

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [FREE] Fairy Chibi //New: wildclaw//
This adopt will change your dragon into the fairy form. :D Only Coatl, Imperial breeds and Wildclaw male are supported now. [b]!!!Please read below!!![/b] [quote=Instruction][LIST] [LIST=1] [*]Go to this [url=]LINK[/url] [*]Enter your FR dragon number (ex. 14426899) [*]Generate! [LIST] [*]It will take less than 15 seconds! [/LIST] [/LIST] [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Examples] [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center][/quote] [b]Price[/b] You don't have to pay. I only accept donations. Donate if you want other breeds! If you're going to put the images on your dragon information, I would appreciate it if you mention my username with the image. [quote=IMPORTANT][LIST] [*][url=]Tempilot[/url] reserves the right of generated images. [*]Modifying output images in any ways (including cropping, resizing, rotating, etc.) is not permitted. [*]Claiming the art as your own or using it commercially is not permitted. [*]If you want any changes (hairstyle, emotion, pose, adding apparels, skin, accents...), I will open the shop [url=]HERE[/url]. Please do not try to make the change by yourself. [/LIST][/quote] I love feedbacks! :D If you have any questions, feel free to pm me!
This adopt will change your dragon into the fairy form. :D
Only Coatl, Imperial breeds and Wildclaw male are supported now.

!!!Please read below!!!
Instruction wrote:
  1. Go to this LINK
  2. Enter your FR dragon number (ex. 14426899)
  3. Generate!
    • It will take less than 15 seconds!

Examples wrote:


You don't have to pay. I only accept donations.
Donate if you want other breeds!

If you're going to put the images on your dragon information, I would appreciate it if you mention my username with the image.

  • Tempilot reserves the right of generated images.
  • Modifying output images in any ways (including cropping, resizing, rotating, etc.) is not permitted.
  • Claiming the art as your own or using it commercially is not permitted.
  • If you want any changes (hairstyle, emotion, pose, adding apparels, skin, accents...), I will open the shop HERE. Please do not try to make the change by yourself.

I love feedbacks! :D
If you have any questions, feel free to pm me!
Recent Updates: [quote=08/03/2015] [b]Wildclaw Male[/b] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [/quote]
Recent Updates:
08/03/2015 wrote:
Wildclaw Male
New breed pinglist:

spiderling, Kuroida, Wivee
Comodo, OperaPhantom, BloodyAngel12
Itari10, Aalto, HollowedAngel
Zaayn, paigyp01, MizuKuma
dorsia, gyroids, Watercolour
ClockworkEclipse, takohime, Eythel
Rarecinnimonroll, SerpentineSage, Panderz
Ecxcabre, Hailey, willowminnow
Rinibun, CrimzN, Celes
Chocoli, Denim, cardboardcookie
Dinsdale, MoonGoddess, UnluckyFirefox
Magunoria, Anthrax, TheSilverFox
Stannum, WillOWhisp, faeryplace
RisingFlames, JinxMagic, Shaniae
Avalonian, Magnolia, BumRapRhiny
Ghostgirl32, OtterQueen, drgrim

Kireikatt (noc)
skyarising (Skydancer)
DraconicElf (Nocs, Guards, and Ridgies)
MamaRi (Spirals, Mirrors, Faes)
New breed pinglist:

spiderling, Kuroida, Wivee
Comodo, OperaPhantom, BloodyAngel12
Itari10, Aalto, HollowedAngel
Zaayn, paigyp01, MizuKuma
dorsia, gyroids, Watercolour
ClockworkEclipse, takohime, Eythel
Rarecinnimonroll, SerpentineSage, Panderz
Ecxcabre, Hailey, willowminnow
Rinibun, CrimzN, Celes
Chocoli, Denim, cardboardcookie
Dinsdale, MoonGoddess, UnluckyFirefox
Magunoria, Anthrax, TheSilverFox
Stannum, WillOWhisp, faeryplace
RisingFlames, JinxMagic, Shaniae
Avalonian, Magnolia, BumRapRhiny
Ghostgirl32, OtterQueen, drgrim

Kireikatt (noc)
skyarising (Skydancer)
DraconicElf (Nocs, Guards, and Ridgies)
MamaRi (Spirals, Mirrors, Faes)
Next updates:

Breed: Wildclaw Female
Gene: Piebald, Paint
Next updates:

Breed: Wildclaw Female
Gene: Piebald, Paint
OMG I think you are genius!!! what the.. it's free??unbelievable ;0; Thank you so much!
OMG I think you are genius!!! what the.. it's free??unbelievable ;0; Thank you so much!
Thank you very much! :D
Thank you very much! :D
This is very cute! I'll be waiting for you in the shop is open hope! XD
This is very cute! I'll be waiting for you in the shop is open hope! XD
Shop opened! Thank you :D
Shop opened! Thank you :D
Can you add me to your list for new breeds? :] I loved the Coatl you did fo rme.
Can you add me to your list for new breeds? :] I loved the Coatl you did fo rme.
@Tempilot What the hell is this sorcery it's bloody genius. And it's free?? o.o Please put me on the new breed pinglist! And here's some of the adopts I've made. This is a lot of fun haha [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url] Looks a bit weird on ice tho [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url]
@Tempilot What the hell is this sorcery it's bloody genius. And it's free?? o.o Please put me on the new breed pinglist!

And here's some of the adopts I've made. This is a lot of fun haha



Looks a bit weird on ice tho