan, and lost her life in the process.
We have lost too many today. This clan was never supposed to know war, we only ever wanted peace. How can we continue our mission when so many of our family has died? Varuna and Amphitrite thank their gods that their daughter was away when this attack happened, but how will she react knowing her best friend perished in the attack? How can any of us recover from this?
I never hoped to write such tragedies."
-Written By Katsura Kaze on the Eighth day of the Moon of the Lightweaver in the Wilting Moons of the Fourth Age[/quote]
The Battle of Somnus Gap was the first battle fought in the Clan of Milk and Honey's territory. It was perpetrated by a cult of fanatic Nature dragons belonging to the
Garigill Colony (@
MoonlitLegacy). The attack was motivated by the large number of Plague dragons living in the clan. Nine members of the Clan of Milk and Honey died, while none of the attackers perished. It is considered to be one of the worst tragedies in the clan's history.
The following is a first person account of the battle by the clan's scribe and ambassador, Katsura.
"Sornieth is home to many flights, and within those flights, there are thousands of different and unique clans. Each flight has its rivals and allies, and so too does each clan. But no rivalry could match the hatred between the Nature and Plague flights. The two sisters are diametrically opposed, and the constant blood spilled in their battles is proof enough. Of course, in our little corner of the Ashfall Waste, such rivalry was pointless. There were Plague dragons and Nature dragons aplenty, and in fighting is highly frowned upon. I wouldn't say the two groups got along in our clan, but there certainly wasn't any violence breaking out. At least there wasn't any violence happening in our own clan, but that didn't mean there weren't other out there planning violence against us.
Our relations with most Plague and Nature clans were terse, made out of necessity, not friendship. They didn't much like our integrated clan, and certainly didn't appreciate our non-violent outlook on the world. Despite those troubles, we kept relations with many unfriendly Nature clans, since seeds were in short supply on the wastes and the desert that was right next door. We thought the distance and the gold in their pockets would persuade them to let us be. We were wrong.
It started in the harvest season, the maize was coming in, and it was all hands on deck. Even our defenders were working in the field, every claw is needed in a small clan such as ours. This lapse in security worried our CairnBato visitor, and since he had no knowledge of harvesting, he went to keep an eye on things all by himself. It was this that probably saved our clan from a total annihilation, but even a warning was not enough to save us all. They struck at dawn, just as the harvest was being cleaned and stored and all the clan members were in the tents. Finnick raced to warn the clan, but the warning fell just as the Nature army was overhead.
The children were escorted into the cave, with Amphitrite and Varuna as their guards, while Bellus gathered all the fighters he could to protect the weak within the clan. As the largest dragons, Sancus, Strenua, Miryam, Nia, and Kuraokami used their size to block the attackers from getting into the cave, but in the heat of battle, Sancus was struck down. Maddened by grief and rage, and trying to protect the helpless who were her charge, Strenua lashed out at any dragon she could find, but the Mirror who was leading the charge cut her down. Now the two are joined for eternity in the service of the Flamecaller.
It wasn't the mirror that caused the most damage, it was the litany of Fae behind him, using their powerful nature magic to pervert the greenery around them into rising up and killing their cultivators. Samael, a Plague Fae was a prime target, and certainly would have fallen if her daughter and her husband didn't save her from the rosebushes that she had so lovingly tended. The two Fae were crushed and suffocated by the thorny branches, as Samael was rushed away by Mellona to safety. These two weren't the only casualties from the violent magic, as the cave filled with dragons seeking shelter, Lavaridge roused a force of fire dragons to try and stop the magic, Caldera, Benedict, and Kalapana joined with her and emerged from the cave to spread the cleansing flames over their enemies. The fire drove back the army, but another threat joined the battle. A gargantuan Guardian emerged from the depths, crushing the spreading flames and ripping Benedict to shreds.
Kuraokami and the other larger dragons attempted to counter the new enemy, but she was to be the least of their issues. From the depths, she called to her creation, a shambling wreck, composed of rotting Imperial parts. She had built an Emperor. Filled with disgust and hatred, Miryam and Kuraokami attempted to destroy the monstrosity, but only Miryam managed to escape with her life. Again, the more magically adept dragons attempted to subdue the new threat, but they too fell to the beast. Echinacea used all of her magic to try and repel the monster, but she was killed as Kuraokami's lifeless body began to be absorbed into the monster. Lavaridge looked on in horror as her friends died, slain by the whims of Nature and Fire, their dead bodies desecrated and turned into a tool of the undead. She, Caldera, and Lavandula rushed to try and save the wounded, but they were not spared from the attack. The merciless Faes, Nocturnes and Mirror brutally attacked the healers, mortally wounding Lavandula, and forcing the priestesses to retreat.
Back in Somnus cave, the front line tried to counter the oncoming forces. Amphitrite tore herself away from the children she swore to protect and launched herself into the fray, her mate joining her. Together with their expertise in Arcane and Water magics, they were able to force the Emperor and its creator back into the waves. Kuraokami's corpse now joined to the beast, went with it. Bellus, Laplace, Finnick, and Wela charged after the two veterans, and fought off the attackers for hours, never letting them get into the cave. Outnumbered by the swarm of powerful Faes, the clan could not hope to win, but the natural defenses of Somnus cave prevented the attackers from breaking through. At a stalemate, the attacking forces finally relented.
Of the wounded, Zdravka, Aow, Mimica, and Samael pulled through. Many were lost. We remember Sancus and Strenua, fierce protectors of all the poor and oppressed, who fought valiantly alongside each other to make sure the weak could make it to safety in time. We remember Chidagni and Nenkal, who sacrificed their lives to save Samael. It is through their bravery that she lives on. We remember Kuraokami, who gave his life and his afterlife to our clan, dying in order to stop the Emperor from destroying any more lives. We remember Benedict and Kalapana, who used their gifts of fire to fend off the Nature attackers, leaving the safety of the cave in order to protect their home. While Benedict perished, Kalapana was wrenched away from her mate and taken prisoner by the attackers, their reasons unknown. We know not what has become of her yet. Finally, we remember Lavandula, who gave everything in order to provide healing, and Echinacea, who came together with the other magic users to defend the clan, and lost her life in the process.
We have lost too many today. This clan was never supposed to know war, we only ever wanted peace. How can we continue our mission when so many of our family has died? Varuna and Amphitrite thank their gods that their daughter was away when this attack happened, but how will she react knowing her best friend perished in the attack? How can any of us recover from this?
I never hoped to write such tragedies."
-Written By Katsura Kaze on the Eighth day of the Moon of the Lightweaver in the Wilting Moons of the Fourth Age
The Clan of Milk and Honey currently is home to fifty-seven dragons, of which, four are semi-permanent. The four semi-permanent dragons are Aomikan and Pitahaya, who are scavengers, Isidore, who is a courier, and Feronia, who often takes time off to wander Sornieth. The two Stewards of the Wild are not members of any clan, but instead caretakers of a unique ecosystem located between the Fire, Wind, and Water borders. These two visit the clan every couple moons to get supplies, but other than that, they have no ties to the clan.
The Clan of Milk and Honey currently is home to fifty-seven dragons, of which, four are semi-permanent. The four semi-permanent dragons are Aomikan and Pitahaya, who are scavengers, Isidore, who is a courier, and Feronia, who often takes time off to wander Sornieth. The two Stewards of the Wild are not members of any clan, but instead caretakers of a unique ecosystem located between the Fire, Wind, and Water borders. These two visit the clan every couple moons to get supplies, but other than that, they have no ties to the clan.
These are the dragons that used to be part of our clan, before passing away.
They say there’s an ice so cold it can burn a dragon. Benedict doesn’t know if this is true, but he does know that his heart once grew so cold that it burned. It burned so hot and fierce the ice around him began to melt and so he left. He left his old home and came to a new one. A home where a burning heart like his was nothing unusual. He worked deep within the great furnace, crafting weapons out of heat and metal. Here he met his mate, Kalapana, a regal coatl with a flaming heart to match his own. His skin grew dark with ash and his talent only grew. The ice cold king of the south had melted and been reforged into a flaming coatl of the Flamecaller’s own design. He and Kalapana were the artists of the forge, making metal into art and tool alike. They wanted more, though. They wanted a family.
A forge is no place to raise children, so they took their leave to the outskirts of the lava filled land, looking for a safe place to raise their tiny sparks. They happened upon a small clan of peaceful farmers, an ideal home for their children. They set up a small forge in Somnus Cave, next to the mushroom colonies and potters studio. There was already a kiln, so the two industrious coatls just built the forge around it. Here they work away, creating tools to help the clan, and other things to sell. Their children have grown up happy and loved, but most leave by adulthood to find their way among the other clans of the world. Benedict and Kalapana understand. It’s what they did, after all.
[b]Benedict perished in the Battle of Somnus Gap while defending the clan.[/b]
Sancus is the kind of dragon you really want on your side. When he’s with you, he’s friendly and funny, the life of any party. The second you stop being profitable to him, though, he loses all interest. Before he started his travelling and thieving ways with Strenua, he was a mercenary in the Sunbeam Ruins. Any criminals that needed catching would be caught, as long as you remembered to pay him. Things got complicated when he met Strenua. She was worth a hefty bounty back in the VIridian Labyrinth, but she was also very pretty. She was also nice, and kind, and funny, and… Oh no. So he said he’d travel with her, and help her steal. They quickly fell in love and went on a Sornieth-wide robbing spree that never seemed to end. Despite Strenua’s insistence that all the profit they made had to go to the needy, Sancus actually found himself enjoying it.
All things must end, however. That’s how Sancus and Strenua ended up fleeing from a band of mercenaries straight into the farm of Mellona and Bellus. Despite Bellus’ fear of these infamous thieves, Mellona couldn’t stand the thought of the two of them being left to their fate. So she and Ceorl sweet-talked the mercenaries into going away and let Sancus and Strenua into their clan, as long as they promised to give up stealing for good. Strenua agreed, so Sancus agreed too. There’s not much for him to do around the farm, so he helps Bellus and the others defend the territory. He’s also begun to help Ceorl sell items to the other clans. It turns out that Sancus is very good at making sure the buyer pays as much as possible.
[b]Sancus died in the Battle of Somnus Gap defending the cave alongside his mate, Strenua.[/b]
Birds are chirping in the trees and the wind rustles the leaves above. The underbrush is still. The clearing is empty. Or so it seems. Off to the side there is a large Guardian, so quiet and still she seems to be a part of the forest. Meet Strenua, a native of the Viridian Labyrinth and self-proclaimed caretaker of all the poor and oppressed. Doesn’t matter if they are a dragon or part of the Beastclans, Strenua considers them all her charges, and will do anything to help them. She does so by sneaking about the forest and making money in very interesting ways. By interesting, I mean she steals things and sells them to the highest bidder. Merchants knew her as “The Granite Thief”, and no one was safe from her agile claws.
Every outlaw eventually runs into trouble with the law, so Strenua decided to make her way out of the Labyrinth and travel far away. Then start her “occupation” up again where no one would be the wiser. She made it all the way to the Sunbeam Ruins where she was quickly apprehended by a local mercenary named Sancus. He was going to turn her in to a group of rich merchants for some quick cash, but decided teaming up with her might be a more lucrative business opportunity. The two became quite the pair, and eventually became mates. Soon, all the lands knew of their thieving behavior, and the two were on the run.
Cornered and overpowered, Sancus and Strenua had nowhere left to run, it was by sheer luck they came upon a small farming clan on the edge of the Emberglow Hearth. Mellona and Bellus understood why Strenua had started stealing, and that her heart was kind underneath her criminal background. So they let the pair stay with them, and convinced the mercenaries that they had gone somewhere towards Dragonhome. Grateful and humbled, Strenua decided to help grow fruits and vegetables, provided they would let her distribute extras to the less fortunate. Mellona agreed, and once assured that Strenua would no longer steal, she welcomed her into the clan with open wings and open hearts. To demonstrate her change from a thief into a farmer, she shed her rogue apparel and donned clothes more representative of her flight.
[b]Strenua died during the Battle of Somnus Gap defending her clan alongside her mate, Sancus.[/b]
No one really knew who Chidagni’s father was, rumor has it he was a roaming mercenary who seduced Samael and then left the clan for good. These are merely rumors, since Samael herself doesn’t talk about Chidagni’s other parent, and anyways, Samael has so much love to give to her daughter that another parent would just be overkill. Chidagni grew up with Aomikan, but while the nocturne grew up to be a carefree and friendly dragon, Chidagni ended up much like her mother. She is shy and nervous around strangers, but most of the clan knows her true personality is fiery and inquisitive, always flitting about the fields and studying the plants. She studies under her mother, tending to the ill plants and learning the ways of agronomy.
Unlike her mother, however, Chidagni never knew rejection or loneliness, growing up within the warm and welcoming environment of the clan, and because of this she tends to be a little more open and welcoming than her mother. Adept at research and experimenting, she stays holed up inside the field tent, tending to the experimental strains of heat-resistant grains, while her mother is more adept at the fieldwork and management side of things. She and Aomikan remain good friends, and the forager will often bring small gifts to the larger fae when she returns from her journeys.
[b]Chidagni died during the Battle of Somnus Gap, protecting her mother alongside her mate, Nenkal.[/b]
Nenkal had been an established weaver in the Hewn City, creating clothes and apparel for both nobility and the common folk, but dark times had come for the light. After a vicious war with the Plague flight, most light clans were either mourning their lost children, or completely bankrupt, most often both. In search of more prosperous lands, the small fae left towards the crafty clans of Lightning and Fire. The scientific lightning clans found no use for pretty clothing, and work as a Tailor was limited, so he continued on towards Fire. As he was making his way down the shoreline, he caught sight of a dozen or so crimson tents blowing about in the sea breeze. Enchanted by the workmanship, the delicate weaver made his way over to the tents to inspect them. Not long after getting near to the edge of the tents, the small fae was intercepted by a tremendous guardian who demanded to know his business sneaking up onto the clan like that!
The startled fae quickly explained that he was but a curious traveler, searching for a place to make and sell his wares. The large guardian snorted, and escorted him to the large central tent to ask Mellona for advice. The first thing Nenkal asked was who built these marvelous tents, which took the guardians a little by surprise, before Mellona replied that they were exchanged for some food and shelter by a travelling Longneck herd, and that they were quickly running out of tent space. Nenkal immediately offered to assist in constructing more tents. Mellona eagerly agreed and the excited fae set about constructing his workshop. With the talented tailor in residence, the clan not only became a lot more fashionable, but they were able to construct more tents and start selling clothes items. While Nenkal keeps a professional relationship with most of the clan, he has developed a small crush for the sweet Chidagni, and the two have begun to bond over their respective passions. While he isn’t as wealthy as he was back in the Hewn City, he has a certain measure of success, as well as a lovely mate, which makes him more than happy to settle down with the Clan of Milk and Honey.
[b]Nenkal died during the Battle of Somnus Gap, defending his Mother-in-Law with his mate, Chidagni.[/b]
The weather in the Cloudscrape Crags is always the same, it’s either snowing or snowing heavily. The never ending snow began to wear on Kuraokami, day after day the world remained the same. The small Imperial never felt comfortable around his family or his clan. All day he would sit upon the highest ledge he could find and just observe the sky all day long. The cloud cover never seemed to move, just endless clouds as far as the eye could see. So he left. One day he took off of his cliff and flew north. He might have been one of the smallest Imperials in his clan, but that didn’t stop him from flying over the entire sea and landing at the edge of the Sea of a Thousand Currents. Over the sea the weather was unpredictable and ferocious, he spent years studying the patterns from high above, marking everything he saw down. He flew across all of Sornieth, watching, studying, and learning.
After decades of nothing but waiting, something called out to Kuraokami. He had spend all his life away from any other dragons, but for some reason, he felt a longing to find a home and settle down. Finally, he descended from the sky and began to climb around the coast of the Tidelord’s demain. After months of searching he came across a small tent on the shore between the Wastes and the Sea. A large Guardian noticed his presence, and lumbered over towards the petite Imperial. She introduced herself and the clan, they called themselves the Clan of Milk and Honey, and their dream was to make the Wastes bloom with life. That was… interesting, if not almost impossible. It seemed like an difficult enough task that he decided he would stick around. Now he predicts the weather and helps construct water reservoirs to feed the fields. He might be small for an Imperial, but he’s still one of the larger dragons, and with Mellona and him working the fields, the work gets done. There’s work enough to keep him occupied, and few enough people where he doesn’t feel too constricted. His social skills haven’t improved, but the people here don’t seem to mind. Kuraokami thinks he might be able to spend a couple more decades here.
[b]Kuraokami died protecting the clan from an Emperor during the Battle of Somnus Gap. After his death, he was absorbed into the Emperor and now roams the sea as a part of this monster.[/b]
We remember Lavandula the herbalist who died using his healing talents to save the lives of his clan mates during the Battle of Somnus Gap.[/quote]
We remember Echinacea, the animal husbandry assistant who used her magical gifts to fend off the Emperor that was threatening the clan, and in doing so, lost her life.[/quote]
These are the dragons that used to be part of our clan, before passing away.
They say there’s an ice so cold it can burn a dragon. Benedict doesn’t know if this is true, but he does know that his heart once grew so cold that it burned. It burned so hot and fierce the ice around him began to melt and so he left. He left his old home and came to a new one. A home where a burning heart like his was nothing unusual. He worked deep within the great furnace, crafting weapons out of heat and metal. Here he met his mate, Kalapana, a regal coatl with a flaming heart to match his own. His skin grew dark with ash and his talent only grew. The ice cold king of the south had melted and been reforged into a flaming coatl of the Flamecaller’s own design. He and Kalapana were the artists of the forge, making metal into art and tool alike. They wanted more, though. They wanted a family.
A forge is no place to raise children, so they took their leave to the outskirts of the lava filled land, looking for a safe place to raise their tiny sparks. They happened upon a small clan of peaceful farmers, an ideal home for their children. They set up a small forge in Somnus Cave, next to the mushroom colonies and potters studio. There was already a kiln, so the two industrious coatls just built the forge around it. Here they work away, creating tools to help the clan, and other things to sell. Their children have grown up happy and loved, but most leave by adulthood to find their way among the other clans of the world. Benedict and Kalapana understand. It’s what they did, after all.
Benedict perished in the Battle of Somnus Gap while defending the clan.
Sancus is the kind of dragon you really want on your side. When he’s with you, he’s friendly and funny, the life of any party. The second you stop being profitable to him, though, he loses all interest. Before he started his travelling and thieving ways with Strenua, he was a mercenary in the Sunbeam Ruins. Any criminals that needed catching would be caught, as long as you remembered to pay him. Things got complicated when he met Strenua. She was worth a hefty bounty back in the VIridian Labyrinth, but she was also very pretty. She was also nice, and kind, and funny, and… Oh no. So he said he’d travel with her, and help her steal. They quickly fell in love and went on a Sornieth-wide robbing spree that never seemed to end. Despite Strenua’s insistence that all the profit they made had to go to the needy, Sancus actually found himself enjoying it.
All things must end, however. That’s how Sancus and Strenua ended up fleeing from a band of mercenaries straight into the farm of Mellona and Bellus. Despite Bellus’ fear of these infamous thieves, Mellona couldn’t stand the thought of the two of them being left to their fate. So she and Ceorl sweet-talked the mercenaries into going away and let Sancus and Strenua into their clan, as long as they promised to give up stealing for good. Strenua agreed, so Sancus agreed too. There’s not much for him to do around the farm, so he helps Bellus and the others defend the territory. He’s also begun to help Ceorl sell items to the other clans. It turns out that Sancus is very good at making sure the buyer pays as much as possible.
Sancus died in the Battle of Somnus Gap defending the cave alongside his mate, Strenua.
Birds are chirping in the trees and the wind rustles the leaves above. The underbrush is still. The clearing is empty. Or so it seems. Off to the side there is a large Guardian, so quiet and still she seems to be a part of the forest. Meet Strenua, a native of the Viridian Labyrinth and self-proclaimed caretaker of all the poor and oppressed. Doesn’t matter if they are a dragon or part of the Beastclans, Strenua considers them all her charges, and will do anything to help them. She does so by sneaking about the forest and making money in very interesting ways. By interesting, I mean she steals things and sells them to the highest bidder. Merchants knew her as “The Granite Thief”, and no one was safe from her agile claws.
Every outlaw eventually runs into trouble with the law, so Strenua decided to make her way out of the Labyrinth and travel far away. Then start her “occupation” up again where no one would be the wiser. She made it all the way to the Sunbeam Ruins where she was quickly apprehended by a local mercenary named Sancus. He was going to turn her in to a group of rich merchants for some quick cash, but decided teaming up with her might be a more lucrative business opportunity. The two became quite the pair, and eventually became mates. Soon, all the lands knew of their thieving behavior, and the two were on the run.
Cornered and overpowered, Sancus and Strenua had nowhere left to run, it was by sheer luck they came upon a small farming clan on the edge of the Emberglow Hearth. Mellona and Bellus understood why Strenua had started stealing, and that her heart was kind underneath her criminal background. So they let the pair stay with them, and convinced the mercenaries that they had gone somewhere towards Dragonhome. Grateful and humbled, Strenua decided to help grow fruits and vegetables, provided they would let her distribute extras to the less fortunate. Mellona agreed, and once assured that Strenua would no longer steal, she welcomed her into the clan with open wings and open hearts. To demonstrate her change from a thief into a farmer, she shed her rogue apparel and donned clothes more representative of her flight.
Strenua died during the Battle of Somnus Gap defending her clan alongside her mate, Sancus.
No one really knew who Chidagni’s father was, rumor has it he was a roaming mercenary who seduced Samael and then left the clan for good. These are merely rumors, since Samael herself doesn’t talk about Chidagni’s other parent, and anyways, Samael has so much love to give to her daughter that another parent would just be overkill. Chidagni grew up with Aomikan, but while the nocturne grew up to be a carefree and friendly dragon, Chidagni ended up much like her mother. She is shy and nervous around strangers, but most of the clan knows her true personality is fiery and inquisitive, always flitting about the fields and studying the plants. She studies under her mother, tending to the ill plants and learning the ways of agronomy.
Unlike her mother, however, Chidagni never knew rejection or loneliness, growing up within the warm and welcoming environment of the clan, and because of this she tends to be a little more open and welcoming than her mother. Adept at research and experimenting, she stays holed up inside the field tent, tending to the experimental strains of heat-resistant grains, while her mother is more adept at the fieldwork and management side of things. She and Aomikan remain good friends, and the forager will often bring small gifts to the larger fae when she returns from her journeys.
Chidagni died during the Battle of Somnus Gap, protecting her mother alongside her mate, Nenkal.
Nenkal had been an established weaver in the Hewn City, creating clothes and apparel for both nobility and the common folk, but dark times had come for the light. After a vicious war with the Plague flight, most light clans were either mourning their lost children, or completely bankrupt, most often both. In search of more prosperous lands, the small fae left towards the crafty clans of Lightning and Fire. The scientific lightning clans found no use for pretty clothing, and work as a Tailor was limited, so he continued on towards Fire. As he was making his way down the shoreline, he caught sight of a dozen or so crimson tents blowing about in the sea breeze. Enchanted by the workmanship, the delicate weaver made his way over to the tents to inspect them. Not long after getting near to the edge of the tents, the small fae was intercepted by a tremendous guardian who demanded to know his business sneaking up onto the clan like that!
The startled fae quickly explained that he was but a curious traveler, searching for a place to make and sell his wares. The large guardian snorted, and escorted him to the large central tent to ask Mellona for advice. The first thing Nenkal asked was who built these marvelous tents, which took the guardians a little by surprise, before Mellona replied that they were exchanged for some food and shelter by a travelling Longneck herd, and that they were quickly running out of tent space. Nenkal immediately offered to assist in constructing more tents. Mellona eagerly agreed and the excited fae set about constructing his workshop. With the talented tailor in residence, the clan not only became a lot more fashionable, but they were able to construct more tents and start selling clothes items. While Nenkal keeps a professional relationship with most of the clan, he has developed a small crush for the sweet Chidagni, and the two have begun to bond over their respective passions. While he isn’t as wealthy as he was back in the Hewn City, he has a certain measure of success, as well as a lovely mate, which makes him more than happy to settle down with the Clan of Milk and Honey.
Nenkal died during the Battle of Somnus Gap, defending his Mother-in-Law with his mate, Chidagni.
The weather in the Cloudscrape Crags is always the same, it’s either snowing or snowing heavily. The never ending snow began to wear on Kuraokami, day after day the world remained the same. The small Imperial never felt comfortable around his family or his clan. All day he would sit upon the highest ledge he could find and just observe the sky all day long. The cloud cover never seemed to move, just endless clouds as far as the eye could see. So he left. One day he took off of his cliff and flew north. He might have been one of the smallest Imperials in his clan, but that didn’t stop him from flying over the entire sea and landing at the edge of the Sea of a Thousand Currents. Over the sea the weather was unpredictable and ferocious, he spent years studying the patterns from high above, marking everything he saw down. He flew across all of Sornieth, watching, studying, and learning.
After decades of nothing but waiting, something called out to Kuraokami. He had spend all his life away from any other dragons, but for some reason, he felt a longing to find a home and settle down. Finally, he descended from the sky and began to climb around the coast of the Tidelord’s demain. After months of searching he came across a small tent on the shore between the Wastes and the Sea. A large Guardian noticed his presence, and lumbered over towards the petite Imperial. She introduced herself and the clan, they called themselves the Clan of Milk and Honey, and their dream was to make the Wastes bloom with life. That was… interesting, if not almost impossible. It seemed like an difficult enough task that he decided he would stick around. Now he predicts the weather and helps construct water reservoirs to feed the fields. He might be small for an Imperial, but he’s still one of the larger dragons, and with Mellona and him working the fields, the work gets done. There’s work enough to keep him occupied, and few enough people where he doesn’t feel too constricted. His social skills haven’t improved, but the people here don’t seem to mind. Kuraokami thinks he might be able to spend a couple more decades here.
Kuraokami died protecting the clan from an Emperor during the Battle of Somnus Gap. After his death, he was absorbed into the Emperor and now roams the sea as a part of this monster.
We remember Lavandula the herbalist who died using his healing talents to save the lives of his clan mates during the Battle of Somnus Gap.
We remember Echinacea, the animal husbandry assistant who used her magical gifts to fend off the Emperor that was threatening the clan, and in doing so, lost her life.
The clan's current emblem was crafted
by the talented artists of the [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=18876]Cockatrice Crag[/url]
[columns][img]http://i.imgur.com/BAZdKE7.png[/img][nextcol]The Dove and Bee is our clan's current symbol. The dove represents our peaceful nature, while the bee represents our hardworking and unified nature. The dove is holding wheat, which symbolizes fertility and productivity.[/columns]
The clan's occupation and faction sigils were forged by the
talented blacksmiths from [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=view&tab=userpage&id=3060]The Infernal Summit[/url].
The new emblems were crafted by the [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1968743/1]Elysium Light clan[/url].
Clan banners created from the designs provided by Clan Osiem.
The clan collage was stitched together from the contributions of all the clan's members. Each image represents the different occupations of the residents.
Group picture of the clan's fisherdragons at Redrock Cove.[/center]