
TOPIC | Writing the arcane Sprite's Book

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Huehue, I'm gonna write one of those Gladesinger ideas. (oops, I forgot the title)
"Wind Therapy"
The Gladekeeper laid herself down beneath the ancient willows in her private grove. The long branches swayed softly in the breeze, soothing her nerves after a particularly infuriating argument with her sister. The sun shone down gently through the leaves, and a comforting scent of honeysuckle graced over the god's nose.
Before she could be lulled to sleep, however, the soft breeze picked up slightly. Groaning, she knew immediately who had found her. Spending centuries with the same ten dragons made it easy for her to distinguish who was who solely on how they walk.
"What do you want to pester me with this time, Windsinger?" She grumbled.
A long, seafoam dragon touched down nearby her form. "Just a word, if you don't mind." A snort emitted from the mossy god, and he continued speaking in a soft tone. "I heard from the Icewarden that you and your sister had another fight. I understand that you two have a history, but you should both make an effort to at least get over your grudges."
"I have no grudges against her, I simply do not care to be in her presence." She retorted stiffly, slightly offended that the wind dragon thought she would be low enough to hold such feelings against people.
"What is it that you don't like about your twin?" The Windsinger continued, trying to calm the negative feelings she had for the Plaguebringer.
"She has no respect for personal space, and she's always trying to irritate me by infecting my beautiful plants with her revolting diseases. She never considers my side of an argument, she refuses to do something about her scent, and she can't seem to fathom why I care for the beautiful trees and flowers of my precious forests. All she wants is to destroy and infect. She even convinced a few of my dragons to move to her disgusting home!" After her rant, she settled down into an uneasy silence once more.
"... Does that feel better?" After a pause, the nature dragon sighed.
"... Yes," she said begrudgingly, "thank you." She glanced at her fellow deity, and placed her head over her claws. How does he always know how to calm me down? she wondered.
A Nature Sprite fluttered over to the two, and perched herself on top of the Windsinger's head. Another came out of hiding and climbed on one of the Gladekeeper's antlers, swinging her tail back and forth. He chuckled lightly, and slowly walked over to his friend. He curled up next to her, and resumed talking. "I can read you very well, you know. I almost always have an idea of what you're thinking. Maybe it's because I always hang around you when I have the chance?" Or maybe it's because you're easier to understand than you think, Glade. He thought fondly. A sprout curled itself around one of his claws and grew up to his chest. Soon enough, he resembled a bush.
The Gladekeeper laughed at the sight, and a hidden Wind Sprite emerged, apparently having hitchhiked a ride over. The sudden appearance of the plant startled her out of her hiding place. She immediately saw one of the Nature Sprites, flew over, and began dancing with her. A flurry of leaves flew around the two, and the deities smiled at the display, or at least at what they were able to see. Eventually, growing tired, the two joined the other Nature Sprite on the antlers. After a few moments, they dozed off.
The bush grew more, and enveloped the Gladekeeper as well. "Welcome to the party." The charismatic god spoke. This earned a chuckle from both dragons. The leaves glowed softly, and the faint light spread over the entirety of the plant. The bush began to retreat back to a small sprout between them. "Ah, the light! It burns!" The Windsinger exclaimed dramatically, casting the back of his hand to his forehead.
The jungle dragon laughed, but then paused. "I apologize for that. Sometimes plants try to grow and envelope me, and whatever is close." A sense of peace overcame the two, and they listened to the sound of the wind through the willows. The Gladekeeper asked after some time a question that would cause a more awkward silence. "How is it that you know how to soothe my nerves, so to speak, regardless of the cause for my stress?"
He paused, thinking of the question carefully. Eventually, under the eyes of the Lady of Life, a small, but not completely unnoticeable blush painted his cheeks. "Well, you're not exactly stoic, so I can tell when you're mood is different from the usual calm. I've also spent enough time by your side that I know what makes you smile and laugh, or how to take away your stress and aggravation."
Seemingly satisfied with the answer, the other god replied with a soft voice, "I, too, have found myself knowing when you are not yourself. Perhaps we are close enough to read each other as if reading books."
One look into the other's eyes was all they needed to understand their affections for one another. The Windsinger lightly curled himself around the Gladekeeper, eventually laying his head on her neck, as if to take a nap. The forest deity smiled at his actions, and rested her head once more on her arms. The two of them slept in that position until the dawn of the next day.
(So much cuteness!)
"Wind Therapy"
The Gladekeeper laid herself down beneath the ancient willows in her private grove. The long branches swayed softly in the breeze, soothing her nerves after a particularly infuriating argument with her sister. The sun shone down gently through the leaves, and a comforting scent of honeysuckle graced over the god's nose.
Before she could be lulled to sleep, however, the soft breeze picked up slightly. Groaning, she knew immediately who had found her. Spending centuries with the same ten dragons made it easy for her to distinguish who was who solely on how they walk.
"What do you want to pester me with this time, Windsinger?" She grumbled.
A long, seafoam dragon touched down nearby her form. "Just a word, if you don't mind." A snort emitted from the mossy god, and he continued speaking in a soft tone. "I heard from the Icewarden that you and your sister had another fight. I understand that you two have a history, but you should both make an effort to at least get over your grudges."
"I have no grudges against her, I simply do not care to be in her presence." She retorted stiffly, slightly offended that the wind dragon thought she would be low enough to hold such feelings against people.
"What is it that you don't like about your twin?" The Windsinger continued, trying to calm the negative feelings she had for the Plaguebringer.
"She has no respect for personal space, and she's always trying to irritate me by infecting my beautiful plants with her revolting diseases. She never considers my side of an argument, she refuses to do something about her scent, and she can't seem to fathom why I care for the beautiful trees and flowers of my precious forests. All she wants is to destroy and infect. She even convinced a few of my dragons to move to her disgusting home!" After her rant, she settled down into an uneasy silence once more.
"... Does that feel better?" After a pause, the nature dragon sighed.
"... Yes," she said begrudgingly, "thank you." She glanced at her fellow deity, and placed her head over her claws. How does he always know how to calm me down? she wondered.
A Nature Sprite fluttered over to the two, and perched herself on top of the Windsinger's head. Another came out of hiding and climbed on one of the Gladekeeper's antlers, swinging her tail back and forth. He chuckled lightly, and slowly walked over to his friend. He curled up next to her, and resumed talking. "I can read you very well, you know. I almost always have an idea of what you're thinking. Maybe it's because I always hang around you when I have the chance?" Or maybe it's because you're easier to understand than you think, Glade. He thought fondly. A sprout curled itself around one of his claws and grew up to his chest. Soon enough, he resembled a bush.
The Gladekeeper laughed at the sight, and a hidden Wind Sprite emerged, apparently having hitchhiked a ride over. The sudden appearance of the plant startled her out of her hiding place. She immediately saw one of the Nature Sprites, flew over, and began dancing with her. A flurry of leaves flew around the two, and the deities smiled at the display, or at least at what they were able to see. Eventually, growing tired, the two joined the other Nature Sprite on the antlers. After a few moments, they dozed off.
The bush grew more, and enveloped the Gladekeeper as well. "Welcome to the party." The charismatic god spoke. This earned a chuckle from both dragons. The leaves glowed softly, and the faint light spread over the entirety of the plant. The bush began to retreat back to a small sprout between them. "Ah, the light! It burns!" The Windsinger exclaimed dramatically, casting the back of his hand to his forehead.
The jungle dragon laughed, but then paused. "I apologize for that. Sometimes plants try to grow and envelope me, and whatever is close." A sense of peace overcame the two, and they listened to the sound of the wind through the willows. The Gladekeeper asked after some time a question that would cause a more awkward silence. "How is it that you know how to soothe my nerves, so to speak, regardless of the cause for my stress?"
He paused, thinking of the question carefully. Eventually, under the eyes of the Lady of Life, a small, but not completely unnoticeable blush painted his cheeks. "Well, you're not exactly stoic, so I can tell when you're mood is different from the usual calm. I've also spent enough time by your side that I know what makes you smile and laugh, or how to take away your stress and aggravation."
Seemingly satisfied with the answer, the other god replied with a soft voice, "I, too, have found myself knowing when you are not yourself. Perhaps we are close enough to read each other as if reading books."
One look into the other's eyes was all they needed to understand their affections for one another. The Windsinger lightly curled himself around the Gladekeeper, eventually laying his head on her neck, as if to take a nap. The forest deity smiled at his actions, and rested her head once more on her arms. The two of them slept in that position until the dawn of the next day.
(So much cuteness!)
Huehue, I'm gonna write one of those Gladesinger ideas. (oops, I forgot the title)
"Wind Therapy"
The Gladekeeper laid herself down beneath the ancient willows in her private grove. The long branches swayed softly in the breeze, soothing her nerves after a particularly infuriating argument with her sister. The sun shone down gently through the leaves, and a comforting scent of honeysuckle graced over the god's nose.
Before she could be lulled to sleep, however, the soft breeze picked up slightly. Groaning, she knew immediately who had found her. Spending centuries with the same ten dragons made it easy for her to distinguish who was who solely on how they walk.
"What do you want to pester me with this time, Windsinger?" She grumbled.
A long, seafoam dragon touched down nearby her form. "Just a word, if you don't mind." A snort emitted from the mossy god, and he continued speaking in a soft tone. "I heard from the Icewarden that you and your sister had another fight. I understand that you two have a history, but you should both make an effort to at least get over your grudges."
"I have no grudges against her, I simply do not care to be in her presence." She retorted stiffly, slightly offended that the wind dragon thought she would be low enough to hold such feelings against people.
"What is it that you don't like about your twin?" The Windsinger continued, trying to calm the negative feelings she had for the Plaguebringer.
"She has no respect for personal space, and she's always trying to irritate me by infecting my beautiful plants with her revolting diseases. She never considers my side of an argument, she refuses to do something about her scent, and she can't seem to fathom why I care for the beautiful trees and flowers of my precious forests. All she wants is to destroy and infect. She even convinced a few of my dragons to move to her disgusting home!" After her rant, she settled down into an uneasy silence once more.
"... Does that feel better?" After a pause, the nature dragon sighed.
"... Yes," she said begrudgingly, "thank you." She glanced at her fellow deity, and placed her head over her claws. How does he always know how to calm me down? she wondered.
A Nature Sprite fluttered over to the two, and perched herself on top of the Windsinger's head. Another came out of hiding and climbed on one of the Gladekeeper's antlers, swinging her tail back and forth. He chuckled lightly, and slowly walked over to his friend. He curled up next to her, and resumed talking. "I can read you very well, you know. I almost always have an idea of what you're thinking. Maybe it's because I always hang around you when I have the chance?" Or maybe it's because you're easier to understand than you think, Glade. He thought fondly. A sprout curled itself around one of his claws and grew up to his chest. Soon enough, he resembled a bush.
The Gladekeeper laughed at the sight, and a hidden Wind Sprite emerged, apparently having hitchhiked a ride over. The sudden appearance of the plant startled her out of her hiding place. She immediately saw one of the Nature Sprites, flew over, and began dancing with her. A flurry of leaves flew around the two, and the deities smiled at the display, or at least at what they were able to see. Eventually, growing tired, the two joined the other Nature Sprite on the antlers. After a few moments, they dozed off.
The bush grew more, and enveloped the Gladekeeper as well. "Welcome to the party." The charismatic god spoke. This earned a chuckle from both dragons. The leaves glowed softly, and the faint light spread over the entirety of the plant. The bush began to retreat back to a small sprout between them. "Ah, the light! It burns!" The Windsinger exclaimed dramatically, casting the back of his hand to his forehead.
The jungle dragon laughed, but then paused. "I apologize for that. Sometimes plants try to grow and envelope me, and whatever is close." A sense of peace overcame the two, and they listened to the sound of the wind through the willows. The Gladekeeper asked after some time a question that would cause a more awkward silence. "How is it that you know how to soothe my nerves, so to speak, regardless of the cause for my stress?"
He paused, thinking of the question carefully. Eventually, under the eyes of the Lady of Life, a small, but not completely unnoticeable blush painted his cheeks. "Well, you're not exactly stoic, so I can tell when you're mood is different from the usual calm. I've also spent enough time by your side that I know what makes you smile and laugh, or how to take away your stress and aggravation."
Seemingly satisfied with the answer, the other god replied with a soft voice, "I, too, have found myself knowing when you are not yourself. Perhaps we are close enough to read each other as if reading books."
One look into the other's eyes was all they needed to understand their affections for one another. The Windsinger lightly curled himself around the Gladekeeper, eventually laying his head on her neck, as if to take a nap. The forest deity smiled at his actions, and rested her head once more on her arms. The two of them slept in that position until the dawn of the next day.
(So much cuteness!)
"Wind Therapy"
The Gladekeeper laid herself down beneath the ancient willows in her private grove. The long branches swayed softly in the breeze, soothing her nerves after a particularly infuriating argument with her sister. The sun shone down gently through the leaves, and a comforting scent of honeysuckle graced over the god's nose.
Before she could be lulled to sleep, however, the soft breeze picked up slightly. Groaning, she knew immediately who had found her. Spending centuries with the same ten dragons made it easy for her to distinguish who was who solely on how they walk.
"What do you want to pester me with this time, Windsinger?" She grumbled.
A long, seafoam dragon touched down nearby her form. "Just a word, if you don't mind." A snort emitted from the mossy god, and he continued speaking in a soft tone. "I heard from the Icewarden that you and your sister had another fight. I understand that you two have a history, but you should both make an effort to at least get over your grudges."
"I have no grudges against her, I simply do not care to be in her presence." She retorted stiffly, slightly offended that the wind dragon thought she would be low enough to hold such feelings against people.
"What is it that you don't like about your twin?" The Windsinger continued, trying to calm the negative feelings she had for the Plaguebringer.
"She has no respect for personal space, and she's always trying to irritate me by infecting my beautiful plants with her revolting diseases. She never considers my side of an argument, she refuses to do something about her scent, and she can't seem to fathom why I care for the beautiful trees and flowers of my precious forests. All she wants is to destroy and infect. She even convinced a few of my dragons to move to her disgusting home!" After her rant, she settled down into an uneasy silence once more.
"... Does that feel better?" After a pause, the nature dragon sighed.
"... Yes," she said begrudgingly, "thank you." She glanced at her fellow deity, and placed her head over her claws. How does he always know how to calm me down? she wondered.
A Nature Sprite fluttered over to the two, and perched herself on top of the Windsinger's head. Another came out of hiding and climbed on one of the Gladekeeper's antlers, swinging her tail back and forth. He chuckled lightly, and slowly walked over to his friend. He curled up next to her, and resumed talking. "I can read you very well, you know. I almost always have an idea of what you're thinking. Maybe it's because I always hang around you when I have the chance?" Or maybe it's because you're easier to understand than you think, Glade. He thought fondly. A sprout curled itself around one of his claws and grew up to his chest. Soon enough, he resembled a bush.
The Gladekeeper laughed at the sight, and a hidden Wind Sprite emerged, apparently having hitchhiked a ride over. The sudden appearance of the plant startled her out of her hiding place. She immediately saw one of the Nature Sprites, flew over, and began dancing with her. A flurry of leaves flew around the two, and the deities smiled at the display, or at least at what they were able to see. Eventually, growing tired, the two joined the other Nature Sprite on the antlers. After a few moments, they dozed off.
The bush grew more, and enveloped the Gladekeeper as well. "Welcome to the party." The charismatic god spoke. This earned a chuckle from both dragons. The leaves glowed softly, and the faint light spread over the entirety of the plant. The bush began to retreat back to a small sprout between them. "Ah, the light! It burns!" The Windsinger exclaimed dramatically, casting the back of his hand to his forehead.
The jungle dragon laughed, but then paused. "I apologize for that. Sometimes plants try to grow and envelope me, and whatever is close." A sense of peace overcame the two, and they listened to the sound of the wind through the willows. The Gladekeeper asked after some time a question that would cause a more awkward silence. "How is it that you know how to soothe my nerves, so to speak, regardless of the cause for my stress?"
He paused, thinking of the question carefully. Eventually, under the eyes of the Lady of Life, a small, but not completely unnoticeable blush painted his cheeks. "Well, you're not exactly stoic, so I can tell when you're mood is different from the usual calm. I've also spent enough time by your side that I know what makes you smile and laugh, or how to take away your stress and aggravation."
Seemingly satisfied with the answer, the other god replied with a soft voice, "I, too, have found myself knowing when you are not yourself. Perhaps we are close enough to read each other as if reading books."
One look into the other's eyes was all they needed to understand their affections for one another. The Windsinger lightly curled himself around the Gladekeeper, eventually laying his head on her neck, as if to take a nap. The forest deity smiled at his actions, and rested her head once more on her arms. The two of them slept in that position until the dawn of the next day.
(So much cuteness!)

The Scarred Wasteland many dragons had known turned cold, much of the Plaguebringer's works froze solid. None could survive the night without a decent winter coat to keep warm. The week was complete terror, for the Plaguebringer's spawn had suspected an easy battle to take. It had ended up as a disaster for many that chose to live in the meadows of decay. The Icewarden was closer to victory of the land, and this would be the second time the Plaguebringer could not stop the force of his snowfalls. Many dragons found it hard to train their young, and those that did would later find themselves to be met by a Frigid Armada. Time was running out, and the Plaguebringer did not know what to do.
She reached into her Wyrmwound, the only spot left in the Scarred Wasteland that wasn't frozen, and grabbed a handful of ooze. The ooze was lumpy and cold, bearing the temperature of the Icewarden's works. Her breath was the only thing keeping it warm, which was shallow and still. The Plaguebringer's hopes of winning were soon to be met by defeat.
That was until a strong bolt of Lightning striked the Wyrmwound, slamming the Plaguebringer on the floor with a sharp gust of wind. The Stormcatcher arrived, the least likely of all deities. Her face held in awe as he reached out to help her up.
"Sorry about arriving so late, I had just finished studying a new way to use radioactivity for cooking meals." he said.
"Ah, you and your science." she huffed. "Well, what brings you here?"
"I have decided to come and help out." he smiled. "My employees were eager to do some tests on what happens when certain viruses are chilled to a certain temperature."
"Well then." she replied. "I'll let your employees do some science, but as you can see, my home is about to turn into a second Icefield."
"About that matter," he paused. "Well..."
"Yes, what is it?" she asked impatiently.
"I wanted to know if.." his voice trailed off.
"Say it! There isn't any time left for you to gag on your words!" she hissed.
"Let's win together, for science reasons, of course." he said.
Sorry sorry I'm really bad at making fanfics.
She reached into her Wyrmwound, the only spot left in the Scarred Wasteland that wasn't frozen, and grabbed a handful of ooze. The ooze was lumpy and cold, bearing the temperature of the Icewarden's works. Her breath was the only thing keeping it warm, which was shallow and still. The Plaguebringer's hopes of winning were soon to be met by defeat.
That was until a strong bolt of Lightning striked the Wyrmwound, slamming the Plaguebringer on the floor with a sharp gust of wind. The Stormcatcher arrived, the least likely of all deities. Her face held in awe as he reached out to help her up.
"Sorry about arriving so late, I had just finished studying a new way to use radioactivity for cooking meals." he said.
"Ah, you and your science." she huffed. "Well, what brings you here?"
"I have decided to come and help out." he smiled. "My employees were eager to do some tests on what happens when certain viruses are chilled to a certain temperature."
"Well then." she replied. "I'll let your employees do some science, but as you can see, my home is about to turn into a second Icefield."
"About that matter," he paused. "Well..."
"Yes, what is it?" she asked impatiently.
"I wanted to know if.." his voice trailed off.
"Say it! There isn't any time left for you to gag on your words!" she hissed.
"Let's win together, for science reasons, of course." he said.
Sorry sorry I'm really bad at making fanfics.
The Scarred Wasteland many dragons had known turned cold, much of the Plaguebringer's works froze solid. None could survive the night without a decent winter coat to keep warm. The week was complete terror, for the Plaguebringer's spawn had suspected an easy battle to take. It had ended up as a disaster for many that chose to live in the meadows of decay. The Icewarden was closer to victory of the land, and this would be the second time the Plaguebringer could not stop the force of his snowfalls. Many dragons found it hard to train their young, and those that did would later find themselves to be met by a Frigid Armada. Time was running out, and the Plaguebringer did not know what to do.
She reached into her Wyrmwound, the only spot left in the Scarred Wasteland that wasn't frozen, and grabbed a handful of ooze. The ooze was lumpy and cold, bearing the temperature of the Icewarden's works. Her breath was the only thing keeping it warm, which was shallow and still. The Plaguebringer's hopes of winning were soon to be met by defeat.
That was until a strong bolt of Lightning striked the Wyrmwound, slamming the Plaguebringer on the floor with a sharp gust of wind. The Stormcatcher arrived, the least likely of all deities. Her face held in awe as he reached out to help her up.
"Sorry about arriving so late, I had just finished studying a new way to use radioactivity for cooking meals." he said.
"Ah, you and your science." she huffed. "Well, what brings you here?"
"I have decided to come and help out." he smiled. "My employees were eager to do some tests on what happens when certain viruses are chilled to a certain temperature."
"Well then." she replied. "I'll let your employees do some science, but as you can see, my home is about to turn into a second Icefield."
"About that matter," he paused. "Well..."
"Yes, what is it?" she asked impatiently.
"I wanted to know if.." his voice trailed off.
"Say it! There isn't any time left for you to gag on your words!" she hissed.
"Let's win together, for science reasons, of course." he said.
Sorry sorry I'm really bad at making fanfics.
She reached into her Wyrmwound, the only spot left in the Scarred Wasteland that wasn't frozen, and grabbed a handful of ooze. The ooze was lumpy and cold, bearing the temperature of the Icewarden's works. Her breath was the only thing keeping it warm, which was shallow and still. The Plaguebringer's hopes of winning were soon to be met by defeat.
That was until a strong bolt of Lightning striked the Wyrmwound, slamming the Plaguebringer on the floor with a sharp gust of wind. The Stormcatcher arrived, the least likely of all deities. Her face held in awe as he reached out to help her up.
"Sorry about arriving so late, I had just finished studying a new way to use radioactivity for cooking meals." he said.
"Ah, you and your science." she huffed. "Well, what brings you here?"
"I have decided to come and help out." he smiled. "My employees were eager to do some tests on what happens when certain viruses are chilled to a certain temperature."
"Well then." she replied. "I'll let your employees do some science, but as you can see, my home is about to turn into a second Icefield."
"About that matter," he paused. "Well..."
"Yes, what is it?" she asked impatiently.
"I wanted to know if.." his voice trailed off.
"Say it! There isn't any time left for you to gag on your words!" she hissed.
"Let's win together, for science reasons, of course." he said.
Sorry sorry I'm really bad at making fanfics.
Oh I am here for this. *Cracks knuckles*
I'll be back... >.>
Oh I am here for this. *Cracks knuckles*
I'll be back... >.>
I should really bump this again
I should really bump this again
Retired Master of the Colourwheel and Head of the Doomsday-Project (we swear it's just a name)

Oh, screw it, I'm writing another Glade fic, but with the Derpanist this time. Sorry if it's a little long. Maybe I'll do one without Treemom, but she's my favorite to write about. So many possibilities. Anyway here's wonderwall "Fortunate Disaster"
The Gladekeeper was busy preparing for the Greenskeeper Gathering, unaware of what event was about to unfold. Her many Sprites were all buzzing around, picking up the Bladed Flatleaves and hiding them around the forest. Many Nature clans picked up crates of the currency and started placing them around the thick woods. Boxes of apparel were transported to the booths around the Viridian Labyrinth. All was going according to Her plan for the holiday. Only a few hours until the celebration started.
In the Observatory, the Arcanist was busy scribbling runes and equations in a notebook, charting a new formation that appeared in the galaxy 538b. It had been slowly developing for the past two weeks, and seemed to be just about done. "Scholars, I think the formation may be entering its final stage!" His voice echoed around the room quietly. No one replied. He looked up from the parchment, and to his surprise, realized that his assistants had all gone. The towering bookcases were filed against the walls, and the desks were covered in textbooks, quills, and scattered papers. "Hmm." He pondered, and continued writing, mumbling softly to himself, "It's unfortunate that they couldn't experience such an event. I shall have to tell them when they return."
A slightly scratchy voice piped up from the shadows, "Tell them what?" A maroon dragon with rotted wings and green boils across her sickly skin stepped into the light. She swished her tail slightly, bumping it into a couple of the desks.
"W-What are you doing here, Plaguebringer?!" He was clearly startled, and looked intimidated. His fear made said dragon curl back her lips, as if trying to sneer.
"Why, didn't you get my little letter?" At his confusion, she laughed darkly. "You are so scatterbrained. I sent one of my Sprites to inform you prior to my visit." With no new reaction, she continued, clearly disappointed, "It's about my dear sister's holiday. I need your help to disrupt it somehow."
"Disrupt it? But why would I do something like that?" He was even more bewildered by the command than before.
"I said so, that's why." With that, she loomed over him, her aura becoming faintly visible. The papers in the room yellowed, and the air grew stagnant. "I'd really prefer not to dirty your beloved Observatory, but if need be, I will."
A shudder ran through the already slightly quivering pink dragon as her stench reached his nose, and he surrendered. "F-fine, tell me what you want to do." I'm so sorry, Gladekeeper. He thought regretfully.
"I require the skills of a powerful mage, and I thought, what better dragon to ask than you? I heard that you have enough knowledge and power to... change something for me." The corpse-like dragon waited a few moments, to let the smaller dragon think of the possible requests. "I need you to change the holiday to a different one at midnight. It doesn't matter which one, so long as it's not green."
Horror filled the Arcanist's expression, and his mind whirred. There was a mutual understanding among the deities that no matter how bad the relationships may get, the elemental holidays were to remain untampered with. To do so would be the ultimate offense. "I can't do that! Anything but that!" He cried out, but the Plaguebringer merely shook her head, and clicked her tongue.
"That won't do. You see, I need something to distress her and her precious dragons. Something big, something dramatic. This is the only way. And if you don't comply..." She trailed off suggestively, her face becoming malevolent.
He finally hung his head in submission. "... Alright. Just-don't tell your sister what I'm going to do." She nodded, and her maw twisted into that almost-sneer from before.
"That's my little Arcanist." Her voice dripped with mocking affection, causing him to turn his thin back to her. He heard the door swing shut, and peeked over his shoulder to check if the intimidating deity had truly left. With a sigh, his form slumped significantly, and he started to search the many books for the spell that would do the trick. After half an hour or so, he found what he was looking for. He gathered the ingredients, and began...
A wave of pink light exploded out from the Observatory, and soared high above all the flights. When it reached the Viridian Labyrinth, the banners and crates glowed pink. The words changed from "Greenskeeper Gathering" to "Starfall Celebration." The apparel changed to what had been at the Arcane holiday. In the midst of the confusion and surprise, a roar bellowed from the forest god. Giant roots shot out towards the Observatory at blinding speed. They curled around it, and broke a few of the windows. Before they could venture inside, however, they retreated as quickly as they had come. The startled dragons had paused, their maws gaping at the display, not sure of what they had seen.
The Gladekeeper, recovering from her flash of anger, quickly apologized for scaring her children. She spoke with a calm voice, but everyone knew she was furious. A nearby Wildclaw piped up, "Um, Mother, who did this? Why would they do this?"
Sighing, the Gladekeeper visibly relaxed slightly, and answered in a soft voice, "I believe the Arcanist is at fault, but it was most likely a simple blunder on his part. It was almost certainly an accident. I hold him no ill will if it was, indeed, accidental." Before she could continue, a distant light was seen in the direction of the blast. As it grew closer, it appeared to be a dragon. In a matter of seconds, the Arcanist himself had appeared before the darker god.
"What-what happened... "He trailed off, seeing the havoc he had caused. "Oh, no no no, this isn't..." I only meant to make a tree move and disrupt a few of the shops, not this...!
His distress caused the other deity to smile knowingly. "I forgive you if this was an accident. What were you trying to do, pray tell?" Her expression changed to one of forgiveness and curiosity.
His gaze strayed to the pink banners, and he muttered, "I was... trying to make one of your trees move and flip over a few stands..." Glancing at the Gladekeeper's face, he was startled to find her figure gone. He hurriedly turned his head around, and saw her leaves disappear in the distance. "Where... Oh. Oh no." Fearing the appearance of the Plaguebringer, he fled deep inside to the heart of the forest. After what felt like hours, the Arcanist finally heard someone moving towards where he lay, up on one of the branches of the Behemoth. The familiar mossy god stepped out from the branches.
"There you are. I sorted out the conflict with my sister, you needn't explain yourself. I understand why you caved into her pressure, she is notorious for her threats. I am very remorseful of the roots. The Behemoth reacts to my stronger emotions, and tried to seek you out to bring you here."
"Oh... I didn't know you were that powerful..." He commented absentmindedly, and missed the flash of amusement that flickered over the green dragon's face.
"You should never underestimate the power of the forest."
The Arcanist nodded in agreement, and glided down to the base of the great tree. "I never did. Your sister, however, most likely did." This earned a chuckle from the Lady.
"Yes, I should say she did." She smiled warmly, and sat down. She gave off a regal aura, and momentarily distracted the pink deity. "Why don't you come and sit by me?" She offered, and he gladly took it. "You know, I think my twin is rather fond of you. Well, more so than she is with the others."
"Do you think so? I never noticed. I thought she acts that way around everyone." He adds, slightly flustered.
"I've known her for many more years than you have, and have talked more with her. She shows affection strangely, but yes, I do believe she has a soft spot for you. I can understand why, as I regard you with affection as well."
He became even more flustered, and he quickly stared at her to see if she was serious. Her expression was unreadable. He spluttered a fast confession, "I care for you, too." After this, a branch pushed him closer to the Gladekeeper. When it stopped, she pressed her forehead lightly to his. A moment of calm washed over them, and she leaned back.
"You can repay the damage by reversing the spell." She spoke, changing the subject.
"Yes, of course, my Dear." The deity glanced at him at the term of endearment, but said nothing. He began chanting, and soon a white light started to spread across the world. the banners glowed once more, and reverted to their original title. In addition, the apparel turned back. Cheers could be heard through the forest. "I should return to my Observatory, as there was this incredible cosmic event I was recording before I was interrupted." He said, somewhat reluctantly.
"Go ahead, I wouldn't want to keep you from your stars. Don't forget that you may visit whenever you like."
He nodded, and flew off towards his flight.
The Gladekeeper returned to organizing her holiday. The blunder of the Arcanist was retold to many for ages to come.
The Gladekeeper was busy preparing for the Greenskeeper Gathering, unaware of what event was about to unfold. Her many Sprites were all buzzing around, picking up the Bladed Flatleaves and hiding them around the forest. Many Nature clans picked up crates of the currency and started placing them around the thick woods. Boxes of apparel were transported to the booths around the Viridian Labyrinth. All was going according to Her plan for the holiday. Only a few hours until the celebration started.
In the Observatory, the Arcanist was busy scribbling runes and equations in a notebook, charting a new formation that appeared in the galaxy 538b. It had been slowly developing for the past two weeks, and seemed to be just about done. "Scholars, I think the formation may be entering its final stage!" His voice echoed around the room quietly. No one replied. He looked up from the parchment, and to his surprise, realized that his assistants had all gone. The towering bookcases were filed against the walls, and the desks were covered in textbooks, quills, and scattered papers. "Hmm." He pondered, and continued writing, mumbling softly to himself, "It's unfortunate that they couldn't experience such an event. I shall have to tell them when they return."
A slightly scratchy voice piped up from the shadows, "Tell them what?" A maroon dragon with rotted wings and green boils across her sickly skin stepped into the light. She swished her tail slightly, bumping it into a couple of the desks.
"W-What are you doing here, Plaguebringer?!" He was clearly startled, and looked intimidated. His fear made said dragon curl back her lips, as if trying to sneer.
"Why, didn't you get my little letter?" At his confusion, she laughed darkly. "You are so scatterbrained. I sent one of my Sprites to inform you prior to my visit." With no new reaction, she continued, clearly disappointed, "It's about my dear sister's holiday. I need your help to disrupt it somehow."
"Disrupt it? But why would I do something like that?" He was even more bewildered by the command than before.
"I said so, that's why." With that, she loomed over him, her aura becoming faintly visible. The papers in the room yellowed, and the air grew stagnant. "I'd really prefer not to dirty your beloved Observatory, but if need be, I will."
A shudder ran through the already slightly quivering pink dragon as her stench reached his nose, and he surrendered. "F-fine, tell me what you want to do." I'm so sorry, Gladekeeper. He thought regretfully.
"I require the skills of a powerful mage, and I thought, what better dragon to ask than you? I heard that you have enough knowledge and power to... change something for me." The corpse-like dragon waited a few moments, to let the smaller dragon think of the possible requests. "I need you to change the holiday to a different one at midnight. It doesn't matter which one, so long as it's not green."
Horror filled the Arcanist's expression, and his mind whirred. There was a mutual understanding among the deities that no matter how bad the relationships may get, the elemental holidays were to remain untampered with. To do so would be the ultimate offense. "I can't do that! Anything but that!" He cried out, but the Plaguebringer merely shook her head, and clicked her tongue.
"That won't do. You see, I need something to distress her and her precious dragons. Something big, something dramatic. This is the only way. And if you don't comply..." She trailed off suggestively, her face becoming malevolent.
He finally hung his head in submission. "... Alright. Just-don't tell your sister what I'm going to do." She nodded, and her maw twisted into that almost-sneer from before.
"That's my little Arcanist." Her voice dripped with mocking affection, causing him to turn his thin back to her. He heard the door swing shut, and peeked over his shoulder to check if the intimidating deity had truly left. With a sigh, his form slumped significantly, and he started to search the many books for the spell that would do the trick. After half an hour or so, he found what he was looking for. He gathered the ingredients, and began...
A wave of pink light exploded out from the Observatory, and soared high above all the flights. When it reached the Viridian Labyrinth, the banners and crates glowed pink. The words changed from "Greenskeeper Gathering" to "Starfall Celebration." The apparel changed to what had been at the Arcane holiday. In the midst of the confusion and surprise, a roar bellowed from the forest god. Giant roots shot out towards the Observatory at blinding speed. They curled around it, and broke a few of the windows. Before they could venture inside, however, they retreated as quickly as they had come. The startled dragons had paused, their maws gaping at the display, not sure of what they had seen.
The Gladekeeper, recovering from her flash of anger, quickly apologized for scaring her children. She spoke with a calm voice, but everyone knew she was furious. A nearby Wildclaw piped up, "Um, Mother, who did this? Why would they do this?"
Sighing, the Gladekeeper visibly relaxed slightly, and answered in a soft voice, "I believe the Arcanist is at fault, but it was most likely a simple blunder on his part. It was almost certainly an accident. I hold him no ill will if it was, indeed, accidental." Before she could continue, a distant light was seen in the direction of the blast. As it grew closer, it appeared to be a dragon. In a matter of seconds, the Arcanist himself had appeared before the darker god.
"What-what happened... "He trailed off, seeing the havoc he had caused. "Oh, no no no, this isn't..." I only meant to make a tree move and disrupt a few of the shops, not this...!
His distress caused the other deity to smile knowingly. "I forgive you if this was an accident. What were you trying to do, pray tell?" Her expression changed to one of forgiveness and curiosity.
His gaze strayed to the pink banners, and he muttered, "I was... trying to make one of your trees move and flip over a few stands..." Glancing at the Gladekeeper's face, he was startled to find her figure gone. He hurriedly turned his head around, and saw her leaves disappear in the distance. "Where... Oh. Oh no." Fearing the appearance of the Plaguebringer, he fled deep inside to the heart of the forest. After what felt like hours, the Arcanist finally heard someone moving towards where he lay, up on one of the branches of the Behemoth. The familiar mossy god stepped out from the branches.
"There you are. I sorted out the conflict with my sister, you needn't explain yourself. I understand why you caved into her pressure, she is notorious for her threats. I am very remorseful of the roots. The Behemoth reacts to my stronger emotions, and tried to seek you out to bring you here."
"Oh... I didn't know you were that powerful..." He commented absentmindedly, and missed the flash of amusement that flickered over the green dragon's face.
"You should never underestimate the power of the forest."
The Arcanist nodded in agreement, and glided down to the base of the great tree. "I never did. Your sister, however, most likely did." This earned a chuckle from the Lady.
"Yes, I should say she did." She smiled warmly, and sat down. She gave off a regal aura, and momentarily distracted the pink deity. "Why don't you come and sit by me?" She offered, and he gladly took it. "You know, I think my twin is rather fond of you. Well, more so than she is with the others."
"Do you think so? I never noticed. I thought she acts that way around everyone." He adds, slightly flustered.
"I've known her for many more years than you have, and have talked more with her. She shows affection strangely, but yes, I do believe she has a soft spot for you. I can understand why, as I regard you with affection as well."
He became even more flustered, and he quickly stared at her to see if she was serious. Her expression was unreadable. He spluttered a fast confession, "I care for you, too." After this, a branch pushed him closer to the Gladekeeper. When it stopped, she pressed her forehead lightly to his. A moment of calm washed over them, and she leaned back.
"You can repay the damage by reversing the spell." She spoke, changing the subject.
"Yes, of course, my Dear." The deity glanced at him at the term of endearment, but said nothing. He began chanting, and soon a white light started to spread across the world. the banners glowed once more, and reverted to their original title. In addition, the apparel turned back. Cheers could be heard through the forest. "I should return to my Observatory, as there was this incredible cosmic event I was recording before I was interrupted." He said, somewhat reluctantly.
"Go ahead, I wouldn't want to keep you from your stars. Don't forget that you may visit whenever you like."
He nodded, and flew off towards his flight.
The Gladekeeper returned to organizing her holiday. The blunder of the Arcanist was retold to many for ages to come.
Oh, screw it, I'm writing another Glade fic, but with the Derpanist this time. Sorry if it's a little long. Maybe I'll do one without Treemom, but she's my favorite to write about. So many possibilities. Anyway here's wonderwall "Fortunate Disaster"
The Gladekeeper was busy preparing for the Greenskeeper Gathering, unaware of what event was about to unfold. Her many Sprites were all buzzing around, picking up the Bladed Flatleaves and hiding them around the forest. Many Nature clans picked up crates of the currency and started placing them around the thick woods. Boxes of apparel were transported to the booths around the Viridian Labyrinth. All was going according to Her plan for the holiday. Only a few hours until the celebration started.
In the Observatory, the Arcanist was busy scribbling runes and equations in a notebook, charting a new formation that appeared in the galaxy 538b. It had been slowly developing for the past two weeks, and seemed to be just about done. "Scholars, I think the formation may be entering its final stage!" His voice echoed around the room quietly. No one replied. He looked up from the parchment, and to his surprise, realized that his assistants had all gone. The towering bookcases were filed against the walls, and the desks were covered in textbooks, quills, and scattered papers. "Hmm." He pondered, and continued writing, mumbling softly to himself, "It's unfortunate that they couldn't experience such an event. I shall have to tell them when they return."
A slightly scratchy voice piped up from the shadows, "Tell them what?" A maroon dragon with rotted wings and green boils across her sickly skin stepped into the light. She swished her tail slightly, bumping it into a couple of the desks.
"W-What are you doing here, Plaguebringer?!" He was clearly startled, and looked intimidated. His fear made said dragon curl back her lips, as if trying to sneer.
"Why, didn't you get my little letter?" At his confusion, she laughed darkly. "You are so scatterbrained. I sent one of my Sprites to inform you prior to my visit." With no new reaction, she continued, clearly disappointed, "It's about my dear sister's holiday. I need your help to disrupt it somehow."
"Disrupt it? But why would I do something like that?" He was even more bewildered by the command than before.
"I said so, that's why." With that, she loomed over him, her aura becoming faintly visible. The papers in the room yellowed, and the air grew stagnant. "I'd really prefer not to dirty your beloved Observatory, but if need be, I will."
A shudder ran through the already slightly quivering pink dragon as her stench reached his nose, and he surrendered. "F-fine, tell me what you want to do." I'm so sorry, Gladekeeper. He thought regretfully.
"I require the skills of a powerful mage, and I thought, what better dragon to ask than you? I heard that you have enough knowledge and power to... change something for me." The corpse-like dragon waited a few moments, to let the smaller dragon think of the possible requests. "I need you to change the holiday to a different one at midnight. It doesn't matter which one, so long as it's not green."
Horror filled the Arcanist's expression, and his mind whirred. There was a mutual understanding among the deities that no matter how bad the relationships may get, the elemental holidays were to remain untampered with. To do so would be the ultimate offense. "I can't do that! Anything but that!" He cried out, but the Plaguebringer merely shook her head, and clicked her tongue.
"That won't do. You see, I need something to distress her and her precious dragons. Something big, something dramatic. This is the only way. And if you don't comply..." She trailed off suggestively, her face becoming malevolent.
He finally hung his head in submission. "... Alright. Just-don't tell your sister what I'm going to do." She nodded, and her maw twisted into that almost-sneer from before.
"That's my little Arcanist." Her voice dripped with mocking affection, causing him to turn his thin back to her. He heard the door swing shut, and peeked over his shoulder to check if the intimidating deity had truly left. With a sigh, his form slumped significantly, and he started to search the many books for the spell that would do the trick. After half an hour or so, he found what he was looking for. He gathered the ingredients, and began...
A wave of pink light exploded out from the Observatory, and soared high above all the flights. When it reached the Viridian Labyrinth, the banners and crates glowed pink. The words changed from "Greenskeeper Gathering" to "Starfall Celebration." The apparel changed to what had been at the Arcane holiday. In the midst of the confusion and surprise, a roar bellowed from the forest god. Giant roots shot out towards the Observatory at blinding speed. They curled around it, and broke a few of the windows. Before they could venture inside, however, they retreated as quickly as they had come. The startled dragons had paused, their maws gaping at the display, not sure of what they had seen.
The Gladekeeper, recovering from her flash of anger, quickly apologized for scaring her children. She spoke with a calm voice, but everyone knew she was furious. A nearby Wildclaw piped up, "Um, Mother, who did this? Why would they do this?"
Sighing, the Gladekeeper visibly relaxed slightly, and answered in a soft voice, "I believe the Arcanist is at fault, but it was most likely a simple blunder on his part. It was almost certainly an accident. I hold him no ill will if it was, indeed, accidental." Before she could continue, a distant light was seen in the direction of the blast. As it grew closer, it appeared to be a dragon. In a matter of seconds, the Arcanist himself had appeared before the darker god.
"What-what happened... "He trailed off, seeing the havoc he had caused. "Oh, no no no, this isn't..." I only meant to make a tree move and disrupt a few of the shops, not this...!
His distress caused the other deity to smile knowingly. "I forgive you if this was an accident. What were you trying to do, pray tell?" Her expression changed to one of forgiveness and curiosity.
His gaze strayed to the pink banners, and he muttered, "I was... trying to make one of your trees move and flip over a few stands..." Glancing at the Gladekeeper's face, he was startled to find her figure gone. He hurriedly turned his head around, and saw her leaves disappear in the distance. "Where... Oh. Oh no." Fearing the appearance of the Plaguebringer, he fled deep inside to the heart of the forest. After what felt like hours, the Arcanist finally heard someone moving towards where he lay, up on one of the branches of the Behemoth. The familiar mossy god stepped out from the branches.
"There you are. I sorted out the conflict with my sister, you needn't explain yourself. I understand why you caved into her pressure, she is notorious for her threats. I am very remorseful of the roots. The Behemoth reacts to my stronger emotions, and tried to seek you out to bring you here."
"Oh... I didn't know you were that powerful..." He commented absentmindedly, and missed the flash of amusement that flickered over the green dragon's face.
"You should never underestimate the power of the forest."
The Arcanist nodded in agreement, and glided down to the base of the great tree. "I never did. Your sister, however, most likely did." This earned a chuckle from the Lady.
"Yes, I should say she did." She smiled warmly, and sat down. She gave off a regal aura, and momentarily distracted the pink deity. "Why don't you come and sit by me?" She offered, and he gladly took it. "You know, I think my twin is rather fond of you. Well, more so than she is with the others."
"Do you think so? I never noticed. I thought she acts that way around everyone." He adds, slightly flustered.
"I've known her for many more years than you have, and have talked more with her. She shows affection strangely, but yes, I do believe she has a soft spot for you. I can understand why, as I regard you with affection as well."
He became even more flustered, and he quickly stared at her to see if she was serious. Her expression was unreadable. He spluttered a fast confession, "I care for you, too." After this, a branch pushed him closer to the Gladekeeper. When it stopped, she pressed her forehead lightly to his. A moment of calm washed over them, and she leaned back.
"You can repay the damage by reversing the spell." She spoke, changing the subject.
"Yes, of course, my Dear." The deity glanced at him at the term of endearment, but said nothing. He began chanting, and soon a white light started to spread across the world. the banners glowed once more, and reverted to their original title. In addition, the apparel turned back. Cheers could be heard through the forest. "I should return to my Observatory, as there was this incredible cosmic event I was recording before I was interrupted." He said, somewhat reluctantly.
"Go ahead, I wouldn't want to keep you from your stars. Don't forget that you may visit whenever you like."
He nodded, and flew off towards his flight.
The Gladekeeper returned to organizing her holiday. The blunder of the Arcanist was retold to many for ages to come.
The Gladekeeper was busy preparing for the Greenskeeper Gathering, unaware of what event was about to unfold. Her many Sprites were all buzzing around, picking up the Bladed Flatleaves and hiding them around the forest. Many Nature clans picked up crates of the currency and started placing them around the thick woods. Boxes of apparel were transported to the booths around the Viridian Labyrinth. All was going according to Her plan for the holiday. Only a few hours until the celebration started.
In the Observatory, the Arcanist was busy scribbling runes and equations in a notebook, charting a new formation that appeared in the galaxy 538b. It had been slowly developing for the past two weeks, and seemed to be just about done. "Scholars, I think the formation may be entering its final stage!" His voice echoed around the room quietly. No one replied. He looked up from the parchment, and to his surprise, realized that his assistants had all gone. The towering bookcases were filed against the walls, and the desks were covered in textbooks, quills, and scattered papers. "Hmm." He pondered, and continued writing, mumbling softly to himself, "It's unfortunate that they couldn't experience such an event. I shall have to tell them when they return."
A slightly scratchy voice piped up from the shadows, "Tell them what?" A maroon dragon with rotted wings and green boils across her sickly skin stepped into the light. She swished her tail slightly, bumping it into a couple of the desks.
"W-What are you doing here, Plaguebringer?!" He was clearly startled, and looked intimidated. His fear made said dragon curl back her lips, as if trying to sneer.
"Why, didn't you get my little letter?" At his confusion, she laughed darkly. "You are so scatterbrained. I sent one of my Sprites to inform you prior to my visit." With no new reaction, she continued, clearly disappointed, "It's about my dear sister's holiday. I need your help to disrupt it somehow."
"Disrupt it? But why would I do something like that?" He was even more bewildered by the command than before.
"I said so, that's why." With that, she loomed over him, her aura becoming faintly visible. The papers in the room yellowed, and the air grew stagnant. "I'd really prefer not to dirty your beloved Observatory, but if need be, I will."
A shudder ran through the already slightly quivering pink dragon as her stench reached his nose, and he surrendered. "F-fine, tell me what you want to do." I'm so sorry, Gladekeeper. He thought regretfully.
"I require the skills of a powerful mage, and I thought, what better dragon to ask than you? I heard that you have enough knowledge and power to... change something for me." The corpse-like dragon waited a few moments, to let the smaller dragon think of the possible requests. "I need you to change the holiday to a different one at midnight. It doesn't matter which one, so long as it's not green."
Horror filled the Arcanist's expression, and his mind whirred. There was a mutual understanding among the deities that no matter how bad the relationships may get, the elemental holidays were to remain untampered with. To do so would be the ultimate offense. "I can't do that! Anything but that!" He cried out, but the Plaguebringer merely shook her head, and clicked her tongue.
"That won't do. You see, I need something to distress her and her precious dragons. Something big, something dramatic. This is the only way. And if you don't comply..." She trailed off suggestively, her face becoming malevolent.
He finally hung his head in submission. "... Alright. Just-don't tell your sister what I'm going to do." She nodded, and her maw twisted into that almost-sneer from before.
"That's my little Arcanist." Her voice dripped with mocking affection, causing him to turn his thin back to her. He heard the door swing shut, and peeked over his shoulder to check if the intimidating deity had truly left. With a sigh, his form slumped significantly, and he started to search the many books for the spell that would do the trick. After half an hour or so, he found what he was looking for. He gathered the ingredients, and began...
A wave of pink light exploded out from the Observatory, and soared high above all the flights. When it reached the Viridian Labyrinth, the banners and crates glowed pink. The words changed from "Greenskeeper Gathering" to "Starfall Celebration." The apparel changed to what had been at the Arcane holiday. In the midst of the confusion and surprise, a roar bellowed from the forest god. Giant roots shot out towards the Observatory at blinding speed. They curled around it, and broke a few of the windows. Before they could venture inside, however, they retreated as quickly as they had come. The startled dragons had paused, their maws gaping at the display, not sure of what they had seen.
The Gladekeeper, recovering from her flash of anger, quickly apologized for scaring her children. She spoke with a calm voice, but everyone knew she was furious. A nearby Wildclaw piped up, "Um, Mother, who did this? Why would they do this?"
Sighing, the Gladekeeper visibly relaxed slightly, and answered in a soft voice, "I believe the Arcanist is at fault, but it was most likely a simple blunder on his part. It was almost certainly an accident. I hold him no ill will if it was, indeed, accidental." Before she could continue, a distant light was seen in the direction of the blast. As it grew closer, it appeared to be a dragon. In a matter of seconds, the Arcanist himself had appeared before the darker god.
"What-what happened... "He trailed off, seeing the havoc he had caused. "Oh, no no no, this isn't..." I only meant to make a tree move and disrupt a few of the shops, not this...!
His distress caused the other deity to smile knowingly. "I forgive you if this was an accident. What were you trying to do, pray tell?" Her expression changed to one of forgiveness and curiosity.
His gaze strayed to the pink banners, and he muttered, "I was... trying to make one of your trees move and flip over a few stands..." Glancing at the Gladekeeper's face, he was startled to find her figure gone. He hurriedly turned his head around, and saw her leaves disappear in the distance. "Where... Oh. Oh no." Fearing the appearance of the Plaguebringer, he fled deep inside to the heart of the forest. After what felt like hours, the Arcanist finally heard someone moving towards where he lay, up on one of the branches of the Behemoth. The familiar mossy god stepped out from the branches.
"There you are. I sorted out the conflict with my sister, you needn't explain yourself. I understand why you caved into her pressure, she is notorious for her threats. I am very remorseful of the roots. The Behemoth reacts to my stronger emotions, and tried to seek you out to bring you here."
"Oh... I didn't know you were that powerful..." He commented absentmindedly, and missed the flash of amusement that flickered over the green dragon's face.
"You should never underestimate the power of the forest."
The Arcanist nodded in agreement, and glided down to the base of the great tree. "I never did. Your sister, however, most likely did." This earned a chuckle from the Lady.
"Yes, I should say she did." She smiled warmly, and sat down. She gave off a regal aura, and momentarily distracted the pink deity. "Why don't you come and sit by me?" She offered, and he gladly took it. "You know, I think my twin is rather fond of you. Well, more so than she is with the others."
"Do you think so? I never noticed. I thought she acts that way around everyone." He adds, slightly flustered.
"I've known her for many more years than you have, and have talked more with her. She shows affection strangely, but yes, I do believe she has a soft spot for you. I can understand why, as I regard you with affection as well."
He became even more flustered, and he quickly stared at her to see if she was serious. Her expression was unreadable. He spluttered a fast confession, "I care for you, too." After this, a branch pushed him closer to the Gladekeeper. When it stopped, she pressed her forehead lightly to his. A moment of calm washed over them, and she leaned back.
"You can repay the damage by reversing the spell." She spoke, changing the subject.
"Yes, of course, my Dear." The deity glanced at him at the term of endearment, but said nothing. He began chanting, and soon a white light started to spread across the world. the banners glowed once more, and reverted to their original title. In addition, the apparel turned back. Cheers could be heard through the forest. "I should return to my Observatory, as there was this incredible cosmic event I was recording before I was interrupted." He said, somewhat reluctantly.
"Go ahead, I wouldn't want to keep you from your stars. Don't forget that you may visit whenever you like."
He nodded, and flew off towards his flight.
The Gladekeeper returned to organizing her holiday. The blunder of the Arcanist was retold to many for ages to come.

@Mutation Oh, thanks! It took forever to write. Someone suggested I do an Arcanist/Lightweaver, but I don't know how she talks, or how she interacts with him, so I don't know. What do you think would be a cute fluff (preferably with Glademom, since I know how she talks, sorta)?
@Mutation Oh, thanks! It took forever to write. Someone suggested I do an Arcanist/Lightweaver, but I don't know how she talks, or how she interacts with him, so I don't know. What do you think would be a cute fluff (preferably with Glademom, since I know how she talks, sorta)?

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