Dusthide Dragons
Information regarding the spirited Dusthide dragon species
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Obtained: Rarity:
Breeding Cooldown: Diet:
Dusthide dragons are an ancient Earth flight species originating from Greatwyrm's Breach. Their vast networks of tunnels are spread throughout the canyons and gorges there, though most entrances have been cleverly hidden from view among the natural ridges. Recent spikes in tectonic activity have driven many clans to expand or even relocate their lairs.
Physical Attributes
Despite their small size, Dusthides--named for the terrain that their hide and plates are graced with after tunneling--are built for burrowing through any type of terrain no matter the density. Their forelimbs each sport a large, sturdy digging claw, perfect for breaking through rock or dredging up insects. With the help of a broad, flat tail and large wings to displace piles of dirt (and even to brace structures for preventing cave-ins), Dusthides can construct whole new branches of tunnels with remarkable ease.
While they might appear rigid, Dusthides are in fact quite flexible, able to roll themselves up into a ball as needed for self-defense. Between the pliable plates covering their bodies and their limber spines, these burrowing dragons are just as capable of squeezing through narrow spaces as they are deflecting blows that could stagger a larger opponent.
Many of Dragonhome's local denizens have often joked that Dusthides are more likely to rumble the earth via their "casual conversation" than through den construction. While their discomfort with the open spaces of the surface keeps them from venturing above ground much, any dragon who manages to spend enough time amongst them will find themselves surrounded by boisterous friends, each one eager to out-boast the rest--usually about their latest competitive victories or adrenaline-inducing pastimes!
While they are notorious squabblers, Dusthides tend to only argue over the little things. In matters of life, love, family, and integrity, even the most quarrelsome groups fall into lockstep with one another and will forgive and forget any petty disagreements. They value loyalty and faithfulness to a fault. To break a loved one's trust is one of the greatest transgressions a Dusthide can commit.
Dusthides pass down their history and traditions entirely through oral narration. While their rollicking natures can cause differing accounts and frequent inconsistencies, it also fosters much celebration and respect for the art of storytelling. A skilled Dusthide historian can keep the most fidgety hatchlings (and adults!) riveted through tales of joy, heartbreak, adventure, or tragedy alike.
Dusthide lairs are comprised of vast, interconnected tunnel networks, each more labyrinthine than the last. Oftentimes, only the family who dug the burrow in the first place knows the extent of their own system and is able to accurately navigate its twists and turns. Expanding clans build new chambers as needed, and while the tunnels themselves are narrow, communal passages and living spaces can be constructed in all various sizes to accommodate larger adopted family members of other dragon breeds.
When striking out on their own, a Dusthide dragon often chooses to lair closest to their immediate family. Those who have recently settled with a mate build their own, new dens connected to their respective families' networks. This makes for a multitude of different branches that connect to more and more distant relatives as they spread out. It is often said that one can trace a Dusthide's lineage by mapping their burrow--a statement that is generally followed by a laugh over the impossibility of either task!
Living predominantly underground makes true combat a rare occurrence in Dusthide society, but they enjoy competitive tournaments and the occasional good scrap amongst friends. Between their tough hides and surprising mobility, Dusthides are fearless in battle, known to square off unflinchingly against opponents of much greater size. If overwhelmed, they can roll up until only their armored plates are exposed, buying them precious time until friends or allies can intercede.
Given time to prepare before a fight, Dusthides will alter the very terrain to their advantage. They often lay traps with unsteady ground and even pitfalls to surprise opponents, waiting until an enemy is thrown off-footing before launching a group attack. Their powerful wings are too heavy to support long-distance flights, but are great for short, explosive bursts of movement. When threatened in earnest, a Dusthide dragon can make use of the spikes along their wings and tail to defend themselves.
Their bold and straightforward natures can be turned against them, however, leaving them open to goading remarks or emotional manipulation. Still, attempting to manage a group of angry Dusthides can fluster even the most stoic dragons, which has earned them the reputation of being formidable opponents in small packages.