[b]Click me to see who's nesting![/b]
[color=purple][b]Hello, and welcome to Starwings! Here, we specialize in Arcane breedings with lots of variety in themes and colors! However, [i]Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet[/i] and[i] Gembond[/i] are main points of mine, along with low-range pairs. More pairs are always being added![/b]
[*][color=purple]- First come, first serve, unless your dragon is being held.
[*][color=purple]- Dragons can be held up to adulthood, then they become exalt fodder.
[*][color=purple]- Dragons go on the AH after 24 hours of hatching.
[*][color=purple]- Open for haggling and mixed payment!
[*][color=purple]- If you want to pay something besides the AH price, we can set up a CR!
[*][color=purple]- Please, [b]ping me![/b]
[*][color=purple]- 10% Discount if your flight is dominating!
[*][color=purple]- If hatchlings don't sell by the time I run out of space, the
cheapest will be exalted first.
[*][color=purple][b]Treasure [/b]- 1:1
[*][color=purple][b]Festival Currency[/b] (In season) - 1:1000
[*][color=purple][b]Festival Currency[/b] (out of season) - 1:500
[*][color=purple][b]Gems [/b]- 1:500
[*][color=purple][b]Items[/b] - See my [color=black][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=mb&board=ibaz&id=1716915]Wishlist,[/url][/color] lowest AH price : Item value!
[*][color=purple][b]Dragons[/b] - Unlikely unless I request, message me if you think I might want to trade. Exalt fodder is iffy.
Click me to see who's nesting!
Hello, and welcome to Starwings! Here, we specialize in Arcane breedings with lots of variety in themes and colors! However, Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet and Gembond are main points of mine, along with low-range pairs. More pairs are always being added!

- - First come, first serve, unless your dragon is being held.
- - Dragons can be held up to adulthood, then they become exalt fodder.
- - Dragons go on the AH after 24 hours of hatching.
- - Open for haggling and mixed payment!
- - If you want to pay something besides the AH price, we can set up a CR!
- - Please, ping me!
- - 10% Discount if your flight is dominating!
- - If hatchlings don't sell by the time I run out of space, the
cheapest will be exalted first.
- Treasure - 1:1
- Festival Currency (In season) - 1:1000
- Festival Currency (out of season) - 1:500
- Gems - 1:500
- Items - See my Wishlist, lowest AH price : Item value!
- Dragons - Unlikely unless I request, message me if you think I might want to trade. Exalt fodder is iffy.
[quote= Gem Growths]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=39540122][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/395402/39540122_350.png[/img][/url][nextcol] [size=5][b]"Amethyst"[/b] [/size]
50k / 40 gems[/b]
White Poison
White Toxin
Purple Opal[/columns]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=39540123][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/395402/39540123_350.png[/img][/url][nextcol] [size=5][b]"Sodalite"[/b] [/size]
50k / 40 gems[/b]
White Poison
White Toxin
Storm Opal[/columns]
[quote=Golden Edge] [columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=39092711][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/390928/39092711_350.png[/img][/url][nextcol] [size=5][b]"Witch"[/b][i] Has lore!! [/i][/size]
50k / 60 gems[/b]
Obsidian Tiger
Obsidian Hypnotic
Gold Contour[/columns]
( [b]Note:[/b] All hatchlings sold for this pair will come with a random neck bow! )
@Immachibi @dogface @allysonpickles @MikayD18 @QuietQuail
[center]Simply message or ping me and ask, and i'll add you up!
[b]Also:[/b] If you plan to bump the thread, please delete your old bump beforehand!
@AriaRose @dogface @Kairo @littlesnowx @Depaysement @electrikes @GraceWinters
Hello! If you hadn't noticed already, Starwings has officialy changed location, and is starting up fresh here- and to kick it off, a lovely hatching from Spring Pollen! I've taken all specific ping lists down, so if you want to be added up again, please let me know!
[quote=Spring Pollen][columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=21389369]
[/url][nextcol] [size=5][b]"Rosetouched"[/b] [/size] 200k
Rose Iridescent
Rose Butterfly
Rose Smoke[/columns]
[/url][nextcol] [size=5][b]"Hibiscus"[/b] [/size] 50k
Magenta Crystal
Rose Butterfly
Coral Smoke[/columns]
[/url][nextcol] [size=5][b]"Bloom"[/b] [/size] 20k
Magenta Crystal
Rose Shimmer
Coral Smoke[/columns]
AriaRose @
dogface @
Kairo @
littlesnowx @
Depaysement @
electrikes @
Hello! If you hadn't noticed already, Starwings has officialy changed location, and is starting up fresh here- and to kick it off, a lovely hatching from Spring Pollen! I've taken all specific ping lists down, so if you want to be added up again, please let me know!
@AriaRose @dogface
[quote=Sea Lights]
[/url][nextcol] [size=5][b]"Atlantis"[/b] [/size] 30k
Aqua Iridescent
Teal Shimmer
Aqua Gembond[/columns]
[/url][nextcol] [size=5][b]"Bermuda"[/b] [/size] 30k
Teal Iridescent
Teal Shimmer
Jade Gembond[/columns][/quote]
AriaRose @
Sea Lights wrote:

"Atlantis" 30k
Aqua Iridescent
Teal Shimmer
Aqua Gembond

"Bermuda" 30k
Teal Iridescent
Teal Shimmer
Jade Gembond
Your dragons are beautiful! Can I be added to a general pinglist?
Your dragons are beautiful! Can I be added to a general pinglist?
@AriaRose @dogface @allysonpickles Only one egg from Frozen touch, and no gembond, but still nice!! Super pretty as an adult.
[quote=Frozen Touch][columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=21496177]
[nextcol] [size=5][b]"Snowberry"[/b] [/size] 20k
White Ripple
White Current
Ice Underbelly[/columns][/quote]
AriaRose @
dogface @
allysonpickles Only one egg from Frozen touch, and no gembond, but still nice!! Super pretty as an adult.
Frozen Touch wrote:

"Snowberry" 20k
White Ripple
White Current
Ice Underbelly