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TOPIC | Clan Tricksterling Lore; Taking Requests
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [columns] [center]"Hello, and welcome to the Archives of the Clan Tricksterling, shining of the Hewn City, blessed by the Allfather, the Trickster and the Lightweaver! Founded by the hero Gawain after the loss of his Water Clan family, Clan Tricksterling is home to vagabonds and travelers, fighters and artists, parents and alchemists..." The bright pearlcatcher in front of you clears her throat, a slight blush rising up around her scales. She pushes a wayward daisy chain behind one ear and bows her head in welcome, offering you a glass of orange juice and... is that raspberry jam behind her? You shake your head in wonder, looking around the well-lit room full of scrolls and glass display cases. At first glance, the Archives look like a cross between a library and a museum; at second glance, they are a labour of love. "Excuse me, sometimes the stories get the most of you. But you have come for the Archives, of course? Here you may look up the history of any and all dragons which call our Clan their home. If you so wish, I would be more than happy to write up the story of your life, as well." [img][/img] [b]Archived Dragons:[/b] [url=]Absinthe[/url], [url=]Budgie[/url], [url=]Garnet[/url], [url=]Gawain[/url], [url=]Horton[/url], [url=]Larkin[/url], [url=]Lënwe[/url] [b]Visiting Dragons:[/b] [url=]Maverick[/url] [b]Want a short bio like the ones listed for your dragon?[/b] Simply ping @Tricksterling and send 5k and any materials for Baldwin's Brew. I'll write up a couple of paragraphs, choose a song for your dragon, and PM you the code.[/center] [/columns] [columns][center][b]Current WIPs:[/b] Basically, everyone in the Clan who's not already listed below. I... should definitely have started writing these up a long time ago, given... given how many pages of nests there are... [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Ping List:[/b] @Boundary, @NoelBlue, @Bearsarkr [b]Waiting List:[/b] 1. [OPEN] 2. [OPEN] 3. [OPEN][/center][/columns]
"Hello, and welcome to the Archives of the Clan Tricksterling, shining of the Hewn City, blessed by the Allfather, the Trickster and the Lightweaver! Founded by the hero Gawain after the loss of his Water Clan family, Clan Tricksterling is home to vagabonds and travelers, fighters and artists, parents and alchemists..."

The bright pearlcatcher in front of you clears her throat, a slight blush rising up around her scales. She pushes a wayward daisy chain behind one ear and bows her head in welcome, offering you a glass of orange juice and... is that raspberry jam behind her? You shake your head in wonder, looking around the well-lit room full of scrolls and glass display cases. At first glance, the Archives look like a cross between a library and a museum; at second glance, they are a labour of love.

"Excuse me, sometimes the stories get the most of you. But you have come for the Archives, of course? Here you may look up the history of any and all dragons which call our Clan their home. If you so wish, I would be more than happy to write up the story of your life, as well."


Archived Dragons:
Absinthe, Budgie, Garnet, Gawain, Horton, Larkin, Lënwe

Visiting Dragons:

Want a short bio like the ones listed for your dragon?
Simply ping @Tricksterling and send 5k and any materials for Baldwin's Brew. I'll write up a couple of paragraphs, choose a song for your dragon, and PM you the code.

Current WIPs:
Basically, everyone in the Clan who's not already listed below.
I... should definitely have started writing these up a long time ago, given...
given how many pages of nests there are...

Ping List:
@Boundary, @NoelBlue, @Bearsarkr

Waiting List:
1. [OPEN]
2. [OPEN]
3. [OPEN]
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum

[columns][img][/img] [font=lucida handwriting][size=7][color=#e57ead][url=]Garnet[/url][/color][/size][/font] [indent][font=georgia][size=4][color=#e57ead][i]the "Foster Mum"[/i][/color][/size][/font][/indent] Garnet... never quite fit in, in the Ice Clans. It wasn't that anyone was unkind to her - she had two wonderful parents, and was always surrounded by a busy psuedo-family of the entire Clan - but it was just too cold for her. She liked to feel the sun on her wings, not the chill on her claws, and in the snow-capped mountains where she was born, she so rarely saw anyone other than her family. [url=]Her mother[/url] had always taken in stray hatchlings, those with no parents, or those whose parents spent more time in the coliseum and gathering and less time with their young, and as Garnet grew in maturity, she began to help her mother around the cave. It was obvious she had a calling. On the difficult day when she decided to leave her Clan and see Sornieth, find a Clan who needed a mother - "very Peter Pan and Wendy", [url=]her father[/url] had said, though he hadn't explained more - Garnet wrapped herself up in a cozy scarf, gifted her by her mother, thankful for the feathery wings that she had inherited from her father. After months of travel, she decided to head for the Light Clan, hoping that in the Hewn City, her latest port of call, she might find somewhere warm and sunny to rest her weary wings, and find a plan of action. The Clan Tricksterling, named for their pair of demi-god guardians, was more than she could have imagined. There were hatchlings and passing dragons, well... in every direction that she looked! [url=]Cyril[/url], a beautiful skydancer took her under his wing at first, offering her a nest to sleep on until she found a place of her own. Garnet tried to protest that she was just passing through but a week passed, and then two, and three... Before she knew it, dragons were coming to Garnet asking her to keep an eye on their young - "you seem to have a knack with them, dear, they keep asking when you'll come to visit" - and the idea of her leaving seemed positively alien. Soon she was running [url=]a halfway home[/url] for passing dragons looking for a lair to make their own and a nursery for the Clan's hatchlings. The Clan's pearlcatcher training master, [url=]Gallagher[/url], had also caught the skydancer's eye while she was there. He'd had an injury in the coliseum, or so he told her, and didn't often fight there these days, anymore. Instead, he took the youngsters who wished to learn to fight out on short adventures, and often came home bruised and tired. Garnet's nest was near the edge of the Clan, on a cliff overlooking the sun, where she could feel the sun rise and set and toast her feathers nicely. It was simply out of kindness that she offered Gallagher a place to sleep on those nights when he came home too tired to fly straight, but he repaid her with stories of his gallant days of old, and eventually, [url=]Lënwe[/url]'s famous raspberry jam. Like the silly old lady she was, Garnet realised she was falling in love. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]You'll Be In My Heart[/url] by Phil Collins[/columns]

the "Foster Mum"

Garnet... never quite fit in, in the Ice Clans. It wasn't that anyone was unkind to her - she had two wonderful parents, and was always surrounded by a busy psuedo-family of the entire Clan - but it was just too cold for her. She liked to feel the sun on her wings, not the chill on her claws, and in the snow-capped mountains where she was born, she so rarely saw anyone other than her family. Her mother had always taken in stray hatchlings, those with no parents, or those whose parents spent more time in the coliseum and gathering and less time with their young, and as Garnet grew in maturity, she began to help her mother around the cave. It was obvious she had a calling.

On the difficult day when she decided to leave her Clan and see Sornieth, find a Clan who needed a mother - "very Peter Pan and Wendy", her father had said, though he hadn't explained more - Garnet wrapped herself up in a cozy scarf, gifted her by her mother, thankful for the feathery wings that she had inherited from her father. After months of travel, she decided to head for the Light Clan, hoping that in the Hewn City, her latest port of call, she might find somewhere warm and sunny to rest her weary wings, and find a plan of action.

The Clan Tricksterling, named for their pair of demi-god guardians, was more than she could have imagined. There were hatchlings and passing dragons, well... in every direction that she looked! Cyril, a beautiful skydancer took her under his wing at first, offering her a nest to sleep on until she found a place of her own. Garnet tried to protest that she was just passing through but a week passed, and then two, and three... Before she knew it, dragons were coming to Garnet asking her to keep an eye on their young - "you seem to have a knack with them, dear, they keep asking when you'll come to visit" - and the idea of her leaving seemed positively alien. Soon she was running a halfway home for passing dragons looking for a lair to make their own and a nursery for the Clan's hatchlings.

The Clan's pearlcatcher training master, Gallagher, had also caught the skydancer's eye while she was there. He'd had an injury in the coliseum, or so he told her, and didn't often fight there these days, anymore. Instead, he took the youngsters who wished to learn to fight out on short adventures, and often came home bruised and tired. Garnet's nest was near the edge of the Clan, on a cliff overlooking the sun, where she could feel the sun rise and set and toast her feathers nicely. It was simply out of kindness that she offered Gallagher a place to sleep on those nights when he came home too tired to fly straight, but he repaid her with stories of his gallant days of old, and eventually, Lënwe's famous raspberry jam.

Like the silly old lady she was, Garnet realised she was falling in love.

Theme Song: You'll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum

[columns][img][/img] [font=lucida handwriting][size=7][url=]Gawain[/url][/size][/font] [indent][font=georgia][size=4][color=#abd3a9][i]founder of the Clan[/i][/color][/size][/font][/indent] Gawain has been in the Clan Tricksterling for as long as he could remember, and the idea of ever going anywhere else but the Coliseum Grounds has never, and will never, cross his mind. It's not that he's an old dragon set in his ways, or at least, it's not as simple as he would have you believe it is. When he was young, the Clan - still in its early years, itself; there were only six of them when it happened - was attacked by one of the Beast Clans, and they suffered heavy losses. Not a member of the Clan amongst them walked or crawled away without a single scratch, and indeed, the Clan's Matriarch and Primarch joined the Tidelord that day. Gawain picked himself up that day and traveled high into the Hewn City, where he beseeched the Lightweaver for a place for him and his Clan to lick their wounds. It was the [url=]Trickster[/url] who helped him climb the winding stairs up to the city and the [url=]Allfather[/url] who healed his wounds. When the rest of the Clan moved on, Gawain took in more visitors to the Light territories, but was with the firm belief that a pair of wandering deities had saved his life, that day. After he woke up, all those years ago, healed and rested, he never saw the ashen tundra or the golden mirror again, but the Clan Tricksterling was born, and every now and again, someone comes to Gawain with another story or sighting. Hatchlings would come to his nest to touch the scars on his arms, or the space where his missing eye was, wondering at how much he looked like the Allfather. Gawain, grumpy but kind, let them wonder, but turned his attentions to making sure that his new Clan would never suffer as he once had. So proud was Gawain of being the first dragon in the Clan to gain the lofty title of a level 25 fighter, he was often said to be 'too busy' to bother with the running of the Clan. Luckily, as the Clan grew and grew in size, and they had to seek new nests and even expand their Nesting Grounds, he found healers and carers and even raspberry-jam makers to take care of things for him. Gawain grew up fast, and became something of an old dragon before his time, doing his best never to complain about his lot in life and go through life on his own, until the day he met [url=]Budgie[/url] in the Harpy's Roosts. His fellow wildclaw had swept in to deal with a particularly nasty harpy for him, and when he'd spun around on his claws, growling that he could fight his own battles, she had simply batted him across the muzzle and sauntered off without another word. Massaging his face and his pride Gawain had headed home early, but the next day he'd found Budgie waiting for him. She asked him if he'd like to fight beside her; a year later, he asked her to share his nest. A few months later [url=]Larkin[/url] - an over-eager blacksmith's apprentice who would much rather be swinging his hammer at beasts than at steel - begged Budgie and Gawain to take him to the training fields. Gawain was resistant at first, but Budgie had taken a shine to the youngster, and he, too, joined their nest after his brief trip away from the Clan. These days, the three of them travel to the Coliseum Grounds on a daily basis, and are rarely seen apart. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]By the Sword in My Hand[/url] by Tyr [/columns]

founder of the Clan

Gawain has been in the Clan Tricksterling for as long as he could remember, and the idea of ever going anywhere else but the Coliseum Grounds has never, and will never, cross his mind.

It's not that he's an old dragon set in his ways, or at least, it's not as simple as he would have you believe it is. When he was young, the Clan - still in its early years, itself; there were only six of them when it happened - was attacked by one of the Beast Clans, and they suffered heavy losses. Not a member of the Clan amongst them walked or crawled away without a single scratch, and indeed, the Clan's Matriarch and Primarch joined the Tidelord that day. Gawain picked himself up that day and traveled high into the Hewn City, where he beseeched the Lightweaver for a place for him and his Clan to lick their wounds.

It was the Trickster who helped him climb the winding stairs up to the city and the Allfather who healed his wounds. When the rest of the Clan moved on, Gawain took in more visitors to the Light territories, but was with the firm belief that a pair of wandering deities had saved his life, that day. After he woke up, all those years ago, healed and rested, he never saw the ashen tundra or the golden mirror again, but the Clan Tricksterling was born, and every now and again, someone comes to Gawain with another story or sighting. Hatchlings would come to his nest to touch the scars on his arms, or the space where his missing eye was, wondering at how much he looked like the Allfather. Gawain, grumpy but kind, let them wonder, but turned his attentions to making sure that his new Clan would never suffer as he once had.

So proud was Gawain of being the first dragon in the Clan to gain the lofty title of a level 25 fighter, he was often said to be 'too busy' to bother with the running of the Clan. Luckily, as the Clan grew and grew in size, and they had to seek new nests and even expand their Nesting Grounds, he found healers and carers and even raspberry-jam makers to take care of things for him. Gawain grew up fast, and became something of an old dragon before his time, doing his best never to complain about his lot in life and go through life on his own, until the day he met Budgie in the Harpy's Roosts.

His fellow wildclaw had swept in to deal with a particularly nasty harpy for him, and when he'd spun around on his claws, growling that he could fight his own battles, she had simply batted him across the muzzle and sauntered off without another word. Massaging his face and his pride Gawain had headed home early, but the next day he'd found Budgie waiting for him. She asked him if he'd like to fight beside her; a year later, he asked her to share his nest. A few months later Larkin - an over-eager blacksmith's apprentice who would much rather be swinging his hammer at beasts than at steel - begged Budgie and Gawain to take him to the training fields. Gawain was resistant at first, but Budgie had taken a shine to the youngster, and he, too, joined their nest after his brief trip away from the Clan. These days, the three of them travel to the Coliseum Grounds on a daily basis, and are rarely seen apart.

Theme Song: By the Sword in My Hand by Tyr
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum

[columns][img][/img] [font=lucida handwriting][size=7][url=]Budgie[/url][/size][/font] [indent][font=georgia][size=4][color=#75d5cd][i]adventuring archeologist[/i][/color][/size][/font][/indent] If the vaults of the Clan Tricksterling are ever filled to over-flowing with what most dragons consider to be useless artifacts, then they turn to Budgie. "These things should be saved!" she might say, stuffing the hundreds of little trinkets she picked up at the Coliseum with her partners earlier on the day into an already over-packed corner of the vault, in a manner that would rival the infamous Crim, "what if, in future generations of dragons, we'll never see a single phytocat toy again?!" [url=]Gawain[/url] does what he can to keep her busy so that he can sell their prizes before they get back to the Clan, but Budgie's hoarding tendencies started a long, long time ago, when she was just a hatchling in the Arcanist's lands. It's not a story she often tells. Budgie's parents both settled in an Arcane Lair somewhat unwillingly. Both dragons preferred to travel, collecting artifacts for their Clan's museum, but when [url=]her mother[/url] came with young, they decided that it was for the best that they settle down for a couple of years and raise their hatchlings. They didn't openly resent their hatchlings, but [url=]her father[/url] often disappeared for months on end, leaving them to fend for themselves in the pursuits of historical artifacts and magical items. Budgie wanted desperately to impress her father and took to the road as soon as she was old enough to fly; her plan, to find something so spectacular, so rare, so old that her father would one day travel to where she lived in order to see it. It wasn't for many years that Budgie realised that not only would her father never visit, she didn't want him to. Perhaps it was for the best. But the hoarding never ended. Her archeological trips finally took her to the Coliseum Grounds, in the pursuit of treasure and chests. Traveling was expensive after all, as were the artifacts that she was collecting. She saw Gawain struggling in the Harpy's Roost and immediately swooped in with a drop kick, using some of the skills that she had learned on her travels. The wildclaw's pride was clearly wounded, but that night Budgie slept in the Roost in the hopes of seeing him again in the morning. He returned, and she asked if they could fight side by side, and over the next couple of weeks, she told him her whole story. Hoping to catch up with Gawain's Coliseum skill, she even visited the @NoelBlue Clan for further training! Gawain offered her a place to live in his Clan and eventually, the two of them had settled down together, and even invited another young blacksmith-turned-fighter, [url=]Larkin[/url] into their nest, after a nice of raspberry cordial that left Budgie flirting with the pretty young thing. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Strong in the Real Way[/url] from Steven Universe [/columns]

adventuring archeologist

If the vaults of the Clan Tricksterling are ever filled to over-flowing with what most dragons consider to be useless artifacts, then they turn to Budgie. "These things should be saved!" she might say, stuffing the hundreds of little trinkets she picked up at the Coliseum with her partners earlier on the day into an already over-packed corner of the vault, in a manner that would rival the infamous Crim, "what if, in future generations of dragons, we'll never see a single phytocat toy again?!" Gawain does what he can to keep her busy so that he can sell their prizes before they get back to the Clan, but Budgie's hoarding tendencies started a long, long time ago, when she was just a hatchling in the Arcanist's lands. It's not a story she often tells.

Budgie's parents both settled in an Arcane Lair somewhat unwillingly. Both dragons preferred to travel, collecting artifacts for their Clan's museum, but when her mother came with young, they decided that it was for the best that they settle down for a couple of years and raise their hatchlings. They didn't openly resent their hatchlings, but her father often disappeared for months on end, leaving them to fend for themselves in the pursuits of historical artifacts and magical items. Budgie wanted desperately to impress her father and took to the road as soon as she was old enough to fly; her plan, to find something so spectacular, so rare, so old that her father would one day travel to where she lived in order to see it. It wasn't for many years that Budgie realised that not only would her father never visit, she didn't want him to. Perhaps it was for the best. But the hoarding never ended.

Her archeological trips finally took her to the Coliseum Grounds, in the pursuit of treasure and chests. Traveling was expensive after all, as were the artifacts that she was collecting. She saw Gawain struggling in the Harpy's Roost and immediately swooped in with a drop kick, using some of the skills that she had learned on her travels. The wildclaw's pride was clearly wounded, but that night Budgie slept in the Roost in the hopes of seeing him again in the morning. He returned, and she asked if they could fight side by side, and over the next couple of weeks, she told him her whole story. Hoping to catch up with Gawain's Coliseum skill, she even visited the @NoelBlue Clan for further training! Gawain offered her a place to live in his Clan and eventually, the two of them had settled down together, and even invited another young blacksmith-turned-fighter, Larkin into their nest, after a nice of raspberry cordial that left Budgie flirting with the pretty young thing.

Theme Song: Strong in the Real Way from Steven Universe
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum

[columns][img][/img] [font=lucida handwriting][size=7][url=]Larkin[/url][/size][/font] [indent][font=georgia][size=4][color=#47c07d][i]blacksmith's apprentice[/i][/color][/size][/font][/indent] Larkin has spent most of his life in the Clan Tricksterling and indeed, simply moved at a young age from one Lair of the Hewn City to another. His [url=]father[/url] and [url=]mother[/url], both humble bakers, wanted the best for their children, so sent him and his siblings off to seek their fortunes. While his brother became a scholar and his sister sadly went to serve the Windsinger at a young age, Larkin was sent off to train [url=]Jehan[/url], of Clan Tricksterling; a blacksmith who had served the Clan's Coliseum team for a long time but now wished to retire after passing his trade onto a youngster. It was of course a noble calling, and a great opportunity, but it just wasn't what Larkin wanted to do with his life. As he handed well-crafted armour and weaponry to the combatants, he couldn't help but sigh with exasperation and longing, desperately to join them in defending the Clan and seeking their fortunes. Of course, he made good treasure working in the smithy, with the occasional gem tip coming his way from the training master, an old pearlcatcher called [url=]Gallagher[/url] who was an old apprentice of his master's. He sent money home, when he could, determined to be a good son, and to put his frustrations aside. But Jehan, a travelling knight and Gallagher, a retired Coliseum veteran could both see in the set of the youngster's jaw, his bristling scales, that he wasn't happy. They had a word with the two wildclaws who frequented the Coliseum, [url=]Gawain[/url] and [url=]Budgie[/url], and 'kicked' Larkin out. At first, the team weren't too eager to have him. They were a close couple, both on the field and in their nests, and although Budgie warmed to him quickly, Gawain seemed almost jealous of the sprightly young thing. But Larkin, eager to please - and also, to impress the lady - put his back into training, quickly all-but catching up to their skill level and even volunteering to visit the Fight Club at Clan @NoelBlue. He started to game with some of the other young dragons in the Lair, there, and together they hatched up a plan for him to impress Budgie. They sent him back swathed in glittering silks, and bundled into a burlap sap, pretending to have manhandled him on his trip. Of course, Budgie - who had trained with them herself - saw through the ruse but absence had made Gawain's heart grow fonder, and now the three dragons are thick as thieves. They spend almost every day in the Coliseum, providing for the Clan. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Affirmation[/url] by Savage Garden [/columns]

blacksmith's apprentice

Larkin has spent most of his life in the Clan Tricksterling and indeed, simply moved at a young age from one Lair of the Hewn City to another. His father and mother, both humble bakers, wanted the best for their children, so sent him and his siblings off to seek their fortunes. While his brother became a scholar and his sister sadly went to serve the Windsinger at a young age, Larkin was sent off to train Jehan, of Clan Tricksterling; a blacksmith who had served the Clan's Coliseum team for a long time but now wished to retire after passing his trade onto a youngster.

It was of course a noble calling, and a great opportunity, but it just wasn't what Larkin wanted to do with his life. As he handed well-crafted armour and weaponry to the combatants, he couldn't help but sigh with exasperation and longing, desperately to join them in defending the Clan and seeking their fortunes. Of course, he made good treasure working in the smithy, with the occasional gem tip coming his way from the training master, an old pearlcatcher called Gallagher who was an old apprentice of his master's. He sent money home, when he could, determined to be a good son, and to put his frustrations aside. But Jehan, a travelling knight and Gallagher, a retired Coliseum veteran could both see in the set of the youngster's jaw, his bristling scales, that he wasn't happy. They had a word with the two wildclaws who frequented the Coliseum, Gawain and Budgie, and 'kicked' Larkin out.

At first, the team weren't too eager to have him. They were a close couple, both on the field and in their nests, and although Budgie warmed to him quickly, Gawain seemed almost jealous of the sprightly young thing. But Larkin, eager to please - and also, to impress the lady - put his back into training, quickly all-but catching up to their skill level and even volunteering to visit the Fight Club at Clan @NoelBlue. He started to game with some of the other young dragons in the Lair, there, and together they hatched up a plan for him to impress Budgie. They sent him back swathed in glittering silks, and bundled into a burlap sap, pretending to have manhandled him on his trip. Of course, Budgie - who had trained with them herself - saw through the ruse but absence had made Gawain's heart grow fonder, and now the three dragons are thick as thieves. They spend almost every day in the Coliseum, providing for the Clan.

Theme Song: Affirmation by Savage Garden
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum

@Tricksterling this is delightful! I can't wait to hear more (read! read more ^_^ But for some reason I always read dragon lore as verbal, passed down via dragon tongues and the winds...)
@Tricksterling this is delightful! I can't wait to hear more (read! read more ^_^ But for some reason I always read dragon lore as verbal, passed down via dragon tongues and the winds...)
[columns][img][/img] [font=lucida handwriting][size=7][url=]Lënwe[/url][/size][/font] [indent][font=georgia][size=4][color=#102e81][i]keeper of the cards[/i][/color][/size][/font][/indent] Lënwe has always bit a bit of a strange dragon to place. Though her [url=]father[/url] was an aristocrat of the Light Clans and her [url=]mother[/url] a follower of the Shadowbinder, she was born with eyes matching not either of theirs, but of the Lightning Clan. Her parents had a large brood in their nest, and there were whispers around the Light Clan where she was birthed that she was one of the fabled "cuckoo" hatchlings, or indeed, perhaps even a changeling, snuck into the nest behind her parents' wings. Both of her parents shooed away anyone who dared say it of their child but there was always the unspoken question hanging over the family; just where did Lënwe really come from? She tried not to let it bother her, instead embracing her multi-cultural heritage and learning everything that she could about other Flights from wandering strangers and books. Using her father's influence and money, Lënwe decided to leave her Clan's electric nests in the hopes of finding her place in Sornieth. She had heard that the rapidly expanding Clan Tricksterling had nests to spare, from a number of dragons who had passed by with stories to tell, and decided to try and reach the exalted Hewn City of the Light Clans. Even with her father's gift to her it was an expensive trip, and halfway there Lënwe realised she needed a trade. In her research as a youngling she had come across a pack of tarot cards - a souvenir from one of her mother's earlier flings, before she met her father - and she settled down in the icy wastes on the side of the road to read the cards, seeking advice. A grand, hulking guardian stopped, patting her on the shoulder with one claw, and as Lënwe swallowed hard, fearing this was one of the bandits her parents had warned her about, the guardian simply dropped a handful of gems into her hand and asked her to read his future. Using her tarot cards - and a recipe for raspberry jam that she bartered from a delightful fae in a Nature Clan, in exchange for a reading about his love life; there would always be pink stains in her fur, she decided - Lënwe soon reached the edges of the Hewn City. It was easy to ask Clan Tricksterling after asking around, and she was greeted at the gates by a gaggle of young hatchlings followed by a welcoming skydancer that she soon learned was named [url=]Garnet[/url]. Garnet took her in, noticing the frostbite in Lënwe's fur with a knowing look (being originally from the Ice territories herself) and introduced her to the Clan's leader, a wildclaw named [url=]Gawain[/url], who assured her in his gruff tones that she was welcome to stay and put her up with another coatl, a cafetalero named [url=]Horton[/url]. Her jam, apparently, would be very much welcomed in his coffee shop, and he would be able to help her find a nest of her own in the next expansion. ...Lënwe and Horton spent a few wonderful evenings together while he helped her set up her [url=]One Stop Tarot Shop[/url]. Perhaps they will spend more. For now, there is only what the cards have in store for her. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Cauldron Born[/url] by Damh the Bard [/columns]

keeper of the cards

Lënwe has always bit a bit of a strange dragon to place. Though her father was an aristocrat of the Light Clans and her mother a follower of the Shadowbinder, she was born with eyes matching not either of theirs, but of the Lightning Clan. Her parents had a large brood in their nest, and there were whispers around the Light Clan where she was birthed that she was one of the fabled "cuckoo" hatchlings, or indeed, perhaps even a changeling, snuck into the nest behind her parents' wings. Both of her parents shooed away anyone who dared say it of their child but there was always the unspoken question hanging over the family; just where did Lënwe really come from? She tried not to let it bother her, instead embracing her multi-cultural heritage and learning everything that she could about other Flights from wandering strangers and books.

Using her father's influence and money, Lënwe decided to leave her Clan's electric nests in the hopes of finding her place in Sornieth. She had heard that the rapidly expanding Clan Tricksterling had nests to spare, from a number of dragons who had passed by with stories to tell, and decided to try and reach the exalted Hewn City of the Light Clans. Even with her father's gift to her it was an expensive trip, and halfway there Lënwe realised she needed a trade. In her research as a youngling she had come across a pack of tarot cards - a souvenir from one of her mother's earlier flings, before she met her father - and she settled down in the icy wastes on the side of the road to read the cards, seeking advice. A grand, hulking guardian stopped, patting her on the shoulder with one claw, and as Lënwe swallowed hard, fearing this was one of the bandits her parents had warned her about, the guardian simply dropped a handful of gems into her hand and asked her to read his future.

Using her tarot cards - and a recipe for raspberry jam that she bartered from a delightful fae in a Nature Clan, in exchange for a reading about his love life; there would always be pink stains in her fur, she decided - Lënwe soon reached the edges of the Hewn City. It was easy to ask Clan Tricksterling after asking around, and she was greeted at the gates by a gaggle of young hatchlings followed by a welcoming skydancer that she soon learned was named Garnet. Garnet took her in, noticing the frostbite in Lënwe's fur with a knowing look (being originally from the Ice territories herself) and introduced her to the Clan's leader, a wildclaw named Gawain, who assured her in his gruff tones that she was welcome to stay and put her up with another coatl, a cafetalero named Horton. Her jam, apparently, would be very much welcomed in his coffee shop, and he would be able to help her find a nest of her own in the next expansion.

...Lënwe and Horton spent a few wonderful evenings together while he helped her set up her One Stop Tarot Shop. Perhaps they will spend more. For now, there is only what the cards have in store for her.

Theme Song: Cauldron Born by Damh the Bard
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum

[columns][img][/img] [font=lucida handwriting][size=7][url=]Horton[/url][/size][/font] [indent][font=georgia][size=4][color=#c13048][i]cafetelero extraordinaire[/i][/color][/size][/font][/indent] There was a strange Beast Clans story, passed down, apparently, from mythical beasts called humans, about a grasslands trunker called Horton. The title was, of course, "Horton Heard a Hainu", a tale about saving tiny hainus from the destruction of their habitat to build a new Colisem venue. The Horton of Clan Tricksterling was not like this Horton; this Horton wouldn't hear a Hainu if it flew up and smacked him in the face with a wet fish, screaming blue murder in his face while tiny fireworks went off. There is, indeed, a reason why this Horton decided that if he was ever going to wake up and see these things called 'sunrises' that the rest of the Clan talked about, he was going to have to resort to drastic measures. The rest of the Clan, entirely in unison... agreed. He hadn't always been so sleepy, but born and bred in Clan Tricksterling, Horton has always wanted for nothing. The Clan was one enormous family, forever expanding the Lair to put in new nests, and with a dragon - sometimes more than one! - for every task, there was very little that Horton actually had to do for himself. He went from nest to nest, sleeping wherever he could find the space, until the Clan leader, [url=]Gawain[/url], finally pinned him down with one claw and told him that under no uncertain terms was he to continue the way that he was. "I know you're not lazy," he continued, still pinning the squirming coatl with one claw, while his mates waited for him to catch up to them at the Clan gates, "and you're a bright young thing." But the fact was, Gawain was right, and Horton knew it; he had to find something that he could contribute to the Clan and to do that, he had to get out of bed. First, he visited [url=]Absinthe[/url], the Clan vinter. After a few days, he decided that being drunk only made him sleep more and at Absinthe's recommendation, decided to speak to the Clan alchemist instead, a new-to-the-clan wildclaw named [url=]Odessa[/url] who could probably keep the young coatl awake by sheer dint of her frequent accidental explosions alone. Together, he and Odessa concocted a brew that could keep Horton awake for hours and wake him up on even the quietest, coziest, most comfortable-in-bed-with-the-sun-on-his-scales-est mornings. A bitter drink, with subtle hints of chocolate and which sometimes, after the second or third cup of the morning, tasted nice with a dash of milk or caramel, that the two of them decided to name... coffee. As they began to perfect the drink, Horton decided to move into a nest of his own and eventually opened a small coffee shop, where dragons with early starts to the day could get a little kick to get them going in the morning. Running his shop kept Horton busy until the day that another visitor decided to join the Clan and Gawain sent her to live with him until they could afford a new nest expansion. The newcomer, [url=]Lënwe[/url], was apparently a diviner at heart, but once she and Horton began to talk he realised that she had a propensity for making jam, especially raspberry flavoured. The two coatls struck up a friendship when they realised it could be made into a syrup, and they eventually had a nest or two together. Horton realised that he had finally made his home a home, and to this day can be found if you only follow the smell of freshly brewed coffee, the trail of raspberry syrup claw-prints and the contented sighs of an entire Clan of dragons. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Banana Pancakes[/url] by Jack Johnson [/columns]

cafetelero extraordinaire

There was a strange Beast Clans story, passed down, apparently, from mythical beasts called humans, about a grasslands trunker called Horton. The title was, of course, "Horton Heard a Hainu", a tale about saving tiny hainus from the destruction of their habitat to build a new Colisem venue. The Horton of Clan Tricksterling was not like this Horton; this Horton wouldn't hear a Hainu if it flew up and smacked him in the face with a wet fish, screaming blue murder in his face while tiny fireworks went off. There is, indeed, a reason why this Horton decided that if he was ever going to wake up and see these things called 'sunrises' that the rest of the Clan talked about, he was going to have to resort to drastic measures. The rest of the Clan, entirely in unison... agreed.

He hadn't always been so sleepy, but born and bred in Clan Tricksterling, Horton has always wanted for nothing. The Clan was one enormous family, forever expanding the Lair to put in new nests, and with a dragon - sometimes more than one! - for every task, there was very little that Horton actually had to do for himself. He went from nest to nest, sleeping wherever he could find the space, until the Clan leader, Gawain, finally pinned him down with one claw and told him that under no uncertain terms was he to continue the way that he was. "I know you're not lazy," he continued, still pinning the squirming coatl with one claw, while his mates waited for him to catch up to them at the Clan gates, "and you're a bright young thing." But the fact was, Gawain was right, and Horton knew it; he had to find something that he could contribute to the Clan and to do that, he had to get out of bed.

First, he visited Absinthe, the Clan vinter. After a few days, he decided that being drunk only made him sleep more and at Absinthe's recommendation, decided to speak to the Clan alchemist instead, a new-to-the-clan wildclaw named Odessa who could probably keep the young coatl awake by sheer dint of her frequent accidental explosions alone. Together, he and Odessa concocted a brew that could keep Horton awake for hours and wake him up on even the quietest, coziest, most comfortable-in-bed-with-the-sun-on-his-scales-est mornings. A bitter drink, with subtle hints of chocolate and which sometimes, after the second or third cup of the morning, tasted nice with a dash of milk or caramel, that the two of them decided to name... coffee. As they began to perfect the drink, Horton decided to move into a nest of his own and eventually opened a small coffee shop, where dragons with early starts to the day could get a little kick to get them going in the morning.

Running his shop kept Horton busy until the day that another visitor decided to join the Clan and Gawain sent her to live with him until they could afford a new nest expansion. The newcomer, Lënwe, was apparently a diviner at heart, but once she and Horton began to talk he realised that she had a propensity for making jam, especially raspberry flavoured. The two coatls struck up a friendship when they realised it could be made into a syrup, and they eventually had a nest or two together. Horton realised that he had finally made his home a home, and to this day can be found if you only follow the smell of freshly brewed coffee, the trail of raspberry syrup claw-prints and the contented sighs of an entire Clan of dragons.

Theme Song: Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum

[columns][img][/img] [font=lucida handwriting][size=7][url=]Absinthe[/url][/size][/font] [indent][font=georgia][size=4][color=#325925][i]recovering alcoholic vinter[/i][/color][/size][/font][/indent] Being raised by a whole crowd of doting mothers and fathers, Absinthe had grown up something of a spoiled little hatchling. The Clan had found him while gathering their food for the day, and had taken his egg home, tucked up warm against their bellies, and found it a place in their Nesting Grounds. Of course, they'd looked around for a mother first, or even a father, but not a single dragon could be found and no gatherers they asked, on the way home, had seen anyone carrying an egg. It wasn't uncommon for an egg to be abandoned in the fields or by the road of the Coliseum Grounds but it was always a sad event, and so when Absinthe's little head popped out of his eggshells, every single dragon in the Clan cooed and played with him. He thought he would never want for care, love or attention. Of course as soon as Absinthe grew up, the attention he got waned. It wasn't that the Clan cared for him any less - they were a tight knit group - but there were other hatchlings in need of care, and dragons who fought in the Coliseum who needed medical attention. Absinthe, who had grown accustomed to being fawned over, [i]Coming soon.[/i] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Alcohol is Free[/url] by Koza Mostra feat. Agathon Iakovidis [/columns]

recovering alcoholic vinter

Being raised by a whole crowd of doting mothers and fathers, Absinthe had grown up something of a spoiled little hatchling. The Clan had found him while gathering their food for the day, and had taken his egg home, tucked up warm against their bellies, and found it a place in their Nesting Grounds. Of course, they'd looked around for a mother first, or even a father, but not a single dragon could be found and no gatherers they asked, on the way home, had seen anyone carrying an egg. It wasn't uncommon for an egg to be abandoned in the fields or by the road of the Coliseum Grounds but it was always a sad event, and so when Absinthe's little head popped out of his eggshells, every single dragon in the Clan cooed and played with him. He thought he would never want for care, love or attention.

Of course as soon as Absinthe grew up, the attention he got waned. It wasn't that the Clan cared for him any less - they were a tight knit group - but there were other hatchlings in need of care, and dragons who fought in the Coliseum who needed medical attention. Absinthe, who had grown accustomed to being fawned over,

Coming soon.

Theme Song: Alcohol is Free by Koza Mostra feat. Agathon Iakovidis
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum

[columns][center][img][/img] "Ah, this is an interesting story..." Cosmic lands behind you with just a soft clink of claws and scales against stones, taking the scroll from your hand and reading it over in mere seconds. "[url=]Maverick[/url] was the first dragon [i]not[/i] of our Clan to ask me to write down his story. I'll admit, I still have a soft spot for him; he was [i]quite[/i] the charming dragon..." She blushes, and hands the scroll back to you. "Enjoy reading, @Sphru." ((Thanks for being my first customer! I'll be sending you your bio in a message.)) [img][/img][/center][/columns] [columns][center]@Noelblue Yes, I rather imagine that by Cosmic likes to tell dragons stories about... other dragons. Not in a gossip-y way, mind, more of a "this dragon is awesome, let me tell you why" sort of way. She makes few enemies.[/center][/columns]

"Ah, this is an interesting story..."

Cosmic lands behind you with just a soft clink of claws and scales against stones, taking the scroll from your hand and reading it over in mere seconds.

"Maverick was the first dragon not of our Clan to ask me to write down his story. I'll admit, I still have a soft spot for him; he was quite the charming dragon..."

She blushes, and hands the scroll back to you.

"Enjoy reading, @Sphru."

((Thanks for being my first customer! I'll be sending you your bio in a message.))


@Noelblue Yes, I rather imagine that by Cosmic likes to tell dragons stories about... other dragons. Not in a gossip-y way, mind, more of a "this dragon is awesome, let me tell you why" sort of way. She makes few enemies.
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum
