

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Dragon Hoard Adoptables~*~*
[center][img][/img] hullo! i'm kuura, 20 years old, and living in yokohama, japan. inspired by reading through what everyone's clans hoard in bios, i've decided to make little hoardy dragons! mostly for myself, i had so many hoards in mind. but i'm sure all of you have ideas as well, bring forth your creativity, folks, what dragon doesn't hoard things?! ---[/center] [quote][center][size=6][b][u]Read Me First:[/b][/u][/size][/center] 1) [b]USD OPTION AVAILABLE FOR $5 EACH[/b]: they skip the huge waitlist, can include apparel/skins, and can order an unlimited amount of adoptables (contrasting to only-5 of site currency). Price does not include 5% paypal fee, I'll tell you what that will be when you place your order. 2) do not use my bases without permission 3) do not remove my sig 4) images may be flipped upon request 5) i [b]do not[/b] offer sex differences in dragons at the moment besides guardians and ridgebacks. i'm sorry! 6) if you post your adopts outside of FR, please redirect to my profile! 7) waitlist is no longer first come, first serve. 8) please be asked to be on the pinglist for slots or new breeds. 9) i'm very sorry, no more than [b]5 hoards per person[/b], please! the waitlist is so long and i want to give everyone a chance... 10) [b]i can be bribed[/b] to make new breed bases especially for you. people have offered me retired familiars/apparel/USD in the past, so shoot me a message if you're interested. 11) i am a busy person— i run multiple shops, i have a busy job in retail, and i am a full time university student. my replies and posting may be slow, however, i promise i'm always working on orders. [b][u]Placing Your Order[/u][/b] 1. ask to be put on the slots pinglist 2. when i have slots open, i will ping the list 3. first to claim those slots will be given the slots (commenting "claim!" and editing is fine) 4. i will tell you your price, then send full payment 5. i will get started on your order once i receive the pay 6. when you receive your hoard(s), please comment something so i know you saw them and can delete the PSDs![/quote] [center]--- [size=6][u]Available for Adoption[/u][/size=6] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
hullo! i'm kuura, 20 years old, and living in yokohama, japan. inspired by reading through what everyone's clans hoard in bios, i've decided to make little hoardy dragons! mostly for myself, i had so many hoards in mind. but i'm sure all of you have ideas as well, bring forth your creativity, folks, what dragon doesn't hoard things?!

Read Me First:

1) USD OPTION AVAILABLE FOR $5 EACH: they skip the huge waitlist, can include apparel/skins, and can order an unlimited amount of adoptables (contrasting to only-5 of site currency). Price does not include 5% paypal fee, I'll tell you what that will be when you place your order.
2) do not use my bases without permission
3) do not remove my sig
4) images may be flipped upon request
5) i do not offer sex differences in dragons at the moment besides guardians and ridgebacks. i'm sorry!
6) if you post your adopts outside of FR, please redirect to my profile!
7) waitlist is no longer first come, first serve.
8) please be asked to be on the pinglist for slots or new breeds.
9) i'm very sorry, no more than 5 hoards per person, please! the waitlist is so long and i want to give everyone a chance...
10) i can be bribed to make new breed bases especially for you. people have offered me retired familiars/apparel/USD in the past, so shoot me a message if you're interested.
11) i am a busy person— i run multiple shops, i have a busy job in retail, and i am a full time university student. my replies and posting may be slow, however, i promise i'm always working on orders.

Placing Your Order
1. ask to be put on the slots pinglist
2. when i have slots open, i will ping the list
3. first to claim those slots will be given the slots (commenting "claim!" and editing is fine)
4. i will tell you your price, then send full payment
5. i will get started on your order once i receive the pay
6. when you receive your hoard(s), please comment something so i know you saw them and can delete the PSDs!

Available for Adoption

[center][size=6][u]Prices[/u][/size=6] [quote][b][u]Base Price (hoards included):[/b][/u] 350kt | 500g | $5 (***I am in the middle of raising prices! The price above will be put into AFTER I go through the entire waitlist below. After the waitlist is through, I will change how this shop is run: from waitlist to pinglist. WAITLISTERS: YOU WILL STILL BE ABLE TO PAY THE PRIOR PRICE OF 100KT***) [b][u]Apparel:[/b][/u] (only available with RLC payments) +$1 per apparel [b][u]Skins&Accents:[/b][/u] (only available with RLC payments) +$2 for skins +$1 for simple accents[/quote][/center] [size=6][u]Form[/u][/size=6] please fill out [b]per dragon[/b]. there are two types: site currency and USD c+p version is provided below each for your convenience. treasure/gems [quote][b]image of dragon[/b]: (bbc image please) [b]dragon's name[/b]: to make discussions easier [b]dragons's eye colour[/b]: so i don't have to go to the dragon page [b]hoard[/b]: please be specific and/or link me to google search images. if you would like to leave it up to me, tell me so and i'll have fun/experiment with the hoard! [b]payment type[/b]: treasure or gems?[/quote] [code][quote][b]image of dragon[/b]: [b]dragon's name[/b]: [b]dragons's eye colour[/b]: [b]hoard[/b]: [b]payment type[/b]:[/quote][/code] USD: [quote][b]image of dragon[/b]: (bbc image please) [b]dragon's name[/b]: to make discussions easier [b]dragons's eye colour[/b]: so i don't have to go to the dragon page [b]apparel[/b]: please LIST them by name [b]accent/skin[/b]: yeehaw or neigh [b]hoard[/b]: please be specific and/or link me to google search images. if you would like to leave it up to me, tell me so and i'll have fun/experiment with the hoard! [b]payment type[/b]: treasure or gems?[/quote] [code][quote][b]image of dragon[/b]: [b]dragon's name[/b]: [b]dragons's eye colour[/b]: [b]apparel[/b]: [b]accent/skin[/b]: [b]hoard[/b]: [b]payment type[/b]:[/quote][/code] [center]--- [/center] [size=6][u]Slots[/u][/size=6] [list=1][*]@ Febby [*]@ xazz [*]@ Fadeela | pg 163 | USD SLOT queue [*]@ justjasper | pg 166 | USD SLOT queue [*]@ Polaroid | pg 177 | USD SLOT queue [/list] [size=6][u]Waitlist[/u][/size=6] [list=1][*]@ Sirena [*]@ KittersKamala [*]@ Dasdana [*]@ CattBurn [*]@ FaceTheWind [*]@ Vaylise [*]@ Magpies [*]@ Kendrell [*]@ Lundlaeva | returning customer [*]@ Clifftop [*]@ Kaial [*]@ viciousdisease | pg 17 [*]@ malsetkai [*]@ Malis [*]@ Melodious [*]@ exosomniac [*]@ Prongsie [*]@ Upstart [*]@ metronome [*]@ Trollzaya [*]@ queenmera [*]@ Aeryona [*]@ ravenwind [*]@ Desolim [*]@ doctorlecter [*]@ femequius | pg 22 [*]@ argonaut [*]@ quinhwyvar [*]@ Marceline [*]@ Ardanach [*]@ Troix [*]@ SoulSorbet [*]@ remotecitadel [*]@ DetectiveRascal [*]@ Diariel [*]@ Nerd [*]@ lizziecat1279 [*]@ LadyPlague [*]@ luckyFool [*]@ rooty [*]@ achriya [*]@ meretrixprocax [*]@ TobiTenkit [*]@ Shattertooth [*]@ Ragnaroc [*]@ Dragonpuff [*]@ gardentoaster | pg 35 [*]@ DreadSpecialist [*]@ inhumanelm [*]@ NinjaKitty [*]@ ambien [*]@ pooses [*]@ Booker [*]@ Chocolata [*]@ tyminator | pg 38 [*]@ rethi [*]@ Seolhe [*]@ DemoHeart18 | pg 41 [*]@ Pesticide [*]@ Dragondrop [*]@ palinoiia | pg 42 [*]@ Julia [*]@ Braixen [*]@ Upstart [*]@ Amphiptere [*]@ meggles [*]@ JohnWatsGoingOn [*]@ JovaniSkye | pg 46 [*]@ SinclairTop [*]@ Fujo [*]@ WhiteMantis [*]@ Calidragon [*]@ picklemeister [*]@ PastelProdigy [*]@ Tablechan [*]@ Shellhead [*]@ Pirat [*]@ Varthia [*]@ LadyInfluenza [*]@ TheArcaneKitsune [*]@ Meredith44 [*]@ Sassgardian [*]@ Trachynhawb [*]@ snmskye [*]@ KuraikoDesu [*]@ Altrntvevil | art + treasure [*]@ h99900 [*]@ Misha [*]@ Pavus [*]@ Antrey [*]@ Lunarblaze12 [*]@ Lullaby [*]@ AjiFox [*]@ Blutopod [*]@ ScarredSilver [*]@ Armsfodinner [*]@ PuzzleDust [*]@Eve | pg 53 [*]@ Kitto [*]@ PocketCat [*]@ Alaia [*]@ Fusida [*]@ Marmite [*]@ Quinto [*]@ Moons [*]@ InsanityAbyss [*]@ ketzel99 [*]@ Niharike [*]@ JovaniSkye [*]@ CornCakes [*]@ Noivurn [*]@ Kaial [*]@ malchidael [*]@ Lisandre [*]@ LittleSunDragon [*]@ lillanaa [*]@ Ecsentret [*]@ kaorusquee [*]@ LarissaoftheSea [*]@ ToasterLord912 [*]@ packook [*]@ Sawbuck [*]@ ErinNarcissa [*]@ InuKimi [*]@ lillyleaf101 [*]@ Valka [*]@ Danichuu [*]@ Alternatewarning [*]@ Kelenthe [*]@ JinxyZilla [*]@ Sinfirmitas [*]@ Lemonade [*]@ Ardanach [*]@ Elven [*]@ Dory [*]@ elykamain [*]@ Kuhli [*]@ rowvle [*]@ DragonsChilde [*]@ gordiangalaxy [*]@ liumeilun [*]@ Elimgarak [*]@ Camrrito [*]@ alduin [*]@ ZenithNadir [*]@ Aerodactyl [*]@ Weathering [*]@ Nyarlylicious [*]@ jarethbowie [*]@ mintSMASH [*]@ Reckless [*]@ Subjugation [*]@ Ototo [*]@ Zangoose [*]@ GlitchedGhost [*]@ corvusTenebra [*]@ Kuroida [*]@ saintmayhem [*]@ TinyTinkerToy [*]@ RainbowDrools [*]@ tyminator [*]@ gordiangalaxy [*]@ ZenithNadir [*]@ screamybutt [*]@ thegoldenlocks [*]@ SushiKitteh [*]@ Somnacin [*]@ forestgrump [*]@ Micool [*]@ haikwoshevo [*]@ Nott [*]@ Nyanperona [*]@ wakalrus [*]@ Speedemon [*]@ Chee [*]@ GoldenBeetle [*]@ Cassichu [*]@ Div3rge [*]@ HoldUpGrabAwol [*]@ gordiangalaxy [*]@ Speedemon [*]@ Pusillanimous [*]@ Aztec [*]@ Jaggy [*]@ Sunbyrd [*]@ Ototo [*]@ Shakshun [*]@ Sandia [*]@ upshur [*]@ Elimgarak [*]@ RaveLegend [*]@ Delight [*]@ rosedragoness [*]@ Spartalicous | pg 72 [*]@ Darkdragonfiend [*]@ moomargh [*]@ ImGoingSpace | pg 73 [*]@ eeliesecks [*]@ FlareSolaire [*]@ Sazuka57 [*]@ RaucousRemy [*]@ Katamari [*]@ AriaTLoak [*]@ Stitched [*]@ Stormdragon | possible trade | pg 74 [*]@ charliewaffles [*]@ Heirless [*]@ Archimicarus [*]@ AureumJackal [*]@ Maika [*]@ Jaz [*]@ BatzyBoo [*]@ kittendew [*]@ snowpea [*]@ Ljoonika [*]@ vulstal [*]@ TyraStark [*]@ TheFlyingCat [*]@ Aerion [*]@ Twignapped [*]@ Juyoung [*]@ ster [*]@ GoodKoji [*]@ DraconicElf [*]@ RebelAbsolution [*]@ PokeRobin [*]@ Lykanth [*]@ HollyBleurose [*]@ Aeonox [*]@ HollowedAngel [*]@ Leafia [*]@ BritishDinosaur [*]@ chocollama [*]@ Ragnaroc [*]@ MotherofDergs [*]@ Zoroark [*]@ Cyans [*]@ Anemia [*]@ Darksilverhawk [*]@ lightly [*]@ YawningDodo [*]@ karazi [*]@ Mirsheb [*]@ Kizmetto [*]@ Kodaic [*]@ gootarts [*]@ Curio [*]@ kokobean22 [*]@ pinkiestink [*]@ Sammyken [*]@ Kaial [*]@ Fiorgynn [*]@ MementoMoe [*]@ JinxyZilla [*]@ Pikapoochi [*]@ nissin [*]@ Noivurn [*]@ hoglolly [*]@ TobiTenkit [*]@ Safirien [*]@ DarkliteDragon [*]@ sisterof [*]@ Marshell [*]@ dragonpop [*]@ Catalysta [*]@ Meme420 [*]@ MorganK [*]@ Siders [*]@ Devs [*]@ BlackBat09 [*]@ Lucatri [*]@ spiderling [*]@ Stormsinger [*]@ dggeoff [*]@ OrangeMetaphor [*]@ chaoticCorvus [*]@ dorsia [*]@ Samayl [*]@ RyuuMael [*]@ Quartersold [*]@ Boolean [*]@ Airis [*]@ Shadowdawn199 [*]@ NagaPrince [*]@ Defahn [*]@ Aiden [*]@ Kireikatt [*]@ sisterof [*]@ Rinibun [*]@ Kireikatt [*]@ BloodyAngel12 [*]@ featheredlove [*]@ Ruuvik [*]@ Quinn [*]@ qwertypi303 [*]@ StarriannaFlare [*]@ starclutter [*]@ ziselmaki [*]@ Stannum [*]@ Clocks [*]@ Razii [*]@ Jirazeil [*]@ Vesperupus [*]@ LunaricLeviathan [*]@ SickViking [*]@ valval [*]@ KameTurtle [*]@ Wolfenlied [*]@ Basileia [*]@ Kyrrah | returning customer [*]@ Vestasam568 [*]@ DeepflowManah [*]@ WeyrLeader [*]@ Amerretti [*]@ Arka [*]@ Denryu [*]@ Judoon [*]@ SugaryLovewish [*]@ Kelekelo [*]@ Capriquarius [*]@ Kyomu | returning customer [*]@ skyarising [*]@ penguintart [*]@ IgnisFlamel [*]@ wackyraccoon [*]@ haylay [*]@ Littlefoxchild [*]@ GlassTeaCup [*]@ Murasaki [*]@ SilvestrisDream [*]@ startleddust [*]@ Scarfsickle | ping when almost into slot [*]@ Quili [*]@ LadyInkblot [*]@ PhoenixMiko [*]@ Stanzascale [*]@ gotw3 [*]@ srrexoz [*]@ GingerArcanist [*]@ Siaur [*]@ frostkingdemetri [*]@ Ikunoche [*]@ nwyfre [*]@ Morigan [*]@ rubyredtan [*]@ Chocoli [*]@ karinaisab [*]@ Gucumatz [*]@ EliasAinsworth [*]@ Hana [*]@ Belegorn ----------------- will be raising base price to 100kt from this point. very sorry for any inconveniences! ----------------- [*]@ silverwings95 [*]@ Rictus [*]@ decadent [*]@ Nympharia [*]@ Astrologist [*]@ Pasafatu [*]@ PossessedFae [*]@ ToriChibi [*]@ Blackhearted [*]@ AttackOnPocky [*]@ Cabe [*]@ Stanzascale [*]@ BallpointTattoos [*]@ Auynix [*]@ Redfoot [*]@ NerakaFenice [*]@ Candor [*]@ Skysamba [*]@ BeaVoyager [*]@ PhoenixFlame [*]@ PrincessParrot [*]@ LastTyme [*]@ Kalistys [*]@ Meii [*]@ vermax [*]@ leeedea [*]@ Zelai [*]@ MissAri [*]@ Katta [*]@ Aava [*]@ Pulsatrix [*]@ DerechoStorm [*]@ Vesperupus [*]@ july [*]@ burningdarkfire [*]@ Ern [*]@ ClearLakes44 [*]@ grandstander [*]@ Shinyfox [*]@ windyfields [*]@ sketchyHunter [*]@ Juleatic [*]@ WDGaster [*]@ GiraffeGirl [*]@ Kmirandi96 [*]@ seepratintti [*]@ WolfSong [*]@ VanGone [*]@ Erendira [*]@ Ririterasu [*]@ Itarille [*]@ highcastle [*]@ Vistron [*]@ Lanterns [*]@ BunnyKei [*]@ Grimjaws [*]@ Yamuerte [*]@ Majikarp [*]@ Godspeed [*]@ Meowesty [*]@ Driftclaw [*]@ Memoryhead [*]@ BeingOfNature [*]@ ArmoredAvenger [*]@ Irarina [*]@ Junthew [*]@ Prey [*]@ SamuelMaybird [*]@ damiens [*]@ Johan [*]@ nockyong [*]@ kumiyo [*]@ Fatespinner [*]@ PlagueArcher | pg117 [*]@ Caspia [*]@ BlackWinter [*]@ LaughingZuru [*]@ arcobaleno [*]@ vainqueurs [*]@ JigglyCookie [*]@ Kodex [*]@ Mythologica [*]@ Judoon [*]@ Bolfir [*]@ Auynix [*]@ Starly [*]@ Maymari [*]@ Revelare [*]@ smaugthealmighty [*]@ SylphOfHeart [*]@ Janesee [*]@ ineffabird [*]@ Erised [*]@ AlpineHell [*]@ EifiCopper [*]@ BladesFire [*]@ Dask [*]@ Lunith [*]@ Sarenne [*]@ Enoch [*]@ Evaria [*]@ DragonDawn [*]@ Aon [*]@ LemonQuartz [*]@ Lemniscate [*]@ Adelaide213 [*]@ LilyBound [*]@ Fadeela [*]@ CometStorm [*]@ chaoticCorvus [*]@ ryoubakura [*]@ Byatzine [*]@ greyyourwarden [*]@ MamaRi [*]@ rainboot [*]@ Plateosaurus [*]@ WithaZed [*]@ Lutielle [*]@ Redfern [*]@ Firtarian [*]@ elroking [*]@ Yonderly [*]@ AnatomicAndi [*]@ AnonEclipse [*]@ Purpleily [*]@ Camille [*]@ Pennifeather [*]@ LovelyDeeps [*]@ stuff987 [*]@ Tigglespits [*]@ ClanEnyo [*]@ frostkingdemetri [*]@ Niharike [*]@ Adu [*]@ Misaki0728 [*]@ deulirium [*]@ Krin [*]@ CrimsonDragon [*]@ felistopaz [*]@ Rynxenvy [*]@ SoftShadow [*]@ lavarift [*]@ LadyInkblot [*]@ ToxieToxie [*]@ GlowWorm [*]@ Fenhyste [*]@ KraalofBhaga [*]@ VixennSinnett [*]@ Laturikusha [*]@ MathematicalMind [*]@ MegaBanette [*]@ Valishtu [*]@ Kairo [*]@ Nightstealer [*]@ Heishichou [*]@ Kin [*]@ Valishtu [*]@ Baek [*]@ KnightYumi [*]@ SpiritFeather [*]@ AngelSami [*]@ ToasterOven [*]@ sQld [*]@ Murasaki [*]@ mummy [*]@ RatofSpring [*]@ smallswingshoes [*]@ Delamire [*]@ Kozar [*]@ Needtoscribble [*]@ KingCrow [*]@ Tysha [*]@ shadowstryker [*]@ Blizoria [*]@ Scybilla [*]@ ColdAsIce [*]@ PickedYou [*]@ SkylerintheSky [*]@ twotone [*]@ Grendel [*]@ ornament [*]@ cjl0707 [*]@ Ezilyn [*]@ lopika [*]@ Leopardmask [*]@ Usaogi [*]@ InkWings [*]@ Amaterasu ---------------------------- THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED TO BE ON THE PINGLIST PRIOR TO PAGE 139 WILL BE ADDED TO A "SLOT PINGLIST" OFF-SITE [url=]HERE[/url]. I WILL NO LONGER BE DOING FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS. [/list]

Base Price (hoards included):
350kt | 500g | $5
(***I am in the middle of raising prices! The price above will be put into AFTER I go through the entire waitlist below. After the waitlist is through, I will change how this shop is run: from waitlist to pinglist. WAITLISTERS: YOU WILL STILL BE ABLE TO PAY THE PRIOR PRICE OF 100KT***)

(only available with RLC payments)
+$1 per apparel

(only available with RLC payments)
+$2 for skins
+$1 for simple accents


please fill out per dragon.
there are two types: site currency and USD
c+p version is provided below each for your convenience.

image of dragon: (bbc image please)
dragon's name: to make discussions easier
dragons's eye colour: so i don't have to go to the dragon page
hoard: please be specific and/or link me to google search images. if you would like to leave it up to me, tell me so and i'll have fun/experiment with the hoard!
payment type: treasure or gems?
[quote][b]image of dragon[/b]: [b]dragon's name[/b]: [b]dragons's eye colour[/b]: [b]hoard[/b]: [b]payment type[/b]:[/quote]

image of dragon: (bbc image please)
dragon's name: to make discussions easier
dragons's eye colour: so i don't have to go to the dragon page
apparel: please LIST them by name
accent/skin: yeehaw or neigh
hoard: please be specific and/or link me to google search images. if you would like to leave it up to me, tell me so and i'll have fun/experiment with the hoard!
payment type: treasure or gems?
[quote][b]image of dragon[/b]: [b]dragon's name[/b]: [b]dragons's eye colour[/b]: [b]apparel[/b]: [b]accent/skin[/b]: [b]hoard[/b]: [b]payment type[/b]:[/quote]

  1. @ Febby
  2. @ xazz
  3. @ Fadeela | pg 163 | USD SLOT queue
  4. @ justjasper | pg 166 | USD SLOT queue
  5. @ Polaroid | pg 177 | USD SLOT queue

  1. @ Sirena
  2. @ KittersKamala
  3. @ Dasdana
  4. @ CattBurn
  5. @ FaceTheWind
  6. @ Vaylise
  7. @ Magpies
  8. @ Kendrell
  9. @ Lundlaeva | returning customer
  10. @ Clifftop
  11. @ Kaial
  12. @ viciousdisease | pg 17
  13. @ malsetkai
  14. @ Malis
  15. @ Melodious
  16. @ exosomniac
  17. @ Prongsie
  18. @ Upstart
  19. @ metronome
  20. @ Trollzaya
  21. @ queenmera
  22. @ Aeryona
  23. @ ravenwind
  24. @ Desolim
  25. @ doctorlecter
  26. @ femequius | pg 22
  27. @ argonaut
  28. @ quinhwyvar
  29. @ Marceline
  30. @ Ardanach
  31. @ Troix
  32. @ SoulSorbet
  33. @ remotecitadel
  34. @ DetectiveRascal
  35. @ Diariel
  36. @ Nerd
  37. @ lizziecat1279
  38. @ LadyPlague
  39. @ luckyFool
  40. @ rooty
  41. @ achriya
  42. @ meretrixprocax
  43. @ TobiTenkit
  44. @ Shattertooth
  45. @ Ragnaroc
  46. @ Dragonpuff
  47. @ gardentoaster | pg 35
  48. @ DreadSpecialist
  49. @ inhumanelm
  50. @ NinjaKitty
  51. @ ambien
  52. @ pooses
  53. @ Booker
  54. @ Chocolata
  55. @ tyminator | pg 38
  56. @ rethi
  57. @ Seolhe
  58. @ DemoHeart18 | pg 41
  59. @ Pesticide
  60. @ Dragondrop
  61. @ palinoiia | pg 42
  62. @ Julia
  63. @ Braixen
  64. @ Upstart
  65. @ Amphiptere
  66. @ meggles
  67. @ JohnWatsGoingOn
  68. @ JovaniSkye | pg 46
  69. @ SinclairTop
  70. @ Fujo
  71. @ WhiteMantis
  72. @ Calidragon
  73. @ picklemeister
  74. @ PastelProdigy
  75. @ Tablechan
  76. @ Shellhead
  77. @ Pirat
  78. @ Varthia
  79. @ LadyInfluenza
  80. @ TheArcaneKitsune
  81. @ Meredith44
  82. @ Sassgardian
  83. @ Trachynhawb
  84. @ snmskye
  85. @ KuraikoDesu
  86. @ Altrntvevil | art + treasure
  87. @ h99900
  88. @ Misha
  89. @ Pavus
  90. @ Antrey
  91. @ Lunarblaze12
  92. @ Lullaby
  93. @ AjiFox
  94. @ Blutopod
  95. @ ScarredSilver
  96. @ Armsfodinner
  97. @ PuzzleDust
  98. @Eve | pg 53
  99. @ Kitto
  100. @ PocketCat
  101. @ Alaia
  102. @ Fusida
  103. @ Marmite
  104. @ Quinto
  105. @ Moons
  106. @ InsanityAbyss
  107. @ ketzel99
  108. @ Niharike
  109. @ JovaniSkye
  110. @ CornCakes
  111. @ Noivurn
  112. @ Kaial
  113. @ malchidael
  114. @ Lisandre
  115. @ LittleSunDragon
  116. @ lillanaa
  117. @ Ecsentret
  118. @ kaorusquee
  119. @ LarissaoftheSea
  120. @ ToasterLord912
  121. @ packook
  122. @ Sawbuck
  123. @ ErinNarcissa
  124. @ InuKimi
  125. @ lillyleaf101
  126. @ Valka
  127. @ Danichuu
  128. @ Alternatewarning
  129. @ Kelenthe
  130. @ JinxyZilla
  131. @ Sinfirmitas
  132. @ Lemonade
  133. @ Ardanach
  134. @ Elven
  135. @ Dory
  136. @ elykamain
  137. @ Kuhli
  138. @ rowvle
  139. @ DragonsChilde
  140. @ gordiangalaxy
  141. @ liumeilun
  142. @ Elimgarak
  143. @ Camrrito
  144. @ alduin
  145. @ ZenithNadir
  146. @ Aerodactyl
  147. @ Weathering
  148. @ Nyarlylicious
  149. @ jarethbowie
  150. @ mintSMASH
  151. @ Reckless
  152. @ Subjugation
  153. @ Ototo
  154. @ Zangoose
  155. @ GlitchedGhost
  156. @ corvusTenebra
  157. @ Kuroida
  158. @ saintmayhem
  159. @ TinyTinkerToy
  160. @ RainbowDrools
  161. @ tyminator
  162. @ gordiangalaxy
  163. @ ZenithNadir
  164. @ screamybutt
  165. @ thegoldenlocks
  166. @ SushiKitteh
  167. @ Somnacin
  168. @ forestgrump
  169. @ Micool
  170. @ haikwoshevo
  171. @ Nott
  172. @ Nyanperona
  173. @ wakalrus
  174. @ Speedemon
  175. @ Chee
  176. @ GoldenBeetle
  177. @ Cassichu
  178. @ Div3rge
  179. @ HoldUpGrabAwol
  180. @ gordiangalaxy
  181. @ Speedemon
  182. @ Pusillanimous
  183. @ Aztec
  184. @ Jaggy
  185. @ Sunbyrd
  186. @ Ototo
  187. @ Shakshun
  188. @ Sandia
  189. @ upshur
  190. @ Elimgarak
  191. @ RaveLegend
  192. @ Delight
  193. @ rosedragoness
  194. @ Spartalicous | pg 72
  195. @ Darkdragonfiend
  196. @ moomargh
  197. @ ImGoingSpace | pg 73
  198. @ eeliesecks
  199. @ FlareSolaire
  200. @ Sazuka57
  201. @ RaucousRemy
  202. @ Katamari
  203. @ AriaTLoak
  204. @ Stitched
  205. @ Stormdragon | possible trade | pg 74
  206. @ charliewaffles
  207. @ Heirless
  208. @ Archimicarus
  209. @ AureumJackal
  210. @ Maika
  211. @ Jaz
  212. @ BatzyBoo
  213. @ kittendew
  214. @ snowpea
  215. @ Ljoonika
  216. @ vulstal
  217. @ TyraStark
  218. @ TheFlyingCat
  219. @ Aerion
  220. @ Twignapped
  221. @ Juyoung
  222. @ ster
  223. @ GoodKoji
  224. @ DraconicElf
  225. @ RebelAbsolution
  226. @ PokeRobin
  227. @ Lykanth
  228. @ HollyBleurose
  229. @ Aeonox
  230. @ HollowedAngel
  231. @ Leafia
  232. @ BritishDinosaur
  233. @ chocollama
  234. @ Ragnaroc
  235. @ MotherofDergs
  236. @ Zoroark
  237. @ Cyans
  238. @ Anemia
  239. @ Darksilverhawk
  240. @ lightly
  241. @ YawningDodo
  242. @ karazi
  243. @ Mirsheb
  244. @ Kizmetto
  245. @ Kodaic
  246. @ gootarts
  247. @ Curio
  248. @ kokobean22
  249. @ pinkiestink
  250. @ Sammyken
  251. @ Kaial
  252. @ Fiorgynn
  253. @ MementoMoe
  254. @ JinxyZilla
  255. @ Pikapoochi
  256. @ nissin
  257. @ Noivurn
  258. @ hoglolly
  259. @ TobiTenkit
  260. @ Safirien
  261. @ DarkliteDragon
  262. @ sisterof
  263. @ Marshell
  264. @ dragonpop
  265. @ Catalysta
  266. @ Meme420
  267. @ MorganK
  268. @ Siders
  269. @ Devs
  270. @ BlackBat09
  271. @ Lucatri
  272. @ spiderling
  273. @ Stormsinger
  274. @ dggeoff
  275. @ OrangeMetaphor
  276. @ chaoticCorvus
  277. @ dorsia
  278. @ Samayl
  279. @ RyuuMael
  280. @ Quartersold
  281. @ Boolean
  282. @ Airis
  283. @ Shadowdawn199
  284. @ NagaPrince
  285. @ Defahn
  286. @ Aiden
  287. @ Kireikatt
  288. @ sisterof
  289. @ Rinibun
  290. @ Kireikatt
  291. @ BloodyAngel12
  292. @ featheredlove
  293. @ Ruuvik
  294. @ Quinn
  295. @ qwertypi303
  296. @ StarriannaFlare
  297. @ starclutter
  298. @ ziselmaki
  299. @ Stannum
  300. @ Clocks
  301. @ Razii
  302. @ Jirazeil
  303. @ Vesperupus
  304. @ LunaricLeviathan
  305. @ SickViking
  306. @ valval
  307. @ KameTurtle
  308. @ Wolfenlied
  309. @ Basileia
  310. @ Kyrrah | returning customer
  311. @ Vestasam568
  312. @ DeepflowManah
  313. @ WeyrLeader
  314. @ Amerretti
  315. @ Arka
  316. @ Denryu
  317. @ Judoon
  318. @ SugaryLovewish
  319. @ Kelekelo
  320. @ Capriquarius
  321. @ Kyomu | returning customer
  322. @ skyarising
  323. @ penguintart
  324. @ IgnisFlamel
  325. @ wackyraccoon
  326. @ haylay
  327. @ Littlefoxchild
  328. @ GlassTeaCup
  329. @ Murasaki
  330. @ SilvestrisDream
  331. @ startleddust
  332. @ Scarfsickle | ping when almost into slot
  333. @ Quili
  334. @ LadyInkblot
  335. @ PhoenixMiko
  336. @ Stanzascale
  337. @ gotw3
  338. @ srrexoz
  339. @ GingerArcanist
  340. @ Siaur
  341. @ frostkingdemetri
  342. @ Ikunoche
  343. @ nwyfre
  344. @ Morigan
  345. @ rubyredtan
  346. @ Chocoli
  347. @ karinaisab
  348. @ Gucumatz
  349. @ EliasAinsworth
  350. @ Hana
  351. @ Belegorn
    will be raising base price to 100kt from this point.
    very sorry for any inconveniences!
  352. @ silverwings95
  353. @ Rictus
  354. @ decadent
  355. @ Nympharia
  356. @ Astrologist
  357. @ Pasafatu
  358. @ PossessedFae
  359. @ ToriChibi
  360. @ Blackhearted
  361. @ AttackOnPocky
  362. @ Cabe
  363. @ Stanzascale
  364. @ BallpointTattoos
  365. @ Auynix
  366. @ Redfoot
  367. @ NerakaFenice
  368. @ Candor
  369. @ Skysamba
  370. @ BeaVoyager
  371. @ PhoenixFlame
  372. @ PrincessParrot
  373. @ LastTyme
  374. @ Kalistys
  375. @ Meii
  376. @ vermax
  377. @ leeedea
  378. @ Zelai
  379. @ MissAri
  380. @ Katta
  381. @ Aava
  382. @ Pulsatrix
  383. @ DerechoStorm
  384. @ Vesperupus
  385. @ july
  386. @ burningdarkfire
  387. @ Ern
  388. @ ClearLakes44
  389. @ grandstander
  390. @ Shinyfox
  391. @ windyfields
  392. @ sketchyHunter
  393. @ Juleatic
  394. @ WDGaster
  395. @ GiraffeGirl
  396. @ Kmirandi96
  397. @ seepratintti
  398. @ WolfSong
  399. @ VanGone
  400. @ Erendira
  401. @ Ririterasu
  402. @ Itarille
  403. @ highcastle
  404. @ Vistron
  405. @ Lanterns
  406. @ BunnyKei
  407. @ Grimjaws
  408. @ Yamuerte
  409. @ Majikarp
  410. @ Godspeed
  411. @ Meowesty
  412. @ Driftclaw
  413. @ Memoryhead
  414. @ BeingOfNature
  415. @ ArmoredAvenger
  416. @ Irarina
  417. @ Junthew
  418. @ Prey
  419. @ SamuelMaybird
  420. @ damiens
  421. @ Johan
  422. @ nockyong
  423. @ kumiyo
  424. @ Fatespinner
  425. @ PlagueArcher | pg117
  426. @ Caspia
  427. @ BlackWinter
  428. @ LaughingZuru
  429. @ arcobaleno
  430. @ vainqueurs
  431. @ JigglyCookie
  432. @ Kodex
  433. @ Mythologica
  434. @ Judoon
  435. @ Bolfir
  436. @ Auynix
  437. @ Starly
  438. @ Maymari
  439. @ Revelare
  440. @ smaugthealmighty
  441. @ SylphOfHeart
  442. @ Janesee
  443. @ ineffabird
  444. @ Erised
  445. @ AlpineHell
  446. @ EifiCopper
  447. @ BladesFire
  448. @ Dask
  449. @ Lunith
  450. @ Sarenne
  451. @ Enoch
  452. @ Evaria
  453. @ DragonDawn
  454. @ Aon
  455. @ LemonQuartz
  456. @ Lemniscate
  457. @ Adelaide213
  458. @ LilyBound
  459. @ Fadeela
  460. @ CometStorm
  461. @ chaoticCorvus
  462. @ ryoubakura
  463. @ Byatzine
  464. @ greyyourwarden
  465. @ MamaRi
  466. @ rainboot
  467. @ Plateosaurus
  468. @ WithaZed
  469. @ Lutielle
  470. @ Redfern
  471. @ Firtarian
  472. @ elroking
  473. @ Yonderly
  474. @ AnatomicAndi
  475. @ AnonEclipse
  476. @ Purpleily
  477. @ Camille
  478. @ Pennifeather
  479. @ LovelyDeeps
  480. @ stuff987
  481. @ Tigglespits
  482. @ ClanEnyo
  483. @ frostkingdemetri
  484. @ Niharike
  485. @ Adu
  486. @ Misaki0728
  487. @ deulirium
  488. @ Krin
  489. @ CrimsonDragon
  490. @ felistopaz
  491. @ Rynxenvy
  492. @ SoftShadow
  493. @ lavarift
  494. @ LadyInkblot
  495. @ ToxieToxie
  496. @ GlowWorm
  497. @ Fenhyste
  498. @ KraalofBhaga
  499. @ VixennSinnett
  500. @ Laturikusha
  501. @ MathematicalMind
  502. @ MegaBanette
  503. @ Valishtu
  504. @ Kairo
  505. @ Nightstealer
  506. @ Heishichou
  507. @ Kin
  508. @ Valishtu
  509. @ Baek
  510. @ KnightYumi
  511. @ SpiritFeather
  512. @ AngelSami
  513. @ ToasterOven
  514. @ sQld
  515. @ Murasaki
  516. @ mummy
  517. @ RatofSpring
  518. @ smallswingshoes
  519. @ Delamire
  520. @ Kozar
  521. @ Needtoscribble
  522. @ KingCrow
  523. @ Tysha
  524. @ shadowstryker
  525. @ Blizoria
  526. @ Scybilla
  527. @ ColdAsIce
  528. @ PickedYou
  529. @ SkylerintheSky
  530. @ twotone
  531. @ Grendel
  532. @ ornament
  533. @ cjl0707
  534. @ Ezilyn
  535. @ lopika
  536. @ Leopardmask
  537. @ Usaogi
  538. @ InkWings
  539. @ Amaterasu

[center][size=6][u]Adopted Dragons[/u][/size=6] [u][b]recents[/b][/u] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b][u]past hoards[/u][/b] all on [url=]cliones-adoptables@tumblr[/url]! [size=6][u]Pinglist For Future Breeds[/u][/size=6][/center] [quote] [b][u]fae[/u][/b]: rookjay | Saucydruid | Ekio | Outer | lillyleaf101 | skeletonJAGK | Fadeela | CatDetective | Kalyrra | elykamain | Speedemon | Maika | LochnessMonster | PeachTree | LillithLove | Leyatres | Stanzascale | bcrush | iomccoy [b][u]pearlcatcher[/u][/b]: Grifter | rookjay | Lionpuppy | AlfredFJones | Ototo | AceofSpades | nissin | Lindulcis | Cuppycakez | Rugissement | Nott | Rugissement | LochnessMonster | Dask [b][u]all[/u][/b]: @Founder @Lundlaeva @SoulSorbet @Calix @qwertypi303 @Seolhe @Diariel @Sitka @heavenlyEarth @LadyPlague @junipa @Ryou @Kahvinporo @Upstart @Moonbow @lizziecat1279 @Sybok @PaopuFruit @Koobi @Niharike @captaincaiti @SnowAnubis @Heartmane @Croatoan @Chonklatime @picklemeister @viciousdisease @Angii @Dim @gootarts @Weenyah @Blackcat0989 @Sammael @Alternatewarning @TheCalicoTabby @steamworkBlue @fondant @Leyatres @Eventyde @Allegretto @Clocks @Axiothea @Nurylon @lolisloth @subobo @Larae @Cyndaquil @Sirena @Dasdana @Lazurite @Clifftop @Kaial @Noivurn @malsetkai @Lisandre @folikon @Trollzaya @Vergil @argonaut @Ragnaroc @BeingOfNature @Marceline @rentacles @Ardanach @Shattertooth @Troix @folikon @Dragonpuff @Lachla @Katlandia @honbie @Ototo @Resounding @ironriots @Amphiptere @JovaniSkye @willowminnow @Calidragon @Tablechan @dededede123 @Ikunoche @KuraikoDesu @Misha @Antrey @Lunarblaze12 @Armsfodinner @PuzzleDust @KarkatSizemore @hoglolly @Niharike @Sableye @xazz @Dory @InuKimi @Miho @Subjugation @CecilaTheWerecat @GlitchedGhost @Quartersold @dewrder @haikwoshevo @Stormdragon @Jaz @BloodyAngel12 @Lewa @Lykanth @HollyBleurose @ karazi @ HyperHero12 @ Lucatri @ Meebo @ Aiden @ LunaricLeviathan @ AlariRyder @ skyarising @ Enoch @ DeeStar @ Skysamba @ SiresQueen @ GiraffeGirl @ WolfSong @ Yamuerte @Bolfir @ Erised @ MamaRi @ AnonEclipse @ LovelyDeeps @ felistopaz @ Ithaca @ AkaneChaan [/quote] [center] [size=6][u]My Other Shops![/u][/size=6] (click-through) [columns] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=] [img][/img][/url][/columns] [size=6][u]Affiliates![/u][/size=6] PM me if you'd like to be an affiliate, accepting all types of shops c: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Adopted Dragons


past hoards
all on cliones-adoptables@tumblr!

Pinglist For Future Breeds

fae: rookjay | Saucydruid | Ekio | Outer | lillyleaf101 | skeletonJAGK | Fadeela | CatDetective | Kalyrra | elykamain | Speedemon | Maika | LochnessMonster | PeachTree | LillithLove | Leyatres | Stanzascale | bcrush | iomccoy
pearlcatcher: Grifter | rookjay | Lionpuppy | AlfredFJones | Ototo | AceofSpades | nissin | Lindulcis | Cuppycakez | Rugissement | Nott | Rugissement | LochnessMonster | Dask

@Founder @Lundlaeva @SoulSorbet @Calix @qwertypi303 @Seolhe @Diariel @Sitka @heavenlyEarth @LadyPlague @junipa @Ryou @Kahvinporo @Upstart @Moonbow @lizziecat1279 @Sybok @PaopuFruit @Koobi @Niharike @captaincaiti @SnowAnubis @Heartmane @Croatoan @Chonklatime @picklemeister @viciousdisease @Angii @Dim @gootarts @Weenyah @Blackcat0989 @Sammael @Alternatewarning @TheCalicoTabby @steamworkBlue @fondant @Leyatres @Eventyde @Allegretto @Clocks @Axiothea @Nurylon @lolisloth @subobo @Larae @Cyndaquil @Sirena @Dasdana @Lazurite @Clifftop @Kaial @Noivurn @malsetkai @Lisandre @folikon @Trollzaya @Vergil @argonaut @Ragnaroc @BeingOfNature @Marceline @rentacles @Ardanach @Shattertooth @Troix @folikon @Dragonpuff @Lachla @Katlandia @honbie @Ototo @Resounding @ironriots @Amphiptere @JovaniSkye @willowminnow @Calidragon @Tablechan @dededede123 @Ikunoche @KuraikoDesu @Misha @Antrey @Lunarblaze12 @Armsfodinner @PuzzleDust @KarkatSizemore @hoglolly @Niharike @Sableye @xazz @Dory @InuKimi @Miho @Subjugation @CecilaTheWerecat @GlitchedGhost @Quartersold @dewrder @haikwoshevo @Stormdragon @Jaz @BloodyAngel12 @Lewa @Lykanth @HollyBleurose @ karazi @ HyperHero12 @ Lucatri @ Meebo @ Aiden @ LunaricLeviathan @ AlariRyder @ skyarising @ Enoch @ DeeStar @ Skysamba @ SiresQueen @ GiraffeGirl @ WolfSong @ Yamuerte @Bolfir @ Erised @ MamaRi @ AnonEclipse @ LovelyDeeps @ felistopaz @ Ithaca @ AkaneChaan

My Other Shops!






PM me if you'd like to be an affiliate, accepting all types of shops c:

JUMPS ON PINGLIST FOR FUTURE BREEDS THESE ARE SO FREAKIN CUTE it makes me wish i were more invested in my spirals!!!! if/when you ever end up doing other species, specifically imperials, wildclaws, or pearlcatchers, i would love to know!!!
JUMPS ON PINGLIST FOR FUTURE BREEDS THESE ARE SO FREAKIN CUTE it makes me wish i were more invested in my spirals!!!! if/when you ever end up doing other species, specifically imperials, wildclaws, or pearlcatchers, i would love to know!!!
oh my GOD please put me on the pinglist for snappers and skydancers please!
oh my GOD please put me on the pinglist for snappers and skydancers please!
[color=green]@cliones Too cute! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hoard: Flowers (different kinds) Apparel: All [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hoard: Dirt (maybe with a few sprouts sticking out too) Apparel: All
@cliones Too cute!


Hoard: Flowers (different kinds)
Apparel: All


Hoard: Dirt (maybe with a few sprouts sticking out too)
Apparel: All
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
@cliones [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hoard Items: Daisies I'd love to be added to your pinglist for all future breeds :)


Hoard Items: Daisies

I'd love to be added to your pinglist for all future breeds :)
@cliones This is an awesome idea!
Can you put me on a pinglist for future breeds? I'm interested in Guardians, Tundras and Imperials. Thank you!
@cliones This is an awesome idea!
Can you put me on a pinglist for future breeds? I'm interested in Guardians, Tundras and Imperials. Thank you!
@cliones can you put me down for wildclaws and imps for the pinglist?? also do you have a vague idea of how much these would cost bc i really want one but i am broke as **** atm
@cliones can you put me down for wildclaws and imps for the pinglist?? also do you have a vague idea of how much these would cost bc i really want one but i am broke as **** atm
OMGGGG I need like 10!!!! I DON'T EVEN HAVE THE MONEY TO SPEND ON RANDOM STUFF BUUUUT [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Can I get this guy with his accent & apparel? Andddd ummm... I suppose he can hoard glowsticks or something? edit: and, um, can I get Alpheus, too? If possible? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] All his apparel (except for the hankie) and his accent (obviously). I'm not good at coming up with hoards, I just know that spirals are my favorite species and your art is some of my favorite. Maybe... green birds? Or fairies? (Which do you think would look best?) Is that too weird?


Can I get this guy with his accent & apparel? Andddd ummm... I suppose he can hoard glowsticks or something?

edit: and, um, can I get Alpheus, too? If possible?


All his apparel (except for the hankie) and his accent (obviously). I'm not good at coming up with hoards, I just know that spirals are my favorite species and your art is some of my favorite. Maybe... green birds? Or fairies? (Which do you think would look best?) Is that too weird?

_— hatchery
__— wishlist
____— tumblr