Hello, welcome to my new official hatchery project! I used to breed Naomi descendants, but I soon became interested in expanding my pairs, so now with a fresh start and some new ideas, here I am! I specialize in [color=purple]shadow-themed dragons[/color] and [color=purple]gene matching on unconventional breeds,[/color] so hopefully you'll find something that interests you!
[*]No need to ping me, I'm subscribed!
[*]Gem-to-treasure ratio is 1:1000, but I do accept items off my [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=213226&tab=dragon&did=27606542]wishlist[/url] at LAH!
[*]Those on the pinglist essentially get first dibs- the hatchlings will be placed on the AH after one day in gems. Let me know if you'd rather pay in treasure!
[*]Please ask if you'd like to be pinged for specific pair(s) or for a general pinglist!
[*]If you request for a dragon to be held, I will hold it for two days. Please check in with me if you need more time, as I am willing to negotiate; otherwise, I will return it to the AH!
[*]All dragons will be born with Shadow eyes unless otherwise noted.
[*]Dragon prices will typically stay consistent to the ranges I have above the breeding cards...however, they are subject to change on holidays and if they are born with special eyes!
[*]Dragon exalting is kinda dependent on how much lair space I have. If you're unsure about whether you're interested in buying a dragon or not, I'd recommend contacting me for a hold so that it doesn't wind up getting exalted![/LIST]
Hello, welcome to my new official hatchery project! I used to breed Naomi descendants, but I soon became interested in expanding my pairs, so now with a fresh start and some new ideas, here I am! I specialize in
shadow-themed dragons and
gene matching on unconventional breeds, so hopefully you'll find something that interests you!
- No need to ping me, I'm subscribed!
- Gem-to-treasure ratio is 1:1000, but I do accept items off my wishlist at LAH!
- Those on the pinglist essentially get first dibs- the hatchlings will be placed on the AH after one day in gems. Let me know if you'd rather pay in treasure!
- Please ask if you'd like to be pinged for specific pair(s) or for a general pinglist!
- If you request for a dragon to be held, I will hold it for two days. Please check in with me if you need more time, as I am willing to negotiate; otherwise, I will return it to the AH!
- All dragons will be born with Shadow eyes unless otherwise noted.
- Dragon prices will typically stay consistent to the ranges I have above the breeding cards...however, they are subject to change on holidays and if they are born with special eyes!
- Dragon exalting is kinda dependent on how much lair space I have. If you're unsure about whether you're interested in buying a dragon or not, I'd recommend contacting me for a hold so that it doesn't wind up getting exalted!
General Pinglist (all hatches, news, updates, etc.):
For Halloween:
[center][size=5][color=purple][font=zapfino]Vibrant Splatter
[center][size=5][color=purple][font=zapfino]Dyed Violets
25kt/25g - 35kt/35g[/font][/color][/size][/center]
[size=1]@/MunchkinLynx (Pearlcatchers with Py/Mor)
[center][size=5][color=purple][font=zapfino]Graffiti Pop
@/SnoringHyena (female Snappers)
@/KitKatPurrpurr (female Snappers/Guardians)
65kt/65g - 75kt/75g[/font][/color][/size][/center]
*Nested in [color=cyan]Lightning![/color]
[center][size=5][color=purple][font=zapfino]Punk Pinks
35kt/35g - 45kt/45g[/font][/color][/size][/center]
[size=1]@/ErraticEcho (Savannah, 35kt)
[center][size=5][color=purple][font=zapfino]Lava Beasts
Price: 75kt/g - 80kt/g[/font][/color][/size][/center]
[center][color=purple]Complete! Breeding card needed.
*Runes added as a gene possibility.[/color][/center]
[center][size=5][color=purple][font=zapfino]Playful Oceans
Price TBD[/font][/color][/size][/center]
[center][color=purple]Needed: 1/2 dragons, 1/2 Pinstripe, 2/2 Noxtide, 2/2 Capsule
*Breed not finalized.[/color][/center]
General Pinglist (all hatches, news, updates, etc.):
For Halloween:
Vibrant Splatter
Dyed Violets
25kt/25g - 35kt/35g
@/MunchkinLynx (Pearlcatchers with Py/Mor)
Graffiti Pop
@/SnoringHyena (female Snappers)
@/KitKatPurrpurr (female Snappers/Guardians)
65kt/65g - 75kt/75g

*Nested in
Punk Pinks
35kt/35g - 45kt/45g
@/ErraticEcho (Savannah, 35kt)
Lava Beasts
Price: 75kt/g - 80kt/g
Complete! Breeding card needed.
*Runes added as a gene possibility.
Playful Oceans
Price TBD
Needed: 1/2 dragons, 1/2 Pinstripe, 2/2 Noxtide, 2/2 Capsule
*Breed not finalized.
[color=purple]Banner Code:[/color]
Banner Code:
Nothing more I need to reserve, so if you'd like to comment, go for it! ^.^
Nothing more I need to reserve, so if you'd like to comment, go for it! ^.^
Oh my gosh! I'm so happy to see you get a hatchery off the ground! [emoji=coatl love] If there's a general pinglist, may I please be added to it? I'm especially interested in the Graffiti Pop pair!!
Oh my gosh! I'm so happy to see you get a hatchery off the ground!

If there's a general pinglist, may I please be added to it? I'm especially interested in the Graffiti Pop pair!!
Kibble Thank you! I'm pretty excited myself! :D And lair tabs will definitely help keep hatchery pairs organized, which is another reason why I decided to go for it! I can certainly add you to the general pinglist and for Graffiti Pop as well!
Kibble Thank you! I'm pretty excited myself! :D And lair tabs will definitely help keep hatchery pairs organized, which is another reason why I decided to go for it! I can certainly add you to the general pinglist and for Graffiti Pop as well!
Hello, everyone! The time has officially come- the hatchery has its first hatchlings! All born February 28, smack-dab in the middle of Trickmurk. Let me know if any interest you, but otherwise, they'll be up on the AH tomorrow (and located in my For Sale lair tab)! I was hoping for unique eyes, but alas, they are all common. However, I did have a Snapper from Graffiti Pop defy gene odds and hatch with Iridescent, so that's something, I guess! XD
Thistle Python - Blackberry Morph - Fuchsia Stained
Pearlcatcher Female
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
Grape Python - Blackberry Morph - Fuchsia Stained
Pearlcatcher Female
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
Nightshade Python - Mist Morph - Fuchsia Stained
Imperial Female
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
@MunchkinLynx (Pearlcatchers with Py/Mor)
Obsidian Poison - Silver Shimmer - Purple Capsule
Imperial Male
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
Black Poison - Charcoal Shimmer - Storm Capsule
Imperial Male
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
Black Poison - Platinum Shimmer - Cobalt Capsule
Imperial Male
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
Raspberry Iridescent - Grape Striation - Indigo Runes
Snapper Male
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk; born with Iridescent
Fuchsia Skink - Grape Striation - Sky Runes
Guardian Female
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
Fuchsia Skink - Grape Striation - Twilight Runes
Guardian Male
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
Hello, everyone! The time has officially come- the hatchery has its first hatchlings! All born February 28, smack-dab in the middle of Trickmurk. Let me know if any interest you, but otherwise, they'll be up on the AH tomorrow (and located in my For Sale lair tab)! I was hoping for unique eyes, but alas, they are all common. However, I did have a Snapper from Graffiti Pop defy gene odds and hatch with Iridescent, so that's something, I guess! XD

Thistle Python - Blackberry Morph - Fuchsia Stained
Pearlcatcher Female
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk

Grape Python - Blackberry Morph - Fuchsia Stained
Pearlcatcher Female
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk

Nightshade Python - Mist Morph - Fuchsia Stained
Imperial Female
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
MunchkinLynx (Pearlcatchers with Py/Mor)

Obsidian Poison - Silver Shimmer - Purple Capsule
Imperial Male
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk

Black Poison - Charcoal Shimmer - Storm Capsule
Imperial Male
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk

Black Poison - Platinum Shimmer - Cobalt Capsule
Imperial Male
Shadow Common
Born February 28, during Trickmurk
Pretty pairs you have! Can I be pinged for Vibrant Splatter?
Pretty pairs you have! Can I be pinged for Vibrant Splatter?
|| Myles - They/Them ||
I am legitimately bad at communicating, my words make sense to me, but not always to other people. If something I say seems off, just ask me to clarify! I goof up a lot.
melethestel Thank you! :D And absolutely!