
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Clan Lore! (under construction)
----- ----- [center][font=palatino linotype][size=5][b]LORE[/b][/size][/font] [sup]about the RaisingCain clan[/sup][/center] ----- ----- [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent]brief intro anddddd [b][i]Navigation[/i][/b] 1. welcome and navigation 2. [url=]overview & history[/url] 3. [url=]Angband faction[/url] 4. [url=]Eldarin faction[/url] 5. [url=]Valarin faction[/url] 6. [url=]a timeline/other[/url] [right][b][i]Pinglist[/i][/b] necessary? [/right][/columns] [left][size=2][color=lightblue][b]updates:[/b][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=grey]4.16 ||[/color] discovered Open Lore Project and headcanons [color=grey]4.10.16 ||[/color] thread created, first drafts posted ----- ----- [center][font=palatino linotype][size=5][b]ACKNOWLEDGMENTS[/b][/size][/font] [sup]for inspiration and ideas[/sup][/center] ----- ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [indent][LIST][*]spurred by fenshae's Open Lore Project [i](and used with permission!)[/i] [*] visit the Project itself [url=]here[/url] [*]thanks fenshae ! [/LIST][/indent] [size=1]thanks to upshur #47760 for the code!

about the RaisingCain clan

brief intro


1. welcome and navigation
2. overview & history
3. Angband faction
4. Eldarin faction
5. Valarin faction
6. a timeline/other


4.16 || discovered Open Lore Project and headcanons
4.10.16 || thread created, first drafts posted

for inspiration and ideas

  • spurred by fenshae's Open Lore Project (and used with permission!)
  • visit the Project itself here
  • thanks fenshae !

thanks to upshur #47760 for the code!
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----- ----- [center][font=palatino linotype][size=5][b]THE WORLDS[/b][/size][/font] [sup][i]adapted from the Open Lore Project[/i][/sup][/center] ----- ----- As the strongest (and many would argue only) sentient race of their own world, dragons have come to dominate the realm of Sornieth. This vast world, with its distinct regions, has been gradually explored and colonized despite constant skirmishes with various beastclans, though there are still many new lands to discover. But dragons are beings of magic, and magic is a force that must be given its outlet, no matter the wisdom or restraint of its wielders. Sometimes, as the number of dragons continues to rise, the rippling effects of magic struggling to escape the world manifest as Bridges, or pathways to other worlds - worlds with sentient species of their own, such as humans. Bridges have become a contentious issue. Some dragons treat them as opportunities to explore or help, and the worlds beyond as places to share their knowledge, ideas, and expertise. Others treat them as resources, and the worlds beyond as opportunities to control more land and subjects when their own are overworked. This array of responses is complicated by the fact that few of the other sentient species encountered so far can wield magic: humans, for instance, are desperate for its power but have none of their own. Dragons' rule or demands of tribute are sometimes accepted for this reason alone. Due to the number of forms that other species may take, dragons whose own magic is strong enough to allow for shape-shifting have become highly sought after. A dragon who can assume a fully humanoid form [gijinkas!] is held in high esteem, though all but the largest dragons can fit through the Bridges and visit other worlds. [columns][nextcol] [quote="quick facts: the Worlds"] [LIST] [*]Sornieth appears to exist side-by-side with the human world, so dragons can live within human cities or territories. [*]With its chaotic, magic-ridden atmosphere, Sornieth itself is inhospitable to humans, so dragons who guard Bridges or prefer interspecies interactions tend to live on the borders of the two worlds. [*]Under the influence of dragon magic, the human world has limited technology with elements of both high fantasy and steampunk settings. [/LIST][/quote][nextcol] [nextcol][indent][quote="quick facts: among the Worlds"] [LIST] [*]Most dragons can modify their appearance, but few can become fully human-looking. Most will retain some dragon features such as unusual eye and hair color or the presence of wings or tails. Some cannot change their appearances at all. [*]A dragon's taking human form offers many benefits, both in Sornieth and in other worlds. Among other dragons, assuming a humanoid form can help overcome size differences among different breeds. Among other races, assuming a humanoid form can forestall fear or religious furor - though of course, individual success is often determined by how much the dragon in question can change their appearance. [/LIST][/quote][/indent][/columns] ----- ----- [center][font=palatino linotype][size=5][b]BIOLOGY, IDENTITY, AND SOCIETY[/b][/size][/font] [sup]adapted from the Open Lore Project[/sup][/center] ----- ----- The exact mechanics of dragon biology are a mystery to humans, whose usual cut-and-study scientific methods have been quashed a few times, and either a close-held secret or a matter of little interest to dragons themselves. Dragons tend to fall into two mindsets about their own lives: either they seek knowledge manically only to hoard it once gained, or they simply accept that their lives and beings are ordered a certain way by the gods. [quote="quick facts: dragon biology"] [LIST] [*]The different dragon breeds are determined by region of origin, though all breeds have long since traveled beyond their original homelands. However, prevailing wisdom also adds that the rarer breeds are more magically adept and powerful. This folk wisdom guides some dragons' mating choices and social hierarchies. [*] [*]Dragons [/LIST][/quote][nextcol] ----- ----- [center][font=palatino linotype][size=5][b]THE CLAN[/b][/size][/font] [sup]this league of swords[/sup][/center] ----- ----- history of the clan (how it came to be, origins) and how this plays into the three factions today

adapted from the Open Lore Project

As the strongest (and many would argue only) sentient race of their own world, dragons have come to dominate the realm of Sornieth. This vast world, with its distinct regions, has been gradually explored and colonized despite constant skirmishes with various beastclans, though there are still many new lands to discover.

But dragons are beings of magic, and magic is a force that must be given its outlet, no matter the wisdom or restraint of its wielders. Sometimes, as the number of dragons continues to rise, the rippling effects of magic struggling to escape the world manifest as Bridges, or pathways to other worlds - worlds with sentient species of their own, such as humans.

Bridges have become a contentious issue. Some dragons treat them as opportunities to explore or help, and the worlds beyond as places to share their knowledge, ideas, and expertise. Others treat them as resources, and the worlds beyond as opportunities to control more land and subjects when their own are overworked.

This array of responses is complicated by the fact that few of the other sentient species encountered so far can wield magic: humans, for instance, are desperate for its power but have none of their own. Dragons' rule or demands of tribute are sometimes accepted for this reason alone.

Due to the number of forms that other species may take, dragons whose own magic is strong enough to allow for shape-shifting have become highly sought after. A dragon who can assume a fully humanoid form [gijinkas!] is held in high esteem, though all but the largest dragons can fit through the Bridges and visit other worlds.

quick facts: the Worlds wrote:
  • Sornieth appears to exist side-by-side with the human world, so dragons can live within human cities or territories.
  • With its chaotic, magic-ridden atmosphere, Sornieth itself is inhospitable to humans, so dragons who guard Bridges or prefer interspecies interactions tend to live on the borders of the two worlds.
  • Under the influence of dragon magic, the human world has limited technology with elements of both high fantasy and steampunk settings.
quick facts: among the Worlds wrote:
  • Most dragons can modify their appearance, but few can become fully human-looking. Most will retain some dragon features such as unusual eye and hair color or the presence of wings or tails. Some cannot change their appearances at all.
  • A dragon's taking human form offers many benefits, both in Sornieth and in other worlds. Among other dragons, assuming a humanoid form can help overcome size differences among different breeds. Among other races, assuming a humanoid form can forestall fear or religious furor - though of course, individual success is often determined by how much the dragon in question can change their appearance.

adapted from the Open Lore Project

The exact mechanics of dragon biology are a mystery to humans, whose usual cut-and-study scientific methods have been quashed a few times, and either a close-held secret or a matter of little interest to dragons themselves. Dragons tend to fall into two mindsets about their own lives: either they seek knowledge manically only to hoard it once gained, or they simply accept that their lives and beings are ordered a certain way by the gods.

quick facts: dragon biology wrote:
  • The different dragon breeds are determined by region of origin, though all breeds have long since traveled beyond their original homelands. However, prevailing wisdom also adds that the rarer breeds are more magically adept and powerful. This folk wisdom guides some dragons' mating choices and social hierarchies.
  • Dragons

this league of swords

history of the clan (how it came to be, origins)
and how this plays into the three factions today
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----- ----- [center][font=palatino linotype][size=5][b]ANGBAND[/b][/size][/font] [sup][i]we are our own gods[/i][/sup][/center] ----- ----- History: Currently: ugh, i'll have to finish this later. . . ----- ----- [center][font=palatino linotype][size=5][b]ANGBAND[/b][/size][/font] [sup]personae of interest[/sup][/center] ----- ----- [columns] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol][indent]intro to Mel here then some more how does sizing even[/indent] [nextcol] [indent][left]- tyrannical[/left] [right]- petty[/right] [left]- destructive[/left] [right]- pitiless[/right] [/indent] [nextcol] [indent][IMG][/IMG][/indent] [/columns] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [columns][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [indent]text text text text boy this guy is a pain[/indent] [nextcol] [indent][left]- manipulative[/left] [right]- cunning[/right] [left]- possessive[/left] [right]- devoted[/right] [/indent] [nextcol] [indent][IMG][/IMG][/indent] [/columns] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [columns][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [indent]text text blah blah blah[/indent] [nextcol] [indent][left]- absorbed[/left] [right]- loving[/right] [left]- creative[/left] [right]- unwary[/right] [/indent] [nextcol] [indent][IMG][/IMG][/indent] [/columns] prayer in c, let it go, if it ain't love (derulo), on my mind, same old love, running up that hill (placebo), gods and monsters

we are our own gods



ugh, i'll have to finish this later. . .

personae of interest

intro to Mel here
then some more
how does sizing even
- tyrannical
- petty
- destructive
- pitiless


text text
text text
boy this guy is a pain
- manipulative
- cunning
- possessive
- devoted


text text
blah blah blah
- absorbed
- loving
- creative
- unwary

prayer in c, let it go, if it ain't love (derulo), on my mind, same old love, running up that hill (placebo), gods and monsters
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we resist the gods' interference

about the faction

personae of interest





we trust neither our forebears nor the gods

the Outlaws are a splinter group among even the Eldarin

often live among humans or mostly-human settlements, rather than among draconic brethren

personae of interest



we resist the gods' interference

about the faction

personae of interest





we trust neither our forebears nor the gods

the Outlaws are a splinter group among even the Eldarin

often live among humans or mostly-human settlements, rather than among draconic brethren

personae of interest


kJ7P36i.png 899b13958bd8dd6201cfc8808fbe7689b2ce2e3d.pngKDzH3q9.png

we seek the true gods

about the faction

personae of interest

very few, if any, are muses - I just don't connect with this group well at all

we seek the true gods

about the faction

personae of interest

very few, if any, are muses - I just don't connect with this group well at all
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directory (or something)
directory (or something)
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